I mean it seems like even really really bad wounds can just be healed. Even people who are basically mush can be turned into dreadnoughts. Was it because he had a "Human" body as opposed to space marines?
Why couldn't the Emperor just be healed or put into a Dreadnought?
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Probably, but humanity is terrified of harming their God.
The Emprah had to hold back daemons & shit while on the throne. If removed, things will suck.
Because doing so would deviate from the Emperor Huon template, and is thus unthinkable to the inveterate IP thieves of GW.
Why does the Emperor always need to be on the throne (aside from life support). Prior to the Horus heresy the throne didn't need someone to constantly be on it to hold back the daemons, what changed?
This guy who did nothing wrong
Must be hard to sleep on his stomach.
The whowhatnow?
Healing was impossible, just too damaged.
If one is put into a Dreadnought the mind deteriorates over time, that's why they sleep most of the time, to keep them functional as long as possible.
But the Emperor had to be more or less awake to keep the Astronomican on, so him slowly going senile is out of the picture too.
He is too damaged to be in a dreadnought. He also most likely doesn't have the interfaces required to actually move the dreadnought.
Also, he needs to be sitting there in a state of semi-consciousness to keep the Astronomican online, and his ass is literally blocking a warp gate. If he ever dies, or gets up from that chair, the Astronomican dies too and a metric fuckton of daemons will swarm the heart of Terra.
>metric fuckton of daemons will swarm the heart of Terra
>Why couldn't the Emperor just be healed
Its psychic damage. I aint gotta explain shit.
The imagery of an all powerful emperor who never leaves his throne isn't original to GW (Shocker). It's ripped from one of Moorcock's Eternal Champion books, where you have the "King-Emperor Huon of Granbretan" who is supposedly all powerful, what he does is always in the background, and never leaves his throne/life support system, without which he wouldn't last a minute.
No it wasn't. It was physical damage. The Emperor was the most powerful psychic in the Imperium. Horus couldn't scratch him.
The Dark Prince and Fulgrim would find it too kinky to let it pass.
ok, It is established that Emps is a perpetual. So if he dies he pulls a Wolverine and his body re-assembles itself. The throne is keeping him in a coma because he's being fed low level psykers. Does anyone who is attending the throne know about him being immortal? Nothing Horus could have done to him is near the damage outside of regeneration.
This isn't a hard sci fi setting.
Two problems with what you said.
All Perpetuals but two died. Perpetuals can be damaged beyond their ability to regenerate especially if was via warp or ritualistic methods.
The Emperor is said to keep himself alive in order to guide humanity through their psychic evolution. He will not let go of his fading life until humanity doesn't need him anymore.
Which, to be fair, is inspired by the whole FIsher King mythological archetype.
There is nothing new under the sun, and all that.
Not really. The Fisher King doesn't reign. His wounds have cost him the kingship, and it's usually up to some sort of hero to revive the king somehow and bring him back to the throne. He's fishing precisely becaue he can't rule, and he's out of the picture until further notice.
Hawkmoon is, as far as I know (which admittedly, is quite limited) original with "the dead king is actually trying to run things and everyone listens to him".
>Which, to be fair, is inspired by the whole FIsher King mythological archetype.
Incorrect. You GW honks will stop at nothing to protect your overlords.
The latest fluff I saw says a dark deal was struck with the Dark Eldar to heal or fix the chair? Not sure if its legit or where that came from....
>Letting a Xeno tinker with the golden throne
There is no one in the entire 40k universe willing to do that.
That's like letting a member of ISIS work on the white house plumbing...if Obama was the only think keeping the Earth from getting destroyed by Daemons.
When Sanguinius or Horus ware wounded, not even the best chirugeons and apothecaries of their Expedition Fleets could help them, stating often that Primarch physiology is beyond their understanding.
Also, Guilliman's body was recovered whole but he was not interred into a dreadnought, you think they could do it with a godlike Emperor?
I was under the impression that Guilliman was so close to death by the time they got him in stasis that he would be dead before they could get him into a dreadnought.
Astartes in Dreadoughts often have all libs missing, have been eviscerated, suffered total blood loss, or other such things. They're Astartes, they can be revived after that. And as I say, Guilliman was whole, as in, no removed limbs or organs.
Remember, we are talking about the guy who fought the Word Bearers in the Battle of Calth in vacuum, without a helmet, for quite a long time.
Angron held a foot of a Warhound titan that was trying to crush him, while waiting for Lorgar who suffered a hit from the said Titan's plasma blastgun TWICE to get up and go. This is how tough the Primarchs are.
They are not men, they are closer to Demon Princes in their godlike power. Greatest human minds and mechanicum magi could not understand a fraction of thei phisiology, hence they could not even be taken care of when heavily wounded, not to mention interred into a Dread.
Thus, puting their God-Creator in a Dreadought is utter nonsence.
With the discovery of the Golden Throne's deteriorating state, a dozen contingency expeditions have been launched by the Cult Mechanicus, including a Xanthite war procession sent through the Exhubris Portal. The Xanthite fought through Harlequin Troupes and Daemon hordes alike before reaching their intended destination. In the grave-cold oubliettes beneath Commorragh, a dark bargain is struck.
This is where I saw it, thus why I was asking about it.
Let's keep in mind. The Emperor has a human body. Of course he's tougher than a normal human due to his psychic powers but he has the same physiology as a normal human.
I wouldn't say he is human. A human wouldn't be able to live for almost 50000 years. A human would not be able to battle Horus. A human would not be so fucking huge.
He waas born as a human, yes, but he is so inhuman in everything he does, his look and his powers that I would guess it's pretty sure to say he either evolved beyond humanity or used his powers to become the superhuman he was during his reign.
Horus was basically a walking avatar for all four chaos gods when they fought. The emperor was fucked up psychically as well as physically in the fight, and the throne helps sustain his psychic essence as well as his few living cells.
Well he isn't really huge. I mean look at his size compared to the primarchs. He's much smaller. Personally I would guess that his youth comes from his psychic powers.
I have never heard of this, this intrigues me.
has any user ever heard of the "Star Child" Theory? Malcador is a chaos demon thingie, and is keeping the Emparah live for the fact he doesnt want him to rebirth or some shit. seem to remember it something to do with the original back story from way back (first edition). kind of like the GOD character in the movie Dogma.
saw it years ago, late one night on a deep dark corner of the interwebs. it is the basis of my Dark heresy campaign. the PCs just don't know it yet
When pictures show him next to the Primarchs he's pretty much the same size. But even if, tell me honestly, does he look human to you?
This is what I was thinking of. He looks about the height of a normal guy to me.
Maybe its from a codex or the latest rule book?
Even with the stairs.
...umm, really? Really, in this pic, the Emperor looks about the height of a normal guy to you?
With Horus standing right next to him?
Well you obviously need glasses man, included is a pic oh how a regural person looks next to a primarch.
not sure if b8
Kinda differnt approach, but still. The guy next to him in Constantin Valdor, the Chief Custodian. A regural human would probly reach the shining gem on Valdor's breastplate. Does the Emperor still look about human sized to you?
I like the theory that it's some chaos plot to keep the emperor alive all this time because it prevents him from being reborn.
40k plot will progress when something happens and the emperor dies. The imperium loses its shit and the whole galaxy is fucking insanity. The imperium is on the verge of collapse, the ministorum is trying to hide the news of the emperors death, space marine chapters are dying out, etc. Then suddenly some leader on some world is discovered to be the emperor reborn. Launches another great crusade to retake Terra from chaos and rebuild the galaxy.
Idk, could be cool. I wanna see an imperium that goes full on mad Max, and starts to fall apart. Most grimdark
I like the Star Child theory. Essentially, the emperor we know and love is the result of a council of warlocks that sacrificed themselves so that their souls could be bound to a single immortal body, that is, the emperor as he is. And that's with the cumulative souls of 8 wizards. To keep the emps alive on the throne, 1000 psychics are sacrificed every day to give him the strength to carry on. The Star child theory is that he's tired from his thousands of years on the throne, but also stronger as a result of these sacrifices, and if he dies, he shall be reborn, at full power, and where his previous strength was that of 8 souls, can you imagine how powerful he would be with the millions of souls' accumulated by this point? This is why the dark gods fear his rebirth. He made them fear when he was truly alive. Reborn he would eclipse them so completely he would extinguish the eye of terror within a year.
Dread is too small boss
Imagine a giant gold titan called 'the throne'
Caveat, Emps can heal himself of the damage. The problem being that if he gets his ass off the golden potty, it turns off the Astronomican and breaks the Human webway. The first will cause the Imperium's war effort to grind to a halt, as millions of ships for supplies and reinforcement are cut off from FTL travel and/or lost to the Warp. The latter breaking down will create a new Eye of Terror within the heart of the Imperium and kill it.
Don't the Dark Eldar do a lot of cloning? My guess would be some radical inquisitor is trying to get them to make a body
Spoonfeeding time, here comes user with his mistical magical ability to find sources. Open wide children, here comes the Retribution-class Battleship.
It's from the Cultmech Codex.
It's in the admech codex.proof positive the plot may someday advance. All hail the omnissiah.
(and also by proximity)
Some dumb faggot took the webway entrance behind the Golden Throne and smashed it open right into the Warp Proper. More than just holding the webway shut, Emps also uses the psyker-amplifying powers of the Throne to maintain the light of the Astronomicon, which allows people to safely(ish) travel through the Warp.
The massive power boost from the Throne has its drawback though - it's draining his life force faster than his Perpetual superpowers can heal him. Faster than the daily sacrifice of dozens (then hundreds, then thousands, now tens of thousands) of psykers can sustain him. "Theoretically," if emps was disconnected, he'd recover to full strength. "Theoretically," if allowed to die, he'd be reborn. "Theoretically" because the strain of holding on as long as he has has ripped his conscious (and soul) apart into tiny, madden fragments, and if he were to die, there's no saying if they'd actually all reconsolidate.
Also, even a single moment of disconnection from the Astronomicon will burn out the millions of psykers currently illuminating it with him, crippling warp travel even if he were to reconnect. The last time it was even slightly disturbed, whole subsegmentums went dark, and thousands of Imperial worlds were lost. Now, with war encroaching on every fringe, such disconnect (which takes a Great Crusade to reconnect) would wipe humanity out completely.
Not "most people would die." Not "The Imperium would lose its footing or recede inward." Humanity would be split up and destroyed piece by piece. Emps foresaw this years ago and has done everything he can to avoid it, at the cost of his own lifeforce, sanity, and soul. This sacrifice is the core principal of the "debt" every Imperial citizen owes him.
Sang was already dead when Bug E reached him. The Black Rage already engulfed his legion, his soul was cast into the warp to never return dead.
Horus just had his soul fucking obliterated, which proves detrimental to the surgeons brining him back. Even if Horus somehow managed to survive the Emps OP soul spear of death, which would have wounded all four chaos gods, Rogal motherfucking Dorn showed up right after the fight and would have added another primarch kill to his tally list.
Fuck, meant to be replying to .
Emps probably does something like what Magnus did, constantly changing his features and size as needed.
The reason why girlyman wasn't put into a dread is because he was posioned. Doesn't matter even if they had time to put him in a dreadnought because of the blood brain barrier being breached.
The Emperors body is far from human, so.e people have seen his true form while he was kicking and he's a writhering husk kept alive and looking glorious by his biomancy and psychic projection. I highly doubt he would be able to be interred in a metalbawk.
>adding detail to the past
>same as a soap opera plot amirite
Come ONNN, September ...
Emps should have been nicer to Magnus and Perturao, ecspecially the former. If they were still loyal then Perty could've built a awesome dreadnought for the Emperor or stoped his physical body from deteriorating and of course Magnus could've powered the Astronomican. Instead he favored and was left with a Autist who only built walls, a secret traitor who wanted his own empire and a drunkard with a unhealthy obsession about wolves.
You need an intact torso and head to become a dreadnaught. Otherwise you just get mulched for bio-matter or become servitor.
Prior to the Heresy there were no daemons attempting to break through the throne. It was caused by magnus the red attempting to reach terra to warn of the Heresy starting.
In the First Heretic to the primarchs the emperor appeared as a wisened elderly man, not unlike the Sigilite.
To the astartes and humans he was giant of brilliant light and power.
His form is morphic depending on the observer.
Have they come out with the book about this fucking fight and the siege of terra yet?
So the throne is just a toilet and the Fullest Moon is our greatest weapon?
It's because he was hideously mangled by divine powers.
Both Chaos, and his own when he drew too much to kill Horus.
Obviously his feels r hurt too
But what would the Imperium be without ULTRALAND!!! Kids get your parents to take you it's great, and totally not heretical I promise
Oh he is dead. Thats why. You cannot put something dead in a Dreadnought nor can you heal someone that passed away.
Silly humans trying to stick back together a corpse.