A survey

Are you a dog person or a cat person?
What race/class you prefer to play as?

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Dogs are superior.

Race/Class is indicative of D&D cancer.

That being said, anyone in a class-based game who plays "DPS Classes" is fucking cancer.

Why is the dog eating the cat?

Cat person.

I usually play monstrous races, and I like playing classes that deal a lot of damage. I've recently been expanding into more utility, debuffs, and support though.

Doggo person

I tend to play Elves/Elvish races because fuck having taste, and I prefer classes with some kind of martial stint to them like fighters or mace-happy clerics.

Cat person

Typically any sort of summoner class, barring that something supporty.

I don't play race/class based systems. I play whatever I want that fits the setting.

Cats are evolutionary superior.
In that they are better survivors.
But dogs will be superior as long as humans are around.

Dog person, don't have any good pics. Human best race, since I'm less likely to make a stupid stereotype character or, even worse, a bad attempt to subvert the stereotype. Paladin is best class in 5e - don't have to be lawful good, just have to be in it for justice.

Cat person.
No exact preferences in races, but love martial arts characters.

Cat person.

Human, caster of some sort depending on the game, usually a warlock or whatever is closest to a mystic theurge.

Human paladin

Cats and dogs are both wonderful and I can't possibly choose.
I like playing robots, mutants, lizardmen, goblins and similar "weird stuff". I try lots of different build types, but tend to favor utility, "skill-monkey" and stealth.

Cat is superior pet.

Race, human.

Class, spy, detective / desperardo, genius scientist / techpriest. Specialist guardsman, or Officer. Beast master, paladin / tactical marine, assault marine, devistator marine. Illuminati agent.

Your mom

Cat person, birdfolk or greekish human, martial or holy magics user.

Fighter focusing on pugilism.

Kittehs are better, although dogs regularly make me smile too

Race: Human
Class: Cleric

I like both dogs and cats.

I play GURPS.


Nonstandard race if available. Tending toward a approximation of Hobgoblin.

Tief or a Gish

Gotta try lots of stuff.

my nigga

Dogs are inferior, they are incapable of surviving on their own. Canids in general have to fight in groups and swarm their enemies. Even wolves use these desperate tactics due to their physical weaknesses. Felines are apex predators and can survive alone, they are more athletic, and have greater potential. The only cats that utilize groups on the regular are lions, and that's just a male lion with his female family members and a harem of suitable breeder servants that bring him food.

Cat person, I love playing Paladins, fighters (the skilled strategic kind) or some kind of spellsword.


Haven't played a Race/Class system in a few years, but I generally make a scholarly/diplomat kind of character.


Human Warlock/Lawful evil



Cat person.
Human GM.

Human or Robot if available
More talking less fighting


Dogs, wolves, and coyotes all do just fine preying on weak animals and otherwise scavenging and rooting.

They don't NEED to be super solitary hunters, because their digestive systems are built to take advantage of more than just fresh meat.

Cat person


but really I'm more of a rodent guy

Forever GM
If I'm playing, Human or Half-Elf/Anything potentially fighty martial or religiously fighty (Cleric, Ranger, Fighter, Druid, Paladin).

I'm kinda curious, was there some kind of correlation you were expecting, OP?

I don't like pets.

When I used to play DnD, I almost always played humans, lot of bards and wizards.

Cats are actually more specialized, and so they arguably are worse survivors.

I like both but if I had to choose, I'd pick cats, if only because they're easier to take care of and lower maintenance, as I am a lazy person.

As for race and class, I like to play any race that has a prominent warrior culture, and any class that lets me use special combat maneuvers to hinder enemies and help allies, rather than just deal big damage.

I like cats better, but am allergic.
Last character I played to completion was a human wizard. I like magic classes in D&D and its derivatives for flexibility, I typically like to play the clever hero relying on intelligence-gathering and trickery than blasters.

Cats, since dogs are loud and stupid.

Usually end up being human and supportish in abilities.

Definitely doggos and puppers.
Favorite races are halflings or humans, with favorite classes being support tanks. (Clerics f.e.)
Not because of some evolutionary standpoint, but because they're more social, and actually contribute when you got them domesticated.

Also because you can actually play, be active, and go jog and be innawoods with a dog. That's the good life.

Doggo is a best.

I prefer more 'savage' races: orcs, gnolls, etc and I like to play as either melee or non-magical ranged such as an archer or thrower.

Dog person.
No preferred class. Usually go with whatever the party is missing.

Dog person

Tend to play Fighter or cleric archetypes. Races are tend to be dwarf or orc, but it's mostly random (gnolls, dragonborn, undead, and humans have all made random appearances).


Human Fighter

Doggos fo sho
i prefer humans/half-elves and tend towards agile classes: duelists, rogues and such.
Love a bit of wizard too tho

>I like cats better, but am allergic.
I share your pain, you who share my curse!

Actually, as I kind of got over cats my allergies diminished... there is some hidden message life is sending me.

Dog Person

Forever GM


Eternally the GM.

Dog person

Human paladin


Master race that likes both reporting in.

A shame most of the lower races in here can only like one or the other.

Race: No preference
Class: Melee/Magic mixes.

I like to play as a monk

Dog person mainly, although I've known some cool cats.
Nord in Skyrim, don't play any non-computer RPGs

Dog, though I do like cats. I just much prefer dogs, and am not allergic to them.

Human/Half-Elf/Dwarf/Elf, Fighter/Ranger/Barbarian/Paladin/Wizard/Sorcerer/Druid

Veeky Forums seems to have a clear dog preference.

>their digestive systems are built to take advantage of more than just fresh meat.

Yeah, this is a big reason why dogs seem like such disgusting animals, because they can (and do) eat damn near anything.

I'm gonna need two reaction images for this.

It's also why they're superior companions: They have no natural inclination to see you as food.

Dog person
The most bestial or least human race if possible. Otherwise plain human.
Magic classes or big buff barbarian-like classes. No middle ground


I play whatever takes my fancy at the time of character creation. Also I never play the same thing twice.

Dog person.

Human/Dwarf for strong melee fighters.


I'm a dog person because I'm allergic to cats.

But cows are superior to either, anyway. Pigs a close second. Geese third. Chickens last, always, because chickens fucking suck.

Dog person
Humans, Ave Imperator

Speaking of wolves, they share an interesting relationship with ravens. The gist of it is ravens basically force wolves to hunt in packs. When a kill is made by a wolf or pair of wolves, ravens will swoop in and steal a lot of meat from said kill. When wolves hunt in packs, they are able to consume more meat as there simply isn't a lot left for the ravens. Check it out its actually kinda neat. Also to say a wolf is physically weak is laughable, it really just tells me you've never seen one in the flesh before. Here is a pic I took of some taxidermied wolves, these two were huge animals.

Also flip over to Animal Planet and watch big cats catch prey, 9/10 its a baby gazelle simply because it was to slow to stay with the herd, soooooooo majestic.

But really bringing wolves or big cats into this is moot, as thats not what the OP asked of us, unless you're a Colombian drug lord with tiger.

Ravens also call wolves to corpses they find. They are too weak to tear open a carcass by themselves, so they make sure the ravens know about it and opens it up for them, it's a win-win situation. If I don't remember this wrong, I think ravens have also been observed playing with wolves, or at least their young.

Birds are neat.

Human male sorcerer or wizard

That is a smug ass wolf

Ravens are smart enough to not have irrational aversions to an animal they can share a positive relation with.

Yeah, ravens are just crazy fucking smart

Dwarf preferred, otherwise usually human.
Whichever class makes the best use of some kind of diplomacy tactic. Talking my way out of fights gets me so hard it hurts.
If that's not an option: Mage is my go to secondary.

Currently playing a system where "Dwarven Lawyer" (as in, specifically dwarves only) is a class. How hard would you hit it?



'Dwarf Lawyers, of course have Null, and can shut down a Truth Spell by their mere presence; this forces debate and the presenting of actual evidence.'

Is this... detrimental to the pursuit of true justice or...?


Cats, though I also like doggos somewhat though less
Don't care
Don't care much, but prefer to be in a support role

It depends, if I have to take care of it, cats are way easier, but dogs are more fun to have around.

My friends can't seem to keep a campaign going for more than two or three months, so I play a variety of classes, but I almost always play a human.

I'm not a psychiatrist but I'm guessing you have moderate to severe autism. You should probably talk to a medical professional.



Most dog breeds aren't specialized at all. And would die out within a month if human care went away.
While large majority of cats can survive on their own.

Where is all this "cats are better survivors" coming from? Did they somehow figure out how to operate can openers? What would a cat do differently then a dog if all humans went poof? Do you think a cat could free itself if it was locked inside a somewhere? No fucking way. I guess they could hunt birds? But honestly if it came down to a situation like that, the cats would die off because they would be eaten by dogs. I live on the outskirts of Las Vegas, NV any small animal, cat or dog is not safe from coyotes. I have seen those fuckers scale 6ft walls. Your cats will be eaten.

Cat person but I love dogs too.

I'm going under the assumption of D&D, so lets go down the list.
OD&D - Human Fighting-Man
Basic - Elf
AD&D 1e - Human Assassin
AD&D 2e - Human Cleric
3E - Halfling Cleric/Sorcerer/Mystic Theurge
4e - Dragonborn Paladin
5e - Wood Elf Fighter (Champion)

Cat and magic because kits are kyut and magic is FUN!

Whatever the group is lacking.

I guess I just like to please people.

I used to be neutral.

Then I met this cat from hell that fucking shat in my bed and trashed my room and now it ambushes me and goes full kamikaze on my leg from under every couch and bed in my apartment. I ran up to my roommate's room, cornered it, and contemplated nailing it to the wall, but then I thought better and settled for pissing in its litter box so it knows its messing with a real hard nigga. Next time it makes a move I'm gonna start sprinkling catnip in it's food 2 meals a day then stopping after a month so it has to deal with the withdrawal.

Fuck cats.

>White Male Human Fighter
>Because I have yet to meet a DM who will let me /mindflayer/

Doggo when I was growing up, catte since I got my lovable cat and my folks got stupid chihuahuas and a dumb as shit needy chihuahua mutt. Pic related is her.

But I like doggos and cattes.

Tend to play human and paladin/cleric.


I play rogues, but only when a creator class/archetype is unavailable.

Riggers, trappers, tinkerers, technicians, that sort of thing

Dog person though they both have merits for different lifestyles

I actively try to avoid falling into the same character patterns and I enjoy aspects of pretty much any class since they all offer unique things.