So where's your barbarian from?
So where's your barbarian from?
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Oh god. That fucking comic.
Not OP, but what's the problem with it?
What comic?
Did JohnK make this?
What is this bitch like 20? The only difference between 19-current is the haircut
I can see the style making it hard to work in the finer details of age.
I forget the name but the concept was that she's on a quest to "Eat one of every meat" or something
Comic is Skadi.
Last I checked, she completed the quest and became a god.
Good for her!
So what's so bad about it?
>eat one of every meat
But this is an absurdly complex pursuit. There's multiple cuts and consistencies even within the same animal, let alone the entire species, or even genders of the species.
The amount of sentients you'd have to eat in order to sample their meat would be war crime tier.
This is how you lawful evil.
Do you have autism or have you just spent too long on this shit board?
I dunno'
That's why I was asking
>The Brittle-lands, where mirror trees grow from the crushed-shell soil and humans are the most durable substance around. Barbarians from the Brittle-lands have trouble with the idea of "a" weapon because everything they grew up with broke after one use. They are startlingly innovative fighters and never stop looking over their shoulder. Anyone born in the Brittle-lands will be sworn to one of the two kings there, Ordswye or Aserlye each of whom is possessed by a rogue dwarven machine god
>Angelurra, an island known for fishing, giants, knights and stone magic. The barbarians of Angelurra come from the clannish and primitive north, they are giant-blooded and stand about 8 feet tall, and they will never forget how to build a boat. The youngest daughter inherits on the coasts and in the mountains of Angelurra and it's common for unneeded sons to turn barbarian and sell their axe. The best of these are members of the Red-and-Black Lodge and are capable of terrible, rageful battle transformations.
>I was gonna do more but I got bored
The Sidhe. & we aen seidhe do not tolerate children of dust in our forests.
The frozen northlands, duh
A farm not far from the capital.
A girl who had her main growth spurt somewhere between fifteen and nineteen?
You made this shit up on the spot?
I'd kill to have you as a DM.
Mind if I borrow these concepts?
Yes and no. It's setting stuff and I'm just filling in details, like I know I have two very powerful fighters in the setting who use hi-tech gear and are called Ordswye and Aserlye - "sword" and "laser" - and I know I have horrible fuck-up dwarves who build gods and are controlled by them. So now I have this other place where Ordswye and Aserlye rule and also they are possessed now. This kind of fits because one of the dwarven gods tried to explode the universe and exploded itself once, and I just had that as a big ruined crater but now it can be the Brittle-lands.
And I know I want a fantasy Britain and I want to run off a particular founding myth for that Britain, which is that princess Albina and her 50 sisters arrived and bred with demons and giants to populate the island. So I just decided on a name which is just Angle Land in Basque and also daughters inherit like (some of?) the Basque or Galician communities did. The rest is just British/Scottish mythology. In that culture it's also going to be common for warriors to be raised by warrior women who live apart, like Scathach and Liath Luachra, and clan chieftesses will still sometimes marry demons.
The other stuff I wanted to put in is other setting stuff, but I don't feel up to paring it down to a few sentences. You can use these ideas if you like.
The gladiator pits of Tyr.
The plains controlled by not - Mongols.
My Barbarian is actually a horribly inexperienced lowly noble that strong enough to overpower their enemies rather then skill and talent of a Fighter. They get angry when that's not enough.
Please tell me they go berserk out of furious entitlement at their enemy's refusal to die when smote by their social better.
If only 15 were a bit older
The great steppe. A continent to the south.
It's been a long and arduous journey. Among other things she's a princess now, she's busy learning magic, and the fate of the world is now at stake.
But she sure misses home.
not!Germany in the 800s. Recently conquered by the Fylkir, a man who claims to be the incarnation of the God of the Hearth. My tribe fought, but to my great shame the other tribes betrayed us. My barbarian cleric now wanders the lands, slaying monsters and gathering my strength for the day that I will reignite the war and slay the false god-king. Long reign Bellophant, Hero-God-King of Feldannr, and the one true God-King of Man!
She's a blacksmith's daughter from a frontier town. When she was fifteen the town was dragged into a civil war. One faction took her hostage in order to threaten her father to assist the war effort. She travelled with the army for two years, her family in the same camp but mostly kept apart to prevent them from escaping.
At the age of seventeen, the rebel forces she was fighting with suffered a horrifying defeat. Raiders from the king's second light cavalry division stormed the camp, burning the tents and running down the camp followers.
In the panic, she was run down by a lancer and impaled through the chest. The rider dismounted to take a bracelet from her wrist, and she pulled his shoulder out of its socket and crushed his skull with the back of his own axe.
Her injuries still pain her and the scars on her chest will never fade, but on that day she discovered the rage hidden deep within her.
Just made that shit up so it's not that great. I just like the idea of a self trained barbarian.
She'd probably have pretty low combat stats desu but some decent skills in intimidation. Probably some social skills as well, and experience in blacksmithing as a trade.
My barbarian is a half-orc abandoned by his orc village because of his human eye color. Taken in by a mama bear, he didn't learn too good the proper ways, although he did learn to hunt and live innawoods.
When the bear was killed by a halfling catfolk hunting party (he was too young to remember), he was taken in by the master of the estate, the genteel Mr. Petite.
From there he learned the fine arts of butlery. He is now a level 3 bear-totem butler for the catfolk he protects, and quite civil.
So I guess just the classic goofy raised by animals shtick.
Pretty fucking legit.
Seems fine.
>Far to the south, beyond the White Marrows and the Wicked Edge, lies a sprawling forest of greyew, silverskin and ironwood trees that stretches for hundreds of miles, over winding hills and gentle valleys.
>Whilst most folk refer to the area as simply the Greywood, no one has ever come to find what the natives of the area call their own homeland. Any such inquiry often invokes a hostile or bemused reaction, as apparently the very question causes them great offence. This is but one of the many outlandish and curious elements of these people that have given rise to the folk tales most are familiar with.
>Allow me to first dispel the most glaring falsehoods. Contrary to popular belief, not every native of the Greywood has grey or silver hair, though it would be fair to say that they are a people of fair complexion, with blonde hair and pale eyes being common. Besides that, they appear to show every variation of tint and hue as any other people.
>The idea that they do not speak is also nonsense, though it is true that Greywood folk tend to be careful with their words, preferring to speak only what they must, when they must. They are a curt and practical folk by nature, a cultural habit likely instilled into their character by the necessities of their two primary means of subsistence; hunting and raiding.
>Party is surrounded by giant spiders
>Ranger went off with Barbarian to scout ahead
>Cleric is down and about to bleed out
>Just the Rogue and a level 5 Wizard to fight off 8 giant ass spiders.
>As they close in, a distant noise causes them to hesitate
>An enormous "Yield" sign, still attached to it's post, spins through the trees and buries itself in one of the behemoths
>An enormous Barbarian in an oversized Lions Jersey crashes into the clearing on a stolen BMX bike
>He swings his mighty chain of assorted hubcaps and decapitates two more spiders in the confusion
>The remaining 5 spiders flee, but not before he sucker punches one from behind and kicks it unconscious
>The party goes to congratulate him on the stunning victory
>The culture of the Greywood is unusual in a number of ways. There is no single nation or unifying power in the Greywood, simply a collection of numerous tribes. Yet, despite their fragmentary nature, the cultural practices, customs and social behaviour across the entire area is almost entirely universal. They all worship the same gods, perform the same ceremonies and rituals, observe the same celebrations and festivals. All this is despite the fact that some of these tribes are apparently so remotely located that they have had barely any contact with other tribes for generations, indeed some groups long since believed extinct have reappeared with their practices and culture almost entirely indistinguishable from any other tribe. This raises the prospect that perhaps these people are observing a culture that has remained entirely static and unchanged for hundreds, if not perhaps thousands of years.
>Diplomacy often involves either marriages between tribal leaders of different groups to promote kinship, or skirmishes as each group attempts to either protect their own territory from invasion or conquer and claim the hunting grounds of another group. These bouts of blood-letting are not uncommon, but are often short affairs. Feuds are rare, and it is generally considered a display of poor character to seek retribution for a perceived wrong or pursue a vendetta after an elder has called an official end to hostilities.
Barbaria, an idyllic land at the forefront of arts, culture, and technological advancement.
Well played
Comic had its moments. It's cute, all in all
It's a quest from barbarian perspective so it's probably limited to specific races
Also she gets in fights a lot so if she happens to kill a sentient then just nom a bit of them (and that's assuming that sentients aren't default exempt from the quest)
Don't take some random user's word literaly. She just wants to eat every beast there is.
Hi Eric.
He is a kellid barbarian so everyone thinks that he is the stereotypical brainless brutes when in fact can use digital era technology that the rest of the party barely understands:
Barb.-This is a video camera, a device that records sound and image and can play them like a bard using illusion magic but more accurately.
Dwarf.-Bullshit! Is a laser gun! Don't you see its shape?
Barb.-It looks like a gun which is not. You see this panel? You can see what you recorded with it.
Dwarf.-By Torag you are a brute! Is the device that helps you to aim better at the target!
I thought that was where the sheep lived.
>By far the cutest at 13
It's like evolution is trying to tell us something
>It's like evolution is trying to tell us something
You're a dead end?
I... wanna play this. Hell, a detroit BAR with an improvised rebar based weapon would even make the CLANG noise from the recent berserk show for a good reason.
That you're more predisposed to overall uniform features to the detriment of any sort of attempt at sexual appeal, rather than exaggerated legs and hips that look somewhat awkward with the cartoony artstyle, despite the fact that 19 is the best I mean seriously dude look at how tall she is?
Please elaborate.
The underdark. He may look like a skinny naked albino, but he won't hesitate to kill and eat you.
A land that would be too pretentious to describe as anything other than a strange land of grayscale vaporwave aesthetic and celto-nordic-native-american tribal culture where time loops around and reality itself conspires against anyone, foreign or domestic, that seeks to make a significant change to the land, and if something is important then it has always been there and the event of that thing happening is merely only filling the void of it coming to existence. The only people who have ever made a name for themselves left this place and joined the rest of the world in the standard, straightforward time stream, and the strange curse of the land has tainted them and their kind to either be aloof and absentminded or knurd and hyper sober as a side effect of the strange reality they had evolved to be accustomed to.