Is it possible to make monstergirl prostitutes and brothels in an elven metropolis NOT magical realm?

Is it possible to make monstergirl prostitutes and brothels in an elven metropolis NOT magical realm?

Slavery And don't into detail of the monster girls

And don't let the fucking party have sex with them

Only by making them absurdly light and comical.

Is there any strong narrative reason you need them in the setting? If "well I want them because they makes me willy hard" is your reason then there's no way to de-Magical Realm that. Can't un-rot a rotten apple.

Is there a reason you're trying?

Because it's my magical realm but I don't want it to be a magical realm.

Fuck off and stop wasting Veeky Forums's time.

Why would they be in an elven city? Do elves refer to fuck monster instead of their own women?

>And don't let the fucking party have sex with them
How would you stop them if one of them went into the brothel and had thousands of gold coins to spare?

It's already magical realm.

Not monstergirl, but I had a secret non-human brothel in a 'no non-humans allowed' setting. It served as a base of operations for the anti-human resistance and my (100% non-human) party at one point had fake jobs there (as bartenders and cleaners and shit, nothing lewd) in order to hide in plain sight. Shit was tense, and a lot of fun, but only really worked because the fact that it was a brothel was completely tangential to the reason why it was important.

Don't make it a monstergirl brothel. Make it a brothel that just happens to have monstergirls among the prostitutes working there.

Why would a brothel hire monstergirls in a city dominated by elves ?

In a setting where a mixed-species couple can't have children, that answer is simple: Prostitutes that don't fuck their own species won't get pregnant. Some diseases won't jump from one species to another. So if the customers are mainly of one species, the brothel owners will favour prostitutes who aren't of that species.

So the prostitutes working there will be from species that are located nearby the Elvin city. So if you want a species to be in the brothel, have a village/town of that species near the Elvin city. Or have them as a minority within the city.

The reason why the brothel hires non-elves, specifically those species, is a purely business decision.

I'd also suggest including a few non-monstergirl species among the prostitutes. Especially any species that a PC belongs to, so that they can cite the "no sex with your own species" rule when a PC tries to hire one.


And stop trying to get anonymous strangers on the interwebs to validate your shit ideas.

>Is it possible to make monstergirl prostitutes and brothels in an elven metropolis NOT magical realm?
In theory? Yes.
If you were to do it? No.

That doesn't make sense. A demeaning fetish club that would have no reason to respect non-humans or to treat them as anything more than slaves makes no sense to also serve as the base of operations for their resistance.

Basically, in order to insert your fetish, you ignored a very basic logical flow.

You have a secret (ie., outside the law) brothel that exploited sub-citizens for sexual purposes, with most of the clientele being the exact opposite people you would want around a resistance movement (ie., the kind who would take advantage of poor secondary citizens or fetishize them).

While you had other options, including something as basic as a speak-easy that served drinks done in a non-human (hence illegal) style that would foster clientele sympathetic to not having non-humans be easily exploited, you went ahead and created the stupidest idea this side of a group of Abolitionists making their headquarters inside of a slave ship.

I think you're a poster child for "I think I had succeeded in not magical realming, but instead just made everything dumber, which was even worse overall."

I'm just glad your players were as dumb as you are, assuming you've actually ever run a game for other people.

>Do elves refer to fuck monster instead of their own women?
Elves prefer their women get fucked by monsters.

Fucking elves.

That is the purpose of prostitutes in an elven city, yes.

The club was owned by a (very-convincingly human-looking) kitsune, who bought up non-human slaves and treated them well. Non-human slaves were permitted to work under the thumb of humans. Calling it a 'secret' brothel was a mistake on my part, the secret was that it was run by a non-human and giving support to non-humans covertly.

The establishment was considered a fetish brothel, and was typically overlooked by pretty much all citizens as a scummy dive for degenerates.There was pretty much no business coming through those doors, which was a subject of jokes among the players, and concern for the city administrators, who several times gave surprise inspections to try to figure out how the business was generating any profit when their spies were able to point out that there weren't any patrons.

It wasn't the subject of the whole campaign, the party started on a trading ship and next moved onto the manse of an influential sympathizer for non-human rights.

This sort of thing isn't even my magical realm.

By making it serve a purpose rather than just being fetishfuel. Is there a reason it exists? How does it move the story forward? Does it have something of interest for the player?

It's a fantasy setting. Why would the brothels NOT have a hand full of exotic girls?

Magical Realm =/= sexual themes

No. Now shove your fetish threads up your ass and get the fuck out of this board.

This is actually getting dumber and dumber. They might as well have used "The resistance is right here!" as their slogan.

None of it makes any sense, especially the point where the city administrators bothered tolerating it even with a lack of evidence about the reistance.

Yes, I'm sure you can produce even more contrived and convoluted ideas to further explain yourself, but that just makes things worse, not better.

>How would you stop them if one of them went into the brothel and had thousands of gold coins to spare?
Prostitutes puke their insides out and the brothel burns, party has to find out what the fuck just happened.

I'm with here.

Everything is someone magical realm, OP. You don't make everyone in your setting legless simply because you have a foot fetish.
On the other hand, if all you can think is "how can I include feet in my campaign without making it magical realm", there is most certainly a problem somewhere.
Ask you what purpose monster whores would fill in the story, aside from fetish fuel. Once you have this answer, you probably won't even need Veeky Forums to solve your issue.

Make it gritty and grimdark as fuck, then only the edgelords will get a boner

Never said it was clever or well thought out, just that it wasn't magical realm.

>elven metropolis
right here is how you explain it. Elves live for centuries and are therefore sick to death of vanilla. Thus, foreigners make much more money in their brothels. As always, the solution is that elves are perverts.

Pretty much this. A whorehouse doesn't have to exist for any reason besides that there's customers who will pay.

Because I doubt most brothels in medival europe were populated by asians and africans.
Maybe if it was a busy trade port city, but realistically those foreign women would likely be very expensive privately owned slaves, not cheap brothel whores

Take this poster's advice and make it dark and edgy.

Make it so that the monstergirl prostitutes are actually holy prostitutes for some monstergirl religion where they sacrifice the children they produce

So, you don't want it to SEEM like a magical realm.

Play it low-key. Allude to things but don't swell on them. Leave things implied.

>Chest hair in the shape of an Aquila

Oni pimps too

>that image
Japanese design vs Western design in a nutshell. Western puts a bunch of shit story that is tryhard philosophy onto a bland everyday character. Japanese make a some overdressed character who you can generally pick out if it's not fucking school uniforms with nonsensical story.

Both shit in the end but at least you can believe you're laughing with the Japanese on their design.

Play it a hundred percent straight including the unsettling parts, prostitutes are inherently tragic which may take some of the sting out of the fact you're drifting through the realm of magic, play on the fact that this is probably the only way these 'monsters' are going to be able to integrate with an advanced society since otherwise they'd be squatting in ruins or caves waiting for assholes (like your players) to come and put a sword through them.

Also, imagine them as live action instead of animes. you goddamn weeaboo faggot.

That's because medieval kingdoms didn't have those inhabiting their realm. A brothel in something like Imperial Rome could have pretty much anything found in the Mediterranean. Who knows what lives in the forest besides elves. Of course they'd be expensive so OPs streetwalker scenario is out of the question. Unless they happened to be real ugly I guess.

Seamstresses Guild in unassuming mansion.
Bonus points if players have reason to get something re-tailored.

Those Johns never stood a chance.

"This area of the city has narrow streets and dark storefronts, as the sun dips low it comes alive - candles of different colors are lit outside of shops and on display in front are women of exotic races and species dressed in what would be considered next to nothing on their human parts. You assume the same is true for their snake tails or centaur butts."

"Did you say centaur?"


"Ok, my character would have to try that."

"OK. The shop is clean and given the rustic charm you would find in the countryside despite the urban location. The prices are a little alarming, apparently this specialized business offers a rate double what you have seen with typical humanoids."

"Fuck it, I'm spending the gold."

"Ok so that character is busy for he night what do the rest of you do?"

Forgot to make the player make a Fort save for STD's

It's not that hard, guys.

Here's my question: why? What narrative purpose does it serve?

>implying there's not a cleric of Lymnieris who comes by every week or so to cast Mass Remove Disease

>but don't swell on them
...You probably meant to say "dwell" there, but that's oddly appropriate.

>not giving your PCs wacky interspecies STDs
Nothing quite like contracting scale rot from that lizard you fucked. Or lampreys from the comely mermaid lass.

If you're going to use fiat to prevent your players from visiting a brothel, just don't mention a brothel exists.

>centaur butts

We had a situation sort of like this in game which I think was handled tastefully. While spending a lot of time in a city we had to get jobs, and a player figured to try her hand at prostitution since being a monster she was having trouble getting hired.

I would imagine if you kept it subtle and in the context of the setting a big deal, since realistically in most fantasy settings a non-hostile and non-horrific monster girl would be a rare thing indeed.

So like if you had some high-class brothel, and of their many girls, just one happened to be a monster or non-humanoid girl, and it was treated as a big deal and an exotic thing. But realistically it's more for publicity and reputation rather than business since most clients wouldn't actually want to bang a monster when they could bang an attractive humanoid. Like it's free ad service and spreads the news by word of mouth, to get people interested or talking about the brothel itself, and they come to check it out and end up going for normal girls instead.

Something like the players overhear a conversation or see an advertisement, along the lines of

>"Hey, you know Red Leaves, that fancy cat house in the canopy district? Well I heard they actually have a minotaur woman, and she's not supposed to be half-bad looking either!"
>"Well that's... interesting. Might be neat to see, but who would really pay for something like that? The elf women there are the best in the business."
>"Yeah good point. I dunno I guess it's just curious, y'know? I never thought minotaurs could be tame like that, figured they only attacked and killed anything they came across. Guess that goes to show how good Red Leaves is at what they do."

In our game at least, the player only ended up having sex like once, since the few clients she did get were more interested in spending time with her or maybe an exotic/erotic display or dance but not actual sex, out of fear most like.

If your players are cool with it then put it in.

If they are not cool with it then take it out.


>If your players are cool with it then put it in.
>If they are not cool with it then take it out.

Barely touch on them.

"You walk through the lean streets of Tir Na Nog, carefully avoiding eye contact with the disturbing amount of goblinoid prostitutes lined up along every corner. Your tour guide noticeably quickens his pace and urges you to follow."

Anything else, short of making them into legitimate characters, is a recipe for disaster.


>thinking it's a good idea to include brothels at all

Sorry OP, there is no helping you.

>Me want snu-snu!

You forgot to mention Western character is looking ugly as shit while Japaneese looks just stupid.

You can't. You will make it even more realm'y trying to hide it. Just roll with it or leave it.

>a player figured to try her hand at prostitution since being a monster she was having trouble getting hired.

But why even bother with getting a job?

No, because the whole "monstergirl" theme already clearly reveals that you're a weaboo hentai deviant.

You guys realize that fantasy generally doesn't put a lot of focus on having the female version of every kind of monster be fuckable, right?

The people who keep trying to make Orcs sexy are already complete schlock videogame fandom-tier, there's no way anyone sitting down at the table with a DM who has naga hookers slithering about will consider it anything but magical realm.

Unless they're a bunch of deviants like you, in which case you should all just get your dicks out and get it over with instead of faffing about with "guys it's totally not for cheap thrills but how about... Sexy cat-girl race?"

Needed something to do while in the city for the extended period of time that we were, and a way to make money. Other party members convinced her not to resort to criminal activities, thouogh I don't think they planned on her turning to prostitution.

Was this deleted for heresy?

Or let them have sex, and give them some very painful and disturbing STDs

I wonder how that watermelon got split like that.

I am literally counting the days until summer ends already.

>what is planescape: torment

right there, brothel, with demonesses (or at least fallen angels)

Holy fuck it's like the elf slave threads

No, OP

Your fetish cannot be civilized and mayonnaise is not a goddamn instrument

>Tir Na Nog
Why does this make me think of Terry Pratchett?

so youre saying the way to avoid magical realm-ing it up is to include sexe monster boys?

>Prostitution is considered the oldest profession in the world
>In grand empires like Rome, prostitutes with outlandish features (blonde hair, dark skin etc.) from the frontiers were considered an exotic treat

Simply include monsterfolk in your setting and you can have anything for anyone. A pure elf prostitute (has only fucked 200 men, pure by elf standards), a coy elf prostitute that will wrap her coils around you, a spidergirl dominatrix or an ara ara~ motherly kitsune. Or a human girl, if you're vanilla like that.

There's nothing inherrently magical realm about it, unless reality is too fetishistic for your fragile little mind. Hell, even the Catholic Church explicitly condoned prostitution.

>Is there any strong narrative reason you need them in the setting?
Not OP obviously, but different prostitutes fuck different men. Some hang out in the slums, some visit the mansions of the rich and powerful for sum fuk. They always have something to talk about, so in a political campaign they're always useful to have on your good side. They say that the only times when men are absolutely honest is when they're drunk or during pillow talk.

Nanny Ogg?

No. No it is not.

>And don't let the fucking party have sex with them
>How would you stop them if one of them went into the brothel and had thousands of gold coins to spare?
How about you just fade to black if they are desperate to bed a whore? Let them if they must, but do not dwell on it. Voila, magical realm avoided.

Don't mention, they'll ask
The solution is to force the players to puke their insides out and the game place burns, police has to find out what the fuck just happened.

Thanks for posting that specific pic, as I had been looking for it for a few years now.
There had been a thread discussing that pic and the stats all reading kill. Can't find it now, of fucking course...
Derailed into the girl only knowing the word "kill" and after a big fight she was covered in blood, then she got clean by killing the blood.
Fuck, where did that cap go?