Kaladesh preview!
Kaladesh preview!
Sorcery Speed makes this unplayable
Can easily kill x/4s.
Basically this, it will be weak even in limited considering how Vehicles work.
This set is a clusterfuck of 2/3s that can only be punch through with vehicles.
This can get rid of those. You can even net an energy by casting *after* combat.
And this is a 2-drop. And this is a common.
Not the best spot removal, and sorcery speed means no vehicles,
but it will see plenty of limited play.
hehehe, knot, hehehe
could be neat with some form of graveyard recursion
is that a cow?
This new set is such shit...
Gonna assume we're getting similar "Energy rocks" in the other colors.
>3 life
>3 damage
>gain BBB
>draw 3
I think it looks pretty neato so far. Got a lot of ground to cover before making a verdict though.
This looks like a reasonably strong enabler for energy counters, at least, in limited.
Depends how plentiful energy counter abilities are as to it's use elsewhere.
I agree. Energy counter look interesting at least, even though they could have used Experience Counters which already have written rules and everyone knows how they work, but whatever. It looks like we'll be able to rack up energy fast enough to make it a viable limited strategy, plus cards like Aetherstorm Roc are perfectly playable even without an energy fueled upside.
they already confirmed the the normal cost of drawing a card with energy is 4
It's a joke/reference to the original 1cmc circle
Can easily kill x/5s.
Can kill x/6s with only moderate effort.
Can probably kill x/8s consistently.
Can't kill vehicles though.
Either energy becomes evergreen right after or this is the most parasitic fucking shit mechanic they ever came up with. This is worse than Arcane.
Kill yourself, please, your the fucking trash that is killing this game
Even using your definition of parasitic which is dumb to fucking begin with these cards don't fall into it, every single energy card can be used by itself because every single card that uses it, also creates it. Even if they aren't the best by themselves they can function which is all that matters.
You shitters need to leave this game or at least go back to the modern thread and bitch about how new cards aren't strong enough for your shit format
It's not worse than arcane.
Most of these cards have been mediocre alone, but they work alone.
One of them Aetherworks Marvel is even OK alone.
A few of them everygreensofar are really just there to provide energy.
But even they "work" by themselves.
The sorceries we've seen so far have been a bit overcosted,
but all of the permanents have been fine.
Every Arcane was overcosted, every Splice was overcosted, and you needed a ton of Arcane to take advantage of Splice.
>because every single card that uses it, also creates it
There are two cards that create energy counters without using them.
>every single energy card can be used by itself
Technically correct. Though some of the draft chaff isn't *worth* using by itself.
Not that non-parasitic draft chaff would be worth using in Constructed.
Reread your first line and tell me why you shit readding comprehension
>every card that uses it creates it
>every card that creates it doesn't use it
These are two different statements
The cards that create it but don't use it are completely usable outside the set even if they aren't the most efficent at what they do
So stop fucking complaining like a child and try to have some fucking fun, because energy seems like just that. Not every fucking mechanic needs to be featured in a protour
I don't even know what I bother, your the same kind of person who said new lili was bad, baby jace was bad, and treasure cruise was overpriced trash
How do you find time to write these posts between suckin all that Hasbro dick?
Jesus youre a poltard as well, why am I not surprised, I love how enjoying anything means that you have to be a paid member of the company that makes it
>There are two cards that create energy counters without using them.
Think about it this way: every set needs a generic lifegain effect, a black "draw 2, lose 2" effect, and probably another generic naturalize effect.
What's wrong with tacking on some set-based synergy to those cards?
It's probably going to be as ubiquitous as charge counters, and we might see proliferate come back in this set.
The problem with proliferate is that the player counter aspect didn't do anything outside of poison, but now it does.
>Its not worse than Arcane
Arcane is famously cited as one of the most parasitic mechanics that never panned out so that's not exactly a thing to justify it. I would be surprised if you successfuly used any of these cards that use E costs without having a lot of other E generators.
Boy did they ever cop out on the name/fluff for this one. I would've expected something more in the flavor vein of irradiation or that sort of thing for this kind of effect.
>shit readding comprehension
The responses were swapped, my bad.
Message was still clear.
Probably ties into the Aetherborn flavor.
Shitters like you need to understand that Limited players are the sole reason why we rarely get good cards, do you meme lover love to play limited, then go home with unplayable jank EVERY TIME? Why not go home and then be able to use 20% of the cards you drafted for something else?
Why are you okay with 99% of the cards you payed for becoming useless afterwards? Do you like Draft chafe?
Limited players are cucking the game so hard holy shit
No they're not. WotC just uses limited as an excuse to print terrible cards even though it has nothing to do with it.
Limited players are why the game exists you spergmaster. Gas yourself you walking waste.
Limited players would exist as well if the card quality was better, but since you lap up whatever shit they toss at you, they have free reign to shit down your throat with no remorse
Go back to eating shit you tasteless hack
The only shit ITT is the stinker that fell out of your mom's cunt when you were born, aka, you. End your family's shame, kill yourself.
>this pathetic teenage edgelord shitpost
>this subretarded plebbifag shittery
Go back where you belong
I have had nothing to do with this thread. Personally I think limited is fine, particularly if cards are super broken, but when I read whatever you just posted, I felt compelled to let you know that your style is off putting, and you're generally unpleasant. Maybe you should rethink your situation before awkwardly smashing insults together in a futile attempt to be funny.
And maybe YOU should kill yourself you failure of a human.
Man, look at all these fucking five-year-olds who can't understand people like other things. Like seriously. I'd almost say you're samefagging because you seem to both lack the awareness to realise you're both being as pants-on-head retarded as each other.
But that's just my take on it. You're welcome to call me shit now, since it appears name-calling is the only thing you are capable of.
>f-fuck you user, people like me and I'm generally a productive poster.
Personally im waiting for a set that is devoted to limited and has only amazing cards. Conspiracy 2 is great in this regard but I want something 1v1 focused.
I think energy counters have potential. WotC seems to have made one new mechanic and is devoting an entire set to it, so it will be interesting to see where the go with energy counters.
you could if they use them to block
and wait until 2nd main phase
Missed that, great point.
limited is the only good format though
I'm in the same boat. If we used our money to tell wizards what we want we could increase the card quality in limited sets. I'll be doing so by only participating in Conspiracy 2 drafts when I can.
But most limited players defend limited so hard that LITERALLY any power level cards are fine as long as they "play well in limited"
A better Runed Servitor and relevant for Emerge decks. I like it.
And it sounds cute.
>LITERALLY any power level cards are fine as long as they "play well in limited"
Literally any power level cards "play well in limited" if the power level is consistent.
Also, I don't play any Constructed. So there's that.
oh ye' olde magic balancing, one of these things is not like the other
>live fast
>sorcery speed
It would actually be a good card at instant speed.
Can't have that at common!
Can't have that in Kaladesh*
Fixed that for you. Every card spoiled so far is weak as fuck except the green titan thing maybe, and again, only in Standard.
Like the poster above said filgree familiar will be mandatory in emerge based decks.
There's that dwarf lord too but that's less good and more finally another dwarf
>Can't have that in Modern
they let ruse cruise slip, same mistake won't happen again
>2 card combo that CASTS emrakul or kozilek as instant speed on turn 4
>players complain about a low powerlevel
It's like OGW all over again.
I think he means that a card with a fast name is not itself fast.
I understood that, it was funny.
Doesn't prevent me making a serious response though.
Dwarf Lord might be standard playable, but it's for the set's EDH quota.
I don't hate it.
Shape Anew is a Socrery you shitter
Solemn doggo
is fox
Did no one get the reference to Live fast, Die young yet?
The joke wasn't funny in the other thread either.
Too obvious to bother commenting on