Gnoll thread.
Gnoll thread?
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Does anyone remember THAT thread?
No, just no. I'll admit that I'm an idiot furry and I like that kind of thing but that's not a gnoll. Gnolls have a very different body type from an actual hyena. They're like werewolves; a degree of bulk is needed.
The "help he's going to kill my fursona" one where the guy playing a gnoll paladin was terrified of a lich and then his DM showed up in the thread?
Are you talking about the furry incident on suptg archives? It's red-banded, but it's a fairly good read and an important warning. I'm thinking of screencapping the story in case the archive deletes the thread. Not sure if it's got gnolls in it though.
Want a link? Pic tangentally related.
Yes please.
Righty ho
This takes you past most of the bumpf and takes you to the first post of the storyteller. Rest of the story can be found below.
Tell me if you think a screencap would be worth it.
Please do, it would make it a lot easier to follow.
Are gnolls even allowed to be paladins in D&D?
Everything is allowed to be a Paladin, if it wants to be one.
I hate father hated golls.....even before they put out his eye.........
You mean the one were Veeky Forums decided that Gnolls were master Rope Makers and nature philosophers but lacked the intelligence to come to a lasting conclusion so they argued endlessly in circles.
Gnolls are my favorite race, wish I could play the without being called a furry.
Gonna dump some Gnoll pictures that I have collected.
Gnolls are awesome.
Love em when they are depicted all psycho slaughter dogs.
One of my favorites. This picture inspires me to play a Gnoll in a modern campaign.
A'ight, that's all I got.
>Yess the sacrifice is ready
>damn this dude has some wide hips
>It is what our lord desires.
where the bulge at
If we're going to anthropomorphize Hyenas into Gnolls, get your futa shit out of here.
This just reminds me of that joke comic about how people with disgusting fetishes trying to draw normally.
the loincloth is there for a reson
fucking furry
That gnoll pup with a peace symbol for their warpaint...
These are canines, which hyenas, and thus gnolls, are not.
This is a charr. Closer, in that it's a feline, but not quite.
Sometimes I hate that I know so much about biology. Usually when I'm half-asleep and can't keep my mouth shut.
>ywn dom a Gnoll Matriarch, making her putty in your hands
why even live
They're seven feet tall, their females are the bigger gender and have pseudopenises - extensions to their vaginas that look like the males' dicks, but bigger - and they kind of retract that to allow males to fuck them.
You're either going to need potent drugs, a lot of restraints, or a willing participant to dom a female gnoll, much less a matriarch.
There was one guy on /k/ who fucked a wild cougar after luring her into his car with beef jerky.
>but also an erection
Got screen caps of the thread in question, or maybe a link?
I like to imagine gnolls looking like this.
I remembered wrong; it was a coyote.
Pretty sure gnolls don't work that way.
>psycho slaughter ferrets
This donk kind of thread.
Who have good gnoll story?
Not story about beat up gnoll, story about BE gnoll. Where donk gnoll brothers at?
I'm a Gnoll shaman. AMA
how do magnets work
Like fire needs air to live, rock sometimes needs rock to be at peace.
if fire ams needing air to live, why I not breathe in elemental plane of fire?
Wich better? Yeanoghu or lamashtu? Think careful, there only one right answer and it lamashtu. Praise be the great mother!
Have you tried?
It varies.
Which stronger, demon prince or mother goddess of all monsters? Even donk smart enough know that one.
Has Donk seen them fight?
Only Gnoll women are strong. Other women are weak. Even god women, who are not Gnoll, are weak. If you are smart, you agree.
But she mother of gnolls and gnoll females stronkest. Father job easy, make squirt and roll over happy. Mother make pups, carry around in belly, still fight. Donk say gnolls more like mother than father.
You say other female weak, imply glorious mother same as weak bald bodys. Donk would smack twisted tongue out of head for speak such blasphemy but arm not long enough.
Grwat lamashtu, give donk longer arm please.
>be me
>find dead dumb humen
>taste pretty donk but gnarly
>puke cus bad humen
>brothers laugh me cus eat humen
>me lagh to
donk day all in all
That why you always boil bald body, especially when alive. Well, alive not Need to boil, but more fun that way.
Remember when we made a Gnoll creation myth?
That thread was fun.
Don't have much but here are some gnoll-ish things.
Anyone have other pics of gnolls with period gear or clothes?
Did he just...shove his head up an elephants butt?
Da, imnit gnollbard you shouldna done that he was jist a boy, pooor little feeeleer he gonna grown up and w coulda had fun togeteher.
That looks more like some kind of bovine bruh.
More of a wolf, or lynx kind of beast that.
>More of a wolf, or lynx kind of beast that.
Arcane Summons by Keith Parkinson? That's a Gnoll.
I have to admit, gnolls have changed a lot since the 90's.
God damn why is /k/ best board?
Clan debate:
What are the benefits of eating peasants ass-first?
We've always been classic neck-entry types because 'muh easy kill' and it's just right there. But we've been watching some Animal Planet recently with the tv we scrapped together out of 2 skulls, a girl's spine, and a stolen tv and we see OG Hyenas going straight for the asshole whenever they're eating prey.
Is this right? We've all agreed it's brutal as all fuck and undoubtedly a convenient soft point of entry but some of us, as nasty as we are, hold a few reservations about going ass-to-mouth. Can you shed some light on this particular can of guts we've opened?
How else are they going to get into an elephant?
Also, it's pretty common in nature:
For things with tough hide ass first work good. Every try Crack dragon scale with teeth? Have fewer teeth after. Easier with ax or big knife but some time all you have is teeth. When that happen, no get squimish, go for softest spot. Better have ass breath than empty belly donk say.
Also, mad jelly of TV. Donk only have rocky talky. Picture box small, little man inside get tired fast and fall asleep no mater how hard donk shake.