What's the most retardedly overpowered villain you've ever created?
What's the most retardedly overpowered villain you've ever created?
The one that one of my players literally killed in one shit with his Sniper Rifle of Disintegration.
He was only there to wave a lightsaber about as they ran away in their spaceship, but during the retreat the main combat character in the party decided to shoot his Disrupter Rifle at him. Oh well.
Current one's got 4 rounds of timestop, spells up the wazoo, and is basically a high-level diablo 1/2/3 wizard, meaning he's capable of clearing rooms of mook monsters in a single spell, and two-shotting greater demons.
Didn't even bother to stat the 1000-year old cunt because he's god all these contingencies. Wants to become a God, and the party must interrupt the process with special weapons. He'll be 3shotted with these special weaps.
The GURPS Complete Set. That game was over before it even began, it crushed the players so hard they quit the group before chargen.
Arch nemesis of my character in Mutants and Masterminds had a two superpowers - he could no sell almost anything thrown at him. He could tank punches from superpowered heroes and nukes, ignore magic and curses, shrug off mind control, almost anything. Secondly, he didn't age or get sick. This made him dangerous, because he was also a head of the evil goverment. Assassination-proof head of evil goverment.
I'm tempted to reveal his weakness (or rather the way to get around his invulnerability), but I want Veeky Forums to guess.
Just to clarify, I know that the obvious answer is "imprison him without killing him", but no. It was never really an option, and he was eventually killed. Can you guess how?
Non empowered punches? His power only works on stuff of sufficient lethality?
Throw him into space
The power of friendship
The Power of Loveā¢
Jojo is just retarded.
Kind of like your retarded jojo spam.
Alchemist that turned himself into Doomsday, able to adapt and become immune to whatever's thrown at him, with super regeneration and some shapeshifting to take the perfect form for the situation. This on top of all the chemicals, potions, and magic shit he's prone to tossing around.
Do you reply to every thread that has a Jojo image?
Almost. It turned out, that he was only invulnerable if the attack/spell/whatever was made with a direct intent to harm him.
Our last battle happened in his palace, we trashed the place a lot, and, well, he got trapped in his bathhouse rapidly filling with water.
Welp, nothing we can do about it!
You asked nicely?
In an attempt to save the magical college she was a student of, she broke into the restricted area and donned what actually was the suit of armor of a god, though she believed it to be just a standard magic set of armor, albeit powerful. Once she put it on and tried to use it, a massive explosion took out the college and collapsed it on her. She was supposed to have died but by the dice, the armor in parts fused to her body so she survived barely.
After that though with the armor stuck to her body in various parts, it was highly unstable and turned her into a conduit for all magical energy of the entire setting. If she didn't find a way to burn off all the pent up energy it would eventually explode, so the authorities that found her after excavating the ruined rubble took her and fixed her up to a sort of magic siphon which captured some of the energy pouring off her and ended up powering the entire continent. On paper though she had the potential to explode the whole planet if she wanted to, or was improperly imprisoned long enough.
A jinn who wants to absorb the essence of Satan to take his power. He's already got an assload of psychic/supernatural abilities because jinni are nucking futs.
The sad thing is I'll probably never get to use him because I'm indefinitely suspending the campaign I built him for. fucking players taking in-character shit too personal
>What's the most retardedly overpowered villain you've ever created?
A supercharged champion of death who could turn incorporeal and/or teleport at will, could move fast enough to dodge bullets anyway, killed gods, demons, and planets for fun, and would resurrect himself if killed. In my defense, I was twelve at the time.
The level 11 Nemesis Technician, specced for hard denial of supernatural abilities.
Entire party was some flavor of Summoner, Mentalist, or Wizard.
They survived the first run-in, but not without needing to get prosthetic limbs and, in the Wizard Mentalist's case, prosthetic kidneys.
Chernabog in a campaign I ran where the party played Disney Princesses and fought villains to try and rescue the princes. Final Boss Chernabog was a four stage fight where he empowered a blackguard as his own god, summoned and mind controlled eleven other characters, counted as his own arena for most of the boss fight, and me and the other dm just pulled powers from like six different spell sourcebooks at random for most of his attacks. He had something like six thousand hp, and was represented in minature by an anatomically correct skeleton model to scale.
Somehow he beat out Maleficent for most broken, and she wiped the party twice with such gems as "The entire floor is now proximity explosive runes, guess which scribbles are the real ones" and "Maximized Widened delayed blast fireball directly on top of myself, because fuck you I have fire resistance"
Kira/Killer Queen aren't particularly overpowered, what are you on about?
A lich thats instantly paralyzes you at will, no saves, fuck you. Also his sword was demons. And he has a fortress. With 50ft high walls. Guarded by his undead army. Also you cant just kill him because his mortal form is just a manifestation and he exists in both this realm and the spirit/fey realm.
Dont worry, the whole point is that the party had to go on a fact finding mission to circumvent these things. Magical trinkets that resist paralysis, a dwarf explosives expert to blow a fuck huge hole in the wall, recruit allies to fight the army while you get into the fortress. A pair of ancient manacles with the power to bind him to the mortal realm, meaning that they would somehow have to get them on him. I basically introduced them to the villian at the start (thry accidently awakened him) so the whole campaign was all about gathering artifacts, resources and allies to form one big plan of attack at the end. These were just some of the things I had tucked away in the world for them to quest for.
A god who had completely omnipotent control over time. I was 14 at the time. It actually wasn't a terrible game, and kinda made sense in context.
I had a warlord become possessed by a war god once because said god was sick of the party getting in the way of his plan. Killed a level-11 paladin in two rounds because I need a reason for him not to immediately splatter the party. His stats were so nutbars he actually had a higher armor class out of enchanted plate than in it. His only weakness was that he was still tied to the war lord's body and thus could be banished when the warlord died.
That's why I warn my players to not take potshots at Lu Bu. They think it would be painful for them, but actually it's just that they have a non-trivial chance of ruining the session with their unchivalrous antics.
A psion with Linked Power + Meta-Power + Synchronicity shenanigans, Schism, and a certain fondness for Time Hop.
If you believe my players, a mage who could shapeshift into creatures/people whose skin he posessed.
A cyberzombie. My group was talking shit about how they could out fight anything in the sixth world this side of a great dragon. I both proved them wrong and instilled such a fear of Aztechnology that they refuse to go anywhere near ANY AZT holdings.
If people like you didn't exist, there wouldn't be bait.
>What's the most retardedly overpowered villain you've ever created?
Overpowered god-types are boring as shit. It's why Superman sucks. I avoid them. I have, however, introduced characters that are simply overwhelmingly powerful when compared to the players...
Being able to bend reality helps too.
Mage: The Ascension. Time, Quint.
He was just a simple rapist. He wasn't strong, or particularly gifted in combat. He was just an unassuming manlet with powers. Basically just a magic pedo that could ZA WARUDO and rape people in broad daylight, just walking down the street. They'd be stripped, tenderly loved, re-dressed, cleaned up a bit, then he'd leave with the victim trying to cope with what just happened, all *between a single frame* of security cameras.
He was sort of vampiric, using Life to take a bit of the victim's youth, but that was just a hook to offset the aging caused by the time distortion. He directed paradox to his victims, or just dumped it into the environment... which is how the Guild even caught a hint of him existing at all.
There were only a handful of mages in the city that could counter Time like that... and it still required getting the jump on him to do it.
He also liked knives. The party tried to lure him into an ambush using a female player as bait. It ended with her raped, and another player flayed. Deliberately kept alive, since it would have been unbelievably easy to just TPK.
He wasn't even a major plot point. Just one of dozens of things going on around the city. They were angry and wanting revenge for a while, but eventually he sort of faded off into the background, just rape as usual.
It took a long time, but the party eventually succeeded in luring him into a trap involving a werewolf with Spirit of the Fray. ("I win initiative fuck you" first-strike power was decided to trump magic.)
>this was years before I'd even heard of Jojo
>it just worked out that way
I once ran a campaign based in a country that had killed a giant magic god a hundred years ago. Here's how it went
>country kills magic god at great loss
>find that every bit of his body contain magical properties
>country jumps to #1 power in the world
>found out that you could inject the body parts into your self for huge buffs
>skin grafts give you regeneration and rock hard skin
>bone implants make your bones hard as steel and give you super strength
>brain pieces grant you magic powers and weird mutations oh no foreshadowing etc
>getting too many body parts turned you into a mini version of the magic god so the government managed organ loans really strictly
>the BBEG was a brain mage who manipulated the heroes into getting more body pieces for him because he was possessed by the magic god into completing his body
>PCs never caught on and he managed to complete the skull
>wiped them near instantly
I took pity on them and respawned their characters in the demi-god form because the remaining people throw body parts into them, they were able to beat him after that.
The strongest thing I've ever thrown at my players is Ful, the Obsidian Great Wyrm. She had 1573 hp, a breath attack dealing over 40d6 fire damage, a damage threshold of 20 (like fighting a fort), immense psionic powers she could abuse with legendary actions, and a volcanic wasteland demiplane where she could cause eruptions just below the players or begin a literal cataclysm.
A close second is the Uuvudaum I threw at my players, adapted from 3.5e to 5e. It has 817 hp, permahaste, an aura of confusion, a melee attack that hits like a truck and drains wisdom, several at-will spells, and the abilities to teleport one target into the stratosphere, duplicate itself for one round, and resurrect once to full hp after dying.
Of course, they haven't seen my most evil creations yet. What waits them in the future is a Solar that leads a mafia family, a demigod that can freeze a creature's perception, a doppelganger that can insert, remove, or mutate it's presence in a creature's memories (though not actually alter memories), and a friendly lich that knows every wizard spell in the game along with some epic spells and a few older spells adapted from previous generations (except for True Polymorph and Wish) that can only be truly killed if you kill her illusion, then kill her stimulacrum, then kill her, then destroy the giant mithril golem her phylactery is in, then destroy her phylactery, all in that order. Then, kill her now-living clone in a secret demiplane and subsequently destroy her soul, which has retreated into a medallion of thought protection.
there's one that I've wanted to use, I don't have a name for him but he's basically was Wesley from the comic Wanted in terms of his role in the world and personality.
on paper he should be easy to beat, basic captain America peck human with a fondness for guns. he does have a unusual ability though in that he can kill anything as long as he can touch it. it doesn't matter if your body is stone or your the immortal concept of villainy itself, as long as what he does can kill a normal human it will kill them.
add in his growing insanity and power over the most powerful men in the whole and you have a very dangerous foe.
This sounds like Shadowrun. Is this Shadowrun?
bomb transmutation, a heat seeking tank bomb & time rewind is pretty OP
but every jojo villain is OP
> part 1 & 3 - a vampire that can stop time
> part 2 - aztec vampires where one of them basically ascends to godhood
> part 5 - mob boss who deletes time
> part 6 - a gay priest who resets the universe
> part 7 - a universe hoping president
Just about any stand can be creatively used into being overpowered. It's one of the things about Jojo.
Hell, even a "weak" stands can be devastating.
Look at the lovers and that one stand that causes people to beat each other up and become stronger.
Some stands are objectively better than others. I fail to see how stands like Highway Star beat DIO, or how stands like Superfly could be remotely helpful.
It is indeed Shadowrun.
Not a villain per se, but often me and my dumb friends would occasionally go into wild world building tangents. They were often ridiculous and niche enough that they would never be realistically relevant in the campaign.
So one of these tangents created some old sonnavabitch named Arch Duke Fortescue or something. He is the most powerful mage who ever did and ever will exist. A Mage so powerful he rivals some of the Gods in my world and yet is possessed with the singular desire to be left the fuck alone. See, when Fortescue found out he was dying of [bad thing] he got busy planning his ultimate vacation and created a series of wards which he designed for the express purpose of allowing him to simultaneously stop time for the entire cosmos, make him unstuck within this time frame so he can spend eternity perceiving all of space time as a flat circle, and somehow also halt the ingress of his fatal disease until he is damn well ready to die.
The way this is deadly is that the man is so specific with his design that any wrinkle potentially could prove to have a lasting effect millenia down the line and thus must be properly maintained, and unfortunately the cosmos will sometimes endeavour to have a very unlucky soul wander into his magical high fantasy TARDIS purely by accident. If someone is so monumentally unlucky as to do this, Fortescue will kill them (which he just does because again the powers of a god and all).
I think the whole thing was like if you rolled three 1s in a row on any test and then a percentile roll of 100 you would accidentally get Fortescued out of existence. It never happened (and I suspect never will) but I just kinda wish I could get a pc who fails so hard they stumble into the extra dimensional office of an Aeons old Sorcerer King who promptly apologizes, then Meteor Storms them to completely dust. I wouldn't give them any context. I wouldn't give them any closure. That shit would just happen and then I'd ask for their character sheet.
>rapist that can stop time
Rock men
But a more literal sense, literally carved and painted moving men of stone, strong as fuck and plotting to mend the realm of earth and the players one to kill of the fleshbags.
To overpowered because the first one they met, the big bad, was of course stated strong and tough as natural rock. The overpowered part was when the players hit it once, found out it merely made a white dusty line and when told they were in a flimsy hut with an open window behind them and a door just next to them.
They decided to burn the hut down an take a last stand. It went as expected and they got mad that it was to powerful.
A gay priest who controlls gravity and in the with that, the speed of time.
Now I'm imagining a guy carrying around square grafts of people's skin in his pockets like paint swatches.
Killer Queen, even Bites the Dust, is probably the weakest final boss Stand to date.
Not if you are trying to find him.
His whole stand is about not being found.
He'd beat everyone but dio and the pillar men because of their almost immortality only if they were trying to find out who he was.
Diavolo was arguably better at trying not to be found, since he managed to kill several of the protagonists.
Well killer queen is far more geared for it.
Diovalo was just personally more clever and prepared. The only thing he got was that turn into another person but that was his schizophrenia apparently giving him two stands.
>Not if you are trying to find him.
Pretty much every final boss Stand is better than Killer Queen even at that. The World would let you do things while having a perfect alibi, King Crimson could erase all evidence of your crimes even while you commit them, White Album could just take away the memories of any witnesses, and D4C would let you escape to another world anytime someone got too close to the truth.
Killer Queen is one of the least overpowered boss Stands. It's deadly because its user is clever.
I think it's pretty well known Araki intentionally makes the villains stronger than the protagonists so that the heroes don't just use brute force to win. Although Josuke is probably a bad example here given he wins just by being awesome unlike everyone else.
His name is "Pun-pun the Kobold".
A 3.5 edition kobold wizard with infinite power, stats, and abilities...
He was the Kobold-Messiah, epitomizing all that Kobolds can be. He taught his Legions of (Tucker's) Kobolds to use tactics, to Lure PC's into magical Traps, to use Mantlets and artillery...
He is Pun-pun, he is a kobold, and he is the one that rules over the gods themselves!
Admittedly, I only used him because the party Artificer wanted to try and gain godhood... But Pun-pun allows no equals.
Didn't an ambulance kill Kira?
yeah, he dies before Josuke even realizes he's Kira.
I haven't used it, but the second most powerful beign in my setting is the sun, which is a being of purer power, hatred and destruction. Pic related.
But Kira isn't even the most overpowered villain in Jojo
It was an evil campaign, so the villain was a mentor and form of guide nice to the pc's. Basically I made a wizard with the entire book of vile darkness spells, and those are some powerful shit.
it was a villain who escaled with each encounter, and at the end he not only culd control almost any kind of magic in the planet but he coul alter the rules of magic titself.
The group player fought him in the final battle with an army of wyzards, but even them couln't stop them in pure power. When he was a bout to win and become a Magic God (basically an Omnipotent god) it was revealed that the army was only a bait while the bookworm of group disrupted the source of his power. Even after losing his major powers he could still pick a fight with anyone there, but was no match for the entire army.
It was pretty nice.
He only rapes women who try to murder people so it's okay
>rapist vampire who can stop time
I mean vampires and time stopping are kind of common
Not this guy but it reminds me- Who wants to hear the tale of the greatest street samurai of all time's gradual descent into cyberapathy and his re-rise as the greatest call-back to a previous campaign Ive ever seen? It's a long story so I don't wanna type it out if no one is interested.
Die! Die! Die!
best girl
Bit late to the party, but here's the worst I've ever made. Storytime, kids.
>Playing a little bit of a homebrew years ago, almost purely dungeon running, small portions in town
>Story is loose, involves one larger dungeon every time a few others were finished.
>Third time in a major dungeon start delving a little into celestial stuff.
>Big reveal is that the local star was imploding, alien creatures were trying to save it, but something was stopping them
>Queue the Abyss
>Gigantic nebulous creature that literally ate energy off of stars
>Did this just by passing by, 'infested' planets with shadow magic to keep local populaces busy
Now that was the simple stuff. Here's what the Abyss eventually devolved into.
>Eldritch creature from beyond the known universe, older than it too
>Had absorbed millions of stars before, could pretty much destroy the planet with an angry glare if it wanted to
>Spared the planet to essentially 'play a game' with it by corrupting certain aspects of its society and seeing if the uncorrupted portions could deal with it.
>Corrupted a recurring character and gave her the power to destroy the planet just by hitting it with her sword
>Party beats her, she proceeds to do so
>Abyss just rebuilds it and resurrects everyone with the wave of a 'hand'
>Tells them they've won the 'game' and that they'll be spared
>Proceeds to absorb the star anyway because it considered the other aliens' help as cheating
The 8th Grade was weird.
Punched in the throat with an anti-magic right hand?
>Another one bites the dust
He bested everyone, it just backfired because Araki can't write without plagiarism.
That's a really complicated way of saying "rocks fall, everyone dies". Was it entertaining, at least?
Turned all the rats in a continent the size of Australia with the population density of NYC into a single Cranium Rat swarm.
It isn't so much a villain as it is a force of nature that actively hates you.
A time-destroying eldritch abomination that couldn't even be affected by any normal attacks or the likes due to him warping time and space just by being there.
The group eventually caused a time paradox to remove his power source, by having the "current" abomination baited into the timeline he came from and steal the power source of his "past" self, which actually caused the current self to lose the power source once the timeline was destroyed due to time bullshit, and finally made it beatable. It was still a hard fought battle, fitting for a final boss.
Introduced a t-1000 into a starwars game.
Same game also featured a pair of droids, one was a psycho assassin droid and one was a silhouette four monstrosity
My players.
>PCs manage to bpull off heists and elude lowly guards and bounty hunters
>thinking they are hot shit above the law
>manage to piss off the Emperor
Enter Spymaster Alfred Goldstein. A guy charged with the express reason of fucking with PCs with every tool permitted.Money was of no issue, he had the intelligence, he had the informants, he had the tools and no puppy was above kicking.
He painstakingly tracked down every single family member of the PCs and managed to turn against them with forged letters,rumors and lies. He had the mage expelled from all magical circles except card games. He had a guy on stealing the bards songs and attributing to someone else. He propelled all the bards closest friends and ex-bandmates to stardom and made them resent the bard for "holding them back" He assembled an army and ,marched on the barbarians home tribe, instead of destroying them he tricked them into an unwinnable wager and forced them to become landed serfs bound by honor instead of giving them a glorious land stand. This also caused their ancestors to abandon them in disgust. He had all the barmaids refuse to serve them under threats, he had all the merchants ridiculously jack prices on them, he had their dog and team pet posioned. The PCs were FURIOUS about this guy and did everything to track him down no matter the cost.
He never even existed. It was just a larger than life persona various different spy rings employed to trick them into an offer they cant refuse
He made a cloak out of hide patches.
The setting equivalent of Eve as a lich, with bloodline magic. Maybe not the first and only woman in the literal sense, but the first modern human female to have been born from her parents through the long march of evolution, in the foggy prehistory of the setting's past. Since something like 90% of all humans and a large extent of other races by crossbreeding were even minutely related to her, she had the power as far as death over them with her magic if she wanted. And with all those living people in the setting with effectively her blood, even in a small amount, it gave her a massive level of power.
One of my "Villains" was basically Littlefinger meets D'arby the Eldar
Made a deal with the literal Devil for that power
sounds like cancer
I made a shitty wizard with a few hobgoblin mooks and wall of force. Wasn't as shitty as I thought. That spell is fucking savage.
I would like to hear it.
It's just a big crab. Bigger than Ireland, no real way to fight that.
Top tier jewing right there
but josuke doesn't beat kira
jotaro, koichi & the ambulance do
A magical boy with the special ability of mind-reading and illusion generation, with shields as a weapon. He succumbed to despair and transformed into a monster that hunted down other monsters (and magical individuals), ate them, and stole their power for itself. Even in its base form, it was formidable due to its illusion bullshit. Its primary method of attack on magical boys and girls was to make them believe they're experiencing the worst pain imaginable, which was more to inflict despair than physical damage.
so you made steven universe?
Some asshat BBEG. Had all of zero stats and info that was concrete. I just had him occasionally pop up literally anywhere and chuck something at a player of my choosing before "running away" (read teleporting with zero limitations). No one could ever catch him no matter what they did and the rogue ended up finding a way to run at mach 6 more or less. The BBEG just ran around a corner out of sight and waited for the rogue to run past where he tripped the rogue and i had to calculate damage for a person flying at 4600mph into a wall headfirst. All thrown objects by the guy did absolutely arbitrary damage regardless of what the actual object was. Once tapped the paladin who was investigating an outhouse with a handful of shit for 30ish damage which was JUST enough to require saving throws while the cleric dinked around. It got to the point that the ranger shot first whenever some new NPC showed up and got them kicked out of several towns and cities. The cleric REFUSES to go to his branches church without an escort cause he'll usually get tapped inside or on the way.
"i ask of Bahamut some sort of protection from this stalker who so plag-"
>party finds the cleric laid out with a single chicken egg to the temple
Eventually i got tired of him and he just showed up less and less. It's been about 5 sessions now.
I wouldn't know, I don't watch it.
This was a long time before the show existed even in concept, too.
I wish that Harvest was utilized better. If Angelo had had Harvest and not Aqua Necklace, he would have definitely been the main villain of Part 4.
What did he plagiarize?
I just remember them running into him before he could pull off Bites the Dust again.
The Final Boss of my current campaign is purposefully designed to be unbeatable if the players absolutely fail in their main mission.
If they lose all five of the god weapons that they're looking for AND fail to destroy the totems being set up by the mystery cults that they're running into, the BBEG will turn into the Crystal Dragon equivalent of Tiamat and Bahamut, but with immunity to magical damage and the powers of 5 gods. The various pantheons of the world will literally abandon it and sever its ties to the greater multiverse, essentially stranding the world in a pocket universe that doesn't link to any other plane. If the party stays, they'll find that all magic is running out, as the BBEG is siphoning it all into his being and none of it is being replenished by gods or the other planes. If they figure out that the mage academy is building what amounts to the first Spelljammer ship, they can board it and escape to Sigil before the world is severed.
I can still think of a way to beat him.
Simply put, poison magic. If he wants it so bad, then imbue it with anathema. Enlist other bbeg-style folks to do it. Or peruse the belongings and writings of long-defeated ones of legend.
That's crazy!
So crazy...that it just might work.
So far, the only other BBEG villains are either indirectly working for him or are basically C+ rank threats to his SSS rank threats. In theory, the Orc lord who worships Orcus in the Wild Lands could literally summon Hell to help, but it would end up being Dragon God versus Darkseid and the party would still basically lose. The human king is still so pissed that they took his god weapon that he would literally commit mass genocide on the races the party's belong to and assume that he can take on the BBEG himself.
A lot of what goes on is heavily influenced by the crazy shit that the party and some guest one-off sessions have done, so, they may have neutered or pushed the other BBEG into an alliance by the time BAD END could happen. Hell, one munchkin's actions have already resulted in a whole chuck of the world map being too dangerous for them to go to and will absolutely make stopping the BBEG very hard.
But could the core concept work if they somehow managed to make magic toxic?
His body would be comprised of the same materials that the gods in the setting make their weapons out of, which is resistant to magical damage period. Making himself a god in the flesh on the Material Plane automatically makes that particular version of the Material Plane his domain, so no other gods would dare enter into it without breaking the fragile balance that keeps the planes running smoothly. Making magic toxic would be something he could literally undo if he felt it coming into himself. I'm also leaving out the most asshole reason as to why he's bascially invulnerable: he's so old he works off of AD&D rules. The party is 5E, so none of their attacks could ever hurt him; they can't roll for THAC0.
That last bit is admittedly retarded, user
I wouldnt recommend keeping that idea.
Just convert to 5e and make him stupid powerful.
Of course it is; it was original a joke from some point in the campaign that i could just bring in someone in the group's character from 3.5 and just solve all the problems because their AC was 40something. Sadly, the group eventually agreed to the idea that old enough things follow the rules of previous editions, so that someone could have equipment from 3.5E Hercules.
Luckily for them, this is the absolute worst case scenerio and even them throwing one of the god weapons into the Plane of Mud or Carceri would permanently keep the BBEG from going god-mode.
I made a magic Hitler with a small chaos beast acting as his arm.
It was slowly consuming him and driving him mad, he began to organize his Church of Magic toward genociding folks who aren't magic.
He was just a level Sid magic user, but the chaos beast's psionics made him way OP
>Killer Queen
Oh boy, you're in for a treat later on...
I accidentally copied most of King Crimson without realizing it a couple years ago for my campaign. It was a fucking mess from start to finish.