Magic: The Gathering Modern General
(competitive discussion)
Magic: The Gathering Modern General
(competitive discussion)
Tiers are Usage Based etc.
What is the most definitive list for titanshift so far?
What spicy memes can Veeky Forums come up with for her ult?
I got your meme right here.
>tfw I can unironically not wait to test her in modern
Sh-She's just like Nahiri, right?
Nahiri is only good because she has a +2
She's bad dude.
Enemy fastlands in Kaladesh, you heard it here first.
Just double checking for my bant spirits list
I hit two of these with CoCo, I tap 4 creatures?
Yes, that's basically how the Scapeshift + Valakut combo works, except that Valakut doesn't trigger of itself entering the battlefield.
Question: I have read the rules about prizing, and they are extremely vague, but it seems like anything can be offered so long as they give out fnm promos.
My question is if packs are given as prizes, are they required to be sealed? i have heard conflicting reports on this, wanted clarification.
Event: standard, sanctioned
Prize: everyone buys a pack of latest set, owner takes and mixes them up, then opens them at the end of the night. (this is done to ensure people don't drop when they open big money, and stop them from being butthurt about having to give it away).
1st pick takes foil lili or whatever good was opened.
Event sealed/draft, sanctioned.
Prize: set amount of sealed packs based on standings.
Thought i read somewhere that prize packs have to be sealed, but unsure.
Probably just a shit store owner being a shit store owner.
A question arises: Inventors' Fair or Sea Gate Wreckage?
In what deck? I like Fair in Lantern Control more. 1 life is really important and it fetches bridges/shredders/lanterns
A lot of Affinity lists have been using a 1x Wreckage in case the deck stalls lategame. Being able to guarantee a Plating would be pretty nice, and it works better if you get flooded, but being able to repeat Wreckage is pretty nice.
This will not be played in Affinity
It seems playable in Lantern Control but definitely not Affinity, I can't see Affinity regularly getting enough mana to make use of Fair's ability.
I like Fair more, because I tend towards slow grindy control decks and the lifegain plus tutoring is pretty great. Still, why not run both?
Well, the +1 is underwhelming but it does filter, like Nahiri's.
Her -2 is fucken awesome though (and the reason why she may see play), it puts a lot of pressure in the opponent, like Nahiri.
Her ulti is also auto-win if you can deckbuild even half decently. Like Nahiri too.
But yeah, she's not Nahiri. Mainly because she belongs in an aggro shell that can make the most of her +1 ticking away at the opponent while filtering out lands.
I really like Swaheeli, but she seems really lacking. There might be a new archtype that will come out after the full spoiler for Kaladesh comes out that will take advantage of her, but its very unlikely. Her +1 is underwhelming and you only play her for -2, which is more or less just a one shot at worst.
Talking about Titans, here's a legendary one.
>5 mana
>Over curve in terms of P/T
>Dodges some removal
>Needs to be crewed
>Vulnerable to artifact hate
I'm just going to go ahead and post all the spoilers because we only get new shit each few months and its a breath of fresh air to discuss the spoilers away from spoiler thread shitposting.
They said 'badcascade' when they saw this creature, but the ability triggering once each turn, even your opponent's really gives you a lot of card advantage imho. Modern playable?, Doubt it, but looks to me like a EDH staple.
Works great with fetches and any sacrifice strategy. A bit of a "win more" card but it has a very strong ability and is costed rather aggressively.
Pls make a spoiler thread. These are not even close to modern playable
Black legend, infamous on arrival for introducing the Aetherborn type. EDH meat if I've seen any. I for one I'm just glad we don't get 'spoopy evil necromancy' again.
That's not a valid affirmation until we actually see them in action.
Fucking make me gaybo.
If you're not retarded it is. Learn to evaluate cards
You mean evaluate them like when Veeky Forums said Nahiri is shit?
You can suck it m8.
Nahiri IS shit in standard, and anons did meme about cheating Blightstell or Emrakul into play.
However, nobody actually believed that ulting Nahiri could be an actual wincon in modern, and the deck has been losing a ton of steam lately.
That's literally something that you only realize when you put enough testing into a deck. Pretty sure the people who came up with it weren't really sure on how well she'd do as well, but quickly realized the potential.
Double lord for 3 with a strong ability and is a 3/3 too.
I'm amazed this isn't a mythic.
-2 make a copy of my black lotus
all i can come up with is a janky door to nothingness combo
will we be seeing a lot of brown women in the next two blocks?
I think it will. It'll take testing to see if it's better than Wreckage, but it will definitely see play while that testing is being done.
... And that's why spoilers are always worth discussing even if they may appear subpar at first glance. You never know when you'll hit gold.
The big deal with this guy is that his ability works with tokens. That makes it potentially very effective at generating energy.
Holy shit, I wasn't aware that they never finished the cycle.
>this is actually plausible
I agree, we can discuss spoilers that have modern potential, but we don't need to talk about EDH-bait, and draft garbage.
Don't post the entire fucking spoiler in the thread, but rather post a select few cards and explain what applications they might have in modern.
Put some effort in your post and stop spamming.
Post your reaction if MM3 uses Landfall as a major mechanic and has Zendikar fetches at Rare.
Talking about energy generators, this one is rather efficient, specially in a format with fetches.
Sure, the token creation is ver pricey and whatever, but I think the point of it isn't that it can create tokens, but how efficient energy on Landfall can be.
Depending on what kind of stuff you can do with that energy this might be the new Tireless Tracker.
Oh my God. Fucking kill yourself
>modern chat
>all people talk about is Kaladesh spoilers
That's what I did. Rares and Mythics and that's it.
Now give me your blasted opinion. Because, unlike most people, I do give a fuck about what you've got to say about these cards.
You don't really count on ever activating Sea Gate Wreckage. It's just in because the downsides of playing it are inconsequential and it might come in handy 1 out of every 12 games. Inventors' Fair will be largely the same, but it seems like it could be relevant in just a few more games.
Sea Gate just helps you try to get your footing back and stay in the game, Fair promises you a threat. The obvious difference here is that Sea Gate can only help you when you're out of gas, Fair can help you close out the game before it gets to that point.
It'll definitely get tried out and I really think it could go either way.
I wish I could but I got an important test on monday.
Playing a modern pptq tomorrow, playing Bant Eldrazi, how bad am I going to get railed?
>we can discuss spoilers that have modern potential
Well, the only thing they've spoiled so far that has over 3 toughness is the boat and that's obviously not playable, so it's going to be a while.
Bantdrazi has no inherent weaknesses. If you draw a good hand, you usually just win. Your biggest problems are decks faster than you, so if Infect or Burn get good hands its usually a race.
It's all shitposting, circlejerking and inane banter, spiced with the occasional shitbrew and "Would this poorly designed card I made save Modern?" posts anyways, so imho spoiler discussion is alright for a change.
if you'd rather have the usual I do have an assortment of shitbrews and and fake cards you can look over.
Thanks for the reminder user, need at least one Chalice for that sideboard, gotta keep the faster decks off of me
Fair enough, proceed
... You got me, I'm a dirty netdecker who exclusively plays T1 decks and nothing else.
... This does look Modern playable though.
Its a tiny bit smaller, tougher Ball Lightning that can be repeated just tapping a Goblin Guide. Its arguably easierto cast as long as you aren't playing monored.
No. You're all so fucking awful at magic of hurts
my thoughts on netdeckers:
I don't actually netdeck at all, I was just tired and wanted an excuse to fuck off to bed.
Good argument there m8.
Not either of you but it's clearly too slow for the type of deck it wants to be in (mentioned goblin guide, burn would rather have another 3 to the face)
>This does look Modern playable though
You need your eyes checked.
This is the best spoiled card so far
Store I go to gives out prizes based on attendance. 1.5 packs or so per player, you get 1 pack no matter your standing, the better your record the more packs you get. You choose from standard legal packs, get them sealed
>taping down 2 damage of attackers to hit in for 5
it's a fucking hill giant with haste for 4
I don't think Burn's going to use it, but considering the first swing doesn't need you to crew it might outvalue Lightning Ball through several turns, even if you gotta crew it later.
It's bretty good by itself, that's for sure. I'm thinking it might have a place in some multicolor burn variants and/or stompy decks. Any deck that would like to run Ball Lightning but doesn't want to pay RRR really.
>four mana for five trample damage
>modern usable
You're in the wrong thread, boyo. We already have Goblin Grenade, Lightning Axe, fucking Ball Lightning even. This card is absolute garbage compared to them.
You miss the part where you get a free swing in though. You know, just the one important part that makes it good.
>Lightning Axe
I get the feeling it's you who should go.
Better than Flame Slash in dredge.
I think what he's passive aggressively trying to point out is that Lightning Axe can only hit creatures.
If it could hit players it would obscene.
itching to start piecing together a new deck. Should i go ub faeries or rug delver?
>brown women
yes and Wizards has confirmed that the 3 letter code for the set after the Egypt one will be CUK.
Temur Delver so you can convert it better when you get sick of it.
One does not simply tire of Delver.
yay for vehicles, can't wait to play with them in modern 6 years from now when we return to kadalesh and they print one that isn't garbage
Is RG titanshift good?
I want to make a memey combo deck based around:
>Fertile Ground
>RU or UB man land
>Free from the real
Should I go for a deck that tries to ramp out this combo ASAP or something that controls till I can do it all at once?
Also are there easier ways to make infinite mana?
cool art, shitty card. just the usual "big green guy with +1/+1 counters"
fuck off wotc
How about you try to actually be playable and cut half of those cards for a Utopia Sprawl.
To be fair, it's the biggest they're ever printed for it's cost, so it's far from usual.
This thing is a pure Timmy card, sure, but it's unprecedentedly above curve.
There's a 5 cost 8/8 uncounterable hippo from zen isn't there?
Good lord tg sucks at magic. Jesus
Hay guise I'm playing the cancer eldrazi bant
trouble is that decks I don't really interact with much, even after sideboard, have been pretty auto-lose for me
Notably hate bears and elves. I put in wrath of gods over my three of stubborn denial in the side, but is there a better answer for these decks?
I had considered maybe chalice of the void. The problem is what I really want is pyroclasm, and it's just not available in my colors
6 mana for Terra Stomper.
Colorless skizzik?
You could try some prison cards maybe.
Ghostly Prison does a good job of stopping wide things, Worship is also a really neat card for the deck.
For boardwipes, I'm a bit low on creativity tonight so the best bet imo (although quite expensive unfortunately) would probably be Engineered Explosives. The best part is that Ancient Stirrings can find it, and I think it goes around Thalia's ability due to Sunburst.
This site is pretty neato
Chalice is actually the answer to those decks. They shouldn't even be putting up a fight against you.
Its a fucking 8/8 with trample for 5cc with literally 0 drawbacks and can distribute 4 power across the board. Im not saying its Modern playable but holy shit is WoTC sucking Green's dick way too hard for the past 5 years.
>implying they won't just finish cuckland cycle
ghostly prison is not a bad idea at all, 1 mana less than wrath and slows them down considerably
I do already have 3 engi explosives in there, the problems are that they often have diverse mana costs, even though they are heavy on 1 drops, it often misses the double striking three drops or elf lords respectively. And hatebears can sometimes go indestructible with selfless spirit
I will check out that site seems very useful
Yeah, I was going to avoid the $20 price tag for the chalices on mtgo, but it seems like the chalice is a very good answer. If I can't figure out something cheaper I will bite the bullet on the chalices.
My win % is only a little better than %50 at the moment, so it's hard to justify spending even more on MTGO when the returns on it are very hard fought (and for me, no returns until I get a better win %)
At least you aren't in paper.
I actually found an article today that may have had something to do with that. It's from fully 14 years ago!
But it brings up some good points for the powers each color gets, and how reprints affect standard (modern didn't exist at that time)
Basically, blue is too good because counterspells can hit anything. Wizards seems to agree, and hasn't reprinted counterspell or any hard counter for 2 in a long long time.
And really, green needs a little extra love because it's powers, other than mana fixing and tarmogoyf which are good, are pumping creatures and big, dumb guys. Both lose to removal really hard, and it's difficult to win with a deck that's just big dumb guys and pump.
inb4 infect and zoo use pump, yes there are ways to make pump good, that doesn't mean its a good color power by itself
I kind of like the gearhulk for spreading the power around, which makes u less vulnerable to spot removal
Did you forget the whole standard we just had last year that was all undercosted big guys?
Yeah sure green dies to Doom Blade but they haven't printed Doom Blade in awhile.
don't play much standard friendo
but from what I do follow about it, hasn't one of the most dominant decks been white weenie with 22 one drops?
feel free to correct me I'm far from a standard expert
That was the most recent standard, which quickly shifted to green dominance of 2-drop 3/3 and 4/5s with instant speed pump+fight spells.
Khans of Tarkir brought a 4-drop 4/5 trample that drained your opponent for 3 on ETB and helped create the Abzan Aggro/Midrange archetype that occupied 40% of the meta.
Ive been going in and out of standard over the past years, and it hasnt been good ever since SOM-INN post-Caw Blade. INN-RTR was was either Delver.dec or some variant of tempo spirits, humans or goodstuff.dec where you blink Thragtusk with Restoration Angel a gorillion times.
Standard now is mostly variants of GW aggro where Collected Company is the best card ever. Even now where Bant spirits and BG Delirium w/Eldritch Evolution is a thing, CoCo is still the lynchpin card. Thing is, Green is just really good.
Other ideas are Circle of Protections (yes, they're modern legal! no, they aren't too amazing! but they do work!)
Fog effects like Pollen Lullaby could be neat, although I think Prison might be a better.
Try out a few games with a buddy facing those matchups, and see if it does the trick. It's also not half bad vs things like Merfolk, Dredge and Kiki decks
>ever since SOM-INN post cawblade.
Meant to say just SOM-INN, although postban Zen-SOM was also decent
ooo norn's annex is pretty sexy
too bad it basically costs me 4 life in an aggro matchup, and hatebears gladly just pays white where it can and life when it can't
the metamox site got me thinking about terminus, but that's probably a terrible idea
can't keep it in your opening hand, where you'd really like to be able to mull for it. And hits my own creatures
Still a topdeck 1 cost boardwipe is a tantalizing prospect, but in testing it probably just won't do what I am counting on
Theros-KTK was alright I guess since its that last time a legitimate engine-style combo deck was legal and viable with Jeskai Ascendancy.