New release when edition
>General's Handbook pdf is up
>OP image album
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Damn, we need something new.
New release when edition
>General's Handbook pdf is up
>OP image album
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Damn, we need something new.
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End of the month or next month or what?
So the battlefield in this months White Dwarf is pretty nice - I played on the Khorne fortress table next to it at WHW a few weeks ago.
Has anyone here had any thoughts about building a board to fit a certain realm yet? Or theming some terrain for a standard mat if not building a full board?
I've been thinking of making a Nurgle/Realm of Life type of board but it'd have to be a 4x4 because of my space limitations, and would have to be modular so I could pack it away.
Any ideas for cool Nurgle terrain? I love some of the stuff from the Realmgate Wars books, so I'm thinking of taking some ideas from the maps in there.
So I just ordered Storm of Sigmar, citadel essentials set, stormcast eternals + paint set and general's handbook. The next thing I'm gonna buy will be starter set if I liked the game at all. Let's I will fall in love with AoS - what else should I buy excluding stuff mentioned above
So after browsing this thread for a while I decided to get the Greenskinz start box a couple of weeks back. I promised myself I would get all of that painted before I purchased more but then I spied a few bargain purchases on ebay that I couldn't pass up. Behold my 1000 point-ish grey army. Looks like I've got a long weekend painting ahead of me.
Put your trolls on 40s, instead of 50s.
Looks like fun stuff for 1k.
Whoa, what am I looking at here?
Well fall in love with aos before you buy any more. But I would recommend judicators
It's one of the zone maps from the all-gates campaign book.
There's also this.
This is what you get when one of the kids shits in the pool.
>giant slug with a castle on it's back
I love these kinds of maps when they are made WELL. That undead one... hrrgh.
>thought I could make Fyreslayers work
>7 games later
>really can't make them work
Nah, I saw few games already at LGS and I like it. The only question is if my gf gonna share the starter set with me or will I have to find another newbie who would buy the chaos half from me
Unfortunately the fyreslayers are sort of ally-tier. They work great when allied with some other armies that need what they can bring, which is some heavy melee hitting. Where you may need to rely on other armies for ranged support and tanking. But the magmadroths kick ass.
Rumor is we will be getting a book soon which ggives all the allegiance abilities and relics for the existing armies, and hopefully there will be some good fyreslayer ones to help with the weaknesses and all-fyrelsayer list has.
Got my retributors painted. Really happy with the way these guys turned out.
What your list?
These are my counts-as starsoul maces. I call them Sunforge Hammers.
And lightning hammers should feature lightning.
Thankyou based duncan
Love these, been following your progress since spring?
What's with the faces on the bases (other than the half rhyme)?
The addition of the Irondrake heads is a nice one, haven't seen anything like them before.
The hammers look a little too big for the model IMO but they look awesome regardless. How are you planning on basing these guys?
Thanks! Nice to have followers.
These are the starter set retributors. So I had to carve out the heads because they came attached to the torsos. So in carving them out, i had these faces lying around. I figured they could be sort of creepy basing decor when I get around to it, but I have decided to go a completely different direction with basing, so they will be covered up.
I backed a kickstarter for these greenstuff basing stamps which should deliver this month. This is the stamp I am going with. Add to this some cool snow effect and you get the idea.
And I added a sigmarite thundershield to my lord-celestant on dire bear just to take advantage of the new warscroll.
That dire bear is my favorite fucking thing. It fits so well and looks so dope.
Thanks man, I appreciate that. I had to go through a couple different bear heads until I found the one that fit just right. I finally settled on a metal dire bear from Reaper.
I am going to take this army to the LVO in february.
I'm also heading to LVO, hope to see you there man, and I hope my swamp skellies and your forgecast get to face off.
So... does White Dwarf still suck? Or is this a reasonable effort to fix it?
It's actually pretty good. There's some genuinely good articles and interviews, the extra rules for games are great, and the tutorials for painting and converting are cool. There does seem to be about 8-10 pages that are just advertising the Deathwatch, but all the other advertising bits are sparingly placed as one page inserts scattered throughout the magazine. It's definitely a lot better, and I would surely reccomend it, but I think it may take a couple issues to get back to its solid roots and find its balance.
Is Gorechosen any good? Seems to me the game is pretty much free and, if that is correct, is it a good addition to a Starter Box Khorne force?
free, as you pay only for the minis, I mean, derp
Mh. I've been trying to get my hands on one of these oversized AoS guys on ebay since I planned to convert a frostgiant for Frostgrave, but I might have to swing by my FLGS to pick up a WD instead.
Reason enough for me to sub
Is there any benefit to subscribing other than the saving and potential of recieving it early? Like do you get a bonus miniature or something?
Assembled/pinned and base coat/blended, time for yellow dry brushing and then fluro green!
It's nice to see the good old boys instead of just the usual iron jawz (I'm one of them unfortunately). Only got a squad of brutes and a mega boss so far but only the boss to paint now and spent tonight putting all the base coats on him. Think I will get the start collecting box next or perhaps hold off till I've built and painted the silver tower mini's.
I wouldn't pick up any more models until you've painted that lot, it's not yet reached the "it's so large I don't even want to start" mass of grey yet so you should be alright still!
Have you got your paints sorted yet?
1: Lord Skreech Verminkin(G)[340]
2: Skaven Assassin[100](Weapon)
1: Lord Skreech Verminkin(G)[340]
How's this for a list? Any complaints? Anything I should add?
This list will get destroyed. There's no synergy between any units, and you're relying solely on tactical skill.
Try again.
I see, your try again was quite useful in giving a new player some guidance on where to change things. Truly, a master of help and criticism.
List poster can easily ask for more advice if he wants it.
user gave him a starting point.
How should I fix my list?
You've mixed your units, they don't work together. Get a warlord or two instead of the Verminking and Assassin. Get some more clanrats or stormvermin.
Wash done, what the fuck to do for a base?
So question, if I use my Slaan to summon something that has an ability that can activate in the hero phase, can it still use that ability in the hero phase it was summoned?
1: Verminlord Warbringer(G)[300]
2: Skaven Warlord(warpforge blade)[100](Crown of Domination)
1: Verminlord Warbringer
yes, why wouldnt it be able to?
That looks a better.
Looks nice. But painting so many clanrats is suffering believe me. Lack of mortal wounds might be an issue as well as battleshock so give your leader the crown
I gave the crown to the other guy, so my verminlord could use the battleshock thing as well.
Base it on top of a cunt. Because that is what you'll get called for using one. =^)
well with rule of one in effect its really not OP, its costs more than a unit of stormfiends and does less damage, especially if they are led by Throt.
>well with rule of one in effect its really not OP
Brospeh its 400 points to take one, with no extra attacks allowed for 6s in matched play, or are we just going to go full meme and arrowboys this shit up frogposter style.
I know this is a dumb question but I was having trouble making a distinction in my last game and it led to confusion. What is the difference between a spell and an ability? For example, the prosecutors 18' charge is very clearly an ability, but something like lord relictor's prayer, which requires a rill strokes me as more of a spell.
I figured one would say "ability " and "spell" for distinctions sake but the starter set doesn't come with a wizard to check his scroll
spells have a casting value, with those words.
No casting value, not a spell.
Spell are explicitly labeled as spells, so if it's not labeled, it's not a spell.
The only benefit is the other savings and chance to receive it early. There may be things that are yet to be announced, but right now there are no exclusive miniatures.
Came in second in a painting completion today, behind a Treelord, and in front of an ork stompa. Excited to see how it does it some upcoming games, especially against my friend's magma dragon.
great work user! that is a super imposing model to tackle
Nice and naturalistic looking but still colorful. I dig it.
Thanks guys, I'll take a clearer picture soon. I'm also working on my army on parade, which I'll be sure to document. I'm almost done, just have my board and some finishing touches.
Can I take my tomb kings models as part of a death army in matched play?
The new fimir stuff has me hyped!
Balefiend model soon?
How many carnosaurs can lizard men take and be effective
That, command attachments for warriors, and a big female caster with attendants
How much of a meme list is this?
Vampire Lord on ZD - 440
5x Blood Knights - 260
5x Blood Knights - 260
> possible new Meargh
Source? I must see this with my own eyes
I was the try again guy, didn't have time to give you advice.
Your list is weak because it is prone to heavy loss due to bravery. Get a Skaven chieftain with Battle Standard, and use it to grant your units immunity to battleshock.
Look into adding some ranged attacks to give your army more versatility.
Ratling guns are pretty standard, but use warp fire throwers if you have to deal with armoured shit.
Warplightning Cannons are really nice too.
Your new list is better because it has more Verminus Synergy, but you want either more shooting, or a big trump card to crush your opponent.
Alright, so I should just take out my big verminlord? I really like them though :<
Are they only viable in higher point games?
>only 44 wounds and is charge dependant
It's a bad list. Here's a simple counter list.
MoonClan Grot Shaman - 60
20x MoonClan Grots with bows - 120
20x MoonClan Grots with bows - 120
6x Grot Fanatics - 180 x3 = 540
1x Grot Fanatics - 30 x 5 = 150
The single fanatic units stop your charges, and the large fanatic groups clean up.
OH how I hate fanstics, such a retarded unit
Anyone got any good ideas for painting a mortis engine?
Like i said it's only a meme list, it's part of my 2k Death army
>still no Battletome: Soulblight
> hating fanatics
Sylvaneth lore question:
Who is drycha hamadreth? Was she a character from the world that was, did she have a part in the previous campaign books? Because she seems like a brand new character and I wasn't sure if I'm missing something.
She was a part of the world that was.
Was she a wood elf or high elf or what?
Drycha hamadreth is the reincarnation of Drycha from the world that was. Drycha being a crazy Dryad that was a part of the Wood Elf list of SCs.
Wood elf forest spirit, like the rest of the Sylvaneth. Only she was one of their big bosses and crazy xenophobic, like "even more xeno-hater than the rest of the entire Wood Elf army". She's the one who shouts "NORMIES GET OUT REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE"
>no new updates
>age of smigmars
happy dance
It's almost like the parent company has been ignoring their other main game for a few months and needs to adress that
Cool model. Its neatly painted but nothing showing any skill or anything. You just stayed within the lines
Is there a good browser army builder? I really want to get back bint the game with my skaven but want to brush up on some lists. I know theres b plenty of apps and programs, I just wanted to goof around at work.
Warscroll Builder is pretty serviceable, though there are some bugs.
>no new updates
>New Box Game just announced.
oh? do tell
I'm painting this guy, highlighted the armour just right I think but I'm having trouble with the stegadon scale green armour. Whats a good highlight? I tried Vallejo wolf grey but I think it looks strange... Is my highlight too thick?
>stegadon scale green armour. Whats a good highlight
GW sotek green/Vallejo turquoise.
I'd say so, save the big models for 2000/2500 games.
Why's it look so shiny?
Has anyone tried sieges in AoS?
I thought lahmian medium was for watering down washes so I used that to dilute Vallejo umber wash and it ended up a bit shiny
>we will never see siege imagery as cool as this in AoS ever; now it's just a sea of golden clones standing outside a castle hitting the walls with their hammers because they use no siege weaponry while khorne worshipping barbarians stand impotently on the ramparts because none of them have missile weapons
That was announced more than a month ago.
It has been available for pre-order for weeks. For some reason.
Who /bloodbound/ here?
I've been meaning to. I like the rules for breaching gates.
Still trying to find something I can use for scaling walls and such though, I can't find much in the official warscrolls.