Notice anything yet?
Notice anything yet?
They're all women? They're all brown? They're all brightly colored? They all have lots of metal around them?
Saheeli Rai is cute! CUTE!
They're all pretty and I wish I was friends with them
They all look pixelated as fuck
Confirmed virgins.
>All women
>All of indeterminate races
>Most likely stronk womyn with no real personality traits
Tumblr as fuck
The only one that doesn't look like a curry is the far right.
Otherwise it's Wizards pandering to their male audience with waifu bait.
I have no idea what this post is about someone give me a hint
How is Saheeli not cute?
They're not indeterminate.
They're PoC!
Pickers of cotton?
This user gets it.
Enemy fast lands confirmed. You heard it here first folks.
>le tumbling booger man
Yeah, they're really pandering to the airship crowd. Filthy SJWs at Wizard with their sky vehicle agenda.
More than half of all cards from new Innistrad had women or negros depicted on them. That's the direction they are going now. Bringing more diversity into the game. Amputee planeswalker next block, you heard it here first.
Daretti has no legs.
>Amputee planeswalker next block
Those SJW fucks!
>expecting a /pol/ack to know about actual cards
I was kind of upset with how many out of place blacks there were in Theros, but here is makes sense for them to be brown. If you get inspiration of a plane from india, Im totally fine with the people being indian. On top of that, theres nothing inherently wrong with woman characters, we havent seen how theyve been written as far as I'm aware. The only thing I could see you complaining about is their lack of having large breasts, but thats not too bad. Not everyone has to have big tits man.
My bigges problem, though, is that the dwarf doesnt look like much of a dwarf to me. She looks exactly like a human, nothing is in the picture for scale so I know she's short, no beard, no squatted facial/body features.
Too much flesh.
Not enough metal.
I feel the same way. That said I am at least happy that Dwarves are coming back, and with tribal support.
Eh, that's only because northern Europeans tell themselves the Greek stories sp much that they imagine Jesus was blonde.
Yeah, the Kaladesh dwarves have looked a little too human to me so far as well.
Of course, I take it for granted that dwarvish women have beards so that's throwing me off a bit here. But hopefully some of the artists also emphasize that they're not built like humans are.
It's looking to be an enemy-colored set overall, so it'd actually be a pretty good time to do it. You might be onto something there, user.
They should because I'm kinda a /pol/lack myself.
>Indian plane
>Several look indian.
I notice you keep making this fucking thread.
None of them are wearing headdresses or selling all their land for beads though.
Check your map Columbus.
How do you rustle up the energy to care so much?
There should be no black people anywhere in any setting, user. Anything else is just pandering to the feminists.
Since when did you guys start caring about demographic representation even more than Tumblr does?
No, seriously. Why the fuck are you whining about MUH REPRESENTATION just like the people you hate? Do you not realize you have become the very thing you claim to despise?
Will there even be any violence in this set?
With so many women it's kinda problematic since Wizards can't have depictions of violence against women anymore.
Probably just robots getting trashed.
Someone's butthurt.
>ctrl+f 'representation'
>2 results
>Both in your post
What point are you even trying to make?
He traces
Your joke would work if not for the fact that we know the next set is literally called revolt, and involves violent revolution.
.... Whispers of Emrakul figures a lady having bad times with tentacles.
The point that the OP post is trying to make is that there are too many women in the game, and too many of them are non-white.
Just like the Tumblr folk he complains about so much, who whine about too many white men instead.
Other side of the same coin.
So this is who magic is pandering nowadays
Well, maybe it will work out for them
I am but that doesn't negate my pont you little faggot.
where they will trash robots, genderless ghosts and the occaisional male.
No need to, your point is shit in the first place. You're pissing your panties over demographics in a child's card game.
Or they won't, you certainly don't know what will happen because you just want to be offended at something.
That said, they're indian-looking women in fantasy India, although Kaladesh is also noted to have white and black people based on Origins. I assume we're not going to complain there are dark-skinned people in fantaasy egypt.
...Oh, who am I kidding, we're TOTALLY going to complain, aren't we?
Ooooh, I see. Sorry mate, I misunderstood and thought you were speaking in defense of OP.
As if that dwarf isn't white as fuck.
This is the future we chose.
these are the people who will complain that there were non-white people in Theros, but also claim that Gideon isn't white when you point out that the entire Gatewatch is white.
You're butthurt.
Is "brown" what we're calling R/U this plane?
...A fairly attractive black woman?
I can live with that. If these are the flavors I have to choose, I'd take brown sugar over salt any day.
A certain prophet some threads ago predicted there will be a few blacks in the Egypt plane, but they will all be in positions of great power or importance (a literal We Wuz Kangz scenario.)
Arena callback?
This is really getting old, /pol/ack. Just leave.
Pretty dark girls? You're really not selling the whole doomsday scenario, buddy.
When all they serve is brown sugar and spice, you start to yearn for a little salt or vanilla.
I'm saying the first gives you diabetes, bowel trouble and rotten teeth while the other gives you hypertension and heart failure. Which is a far more accurate representation of both sides than I went into this.
Eh... I'm hoping for more ambiguously brown than black, given that Egyptians aren't black. Yes, there was a very short lived Nubian dynasty, but overall they would not have looked Sub Saharan African.
>Indeterminate races
Caucasoid, Kusho-Semitic, a fucking elf
You're right.
Nothing bad happens to women
Immune to injury, embarrassment or death they be.
Last I checked the five white kids that are now the face of magic ain't going anywhere, but nobody's happy about that.
There's more chocolate and cinnamon than there used to be at the table, but people are too quick to confuse less vanilla with a sign there will never be vanilla again. Vanilla's not going anywhere.
You're a faggot?
>Set is designed by a Jewish man
>Surprised when tons of niggers and women are added in
I don't see how this is anything new really
>Woman on woman violence
That's a trope as old as movies.
>overall they would not have looked Sub Saharan African
While this is true, I feel the need to inject the obligatory "it's fantasy". There's nothing that keeps this imaginary magic realm from having a an Ancient Egypt counterpart culture populated mainly by black people.
Nothing gruesome to be sure.
>3 people are women
>50% are women
Clearly a conspiracy
And even if they did they certainly wouldn't let a man take a swing.
>designed by a Jewish man
It's over, Magic is finished!
no, remember, Gideon isn't white, unless we want to complain about glorious theros whiteness being ruined by black people being present.
Never to have their bodies violated by foreign entities those women.
The problem with that is I don't like cinnamon, it's a weird spice I prefer in the occasional drink.
But now that cinnamon has pushed out some vanilla and chocolate that just means I'll be focusing more on the vanilla and chocolate, showcasing a deliberate avoidance of cinnamon which might get people raising eyebrows and asking why I hate spicy ground-up tree bark.
When there's only like six fun-sized Snickers or Cow Tails on the table, I'm gonna be hoarding those.
...She might be OK.
...No, no probably not.
Not even depicted in distress.
And you certainly wouldn't find all this in one set.
We'd like to thank the team behind Conspiracy: Take the crown for today's images.
Why not just a sub-Saharan African style plane instead and let the Egyptian plane, be, ya know, Egyptian?
and because of this I am entirely justified in complaining that people would start adding more options with cinnamon.
While some people might like cinnamon, I don't and as their core demographic, which I can speak for entirely, I say they shouldn't have tried to add cinnamon in to try to appeal to anyone outside of the vanilla lovers that they are clearly abandoning.
You know they will. Be here in 4 months and you'll see.
>Art from 15 years ago.
Great point.
"It's fantasy" feels like such a sleazy excuse though, it's the type of excuse you know is bull, but can't fight because it's "just valid enough."
You won't be seeing people say "it's fantasy" when there aren't any white people in a Not!Africa.
Because you can have a plane focused on Ancient Egypt, Nubia, Axum, or Abyssinia while disregarding sub-Saharan Africa. That's what Ancient History did, actually.
Literally cherry picking images.
Looks like you ran out user. 10 cards out of magics 100,000
>You won't be seeing people say "it's fantasy" when there aren't any white people in a Not!Africa.
Considering the number of white people we've seen from not!India, I don't think that will be a problem.
Problematic fantasy art from 15 years ago that they republish in 2016, of all years, instead of commissioning more PC art.
10 cards from the latest set.
It's not history's fault nothing happened worth mentioning in sub-Sahara Africa.
There is actually some grounds that there were black people in Egypt, from what I've read, simply that it is very unlikely the ancient Egyptians as we think of them were.
Of course, they weren't white either, so people that get defensive at brown skin are probably still going to be unhappy, but there's nothing you can do about that.
I mean the funny thing is you can make your Pharaoh just about any colour you like thanks to Greeks, Nubians and the pleasing mid shades of of the Semitic long tern inhabitants of Upper Egypt.
All have sat the throne at some point.
Cunningly Wizards has avoided this thorny subject by making their pharaoh, Nicol Bolas the Fuckmothering Elder Dragon.
fucker made a universal claim, so an existential refutation is enough.
Learn to logic bitch.
>Women being startled or possessed
>Somehow comperable to extreme physical harm
Where are the women in this one?
Or the blacks?
Watching browns be put into everything is like watching a parent trying to glorify their retarded kid.
Yeah but Bolas is black. It's right there in his colours. Blue, Black, Red.
She looks pretty dead to me.
Horrible death.
And actually turns out I missed one he's a lady falling into lava.
see An actual valid claim is that WotC doesn't do large amounts of gore.
And much like the people listening to that parent glorify their retard underachiever, they're not convincing anybody but will still nod along because that parent always brings snacks to Little League games.
Point is, at the end of the day nobody's really going to believe the drivel