No spoilers thread

>no spoilers thread


so what's with green getting all this good stuff on the UR plane?

Other urls found in this thread:

>UR plane
>I want le wacky spells and artifacts XD
Holy fuck kill yourself

It isn't any more a UR plane than Mirrodin is.
All color interact with artifacts in meaningful ways.

this needs to get good now

U need to get good now.

What is this? A treasure for ants?

satan I didn't know you were an ant

I laughed probably more than I should have.

>green mythic
>uses +1/+1 counters
when will this meme die?

>potentially an 8/8 trampler for five mana and only an artifact type as a drawback

"Magic: The Gathering was a mistake."
- Richard Garfield

>gives +1/+1 counters

when will this meme die XD

I've always admired Metroid's sick faceship.

Super Mario Galaxy had one two.

It's effectively 8/8 for 5, with Trample AND versatility of beefing your other guys at the cost of itself AND combo potential via duplication. The prior two make it Rare, the latter two push it to Mythic. Green normally doesn't have versatility.

It's not a secret by now that R&D sucks real hard on Green's (and Black's) dick.

>I want le dumb green face beating creatures XD

You must be 18+ to post here.

>Take a boring common
>push the cost
>now it's a mythic!!!

which common?

>4 mana for 8 power

Wurmskin Forger
>push the cost

this desu. This normally would be a common, just in shit of course, so like 4GG 3/3 with 3 counters. But no, wizards needs to make another pushed green mythic thats only in mythic because powerlevel. fuck this gay shit

This. If it was blue or white, it'd be way too abusable in flicker decks. Derevi would like him, but I can just imagine some brago EDH player flickering this ass 3 times to make his brago 14/16.

You are all ignoring the fact that it is an artifact on a plane filled with Vedalken.

That's really cool, I wish that I could use it with Avatar of the Resolute but oh well, Dragons and Origins need to leave.

holy shit people get on it. there's spoilers to post


Holy shit, it looks like a nice source of energies. I hope they make a cycle of them.

Creature - Demon

When Demon of Shady Schemes enters the battlefield, all other creatures get -2/-2 until the end of turn.

Whenever another creature dies, gain E (one energy counter).

2B, pay EEEE: Put target creature card from a graveyard onto the battlefiend tapped under your control.
Illus. Daarken 5/5

Territorial Devourer
Creature - Gremlin

Whenever you gain one or more E (one energy counter), Territorial Devourer gets +2/+2 until end of turn.
Illus. Lius Lasahido 2/2

>live fast and die young

Feels bad man.

It bothers me that both these cards belong in a slow, control deck, but I'm excited to see if there's some good payoff for all this energy gathering. Aetherworks Marvel and the new demon are good, but one's legendary and the other brings creatures into play tapped. There needs to be a bit more.

Very parasitic, it's like WOTC has forgotten what made Kamigawa bad.

Those aren't counters, user.

Could this be a deliberative move to get green away from coco style cheap/efficient creatures towards big impact fatties again?

When are we getting a Loo artifact card?

One will come through the planar portal in Aether Revolt and perplex the natives of Kaladesh


This will of course lead to a setup for Kaladesh 2: Aetheric Pooinloo, where the people of the plane Yooniseff invade and demand the inhabitants of Kaladesh take their poo to the loo.

i literally cannot stop laughing right now, you bastard.


holy balls

I am trying to think of situations where this is better than grasp of darkness

granted we haven't seen the whole set so we don't know if there will be an easy way to generate energy counters

but an instant speed -4/-4 seems better to me than a sorcery speed -2/-2 with potential to go higher at the cost of a resource

Congrats, you're the one person who still finds the meme funny.

look no further for your energy generator

it may be a cycle too, so you wouldn't even have to splash green.

Have they mentioned if every color is going to get cards that give energy? From what's been spoiled it looks like Red is mostly support for/from other colors and artifacts.

Less colour investment / using it for lower priority threats to save the grasp of darkness for the nastier stuff / killing a high priority 1 toughness creature and coming out positive on energy.

Grasp is still better for pure "kill what you want dead right now" but it has some use at least

A better Runed Servitor and relevant for Emerge decks. I like it.

And it seems cute.

Solemn Puppy

Why did you change the file name? Did you save the same image twice?

I'm sorry little pupper, daddy needs his card.
>Krark-Clan Ironworks.jpg

Congrats, you're the same butthurt Pajeet who cries about it in every Kaladesh thread. Now fuck off and learn how to poo in the loo before replying.

And you sound like the same child in every thread who thinks shouting the word poo over and over again is hilarious.

But it is, what about you being literally unable to Poo in the Loo when even 2 years old kids can do it, how is that not funny.

Holy shit can you please go back to your containment board There's a big difference between using racism to deliver a punchline and using racism itself as the fucking punchline. There's no joke. It's not funny. Fuck off.

I've it posted on the other thread but i thought this thread was better suited to spoilers. Then I linked the image from there.

Coco is rotating out

I'm ready
Always loved me some big fat fatties

Yes, I know. But they try to change how colours play, making certain aspects stronger and weaker. We're coming from a time where Green had pure and cheap value like Sylvan advocates, recruiters and pacifists.

Without the hard cmc limit of 3 and with such fatties, they could try to shift green towards being "drop big fatties and kick face" or some similar archetype in the new standard.

What joke, Sahil? I'm just stating facts about indian people being so literally unable to poo in the loo that they forced even the fucking UNICEF to make a song about pooing in the loo for them like they're some kind of retarded children.

No racism and no joke here, maybe poo in the loo sometimes and you'll calm down.

>it's real

kek, now i get why they get so mad over poo in the loo jokes when it's actually real


Ah hell yeah, some non-evil black dudes for once.

I thought the story panel would be the next thing up? But now there's a Q&A panel. When's the next actual panel?

Even non-indians are getting tired of seeing the same joke in every thread concerning Kaladesh. It's no different than frog posting at this point.

discard outlets just gained even more value.

This. I'm white and find it fucking obnoxious and retarded. Like a kid with a disability walking into a conversation and just screaming about his spiderman action figure.

So, where are the good cards at ? So far it only has been a draft junk shitfest if you are not counting that green mythic.
I'm starting to worry.

I'm not though, maybe you should learn to live together with people who enjoy different things from you instead of crying about racism while acting like a retarded fascist because you can't poo in the loo.

>good cards

Fuck off.

>I'm white

Kek, and I find your unability to poo in the loo really stupid, what are you gonna do about it except accepting that there's no toilet witch, Raji?

>on the DESIGNATED plane

They know

Vedalken's on Mirrodin do it better.

For some reason, Wizards almost always spoils the draft fodder junk first and waits until the last fucking second to post the cards with actual mechanical set synergy.

Yhea, good cards. Like, actually playable cards in a competitive environment. So far I don't see any.

The good cards are printed on side products. Main prints is for draft and standard.


Why. Competitive players ruin my fun game.

You know draft is competitive, right?

Alright. What land cycle is everyone looking forward to?

Nice bait.

Standard Lands!

>Demon of Shady Schemes
I think it might be "Darkplot Demon" in English.

>caring about land cycles

Senpai I found poo in the loo funny at first (if only cause of the video), but the jokes been beaten to absolute death and yall haven't progressed it beyond the basic "We're on an Indian plane, poo in the loo ha ha ha". If yall are gonna spam that joke, be at least kind of sort of creative with it.

Aw shit I love this guy I hope he keeps his name.

i just post what's on mythicspoiler user

dual lands that enters the battlefield tapped!

>wah I don't like a meme stop using it!
Are you retarded?

I will keep posting poo in loo until they poo in loo. This includes the Kaladeshians.

What about an enemy cycle of dual lands that enter the battlefield tapped unless you control 3 or more energy counters?

>Stop liking things I don't like!

Holy shit, this board really is full of redditors.

Lands that enter the battlefield tapped and gives you 1 {E} as ETB effect. And can tap for {C} or {D}.

How about enemy fetch lands?



He's not saying its bad or anything, just so painfully uncreative that it gets boring. If there was a poo in loo copypasta made by Veeky Forums, I'd be more invested, but nothing spectacular has arisen from POO IN LOO other than that witch edit and a wojak indian

"Ashiok is not an Aetherborn." - Doug Beyer

There you guys go.

Did he died?

I DO like the meme, which is why I'm frustrated by all this low effort literal shittposting. When the sewer swamp art was released, someone said something like "Why would they even need sewers?", I actually laughed out loud. Be like that guy, apply a bit of thought and a bit of creativity into your literal shittposting and I'll laugh right along with you. But otherwise you're doing the equilvent of posting the original pepe image 6 months down the line and expecting people to just laugh.

A Wasteland for each color.

Why would he confirm or deny anything related to Aishok? Just let it remain a possibility amongst many.

>What about an enemy cycle of dual lands that enter the battlefield tapped unless you control 3 or more energy counters?

Nah, that would actually be parasitic.

"We knew we would receive lots of questions about Ashiok being an Aetherborn."