Seriously why did the have to talk about this acceptance of cultures shit why couldn't they just release Khaladesh and thats it.
Now it's obvious they are promoting the SJW shit culture. My only question is when is Jace gonna become a black woman, or when are they gonna remake Karn to actually be portrayed as black man essentialy making him Urza's slave?
You sound /pol/ as fuck. Just go lick one of those naked Trump statues and forget about all your troubles.
Michael Martin
fuck off retard
Owen Ward
But he's not, he's triggered by the fact that Wizards is doing the Marvel thing and throwing confetti all about themselves, patting themselves on the back so hard Old Man MaRo's denatures are popping out, and proclaiming smugly how great they are just because they created a nonwhite fantasy setting. Spoiler alert: every nonwhite culture has already done that by now. "Progressive" my Urza's bollocks.
Jackson King
> muh /pol/ boogieman Fuck off. It's not just that they made a nog walker, it's the blatant pandering that goes with it. The backstory they shat out is literally WE WUZ KANGZ: the character. And on top of that the insufferably smug attitude and the whole thing just becomes insulting.
Jordan Butler
Veeky Forums is full of these peopel
Jaxon Bennett
Normally I just quietly roll my eyes whenever I see this thread, but the fact that WotC talks about this shit all the time has honestly started to annoy.
I don't want Kamigawa 2 not because of power or flavor concerns, but because I liked Kamigawa the first time and I'd rather not endure weeks, possibly months of WotC jerking themselves off over how "inclusive" it would be.
Adrian Perry
Why does like 98% of "SJW in MtG" threads have the same single card/character/art/whatever that is? It looks badly biased and I'm starting to think you don't have any more examples.
Jayden Adams
Angel Rodriguez
Watch their presentation at pax yesterday, that shit was literally "all races included" pandering.
Juan Ortiz
>Seriously why did the have to talk about this acceptance of cultures shit why couldn't they just release Khaladesh and thats it. Intersectionalism. EVERYTHING has become an issue of race and gender. EVERYTHING.
Don't even bother, guys like him are frogs in a slowly boiling pot of water. Just like when they said feminists would never take our vidya away... except Australia banned GTA 5 for violence against women of all things, and we have both the French and British governments considering promotion of "progressive" video games.
Ryder Morales
There's nothing wrong in including all races.
Alexander Gray
There something seriously wrong with crowbarring in races and then announcing that like it's something amazing. If you can't see that, then you're fucking blind on top of being retarded.
Christian Brooks
> If you can't see that, then you're fucking blind on top of being retarded
I've found people only say this when they have no argument.
Logan Reyes
>Magic >Black Character >Woman character >Black AND woman >Printed, important character
We... WE MUST DESTROY THE SOCIAL JUSTICE WARRIORS ! This is it ! This is too much ! This is the last straw ! We shouldn't have suffered those abominations so much and we won't take them anymore ! It's time for FEAR to change side ! It's time for us real humans to take back power, by out most powerful mean that THE SJEWS have been forbidding us !! (((Wizard of the Coast))), hear me out ! Starting today, for every black "people" printed on a card, each MtG player of true humanity will kill a dindu. For every woman printed on a card, each MtG player of true humanity will kill a cunt. For every follower of the wrong religion printed on a card, each MtG player of true humanity will kill a jew. For every "non binary gender" printed on a card, each MtG player of true humanity will kill a tranny. For every leftist printed on a card, each MtG player of true humanity will kill a traitor. For every environmentalist printed on a card, each MtG player of true humanity will kill a hippie.
We will see how long your "reach to minority" will last once your "new market" has been driven to (a long needed) extinction...
Gavin Price
It's pandering. Blatant, shameless pandering to the most worthless subhumans imaginable, all so they can smugly proclaim how "progressive" they are.
Matthew Morgan
Don't be upset that other people are getting pandered to. They'll pander to you eventually.
Kevin Evans
>Veeky Forums was better when you couldn't tell the difference between it and /co/
Isaiah Martin
>product has a dominant white male player base >company wants to make more money >pander to other demographics cause companies want to make more money each quarter >they actually have steady growth each year
They are banking on their userbase not being filled with people who will stop playing the game because they have more brown looking characters
Don't really care as have always found the MTG stories and lore boring so always ignored it. The entire cast could be filled with black trannies and no fucks would be given, like actually tell me why should I stop playing the game if this were to happen. The company being smug doesn't trigger me.
Oliver Campbell
I don't give a fuck about MtG, it's other people spamming the board with the same character over and over. Can't get the thread autofiltering to work or I'd straight hide that shit.
Carter Moore
>OP calls asinine on the literal WE WAZ KANGZ walker thats a blatant hypocritical stereotype perpetuating racism. >SJW's seeing the signs of a black person in any way shape or form immediately jump to its defense as long as it pushes down the white man >people say Veeky Forums is the same as it ever was. you know what, ya'll literally to retarded to function, fuck this, you fuckers let the furshits in with their faggy furshit threads, you lot let the filthy crossboarding scum in with their retarded quest shit and you faggots will allow yourselves to go full tumblr and become SJW's so you can collectively white knight and continue your snowball in hell streak of never getting any regardless of being a beta orbiter. >MFW the current state of Veeky Forums
Jose Campbell
>whines specifically about black people >uses the word 'nog' >"hurr durr he isn't triggered by black people xDDDDD"
Stay mad, son. You're on the losing side of history, and your butthurt will only put you in an early grave. :)))
Aiden Thompson
>they actually have steady growth each year They don't, pretty much every Veeky Forums-related company is experiencing negative growth, some drastically.
MtG isn't so hot theses days, especially in America they've been experiencing a y/y decline for 4~ years.
Daniel Hughes
are you suggesting you have to go out of your way to make someone's skin something other than white in a made up setting?
Jack Cruz
>A company run predominantly by white men catering to other white men engages in tokenism Stop the fucking presses.
Landon Reyes
2c has been deposited into your account.
Keep up the good work.
David Butler
>crossboarding scum >with their retarded quest shit How can I tell you're a newfag pretending to be an oldfag?
Anthony Johnson
>botting this hard by turning black into white >being this much of a deflecting shit on being called out for being an SJW fuckwaffle
Sebastian Sanchez
>They are banking on their userbase not being filled with people who will stop playing the game because they have more brown looking characters
Well, they will have to change this strategy when the flames rise, the RaHoWa takes power and the Day of the Ropes happens... which will be sooner than they think !
>Don't really care as have always found the MTG stories and lore boring so always ignored it. The entire cast could be filled with black trannies and no fucks would be given, like actually tell me why should I stop playing the game if this were to happen. The company being smug doesn't trigger me.
You are exactly the kind of person for which DEATH has been invented.
Bentley White
The problem is that typically these people they pander to over their old fan base just don't buy anything.
Henry Russell
See Friend
"Quests" began on /co/ as CYOS threads.
Daniel Mitchell
So, how's being black Jewish tranny leftist working out for you?
Liam Hughes
you think quests are old or something? so which one brought you in crossboarding newfag scum, was it planefag shit? was it some other pile of weebcrap that has nothing to do with here? Are you here for the monstergirl threads you filthy furry fuck? Tell me what brand of terrible cancerous shit are you?
Ryder Lopez
>and we have both the French and British governments considering promotion of "progressive" video games. Source?
John Murphy
The default human being is a heterosexual white male, all other things are just offshoots.
Christopher Nguyen
>You are exactly the kind of person for which DEATH has been invented. >lol die >I don't agree with your opinion so I'm just going to tell you to die
You seem unreasonably upset, user. I suggest you take your medication and lie down for a while.
Evan Sanders
What is your source for this? The hasbro quarterly reviews have been stating the complete opposite for a couple years now.
Same for tabetop gaming, all searches I look up say the opposite.
Nolan Perry
How many times are you going to make this fucking thread.
Lucas Jones
>Magic: the Gathering declined low single digits and is flat year-to-date
Luke Rodriguez
You can't believe how unbelievably angry forced diversity makes me. Like, I didn't know how to voice what was increasingly wrong with media, but once I realized what the agenda was, I can't help but notice it everywhere.
It's PC bullshit, really.
Landon Brown
Quests are old. Rubyquest was 2008.
Jonathan Barnes
Yes, clearly this thread has nothing to do with /pol/
Alexander Williams
As many times as the fish keep on taking the bait.
>WAAAHH SJWS ARE COMING!!!! Go away /pol/. No-one likes you.
Adrian Hill
Almost there : the ONLY human beings are heterosexual white males. "Women" are a genotypic aberration that made around 6% of human births and were never considered fully human by any civilization and government until the SJWs used powerful MKULTRA neurolinguistic in 1985 (in retaliation for Reagan reelection) to make believe they 1°) were human all along and 2°) were necessary for reproduction. Non-white race are our inferior predecessors and failed experiments before Yakub perfected us into the perfect and only truly human life-form. Non-straight people have had their genome mutated into homosexuality and transgenderism by exposure to (((airwaves))) et chemtrails.
Aiden Moore
Eli Reyes
You know what, you're right. There isn't anything wrong with inclusive storytelling, at its core. The ghost girl in OP's pic is actually a neat character, and on the meta side her foil is probably the most creative use of foiling I've ever seen. The issue, and I'll continue to use her for the example, is the self-congratulatory, horn-tooting behavior Wizards engages in with all these characters. They specifically made a post about how they hired an "Actual Black Woman™" to advise them on how to write her despite the fact that I doubt a fantasy setting had the same stigma against darker-skinned people that they do/did in our world, but I digress. There's nothing inherently wrong with getting some input to make a character more genuine, but they had no reason to tell everyone about it, it reeks of self-glorification and makes it actually feel insincere. The same thing with Narset, when they made a post or two about how she's autistic, or Alesha being trans. With Alesha, the way they explained Mardu culture made the whole trans thing seem shoehorned. They say that khans choose their name and can choose what they want, Alesha chose her grandmother's name. It made it ambiguous, maybe she just revered her, maybe it's an identity thing. There was even a conflict within her clan about it, where she had to appear stronger to make up for having a woman's name. But then again Wizards tooted their own horn about how important it was for them to be inclusive. It comes off as insincere when you remind everyone constantly of how progressive you are.
Zachary Collins
Honestly, I don't know. I consider myself the most liberal guy ever (For a Chinese). But I think a lot of this shit goes too far. I don't understand why we bend over backwards to put black people, sexual deviants and so on into games.
Like, why? There's no benefit.
Isaiah Reyes
Let them be smug and pandering.
Eventually the hype will fade and this stuff will just be the new norm and it'll all be cool.
Matthew Jackson
Do you actually have a point you'd like to make, or are we just comparing reaction folders now?
Aaron Thomas
>he doesn't know SJW's invading tabletops and destroying games is a real thing >implying Veeky Forums even plays games its literally how my group died, our GM got an SJW girlfriend, immediately shut down the game, i tried running a game and people were too interested in orbiting the SJW creature instead of doing friend shit, then drama happened and nobody talks to each other anymore, all because of one dumb whore, who cares though, not my blog, call me a faggot Veeky Forums, remind me this place is still the place i at least know.
Thomas Morales
Not the first one, though. Drew the Lich began January 2008.
Charles Harris
Basically this. The world has become so crazy, /pol/ is actually giving sane advice. It's like how Viktor Orban's 'let the refugees fucking die' plan was actually the right one.
What the fuck happened to the world, since the time of my father? When did the rot set in?
Parker Myers
You know, I'm half suspecting it isn't Veeky Forums pushing this agenda, because anybody who has played Pathfinder, WoD etc. knows exactly how deadly liberal politics can be to a RPG.
Ethan Martinez
Yes, truly this is an invasion of zendikar by the LDRZ!
Brandon Clark
It's marketing, tooting your own horn is the name of the game. Many people care about that, so it is marketed that way.
Liam Howard
>British opposition MPs >Two of them >This is "The Government of the UK"
You know the polite thing to do when you know nothing about a topic is not to comment.
Jace Brown
>What the fuck happened to the world, since the time of my father? When did the rot set in?
We can't even tell anymore since (((they))) changed time itself. True story.
Connor Gonzalez
well no shit, its been proven this shits been pushed hard for the last couple of years, hell if you go on /pol/ you can find screen caps of political organizations pushing for this shit since their all globalist fuckwaffles. fucking /pol/ the god damn neo nazis who legit have threads on a regular basis denying genocides of all kinds and generally being cunts, have been reasonable compared to some of these globalist shits.
Isaac Perez
I guess Pathfinder General is just paid shills then?
Gavin Watson
Can I say that I'm so glad for Brexit? I mean, I sort of want Trump to win this coming November anyway, and for the EU to collapse. I sort of want the whole project to fall apart.
I just think it's fucking crazy. I can't believe I'm saying that I'd take 'extreme right' over 'extreme left', but there we go.
Anthony Rivera
>implying people actually like pathfinder when its literally a poor man's 3.5, plz donate money on patreon edition
Ryan Barnes
Is one of the "globalist shitwaffles" your referring to? they're newfie as fuck and don't even remember when /pfg/ used to get thought a thread in
Camden Hall
>The world has become so crazy, /pol/ is actually giving sane advice. >What the fuck happened to the world, since the time of my father? When did the rot set in? Easy. You've moved into a social bubble, and bought into a comfortable fantasy about how the world looks.
People since fucking Aristotle have claimed the world is rotting, and it's never been anything more than a convenient fiction that absolves the believer of responsibilities and pretends that hardship's the result of an external force, rather than just the world being a big and complex place.
>I sort of want the whole project to fall apart. The "rebirth" viewpoint is idioliistic nonsense. Making the world more terrible won't magically underflow into fixing everything. It's a mindset for toddlers.
Eli Long
Well, since Hungary declared itself on a war foting against EU, it is only a matter of time before the Eu collapses because Germany managed an economic takeover rather than a military one.
Or hadn't anyone noticed?
Anthony Johnson
> knows exactly how deadly liberal politics can be to a RPG.
I've played all of those and what the flying fuck are you talking about?
Brody Ortiz
>I've played all of those and what the flying fuck are you talking about? They're scared.
Dylan Perry
to a degree yes, mostly those are whats referred to as paid shills, basically dickheads from 3rd world countries who just learned how to use a computer to push for whatever the shit agenda, you can see them all the time in pretty much any comment in a comment section anywhere anything political comes up, they are fairly easy to notice after dealing with them for a while.
Carson Harris
I don't know. A lot of decisions don't make sense. Like the whole refugee crisis: What's the possible benefit to us? I'm not grand strategist, but a child could tell it was a bad idea.
Why would anyone do that? Shit's mad.
Hudson Bennett
He's referring to SJW pandering in PF, which hasn't destroyed anything.
Carson Long
Those are pretty bad. Wrath of the Righteous has the most infamous example.
Justin Carter
Brexit was a shitshow, nothing will actually change beyond giving Sturgeon another swing at an Indy ref and causing bad blood.
But hay we're here now and there's no sense trying to go half-way, I think the worst thing about Brexit is how popular it is. It's like designated shitting streets, no matter what the discussion is as soon as the UK is brought up in any capacity Brexit has to be brought up to.
Caleb Phillips
>The backstory they shat out is literally WE WUZ KANGZ: the character
Why? I'm curious, what makes her backstory emblematic of black people? So far all I've seen of her is that she's an assassin who specializes in killing ghosts.
>except Australia banned GTA 5 for violence against women of all things
Australia bans vidya because of its extremely conservative Christian government. It's run by an almost theocratic motley of hyper-conservatives, so I don't see how you're helping your argument here. These people you're talking about are not 'progressives' at all, they're the opposite.
Mason Lopez
I noticed this with the university role playing group I used to go to. When I first went there there were SJW's and there were normies. >80% of the normies were turning up for the first time, and I noticed a distinct pattern of fewer and fewer of them turning up over the course of a year, to the point that only a few were left by the end. The normies were jumping ship by the week, eventually resulting in me leaving because I was sick of talking to neon-hair fat dyke feminists, effeminate metro-sexuals, or dudes in dresses calling themselves women.
Juan Hill
It's the biggest thing that happened to the UK in a while. I'm just kind of delighted that Jo Cox died for nothing, they were holding her up as a martyr and then pffffff.
Brody Collins
Yeah bro but it's also kind of immoral to let them drown in the Med and starve stateless.
Thomas Watson
>WoD is literally dead, their most successful release in the last 19 years was a republishing of a 20~ year old core rulebook >Pathfinder is staffed by a skeleton crew who can't stop a ever declining quality issue and player satisfaction rate
Everything is fine citizen.
Jackson Wright
If you care about what people exaggerate on a design that's sad, you should only care when the card in question is statistically better and due to an "Accuracy" the whole game would be put into disarray because people have more common sense than you believe.
Here is an example
Regular card 2 power to summon 1/1 Nothing special
Card that Panders same cost Better stats Special bonus that makes base card obsolete
That is when you should care.
Cooper Lopez
Karn is already confirmed to be asexual, so...
Elijah Cooper
It really shouldn't be our problem, though.
Like, we have voices yammering about how American imperialism is wrong, but at the same thing they want us to intervene in the Middle East for humanitarian reasons. Can't we just shut the doors, bar the gates, and let them handle their own problems?
John Martin
>the losing side of history Is this b8 or do you actually speak like that?
Austin Ortiz
>I am delighted that a person was killed and the people the killer supported got their way
Now that's what I call edgy.
Of course, they didn't get their way, Boris and his lot clearly didn't want to actually win, they just wanted to surf on the popularity boost. Brexit is never going to actually happen, they're already pushing it further and further back.
William Clark
Regarding Aus GTA5, my recollection was that it was a single store-chain that banned it.
Noah Murphy
thats a quote form 2014. the year prior to that it had growth and 15/16 have had growth.
Justin Rodriguez
>bitter r/uk tears
Austin Morales
I wouldn't be surprised.
Lies and misdirection are the only tools these people have.
Justin Torres
Seeing as the political right is often hardcore christians, it's kind of funny to see them trying to shirk away from their christian duty to help the helpless.
Jonathan Green
She was a political opponent, however. For instance, if Merkel was assassinated, it would be a relief. Like, it would be a tragedy for her family, but it would be to our good.
Nathaniel Rivera
>Like, why? There's no benefit.
see trying to grow a playerbase
Jackson Wood
Different person but she comes from nobility and says it in a bit of a throwaway line where she says "but we were never ones to stand on ceremony." or something of the type to immediately distance the character from any noble qualities which beggars the question of including that fact in the first place.
What actually bothers me about this character is actually a perfectly workable concept, estranged noble working a plane-hopping ghost assassin, but then they did everything possible including hiring a consultant to make her as similar to a modern African-American as possible.
Brayden Johnson
>Seeing as the political right is often hardcore christians
Check your Americanism senpai. Christians vote left in Europe.
Levi Rodriguez
Religion and realpolitik are two different things. Like, religion is okay up until it gets in the way. Then you drop it like a hot potato. Like, when push comes to shove, you're not actually going to die for something that is hard to define.
Jaxson Morris
I guess it shows the character of these people that they actually believe this is a good thing.
You don't see the other side doing the same because the other side isn't attractive to basement-dwelling sociopaths with a worldview informed entirely by /pol/.
Alexander Flores
But the other side would cheer if Donald Trump was assassinated.
John Johnson
Goddamit /pol/ stop fucking shitting in /co/ and Veeky Forums they are the only goddamn boards I give two fucks about
Charles Moore
to be fair OP isnt wrong especially with wizards informing everyone at pax the aetherborn are non-binary