/STG/ Star Trek General

Mirror universe edition.

Previous thread A thread for discussing the Star Trek franchise and its various tabletop iterations.

Possible topics include the rpgs by FASA, Last Unicorn Games and Decipher, the Starfleet Battles Universe and WizKid's Star Trek: Attack Wing miniatures and game.

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Glory to the Empire!

The definitely had the best uniforms.

Hear hear!

I'm watching through the Star Trek Continues episodes and they have a pretty good sequel to Mirror Mirror. Of all the Star Trek fan productions, this is the one I could beleive is an actual canon entry.


Reposting here:

The ep with the "Pup" AI was The Forsaken. DS9 Season one, episode 16. It's the one where the B-plot has Luwaxanna Troi make her first visit to the station and NOT be a completely insufferable character, so that probably took up most of your memory of the subject. One of the better early episodes. Hell, even early-Julian was more tolerable than usual.

And the best opening.
A whole series set in the Mirror Universe, how cool would it be? The characters could even be some rebels if you have to keep up the moralfaggotry..

Probably would wear out its welcome incredibly quickly.

It'd need some seriously good writers to stop it just being full retard all the time and actually be more than an excuse for skimpy costumes and pantomime villain level 'evil' schemes.

According to Bermann and Braga, the Mirror universe plot-line would have been a recurring series of 2-parters throughout the remainder of their original 7 season plan, more or less following the events of the novel. We would have gotten to meet Mirror Shran and seen more of Empress Sato.

Sounds awful. There was already far too much of it in DS9.

Debatable. Dispersed throughout 4 seasons, and without the necessity for a prime timeline morality diatribe, a Mirror universe arc might have made a good counterpoint to the goody goody escapades of the Enterprise.

Honestly, if the mirror episodes in DS9 didn't just turn into an excuse for Nana Visitor to go full ham, I'd still watch them, rather than skipping them 90% of the time.

I actually liked "Shattered Mirror". Mirror-Jennifer kidnapping Jake so that Ben could help the rebels work out the flaws in the Defiant copy they built. Good stuff.

That was probably the best one, and the only one I don't skip nearly as much as the others.

I know, right? youtube.com/watch?v=o-P6L5JGf24

>if the mirror episodes in DS9 didn't just turn into an excuse for Nana Visitor to go full ham
This is why I watch them.

The needs of the many... (bump)

How many ships was Starfleet operating around the time of TOS. Because they act like it's only a handful.

Probably not that many.

Starfleet was still a young institution. Most of the Federation worlds were still maintaining their own fleets in case everything fell apart.

I dunno man, wouldn't they want to maintain a strong fleet to deter the Klingons?

The definition of 'strong fleet' was different back then. You see one ship patrolling several sectors, and encounters between single cruisers being the norm, rather than the exception. TNG preserves that somewhat, but then you have DS9 where everyone just zergs out. You can look at SFB core for a fair approximation of what Starfleet numbers were like around Kirk's time.

I think that by DS9 era everyone in the Alpha Quadrant had seen Wolf 359 and it had scared them shitless.

Every empire starts to go on a boat building binge. Status quo is maintained but at a higher level.

It would make sense. We know that Starfleet increased development speed on a lot of their next gen cruisers and combat vessels in direct response to the threat of the Borg. And then during the dominion war we see a lot of new vessels alongside TMP-era ships. Pre-Khitomer was the last time there was a militarised Starlfeet, so it would make sense that they have a bunch of Mothballed Mirandas sitting around.

Is there a Federation equivalent of the Klingon Bird of Prey?

We're going to be starting a Prime Directive game set in the SFB universe and I want to give the players a small but capable ship (from any source, not just SFB). A ship with a small crew - so any casualties are going to be felt, some cargo, some combat capabilities (but nothing to match a cruiser), some scouting, effectively a multi-role type ship similar to the BOP. The players will be a prime team on a recon mission but this will turn into a Voyager type affair with the players entering unchartered waters very quickly.

The era for Prime Directive is TOS, but TMP ships are acceptable as I dislike the look of TOS (Sorry!).

So, do you have any ideas? If preferable, with deckplans? I don't mind fan or official ships, just need some ideas!

Thanks in advance,

Just off the top of my head, the Akula class, Oberth class and Saladin class ships sound like what you're after. I have no deck plans but I'm sure they're out there.

IN the SFB corebook there's the Federation DD, roughly corresponding to Saladin-class if you want deck plans. It has decent weapons, strong shields for the era, shuttles, some cargo, and a manageable crew. It's not quite a BoP, but it works. Overall, though, Federation and Klingons use different doctrines and build their ships differently, not to mention key differences in how they operate them.

The Bird of Prey is a stripped down starship, more like a warp capable gunship than anything else. The Federation has no direct equivalents until the DS9 era.

user is specifically asking about SFU, where that is not the case.

Thanks for the quick response, I'm liking the Akula Class perimeter action ships. If you follow the blurb, then it's kind of a stripped down frigate with a smaller crew, so could be exactly what I'm after.

Thanks for all your helps!

I have a couple of questions.

1. I'm looking into buying a Commander level ship for my Romulan character in STO. I really like the look of the Ar'kif but the Ar'Kala has the better Bridge stations. Is there a way to customise the Ar'Kala to look like the Ar'Kif?

2. Which of the TTG systems is easiest for people to learn? I've got a group of novice D&Ders that I'm trying to convince to run a campaign. A couple of them have played Conan, which uses the Modiphius system, so maybe I should hold off till ST: Adventures.

If you buy the Arkala with zen you can use the arkif skin.

Great, that's what I was hoping. Just didn't want to sink 1500Z in to a ship that doesn't look the part.

I'd say it's not worth it to buy those leveling ships at all. You'll be using it for all of three or four hours.

Far Trek is pretty simple and easy to digest, you can also try Prime Directive with the Lite rules.

I can recommend GURPS Prime Directive. If you get either version (3e or 4e) you won't need any other books as GURPS Prime Directive comes with GURPS Lite built in. We use it, nice and simple and you don't have to worry about any of the bloat that others might complain about. You only need other books if you're really into it.

While Prime Directive is mainly for Star Fleet Battles, don't worry, it is mainly for TOS/TMP so you won't have any issues. If you want TNG or later, then use the Last Unicorn version.

TOS Era: Post Vietnam.
Wrath of Khan and following: Reagan-era military buildup.
Pre-Borg TNG: 1989-1991: End of Cold War.
After Wolf 359, also Dominion War:George W, "Shock and Awe".

Science fiction is always about What's Happening Now.

Would I be better off waiting until level 50 and getting the Jhu'ael? In which case I'd likely just get the Ar'kif with my available Dilithium.

Looks like I have some GURPS research to do, then. Thanks for the advice.

Some of the leveling ships come with good or fun things. The arkala itself comes with the quad plasma cannons, which are good if he's going to go cannons at all.

If you get the jhuael you should still be able to use the arkif skin.

Certainly. T6 ships will last you a long time, since that's the current 'endgame tier'. Romulan carriers are kind of eh, to be fair, but it doesn't matter that much.

No worries. If you're wanting Prime Directive, then this might help.


CBS 'action' has been going through a top 20 voted for episodes of the original series and it's prompted a thought.

Why is is that so many of the best episodes of all the star trek shows are bottle shows or almost bottle shows, as in they'll have maybe a set on a different ship? For a series so focuses on going places, a lot, perhaps even the bulk of the classics of each show are focuses entirely within the ship/station and maybe an excursion to another ship?

Budget. Small sets of rooms and corridors are much cheaper and require no moving or logistics.
Recall that all of this was shot before good CGI, on actual sets.

Because that is where the best characterization and drama is. Planet/Monster/Weirshitinspace just don't give enough emotional impact.

That's because if you don't have some wacky alien of the week for your actors to react to, they actually have to act.

I don't know, the one with the Horta is pretty good.

Now's here's the killer question: does this translate into RPGs at all?

Can you get away with repeatedly only having stuff take place on your character's ship with maybe only a single scene on another (like Q Who and the brief visit to the Borg vessel or the Tholian Web and the Defiant) and still have a really good game, or does that put too much emphasis on the players and their ability to portray a character to carry events?

Yeah true, but I was thinking more of the effects heavy episodes.

It depends on the group. If your group is comfortable with a social game where they're not running around firing phasers at any ridgehead that shows up, then it will work. If your players are expecting something like First Contact happening every week, then they're not going to enjoy it as much.

If your players have that ability there's nothing wrong in exploiting it. Besides, a lot can happen on a ship, especially on those ludicrously long missions Trek has.

>Yeah true, but I was thinking more of the effects heavy episodes.
Doomsday Machine is pretty good.

>ludicrously long missions Trek has.
In both scifi and naval precedence 5 years is not a terribly long time.

>The Assignment
Thought this suppose to be serious episode, I can't help but laugh at this cheese and ham.

Also, isn't ironic that Quark criticizes his family for become less Ferengi-like when Quark himself has been sampling in Root Bear and having more relationships with women from other species than Ferengi women.

Aside from the root beer, Quark is pretty Ferengi. Remember that Ferengi want a harem of women attending them, and don't really care what race gives them oomox. The most popular holonovel on Ferengi is Vulcan Love Slave after all.

>The most popular holonovel on Ferengi is Vulcan Love Slave after all.

I am glad someone had the time to write this up to make part of the lore.

>scifi precedence
As for naval, 5 years without resupply or shore leave, and with sparse communication, is a very long time, considering that the record for the longest naval voyage is 1,152 days.


TOS had the Enterprise resupplying and going to starbases on a regular basis, same for TNG. There is never really a time any of the series without resupply or shore leave, so I am not sure I understand what you mean now.

I think that Kirk's old monologue should really have called it "her five year COMmission" instead. That might make more sense to people who have a better understanding of military terminology.

That actually always really confused me. How exactly do those exploration missions work? It seems like the Enterprise is never more than a few days away from federation territory, but it seems like the federation should have already explored all the areas near its borders. Not to mention they always seem to be changing locations (one minute their near the romulan neutral zone, the next minute their on the cardassian border). It seems like a real exploration mission would probably involve going far, far from federation borders for months on end without resupply, but then again, I don't know much about earth exploration, much less space.

It's one thing to chart space with probes that can tell you how many planets star system has, and what its type is, and another to actually go there. In theory, that was a lot of what the Enterprise-D should have been doing, slowly stretching borders of the Federation's knowledge about the systems near them. In practice, no one gives a shit about new aliens unless they're an instant hit. So we get tons of Klingon and Romulan episodes. Voyager is the closest the series gets back to its exploration roots.

>I am glad someone had the time to write this up to make part of the lore.
Goddammit, for a second then I thought you were saying that someone had actually written up Vulcan Love Slave.

Sure as hell sounds like an interesting read.

Ah, that makes a lot of sense, thanks.

The sad thing is, the exploration part of Star Trek interested me the most, so I thought Voyager would be my favorite show.

Basically, all I wanted was a show about a ship exploring the wild unknown, far from galactic civilization, instead we got all of these schizophrenic morality plays and neelix.

>Voyager is the closest the series gets back to its exploration roots.
And this is why voyager is my favorite series and i just pretend that the bad episodes (like half the series) don't exist.

You also got a shit load of episodes about hallucinations, holograms, altered memories, and what is real vs what is an illusion. (That's what got old real fast for me.)

I finally watched Enterprise on Netflix - lord knows it never stuck to a rational schedule when it was new - and was surprised that it holds up pretty well as a "best of" series: TOS aliens, Voyager horse trading, exploration and gradual development of tech TNG took fo granted, time travel, etc.

Threadly reminder that Nana Vistor ages like a fine wine.

in naval terms think of it this way: you don't get to go home and take on a whole new crew for 5 years. That doesn't mean you never see a port

I do like that TNG spends time pushing the borders out and carrying the flag, but as the flagship of Starfleet, they absolutely could not send it out to deep space. What would have been better was the Ent-D was developed as a roving diplomacy and science ship. Plots like "Picard! This Federation planet has decided that one has too much cheese, and they DEMAND CHEESE! Mediate that shit up, Frogman." or "This stellar anomaly is blocking my view of the next planet over's Spring Break party! Study it and fix it!" Or more stuff like the Darmok episode.

The best part of Enterprise was that the Alien Bounty Hunter from X-Files was Admiral Valdore.

Aside from that atrocious dye job. Her short hair like the Intendant gave me a fetish for that.

There's a couple of quotes from it in Legends of the Ferengi I think but that's about it I am afraid.

However, the main character is a ferengi and well, frankly, I am not /d/ enough for dealing with a small, orange, profit focused troll in my pornographic literature. So I for one am not unhappy that I don't know of more.
Someone has bound to have written it. I'm not going to go look for it though.

>However, the main character is a ferengi and well, frankly, I am not /d/ enough for dealing with a small, orange, profit focused troll in my pornographic literature. So I for one am not unhappy that I don't know of more.
>Someone has bound to have written it. I'm not going to go look for it though.
Really? I thought it was a holonovel, so that the main character is whoever is using the program.

Holy shit.

Also daily reminder that Kira actor Nana Vistor and Bashir actor Siddig El Tahir El Fadil El Siddig Abderrahman Mohammed Ahmed Abdel Karim El Mahdi got married irl.
I'm legit sad that they separated in 2001.

Also who knew, that my second favorite male actor of all time was from Sudan.

>Pregnant Kira
>But it's Julian's baby
Super conflicted about it. The obvious answer is more Nerys.

Sweet fuck, if that suit were any tighter you'd be able to see her organs.

If only Idelacio made TOS versions of all his ST characters, then we'd be cooking with dilithium.

Holonovel, actual novel, movies, audiobooks, this is the Ferengi, they'll sell as many versions of it as possible.

But it's implied the original is a story and the holonovel came later.

>then we'd be cooking with dilithium.
... what

>Uhura wearing something so tight you can see her clit


>Star Trek

What a bunch of nerds

Star Wars is better

He does seem to have caught Sean Bean Syndrome unfortunately.

I don't remember the last thing he was in where he didn't die.

He also has a ridiculously long name.
I didn't think people actually still had those.

The great thing about Arabic is that you can pile it on for basically as long as you want.

His versions are short enough that I can't actually post them on a blue board. Suffice to say, there are piercings visible. Also, the later DS9 uniform has an under swimsuit type deal.

Then give me a damned link.


Fourth post down has his TOS outfit.

That... was a little stranger than I thought. He seems to have an unhealthy fascination with the Caitians, or whatever they're called.

Nah, he gets commissions for pieces and goes through phases. Right now it's M'ress, before it was Seven of Nine, before that was Kira, and before that it was Uhura.

I only saw one with Uhura, and that also had the catgirl in it?

Here's pictures just tagged with Uhura. idelacio.tumblr.com/tagged/Uhura

Yeah, I figured that out pretty much as soon as I posted.

There's a good one of an Orion here that makes me think- there's a stupidly low amount of good stuff for them, considering that they're the archetypal hot alien woman.

The ratio of good to shit porn for trek overall is massively in favour of shit.

Yeah, what is with that? You'd think, for the progenitor of the green-skinned space babe, there'd be so much more.

I blame slash-ficcers. There were slash-fics being written before there was an internet to carry, for fuck's sake.

Trek fan-fic invented slash-fic. The "slash" refers to Kirk/Spock. Hell, Trek fandom invented a lot of the fandom garbage we see today, including the fan convention (before Trek, sci-fi conventions were for the professionals to network and stuff).

Dude, I know. They also invented the Mary Sue.

That's what I meant, I blame the slash-ficcers for taking center-stage and forcing the regular porn away.

I think the Mary concept is eternal. As long as there have been writers, there have been bad writers

>before Trek, sci-fi conventions were for the professionals to network and stuff

yeah, nah.

>will never be as cool as that old man.
Feels bad man.

Yeah, but it was only then that the trope was named.


...DS9 was finished before Clinton even left office.


Guy from last thread with the sucky Galaxy-X here, how is a good way of putting all my ship's stats and loadout on display for a screenshot?

>pull up loadout menu
>take screenshot
Stats aren't necessary, though if you have something particularly neato you can mention it.

So, like this?


First off, for endgame? Stick to one weapon energy type (Phaser, disruptor, plasma, etc). There's a tac console for every flavor. You'll want Mark XII at the least, and there's plenty of mission replays that can net you what you need.

Second, get a full "set" of deflector/engine/shields from replays. Getting one that "meshes" with your preferred beam/cannon type is a plus, but not wholly necessary.

Those two steps alone should see your base damage rapidly approach the 1000 DPS mark. From there, it's a case of fiddling around with bridge officers and other equipment sets to see what works best for the individual.