EDH/Commander General

Introducing the new friend, Gonti edition

Old thread: (Cross-thread)


>Official Site: Contains deck building rules and the current ban list.

>Deck List Site: You can search for decks that other people have made. Authors often have comments that explain their deck’s strategy and card choices.

>Another resource for commander discussion; they have an entire forum dedicated to discussing decks. People often make primers, which go into detail about how they built and play their deck.

>Statistically see what everyone else puts in their commander decks based on what is posted to the internet.

>Find out what lands you can add to your deck, sorted by category, based on a chosen Commander’s color identity.


>Official search site. Current for all sets.

>Unofficial, but has GOAT search interface. (Outdated)

>Up-to-date alternative to magiccards

Other urls found in this thread:


How do you want your new Boros commander, Veeky Forums?

With a red/blue Artifact-related Planeswalker confirmed, does that sink the hopes of a R/U artificer legendary in Kaledesh?

Continuing this because I posted it right before the thread switch. Any suggestions/comments?

Doing the same thing but with card types that aren't composed almost entirely of shit or exclusive to one block so far.

God I hope not but probably, yeah

It's bad. At least there's actually usable legendaries in boros so no worries

Oh joy, they did the purple ally guy again, except this time it finds I've of the least supported tribes in mtg history, and a one set gimmick.

Well shit. Any chance with casual friends it could be Fun?

Oh yeah you can run a literal Battlecruiser as your commander now

Not a creature.

>Not a creature.
As if that will stop people.


Not mine, but how's this look? Interested but PW ob just looks...underwhelming.

>Lord of Luxury
Badass. I think I've found a new commander for my mono black goodstuff deck

tfw my dreams of a literal voltron deck are crushed

No, it's better than munda by a long shot. Munda was bad because he didn't generate CA. There was a reason he worked the way he did but it didn't make it a good card.

This will still be bad even if they introduce a few insane dwarves and vehicles justb ecause the volume isn't high enough for a commander deck. I don't even know why they wasted rules text on pump for dwarves. Like really.

Doesnt stop people running Nephilim.

This. I made a deck with Form of the Dragon as my commander once.

I just wish they'd get their shit together with boros and design interesting generals.

It isn't hard, but year after user we get the same boring shit.

My graveyard deck nipples are erect

But Nephilims are actually creatures. I didnt mean to be a dick I was just saying


>mfw value frog deck

This general is actually really good, at least in general. It's cheap and it creatures card advantage. It just doesn't do it A) especially efficiently since you need to pay for each instance you want to maybe "draw" cards, and B) the cards it draws are extremely limited and extremely by and large and shit. But theyv'e eben trying very hard to find ways for red and especially white nowadays to find card advantage mechanics for them. I think white has had a piece of every card drawing mechanic for a while.

oh and they wasted rules text on combat matters shit. Oh boy dwarves get +1/+1. Big fucking woop. It would be about as good if either of those boosts weren't on there unless we get a lot of 0 power dwarves is this set or something.

>energy counter

why not just a charge counter?

we don't want it to be banned already

Energy counters go on you

This. These counters are more like clue tokens or whatever than charge counters were.

Though Proliferate still works on them. So thats fun.

>vorel with proliferate subtheme

>Doesn't do shit unless your deck is mostly Dwarves and Vehicles, which are not at all in abundance.
>It could of been X to look for Equipment and put into hand.


>tfw he's only usuable while in play

Hot garbage.

>>It could of been X to look for Equipment and put into hand.
now im mad

Any tips or tricks to starting Noyan Dar? He seems interesting but I'm not sure where to begin.

While I was in bed last night, I thought about mashing together different formats into a single abominatory format that I have named Super Ultra Crazy Clusterfuck. It combines Commander with Planechase, Archenemy, and Conspiracy.
I still haven't figured out how to make it not SUCC.

Or just work in general.

Energy is tacked on you, the player, like experience counters. Proliferate would definitely work. Vorel can't increase Energy at all.


Into meren you go

Every mono-black Commander is Cabal Coffers. This is just a really good piece for that deck.

"do something inolving vehicles when tapped" is confirmed as the gimmick all pilots get. Never had a chance.

Cantrip tribal with graveyard shuffle effects to not deck yourself, plenty of counterspells and Terra Eternal. From experience, going tall on a darksteel citadel and running propaganda/ghostly prison effects is far stronger than going wide.

It is completely worthless.

It's meh. Also boring. Because dwarves are boring. The thing is, they were probably thinking in design that giving this thing relevant card types to look for would be breaking the color pie.

Fucking how?

You can either play a grindy control game and get your shit kicked in by someone running and of the several hundred better cards than your deck, or you can bet it all on Darksteel Citadel and dump your hand of cantrips to fuel beats.

>It combines Commander with Planechase, Archenemy, and Conspiracy.
Commander rules
Have field effects that rotate based on die rolls
Give everyone an archenemy-ish effect every upkeep
include effects that make you the monarch

>It's boring
>WR gets a card advantage generating commander, that you can even build around even if it's shit since being good or not has no bearing on how "interesting" i.e. "fun" it is
>"It's boring"

he's really not that interesting. he reads cool and fun but the deck he builds into is nothing special. it's just generic wu control with maybe a little more emphasis on playing more can trips and a few one off random stuff like terra eternal and darksteel citadel. but the bulk of your deck is just gonna be generic control stuff.

It doesn't do anything to actually interact with your opponents. Either you're in a casual playgroup where you're as likely to get fucking trash as you are to get a marginally playable three drop, or you're in a competitive playgroup and your commander has put your color restrictions so far behind that you're likely losing to Hermit Druid before you actually cast your commander.

Not to mention you could just play Jeleva for the same effect multiplied across each player and without the requirements of mana.

It is a standard card and only a standard card.

Your CA is only in form of a small tribe and a very small set of artifacts, which, if there were to be like 30 or 40 of them in the entire block, only a small fraction of them would be usable.

Replace the respective typings with something like Soldiers/Equipment and you get something completely better. Unlike Dwarves/Vehicles, those two have a history of choices to the point where it's almost impossible to build the deck without a crutch.

>card advantage generating commander,
Oh boy I can't wait to fill my edh deck with all the amazing dwarves of days past so I can put them into my hand

The person was saying that it was boring and not interesting, not that it was bad. That implies that being good = not boring and that there aren't fun commanders that are bad.

How do you break out of a building funk?

Well, what I have so far is
>Commander rules
>Players become the archenemy based on which plane is out
>Conspiracies only take effect if you are the Archenemy
>Dogs and cats living together
>Mass hysteria

There is an inbetween though. Not everything is perfectly optimized, but it's not all jank. Yes, Jeleva is better, but Gonti isn't worthless. He might be decent in the 99.

>energy counter
>exactly the same as experience just a different name
Gotta love how Wizards plans stuff three years ahead and still fucks up shit like this

Waaaait a bit, the way Marvel is written makes me think energy is like mana; so it empties at end of phases and turns? Did they explained how it works?

I'm fairly certain energy is just a floating resource that you actually have to expend, unlike experience.

>One foil copy of a mythic rare planeswalker, designed to be fun and flavorful but not pushed for tournament play. Expensive to cast and splashy.

>Two copies of a rare spell that has an effect and also tutors for the specific planeswalker. The rare usually will cost one mana less than the planeswalker. It only looks for the Planeswalker Deck's version of the planeswalker and not any version.

Who thought this was a good idea?

Have they spoiled anything from the DD yet?

Pseudo-landfall elf who makes big dudes.

>Two copies of a rare spell that has an effect and also tutors for the specific planeswalker.
And people bitch about YGO's archetypes, at least I can search for a card of the archetype and not a card named X specifically in YGO. The new artifact support land is on one of these decks, isn't it?

He is a bad card outside of standard because you have a very real possibility of his ability leaving you without card advantage, meaning you paid four mana for a 2/3 deathtouch.

You are wrong. You get an energy counter.

It introduces newer players to their Marvel superhero of choice and gives them a fan going forward, it's exactly what Wizards wants.

>You get an energy counter.
They still fucked up having this and experience counters then. With experience counters it wouldn't have the nightmare of 8 symbols in a row like on

>You are wrong. You get an energy counter.
This right here is why giving COUNTERS a symbol is retarded. It's completely new to magic and is confusing the tards already.

Mind pointing out the card(s) that let you spend experience counters?

It has a symbol because it's one of the biggest features of the entire block.

There are none but there could be. Same way there's cards who can use charge counters on permanents.

It's not.

>same way there's cards whose abilities only share the word "counter" with what we're talking about

>not playing the true white card advantage commander Celestial Kirin

How many decks in the same color combination are too many? i have a U/R Melek Spellslinger deck and I've been wanting to make a U/R artifact deck for a while and might start scrounging the pieces together before anything spikes too hard from new spoilers. I don't think there will be too much overlap between U/R Artifacts and U/R Spellslinger, which is why I think it'll probably be fine but I'm not sure.

Wouldn't even play it in Titania.

The only previous counters on players mechanic we had was infect and removing poison counters for effects would invalidate the whole thing, but the design space is there and could be well used. Also it's logic, if you can put a counter you can obviously remove them for something too. Doesn't mean they might do it, but they can.

But it's so close to experience that I feel they wasted the opportunity to make those cards synergetic and not have experience be a one-off on 5 cards that will never be revisited.

You're pointing all the differences between different types of counter yourself. Experience counters and energy counters have only one common attribute. Well, two. They're counters and they're attached to the player.

Hey, that's totally like poison counters!

Stop being an idiot just because you actively seek trying to be angry at something.

It wouldn't be thematic at all, take your trip off you're worthless.

I am struggling with mono black at the moment, and also black in general. Every deck I want to play has black in it. Liliana, Gisa, Gisa and Geralf, Jeleva, Sydri, Leovold, Marchesa 2.0, ect

I want to fuck Rashmi

There's nothing pseudo about that landfall

Where were you for Courser of Kruphix?


I'm ready to play UG Countertop/Topdeck matters


I played countertop with Hana. It was beautiful. Fucking loved using Mythical/Enlightened with the trigger on the stack or some shit. Soothsaying is hilarious with it.

>each turn
>not each of your turns
Oh gosh.

Pseudo because the card doesn't say "landfall", everything else on it is landfall.

I'm not trying to actively be angry at something nigga, I just though it was a wasted opportunity. Experience counters will probably one offs forever on the 5 of C15, which is kinda sad.

It's counters on a player, something that has been done a low enough number of times to justify being the same mechanic. Also look at , eight symbols is too much. "Remove eight experience counters" sounds more elegant.

This... looks interesting? All spells cantrip or cascade? That's nice. Please just don't steal the spot of the UR artificer please please

I want to build Maelstrom Wanderer but I rather have it to be fun for everyone than competitive. I was planning on a shitload of Cascade effects and cards that not necessarily benefit me but that create odd scenarios for the table, like Switcheroo and Possibility Storm.

>Steal the UR spot but user...

>still no legendary Izzet Artificer creature
I have waited so long and still my blueballs persist

>I want to build Maelstrom Wanderer but instead of being competitive I want to have him combo with basically every card in my deck to let me cast tons of free cards while locking my opponents out of the game
Please die.

>this plus courser of kruphix/soothsaying/sensei's diving top, etc, etc

Holy shit, more toys for Alesha

There's no ask a judge thread and I don't feel qualified to start one.

I run Riku and want shenanigans with Goblin Electromancer and Rite of Replication. Is the initial cost of casting RoR affected by the electromancers at all? Stupid question I know

I'm going to make a Mad Max deck with all of these Vehicles

It's going to be so shitty

>Cascade or Draw
Yes. I want it.

I love UR, but does it really need three separate planeswalkers? She's a confirmed qt tho.

God that energy counter thing is going to be retarded

>now this is podracing.png

>Flash/Instants have a good chance of cantriping.
>Top-of-deck matters will net you value
>Eldrazi almost always free shit
I was missing Simic in my enemy color roster until today.

Non-Mishra UR artificer never

Shitty feel

there is evidence that vehicle will not be a set only card type. In the mechanics panel they talked about how they took the mechanic from a set planned for later, and how they strategically designed the card border to be non-kaladesh specific.