Which country are you from? How's the gaming scene there?
Which country are you from? How's the gaming scene there?
>picking any of those shit-tier waifus
>not picking the good ol' US of A
>not having a harem of qt3.14 mechanics maintaining your boxing cowboy mech for you
>not being the single most bro-tier character in your show
I'll bet your mama didn't even sing America the Beautiful as a lullaby for you, OP.
>not being from freedomistan
Why is every japanese character with a shred of confidence an American, or a psuedo-american?
Sometimes they're Germanic.
Wrong pic.
The Americans tend to be obnoxiously confident.
They're aggressive.
>Which country are you from?
Who Marik here?
There are some people out there who insist their country matters too. It's kinda cute, really.
>there are people who aren't PURPLE BURD
On all levels including physical, I am a laser boat.
How is BT these days? I stopped giving a fuck when the Jihad happened.
But what if I'm from the FRR?
It's progressing in the 3140s, albeit really slowly. Also, CGL is wasting time on minisplats about abandoned planets instead of just releasing IlClan already dammit.
Because burgers are extremely overconfident? Met a handful of Americans over the years, each of them was a boastful prick, completely unable to realistically evaluate own skills or situations they were in. Personally I blame your/their shitty education system, that drills into them how they are special and the best, without actually teaching them anything at all. And I'm not just talking about knowledge, but rather focusing on how to behave.
>Why is every japanese character with a shred of confidence an American, or a psuedo-american?
Because we're great and we have a culture that emphasizes confidence, optimism, and persistence as positive traits in and of themselves. The thinking is that if you can believe in yourself, work hard, and not let anything stop you, then you're supposed to be able to succeed (get a good paying job, nice fancy house, hot girls and/or good-looking wife, retire, etc). In some fields, especially things like sales and management, confidence is considered to be crucial to success.
Like the idea is that even if you're not necessarily smart or good at other things, being extremely confident and sociable (some people call the concept "alpha", as in "alpha-male") can make up for deficiencies elsewhere and help give people the drive to work hard enough to succeed. Even when that isn't necessarily the case. Or even when a person's outward displays of confidence are just a cover for a host of mental health problems.
A lot of things in education have been oriented toward building confident self-images and making people believe they can do great things which at least one study has linked to disappointment and anxiety later in life when peoples' experiences don't live up to that.
Also, our students have very high scores when measuring their confidence, and foreigners seem to like calling us overconfident, so there's that too. But on the other hand, I hear so much brainless, often patently-false America-bashing from foreigners (many of whom talk all kinds of shit about our politics but have never even been here, or seem to assume the whole country is Texas. It's basically a meme) that after a while I just start filtering it out.
>our students have very high scores when measuring their confidence, and foreigners seem to like calling us overconfident
How was that going? 25th in Maths, 28th in general skills, 1st in confidence in own abilities.
Hard NOT to call this "overconfidence"
>after a while I just start filtering it out
It's called "psychological repression", user.
I don't know. I've been living in New Zealand since I started ttrpg.
However I hear it's pretty damned good in some spots like Melbourne and other big cities.
Practically on cue.
You guys never fail to disappoint.
Shits unusually Cold.
got a job recently. that makes two now.
of them i pick Japan, i guess cos im gonna be moving back there soon.
Czech Republic
It's shit, just like everything else.
There's some Adventurers League stuff, some warhamsters... some. Onine is my savior
> Warhamsters
> War Hamsters
Make it happen. Now.
Otherwise, i'm from Belgium. There's a pretty good scene here, both in wargames, boardgames, Roleplaying games, and event a few mass Larp
70c beers user, also czech girls
Don't worry, Babish will make Czech great again.
But yeah, nice place to visit, not so great to live at.
>70c beers
make it 1.7 for 2 liter plastic bottle
>czech girls
There's natural beauty to them, sure, but they don't age well due to constant diet of booze, smokes and junk food. Pick one under 20 and raise her somewhere else, otherwise she won't last you half a decade.
As far as I know, in Croatia, the scene is about 15000 people big, most of them LARPers, with a couple of thousand D&D/PF gamers, less then a thousand WoD players, a few hundred CoC, and some 40k guys
What if I'm from the GLA
There are more than 2 oceans, user
>shooting down your fancy plane
>using WW2 tech
Can't make this shit up
As far as I know there's no gaming scene to speak of here.
France a best.
>his country can't afford to throw away fancy planes
>they don't age well due to constant diet of booze, smokes and junk food
They're pretty awesome, if you like chubbies.
My cuntry has a dozen MiG21s with their serial numbers piled off,which makes legal maintenance impossible. We have to literally smuggle them to Ukraine for maintenance. How's that for a story hook
I wouldn't say every character with confidence in anime is american, but by japanese tropes every american character is super confident. But, while played for laughs much of the time, they are usually played as being strong or competent too.
The quintessential example of an american character in anime is probably Dan Eagleman. He is on the bad guy team of the anime he is in, part of the international government force that took over and rules japan with an iron fist following some super plague outbreak.
Dan is tall, blonde, jacked as shit, has no indoor voice, and looks like a quarterback that just got done fucking the prom queen. In his introductory episode, his plan to sink a boat that has terrorists on it from long distances is to take some of the anti-air missile trucks his group has, drive them down to the beach, flip them over on their sides and fire the missiles sideways at the boat, letting their heat seeking targeting systems do the rest.
This is an incredibly dumb plan and everyone gives him shit for it. But you know what? It works! The boat ends up having a goddamn force field because anime, so he keeps shooting missiles at it until he runs out of missiles, but barring bullshit magical defense his plan actually worked perfectly despite its inanity.
And how does Dan die? Betrayed by the evil asshole that makes the bad guy team the bad guy team, and infected with superplague that is quickly killing him, Dan Eagleman punches that traitorous fuck in the face to save the life of an unarmed woman and eats the bullets himself so she can get away.
And he is our only explicitly american character in the show.
That can be literally anyone from the former soviet block except Russia because Russia can maintain their own planes.
We weren't Soviet bloc, ever. We NATO and shiet.
Ok, I got nothing. Portugal maybe?
Brazil here. There are players around here but it's pretty scattered across the country or concentrated in small groups in big cities. I don't think there's another player on my small town.
I'm also half Japanese and I know the scene is pretty big over there. I wish my parents stayed there instead of coming here. :(
Croatia, ex-Yugoslavia. Sure, we were commies, but never a part of the soviet bloc, so we invented the 3rd world, a group of countries uninvolved with the of the cold war
>Croatia, ex-Yugoslavia.
Oh, the successor country that got to keep biggest part of the shore and now proliferates on tourism?
Gramps was there once, liked it a lot.
I hope the rapefugee thing does not impact you too bad.
It's not just about the chub, facial features begin to sag as well. I'd imagine evry woman past certain age needs makeup to make herself look presentable, but it comes far too hard and far too early.
American who studied abroad in Germany back in the mid 00's. Lots of Shadowrun groups at the uni campus. You know the meme about having to talk your group into playing something other than D&D? Over there it was like that only replace it D&D with Shadowrun and Cyberpunk 2020.
France here. We have nice people overall, some competitive jerks, some real assholes, and the same shitty kids as everywhere else.
The rpg scene is also quite alive, which is good since I hope to be published somewhere, someday (and I will... as soon as I'll be able to kill my goddamn depression and ram it into the ground, at least)
This might be a stupid question but would you say that Europeans handles medieval fantasy better than Americans (or Asians, Africans and others for that matter)?
>no TD
As far as I can juge, not really. French fantasy is just as good/bad depending on which author you read, and the same can be said for rpg's as well. But since I'm not really much into med-fan, I'm not sure I'm the best suited to speak on that subject.
I'd recommend Jaworski's "Gagner la guerre" (I guess that would be "Winning the war" in brit-tongue) as a book set in a fantasy not-Renaissance world, or his rpg " Te deum pour un massacre", for adventuring and intrigue during the french Wars of religion.
Hum, interesting. I wonder if it's similar to Japan, where the benefits of living in the culture and having the Japanese history as part of formal education if offset by... Not sure about the proper word, patriotic bias? Stuff you see in weaboos like "katana can cut through plate armor".
I didn't expect a book recommendation, thanks! From a quick googling seems like both the book and the game wasn't translated yet but fortunately I'm currently learning French and might as well try to read it when I get a bit more advanced.
>No Spain
I expected that.
Glad to be of help.
Which is sad - I kind of love some of their stuff.
They aren't wrong though.
Shouldn't the German gal be dark skinned?
Go home, /pol, you're drunk
Best post in this thread.
at least you aren't south american. Somehow, despite us having being colonized by spanish, portuguese, dutch, french, and other various european countries, people will insist that not a single person here is white.
>Char is cute
yes he is
no homo
>cue mean-spirited 200 post argument about whether race is a social construct
Brazil here. The scene used to be way better, we had some good guys making a really popular world called Tormenta and a good monthly RPG magazine. We also used to have one or two national systems that were pretty ok. We even had a comic based on Tormenta.
Nowadays the guys behind Tormenta and the magazine have moved on for greener pastures, Tormenta has launched some grim derp books and the author has been put in charge of a lot of Tormenta and has killed all of it's charm. The magazine is no more. The only good thing is that While the setting has been fucked Tormenta at least has its own system based on d20 that while in a gross need for testing and balance in some classes at least has a solid support with one or two books every year.
In the grim darkness of the 41st millennium.
There is only hamtaro time.
Frog here.
Afaik the scene is solid here. RPG and LARP, and tabletop is mainly represented by 40k (wargames are a bit more discreet, but I think it's because the circuits are different; nonetheless you see more than a couple of wargaming magazies in newspapers kiosks).
I remember a city meeting about hobbies associations where the tabletop association was the one with the most members (small city, roughtly 10.000 inhabitants). Also a couple of things like the audio-series naheulbeuk or the wakfu cartoon and mangas acted as an entry gate helped democratize the hobby. Most people seem to understand rpg references.
From what I've seen the biggest difference compared to the US is the lack of prejudice towards rpg players. There were two relatively big magazines since the '80s (jeux & strategie and cassus belli) that helped create a legitimate community, and I've never seen any adult deride roleplay. In fact I've played with a lot of people, from deliquent kids to senior army officers, from punks to noble teenagers, and 99% of them had a blast.
I'd say the golden age of french production has ended, though. Descartes/Asmodée is almost only making boardgames nowadays, and Rakham bankrupted in 2009 iirc.
There's still nice products (Zombicide, Esteren), but the catalog has taken a hit.
I wouldn't say that. There may be some cultural differences, as for anything, but we get exposed to anglo works, so it isn't flagrant.
That aside, it's Sturgeon's law at work. If you want to make a coherent and researched setting, you're gonnahave a lot of work, regardless of your cultural background.
On that topic I'm always impressed by Shadowrun and the SOX, that managed to include historical and folklore elements. How many people know about the Saar protectorate, seriously?
I'm not really up to date on that subject, but Bottero's La Quete d'Ewilan and spin-off (Ewilan's Quest) was a big success when it came out a few years ago. It's also an excellent book.
I think the "patriotic bias" if there is one comes from our authors more than our history. Hugo believed that France should lead Europe and the world into a bright age.
If you want to learn french there's a skype group from /int/ which is made up of french speaking people (some britbongs, a canadian and of course mostly french people)
Of course as it is from /int/ there are bad, literally translated memes and stuff but it's not a bad place to learn french I think, people will correct your mistakes without being assholes etc...
Where do you find other people interested in gaming ? I haven't encountered any except in Paris through some friends, and they were running a cringey Percy Jackson RP
I know this is memery, but Freezing actually had a darkskinned German girl.
very obscure, everyone's busy playing overwatch
'Murrica here.
I live in a major city that happens to be both a College town and a Military town so we have a thriving gaming scene with several FLGS'es in and around town. These places are always packed and I mostly RPG at home since getting a room can be difficult. My only complaint is that Infinity isn't very popular and I really can't afford to buy in to a new miniatures game right now. I have 2 regular game groups going and the option to join more if I want to, so I wouldn't trade it for the world.
>Mfw there's no American girl in IS
>Mfw the Japanese love to throw in stereotypical American women with big tits, blonde hair, and a country bumpkin accent, but in the ONE SHOW where that would be perfect, they don't deliver.
Fuck you Japan, where my FREEDOM waifu?
Season 3, I can see it already. Remember how S1 ended with them all fighting the American-Israeli AI? She'll come in with the most high tech overkill bullshit. Kind of like Germany, but less of a bitch and with tits and no sense of caution. A man can dream.
>his plan to sink a boat that has terrorists on it from long distances is to take some of the anti-air missile trucks his group has, drive them down to the beach, flip them over on their sides and fire the missiles sideways at the boat, letting their heat seeking targeting systems do the rest
I only ever need that scene to instantly remember what anime it was.
>a literal Nazi
>Eternal Anglo
>nip nog
>chink chong
>"I surrender"
No thanks.
Word of mouth, gaming stores, associations or internet forums.
You go to a party, someone lets his powerlevel slip, and then you approach him.
Or you ask a player for contacts.
But if the scene isn't big where you are, the easiest solution is to become a DM and invite some non-rolist friends.
About patriotic bias, I think it also comes from US/anglo cultural imperialism. Take the recent BF1 example that has an american faction but no french troops, or some steampunk settings with perfidious spies or corrupted nobles as their only french characters. Or the surrender monkey meme. And then reapeat it ad nauseam. A couple french authors might want to "correct" that trend. Also you write what you know.
As a result, french-inspired characters and factions end as the default state, and often the good guys.
>Third season