Spoilers so far:
Enemy fastlands are confirmed
Spoilers so far:
Enemy fastlands are confirmed
would it be too much to call that art breathtaking?
>designated shitting street set
>wizards gives us a canal
>oh boyo
My fucking sides
Well, so much for this thread actually being decent.
>kaladesh is naboo
>podracing from tattooine
>dwarves are gungans
>aetherdudes are jedi
Kaladesh: Return to Star Wars Episode 1
All the new fast lands are pretty cool looking
>"nonbinary" monoblack energy beings
This set is awful.
>Ethereals from WoW with cool looking armor
I'm failing to see what's bad, unless you let the thoughts of people on tumblr dictate your thoughts.
What is it about /pol/ that makes them run their memes into the fucking ground?
I look forward to the day that everybody who shits all over these threads with complaints about thematic unoriginality in this trading card memepit does an obnoxious amount of magic mushrooms and realizes that the whole obsession WotC has with tinkering with and reiterating upon game design elements applies to the creative team's fairly open process of sticking tropes into a blender and spreading the resulting paste onto cards
the creative division is also subservient to the game design folks
because they don't think that anybody could be autistic enough to expect groundbreaking storytelling from a cardboard slot machine
the story has always been rehash trash and thankfully always will be
balance in all things
Races that break from real-world gender models have been a thing in fantasy/sci-fi since forever, and their reasons for being black are actually fairly interesting, compared to the lolevil we usally get. Don't let the SJW boogeyman spook you, user.
according to tumblr, maybe
They're "nonbianary" in the same way a rock is "nonbianary". They're fucking inhuman ayylmaos.
I was watching Star Trek the other day and realized that if /pol/ lived back then it'd be considered worse than tumblr is now.
they're constantly crumbling artificial lifeforms, I think it makes sense for a tech-heavy plane where people are obsessed with artifice and innovation. I mean shit even the elves are cool with artifacts. those fuckers got mad at me because my tools were made out of wood, once upon a time. if this is the face of social progress, I can stomach it.
who the fuck said anything about nonbinary? have you been browsing tumblr to get angry on purpose? do nongendered robots trigger you? you have a very puckered comfort zone, big boy.
Here. The response to the tumblrite basically being "Sure, think whatever makes you happy" and so of course it triggered the /pol/acks looking to be offended.
>I'm failing to see what's bad
Not him, but I dislike them because of the fact that WotC made them ""nonbinary"" SPECIFICALLY to pander to tumblrtards, or at least that's how MaRo is acting about it and considering WotC's recent love of 'diversity' it's a safe bet that being genderless was a choice made first and foremost to pander.
>who the fuck said anything about nonbinary?
MaRo did He's openly accepting "yep these are non-binary genderless things with they/them pronouns"
everyday until you like it
I really like the first Aetherborn they revealed
I hope they have some sort of theme in common with them that could be a possible build around
It's just what they do. They're a /mlp/-tier containment board at this point but for some reason none of the janitors are willing to put them back where they belong.
Shame, really.
Are you seriously retarded? Like another user said, they're nonbinary because they're fucking aethereal refuse given sentience, which is a play on an age-old sci-fi trope.
You're pulling shit out of your ass about "specifically pandering" just so you can feel offended at something, which is really pathetic.
A stale joke with no real substance to it isn't going to become funnier because you repeat it over and over again. It's the equivalent of a child yelling a world really loudly and thinking it's the funniest thing ever, and so they do it over and over again because it amuses their simple minds.
>He's openly accepting "yep these are non-binary genderless things with they/them pronouns"
Well, duh, they're sexless energy beings or whatever, it'd be kinda weirder if they weren't.
I think the creative team themselves referred to them as nonbinary at a PAX panel, which triggers /pol/ something fierce. Even though it's an accurate term for the situation, as far as I can tell (they're presumably sexless, being artificially created and all, but seem to partake in the larger Kaladeshi culture around them, where all the other races have a gender model into which they don't fit).
>>You're pulling shit out of your ass about "specifically pandering" just so you can feel offended at something, which is really pathetic.
The only thing pathetic here is how you're so blind to the diversity WotC is trying to shoehorn into every set.
Or did you also like the Black greeks and Blackula shit?
>tranny in khans
>female ghostbuster in conspiracy 2
>nonbinary genderfluid aliens in kaladesh
Im fucking done wizards is done, the whole fucking world is done why do people have to shit everything up FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK
It's hilarious how obvious it is you don't actually know anything about magic, and are just spouting shit you've heard on Veeky Forums.
Also, I didn't realize Theros was Greece. I should go there sometime, it seemed like a cool place with all the satyrs and minotaurs running around.
its not supposed to be funny. If you think that it is supposed to be funny, it is your problem, or do you think that stuff is only postable if they are funny? Or do you think that meme translates to funny stuff? It is a serious problem in India, the place Kaladesh set is based on if you still haven't noticed.
Yeah, and a clear way to talk about a serious problem is to type three words in all caps over and over again like a child, in threads that have nothing to do with India but are about discussing a card game.
>Egyptian set = niggers
>Jungle set = niggers
>Return to Dominaria = all nig now
>wizards just give the fuck up and bring out returnbto return to tavnica and its basically Detroit = niggers
This is now your card game
"They're non-binary attack helicopters yada yada! "
>Uh, sure. Are you going to buy some cards?
"Fuck yeah, son!"
>Oh, we're to-tal-ly being inclusive and like, yeah, brown lesbians, that's breaking new ground!
Of course a company will pander. Do you expect artistic integrity from a business?
>literally unironically supports WE WUZ GREEKS being shoe-horned in
>probably thinks the needless tranny-khan was a good idea too
Please stop playing MtG and go back to tumblr
>Tranny in Khans
She was in Fate, nerd
>Female Ghostbuster
Holy shit that's funny I'm using that
Who could have guessed a /pol/ack would be too retarded to understand that a fantasy setting is not a 1:1 analogue of an actual place?
everyday until you like it
Will you stop playing?
Thank you for proving my point. Do you have anything constructive to say, or are you going to waste your life posting nothing of substance on a board dedicated to stuff you likely know nothing about?
>Do you expect artistic integrity from a business?
Do you think a business shouldn't be held to any form a standards by it's consumer base just because "Hurr they gotta make profits"?
Who would have guessed a tumblrtard would be too retarded to see that the diversity is being forced by boardroom quotas and serves no purpose to the story at all.
Khans block double nerd
Conspiracy 2: Harambe Boogaloo
Not like you've read any of the stories, since you're just here to shitpost about diversity.
DESIGNATED SERVO STREETS (made of fabricated poo)
>literally unironically supports SATANIC INFLUENCES being shoe-horned in
>probably thinks demons showing up in every set is a good idea too
Please stop playing MtG and go to church once in a while, user. My boyfriend and I are getting worried the pagan influences in that card game of yours. He says you were mumbling about 'goat-legged niggers' in your sleep.
That's about as effective as SJWs complaining about representation are for releasing the thousands of Yazidi women out of their sexual slavery at the hands of IS.
Write a goddamned letter you faggot. Teferi was black like the night before it was cool and Echo Mage from Rise is literally Kanye west. Quit fabricating outrage and send Wizards your money like I know you're going to.
Maybe one of these days we'll be able to have a thread that can actually talk about the game and doesn't devolve into shitflinging by idiots. You know, maybe discuss possible decks post-rotation, or how the new mechanics will be, or what we expect out of the rest of the set since we haven't seen much black or blue.
But nah, let's just talk about tumblr endlessly. It's like I'm really on /v/
This, they are including diversity because it sells more than not being inclusve. 99% of the people who plays don't give a fuck, so if they get free marketing on tumblr or w/e because they are being inclusive, that's it.
Are you going to spend less because they are diverse? Are you going to refuse to use a good card because the man is nigger?
>Teferi was black like the night
Teferi didn't come from not!Greece, Greece is a majority white country and during the height of it's bower was almost all white. If you're going to build a set based on the mythology of greece, you don't put in nignogs as regular citizens.
The sad thing is realizing that unlike /pol/, /mlp/ at least seems to do its fucking job.
The thing that always fascinates me about the "pandering" argument is that it rests on the assumption that Wizards doesn't actually care about diversity and is basically just in it to sell more product, because /pol/ assumes that they're the majority opinion for some reason. And that's probably true of the corporate top brass. But look, I live just a few miles from their offices, which are part of the liberal-as-fuck greater Seattle area. I've got friends who work/have worked there, and met a lot of their employees. If you think this isn't something that's coming from the ground level at Wizards, I've got bad news for you.
>commanders in Tarkir
>reprints in conspiracy 2
>Bears driving podracers in kaladesh
if you ain't down you don't have to come back
>all the pipes depicted in Kaladesh are devoted to transporting aether
>there are no actual water plumbing systems depicted anywhere in Kaladesh
Fucking meme magic
Trips confirm. For what it's worth, I look forward to that hypothetical day. For now, I think energy counters are going to be really interesting. Maybe there'll be a Doubling Season like effect that extends to players?
>Infect count to five gets it banned in modern immediately
How fucking cancerous would that be?
Inspired by Greece is not the same thing as being Greece. Theros is not Greece, no more than Jamuraa was North African or Kamigawa was Japan.
The b/g fast land is straight out gorgeous
The fact you keep replying and is mad about it is enough. All I need is to engrave into your head that POO IN LOO. Until you either reach the point where you don't give a fuck about or explode in madness.
>Do you think a business shouldn't be held to any form a standards by it's consumer base just because "Hurr they gotta make profits"?
My standard is make an enjoyable game, and I still enjoy the shit out of Magic. Still find art I like in the cards. And trolling the fuck out of triggered /pol/tards is just icing on the cake.
I mean, it's like bullying a cute virginal Amish girl by flirting shamelessly with her.
What if they shit in the aether pipes and that's why the aetherborn are going to have an uprising in the next set?
>we haven't seen much black or blue.
Calm down princess, your oppressed black cards are coming they just have to work out the rape and assault mechanics
>Evergreen keyword: Negro
>"If 2 cards with the keyword negro are in play on the same side destroy one and detain the other, negro cards cannot be used in decks that have cards with a white identity"
You don't really want to talk about Magic on Veeky Forums.
If there isn't good counterspells to make control viable (I mean real control not tapout more-midrange control) and also some sort of combo then I'm gonna take a break from standard
Where is it less awful?
Nigger have you been to Greece? There are no white people there, just Mediterranean-colored greaseballs. They're basically Lebanese already.
That's what I'm saying mang.
Aren't most sets planned like ten years in advance? Wizards has been planning on pandering since 2006-- when nobody gave a shit about gay rights, nevermind trans* / snowflake rights?
I think that energy is going to be a fascinating mechanic to watch play out anyways.
I'd be interested to hear everybody's thoughts on the card/mana value of the stuff.
It's hard for me to wrap my head around, since the value of energy gets warped by what turn you're going to spending it.
I really like the way that it runs parallel to other resources, and considering all the shitposting MaRo does about "parasitic mechanics" I imagine they're being careful with it.
I'm not exactly mad. But Veeky Forums allows me to mock retards without being seen as a bad person. So, I'm really enjoying what we've got going on right now.
>tap a servo to crew a podracer
>tap that podracer to crew another podracer
>tap that podracers to crew your starship
>we gundam now
>fly to designated shitting street to poo
>Nigger have you been to Greece?
Have you been to ancient greece either?
What a stupid argument to make.
What kind of standards do you want to hold them to? How is having art of brown people in any way a problem with the game? The only way it's detrimental to the product is if you're an idiot like or .
amonkhet reprints?
A FLGS where many of the usuals are GP and PT/Q goers.
Glad to help. Remember to POO IN LOO
everyday until you like it
No they're not planned 10 years in advance. I don't have an exact number, but considering Shadows was designed to be part of BFZ block, it's not that far ahead.
>Implying they look different now than they did then
You seem especially upset friend
Here, have a WWILF
Maybe take a break from shitposting if I've hit some of your triggers
He can't relate. And that's very bad because he can't and that's very very bad.
They better have legendary gods in the set
See that's what I'd thought too, but I said the same thing to the owner of my FLGS who's been playing for longer and he seemed confident that it was upwards of seven at least.
>Okay are team we need at LEAST 12 niggers in this set's art for diversity! Start with that vampire there, make him black!
>But sir the color palette we chose for the clothing of vampires is intended for pale skin
And then you get goof shit like this
I like that so far most cards that spend it also generate it somehow, so they can work in a vacuum but get better with support.
They're planned a ways in advance, but not that far. Still, your point still stands, more or less. And to be fair, people would have been talking about gay rights that far back, just with less prominence than we have been now. Trans stuff is similar, in that it goes back much further but only has only just come to the forefront.
Iirc, they have the generic concept for many years before hand(not 10 fucking years though). But only at like 2 or 3 sets before it that they start working on details, so that they have mostly everything ready with at least 1 set in advance.
I think they might know what plane or theme they're going to do, but I'd bet money they don't start doing art/cards until a max of two years out.
Why do you have a bigger problem with the color of that vampire than the overlong necks on those motherfuckers?
Yeah, geez, that totally ruins the set for me. Especially when the Veeky Forums as fuck Innistrad vampires never ever vary their colors/style of their clothing. I don't know how I can go on playing anymore, my immersion in my spooky scary fantasy world has been completely ruined.
God damn that art style for the armor makes my cunt wet
White armor bitch looks fly as fuck though. Red armor bitch too,to be honest. I can see them being BFFs and sharing an Enthralling Victor's life's fluid.
>>But sir the color palette we chose for the clothing of vampires is intended for pale skin
Solid white clothing on pale skin doesn't work, the vampire was intended to be black.
You are not being triggered to hell and back because of the females on the front line?
What is happening, mate? You should check a doctor out.
>rtrtr is detroit
That made me lol
The rest of the discussion also is hilarious. Why do you get triggered so easily /pol/?
>You are not being triggered to hell and back because of the females on the front line?
No, because they're vampires so any arguments about genetic strength goes out the window when you're probably already leagues stronger than the average human.
I'm basically an aetherborn irl
She may poo in the street but on closer inspection Depala is cute AF, like cosplay gamer grrl cute
>i will never have a dwarf waifu
>like cosplay gamer grrl cute
So not cute at all on the basis of being vapid attention whores?
If my penis is in them i dont really care about their personality
There's a nonbinary...dude? that plays at my lgs. Seriously dreading going in next friday and listening to him/her/it have little microorgasms talking about how much he/she/it loves the aetherborn and is going to build an aetherborn only standard deck. Seriously makes me rage and I know it shouldn't.
borderline asexual, clawing at life for sensations in an increasingly formulaic world, and constantly falling apart at the seams?
I ask only because I need others to relate to
yes also non binary, they/them/xir
Mind my pronouns shitlord
Oh, so you do understand it's not the real world. Well, maybe we can make something out of you yet.
this is my new general
>hurr this is going in my EDH deck
no this card is shit for EDH but I'm running it anyways
her ability has amazing flavor
she's such a rad pilot that whenever she does her thing, all of the other dwarves are like SHIT THAT WAS COOL so they all show up and bring their sweet rides
read the ability text
because that's the literal ability text and nobody can argue with me on any sensible grounds goodbye
I'm not arguing. I'm convinced.
nice meme :)
They're still sour that their ideology lost in WWII. Now they just need someone to blame for their failures as humans.
He didnt mention anything about playing with the card he said he liked the art
Way to project sperglord