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40k Fluff is an Aggregation of Sueism edition

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>that pic


Just because GW prints Tau wank doesn't mean Taufags like the Tau wank, either. They feel it's a pleasant change of pace from the standard Space Marine wank, but at the end of the day it's still just wank.

Taufags like the fluff that paints Tau as /morally/ better, with the Empire being actually made of cooperation and progress and LGBT rainbows. At the end of the day, Phil Kelly supports secret Tau abduction squads, reeducation camps, mind control pheromones, and entire Imperial populations being consigned to asteroid slave labor for being human.

In otherwords, he tries to make Tau more grimdark and 40k, and most Taufags are Taufags because they don't actually like the rest of 40k.

[Taurox speak]

Why aren't there cat people in 40k?

Say you're shooting a vehicle squadron, in this case a squad of 3 land speeders. Do you shoot at them separately or do you resolve all your hits against the common facing and spread the hull points lost around?

Say I attack with 4 burst cannons and I land 5 glances. Do I blow up 2 and the last has 1 left or do I just guarantee one of them blows up and the others are lost?

If I play KDK at 1000 points, how many extra models should I bring for summoning? ie, how often do those spells go off
I've only got so much cash so I'm not gonna have Bloodletters, Marines, Crushers AND Cannons all on hand immediately, so I'll probably just take the Letters and Crushers?

There are.

Felinids are a rare strain of sanctioned mutants native to a single Imperial world.

has the new kill team rules been leaked?



shit senpai

You sweet summer child.

Just play Heralds of Ruin.

Leaked? It's already for sale.

Yeah, about that...

[Escalating Fear]

its for weebs to jerk off to

just like tau

it's like shooting a squad of flesh hounds, spread out the wounds in line of sight until you can't any more

it's kinda hilarious, skarbrand could punch 1 leman tank and all 3 could explode

You will never need more than seven in regular games because you only get one per turn.
Five is probably most extra units you are likely to summon.
You might only need a single Bloodthirster.

It depends a lot on what your original 1000 points consists of.
It could be mostly cultists and spawn which will die quickly and generate lots of blood tithe.
Combined with the formation generating a point a turn it is possible (at least in theory) to summon an extra unit each turn.

>in line of sight
Not that user but if I have a squad of 3 tanks form a conga line down a choke point would that mean if the first is wrecked the other 2 are okay due to the hull being completely obscured?

>can I block LoS to my unit using my unit

Is there a proper gif of "I CAN'T BANG THAT"

can you block line of sight to your other 9 space marines by standing them in a conga line behind the 10th space marine so that you only take 1 wound?

>Black Crusade: Traitor's Hate

I'm a CSM player but I've no knowledge about this book. Anyone got a tldr

>They could climb the suit and hurl the pilots to their deaths due to the open cockpit.
Truly there is nothing more Imperial than climbing to victory above a literal mountain of corpses.

Rate my actually casual Tau list for use against bros. I focus on being a sneaky git.

Tau Empire, 2 CADs + 2 Formations

HQ: Commander w/ Onager, Iridium, Puretide, Neuroweb Jammer, 2 weapons from (Airburst, cyclic, fusion, missile or plasma), Drone Controller, Stims = 185
HQ: Shadowsun = 135
HQ: Cadre Fireblade = 60
HQ: Darkstrider = 100

Troops: 3x5 Fire Warrior Strike team w/ Shas'ui, EMP grenades, Missile pod turret = 75 each, 225 total
Troops: 1x12 Fire Warrior Strike team w/ Shas'ui, EMP grenades, Missile pod turret = 152

Fast Attack: 1x6 Pathfinders w/ Shas'ui, EMP grenades, Bonding Knife = 94
Fast Attack: 1x4 Pathfinders w/ Shas'ui, EMP grenades, 3x Rail Rifles = 107
Fast Attack: Remora Drone Fighter (Taros Campaign 2nd Ed) = 90

Heavy Support: Sniper Drone team (1 Marksman, 3 Drones) = 58
Heavy Support: Sniper Drone team (1 Marksman, 3 Drones) = 58

Drone Network Formation: 6 Marker Drones = 84

Optimised Stealth Cadre
1x6 Stealthsuits w/ Shas'vre, 2x Fusion Blasters, Shas'vre Marker/Target lock, 4x Advanced Targeting System (for Burst Cannons), Target lock (for secondary Fusion Blaster), Positional Relay = 227
1x6 Stealthsuits w/ Shas'vre, 2x Fusion Blasters, Shas'vre Marker/Target lock, 4x Advanced Targeting System (for Burst Cannons), Target lock (for secondary Fusion Blaster), Homing Beacon = 232
1x Ghostkeel w/ Either weapon, TL Fusion Blaster, Stims, Velocity Tracker = 195


>IG still can't take multi-laser or heavy stubber heavy weapon teams on their infantry

>Anyone got a tldr

TL;DR We have no idea, but speculation is rampant that it's going to suck, as literally any speculation with regards to CSM is.

We shall see.

Reprint of Black Legion reprint just with the formation names filed off, a detachment added, and the loyalist psychic powers with new names. Prepare to be disappointed.

No but don't let your lack of knowledge prevent you from forming an opinion and bitching ceaselessly. It hasn't stopped any of your CSM friends.

I believe that's because multi-lasers actually require quite large power sources, and as such are usually just directly hooked into a vehicles power plant (so it has ammo as long as the vehicle is on).

Heavy stubbers? There is no excuse. How the FUCK am I supposed to play Catachans if my mixed-race Veterans can't wield their M60's to hate-fuck communist Tau? It's completely un-American, and I blame the British for it.

hack job of all the previous supplements we got earlier this year (fucking black legion and crimson slaughter got redone twice in a year, gw what the fuck are you smoking and where can i get it?), evil versions of the space marine powers and squads

no, but you might be able to conga line it enough to put some out of line of sight

maybe when you get an update


See, I haven't actually heard anything from actual CSM players (at least IRL). All the bitching has been from SM players who secretly hope that CSM don't get anything special or unique that might put them over the edge.

tl;dr we don't really know but the few bits that got leaked don't look good, sorry.

This is actually a valid question, as wrecked vehicles, unlike models, turn into terrain when they are destroyed.

Why do we have two threads?

>what is actually in the traitor's hate book aside from renegade knight variants (worse than the one we already got) and predator/vinidcator squadrons (why would you do this?)

>also word on the street is the Betrayal at Calth big box is being discontinued.

So no cover saves either then? I guess that's why my group doesn't use Battlefield Debris when vehicles get wrecked and just straight up removes them from the table.

>So no cover saves either then?
nah they are a unit so all the wounds are resolved against them at the same time, technically.

What's the best vehicle for Kill Team?

Not for any faction, but the one that you'd be retarded for not taking

As usual, GWIDF is here to spread lies and disinformation.

We actually know quite a bit. We know that, of the 11 "new" formations, three are virtually identical to Black Legion formations, down to hints that some have the same benefits. One is literally just a Knight. One is Kharn and 8 (!) squads of Berserkers. Two are the usual fare of "spam multiples of a unit and gain a benefit.".

We know that the only leaked power is a copy of a loyalist power, and that the discipline descriptions are unnervingly similar to the Loyalist disciplines.

burning chariot. 100 points, fast, d3 18" lascannon or torrent s5 ap3. or maybe the seeker chariot. you can probably tell what army i play

>One is Kharn and 8 (!) squads of Berserkers.
i honestly hope this one is good

like letting me charge 4d6 kind of good

already been confirmed the CSM spells are the same as the marine ones just with spooky names and descriptions

My list for a semi compettive tournament amoung friend, catch is all lists MUST be 100% formations
What think?

The only way it'd be good is if they could run and charge the full 12" in the same turn. Or if they made their transports Assault Vehicles.

do you actually own 8 squads of berzerkers?

That's actually pretty dank.

Never seen one in play though

i own 80 berzerkers

I have 40 berserkers that I haven't fielded in ten years

the GW ones or FW ones?

ones i convered out of 30k shit, BaC and AoS shit

please tell me you run them alongside a lord and seven terminators

the burning chariot or the seeker chariot? the former is like a landspeeder while the later is something orks and dark eldar would personally enjoy

in my last game i failed to destroy one with 4 lascannon havocs and only managed to glance it to death due to bad rolls

There's no infantry multi-lasers and heavy stubbers are pleb PDF tier weapons.

i could ive got 20 cataphractii

Underrated post

>There's no infantry multi-lasers

Well fuck GW introduce them already. The SM armoury doubles every time they get a new codex.

any khorne army with less or more than 88 models might as well not exist

At the end of the day, I don't remember reading any anti lgbt imperial stuff, the only reason the imperium of man is "evil" is because they don't tolerate chaos and xenos filth, which really any thinking man can sympathise with

Understandable. The parts in BRB saying 0 HP becoming scenery, cover and how vehicles in a squad share damage was a big curiosity I wanted to clear up. Now I know what to do when dealing with vehicle squads, thanks.

And now I want to know what LRBTs would be like if it was a MC.

2bh ive only got 60 of the berzerkers painted and put together, and only 10 of the cataphractii done.

i just have another 40 marine bodies laying around and 10 cataphractii i could whip up if i wanted, but i think im going to make them as something else because i like the AoS conversions better.

im going to add probably add more AoS conversions until it hit 100 berzerkers and stop.



Honestly I'm not too sure what the complaint is with old berzerkers, there's only really a few outright doofy pieces in the kit, like that weird skull face.

Not really that relevant but the Autocannon on the CSM Havoc kit is an M60, you could use that I guess

Either actually, don't play with too many heretics.

The traitor friend is too busy 90% of the time.

their running legs are good, dated but good. the helmets need more detail, like the AoS ones, but they are decent.

the big turn off with them is that the arms are fucking garbage. weird out of scale arms with massive cartoony gloves, and the bolt pistols look like shit. also all the arms are just posed weird.

i own 0 of the GW berzerkers, but ive got the arm bits from the kit and they are total shit. if you want to use their chanaxes for anything you need to cut the hand off at the wrist and use a totally different arm, its trash.

How gimped is my army with a Herald in place of a Bloodthirster until I get the dough for one?
Do I run a Bloodthirster of Unfettered Fury or Insensate Rage?

Also is it just me or does this army rely heavily on formations?

>long time lurker, first time poster
Last time I played a game was pic related.
Haven't painted in an equally long time.

I want to play Thousand Fluffsons, but is it even worth it right now? I have dug around on the Reddit sub, looked over some event results (including some undefeated 6 Dreadnaught/drop pod list) and the meta seems...odd?
Might just be me being out of the loop forever tho

play 30k, its a forgeworld game based on 40k rules but with FW army lists and some different rules, ksons are going to be in the new book thats coming out early next year or late this year. its better than 40k is atm

I used to have GW Zerkers but I traded them for Rubrics so I can get to my eventual goal of 9 squads of 9 each and have a 2500 pt apocalypse army of useless infantry.

Thousand Sons are fun if you make the game about spamming 1 die psychic powers and having units on the board turn 5.

If you care about winning... Well I have 5 wins with them out of like 120 games. Usually get about 1 win an annual Quarter. And that is after the local meta mellowed out because most people would table me with their standard armies.

30k has Thousand Sons coming out soon. Not Rubrics though, the original legion. Current guess is the book with their rules will be out at next Open day.

Yeah, basically a ton of bad rules writing decisions compounding over the years plus new freedoms in army construction have led to very gimmicky metas.

Loosely the main thing to know is that there are four tiers right now:

Jesus Christ how did you write something that broken tier: Eldar.

High tier: Space marines, Necrons, Tau.

Mid tier: Anything I didn't list above or below.

Don't even bother tier: Orks, Tyranids, Chaos Marines, possibly Dark Eldar.

The trick is to completely ignore the rules and just paint the models you like.

I've given up on ever playing a GW game again. Except maybe the odd boardgame.

Eh, only has 2 factions/10.

What said. I play them too, no Daemons, pure mono-god and they're largely expensive and mediocre as hell. I have often wished I never got into Chaos cause now I have 3K worth of converted and painted models I don't have fun playing and are only a source of frustration and guilt.

How many factions does 40k have? Imperium and Other? That seems like 2 to me as well.

>loyalist SM
>traitor SM
>black shields
>militias and cults
>solar aux
2 factions?

The other split into several others.

Not by logic they don't.

How are tau auxiliaries?

What lists do you run? my base list for 1500 is 3 9 man squads 242ea Sorc 180 + ~500 pts of obliterators (Old Metal Staff Sorcs w/ ghosts from undead fantasy) Dino bots (Timmy / Jimmy / Mr. Fuzzums) or a bipedal defiler

Can I get some feedback on this please? My theme doesn't use big suits other than the Ghostkeel as a centerpiece, so I'm avoiding adding anything bigger than stealthsuits after this setup.

Technically, Loyalist and Traitor are the two factions in 30k, but is still being a reductionist.

they're not common units and they're overshadowed (not to mention heavy support is crowded). while they're not the best they can do good work and i love the models so i use them

i still need to do the slaanesh formations because 5d6 hammer of wrath from a single exalted chariot sounds amazing. a full unit on the charge would do anywhere from 15 to 150 attacks on the charge which should be enough to make even draigo blink

But what if I don't want to play a fandex wank game?

I usually run a Termie Sorc, DP with black mace, 2 8-man Rubric squads, terminators with land raider and 2 Forgefiends. Recently I'm considering fielding a maulerfiend instead of a forge and taking out some points to include a cyclopia cabal. Expensive shit but hasn't played badly.

I'd recommend you remove the Oblits. Speaking for myself, they have always let me down, while the fiends are a lot better in comparison. You could stand to add a cabal yourself, maybe with some spawn meatshields. I generally win games against marines, IG and GK closely, but they all play quite casually.

See, that is my issue. I own ever Cryx model released to date...ain't painted shit...but I own them.
REALLY wanna avoid that sorta bullshit again, but Thousand Sons are so pretty.

We joked about Necrons colored like Thousand Sons, but I just don't know if I can buy and paint noobcrons

>but Thousand Sons are so pretty.
Lawdy I know that feel. Get some and do them up as showpiece models. Don't play them. Not yet. Save yourself, my brother...

Anyone got a good place to buy cheap plasticard?

It's a big difference between a Bloodthirster and a Herald.

Rage's axe is nice but he is a bit too easily killed by the sort of units you would want him to use the axe against.

Fury's high initiative makes him a better choice against units that stand a chance of hurting him, but he still sucks against walkers because his strength isn't really high enough. (He is great is you bring some allied psykers and turn him invisible, but Khorne wouldn't approve)

Wrath is probably my favourite despite being the most expensive.
The ability to fly around hitting stuff with the whip is the most threatening thing in the codex versus flyers.

Then don't, dumbass.

GW's Kill Team rules are shit. This new release is a joke. The Heralds of Ruin fandexes and community are crap, but it's better than GW's.

I suppose I can just start buying things like HQ and HEAVY, really put some time into them and see what happens.
>pic for attention

Deliberate exaggeration: Generally all anyone plays is marines or admech.

Looks like fun Shas'la.

Haven't played since may so I never got a chance to use BL Cabal. I like the oblits as they are good anti everything and tend to do work when things are in range.

I also like my maulerfiend (Mr. Fuzzums) when he isn't immobolized or dead.

I would like to drop the daemon engines though and move to full Rubrics and dreads/tanks but FW isn't making the Rubric Boxnaught anymore so that plan is kinda in the shitter now.

You say marines like that's one army in 30k. I understand you have a thing against 30k, but you don't need to delude yourself.

hes just some butthurt eldar faggot whos mad he cant spread his cancer in 30k

those are the only 'people' i ever see whining about 30k

>Don't even bother tier: Orks, Tyranids, Chaos Marines, possibly Dark Eldar.
>Chaos marines here
>Doubting dark eldars belong here
CSM are low middle tier you faggot.

>(He is great is you bring some allied psykers and turn him invisible, but Khorne wouldn't approve)

shit, i love sorcerers. you're talking about the csm dex? you're gonna have to specify what exactly you mean, i'm new and know only my own dex

Mm, I didn't say I have a thing against it, I just wouldn't be able to stand even more marine proliferation.

I get enough overexposure to power armour in the regular game without stripping most of the factions out.

Ah gotcha. Poor guy.