What does your familiar look like Veeky Forums?
What does your familiar look like Veeky Forums?
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Of African descent.
I like these. They look pretty magical too.
This thing looks scary as fuck
minature owl griffin (using owl stats)
he was so useful and great that my group unanimously agreed that I had to cut down my use of him.
Free advantage, no-risk scouting with darkvision and advantage on PC, flyby meaning he gets to fly about the battle with etc it was too much for how little it took me to do
it just became annoying for me and the group to account for him every encounter
It can see me, but it usually can't be seem due to it being in orbit.
Likes to sing corny old musical numbers.
I like Ptarmigans
It looks very familiar.
Pick one, or just use whatever you actually have: boredpanda.com
Ratfolk bard.
They come in all kinds of varieties.
A big one.
It's a hawk. A normal, nondescript hawk.
It's like you people want your familiars to get noticed and killed. Jesus.
Don't currently have one, but when I play my sorcerer I'll use a motherfucking compsognathus.
Hyped to have the second best dinosaur follow me around (best dinosaur is Utahraptor).
It'd have to be a chimera of my favorite three animals.
Salt Water Crocodile, Peregrine Falcon, and Timber Wolf.
Crocodile head; wolf body, tail, and forepaws; falcon wings and hind legs.
He just rides in my wizard's backpack. He's smaller than a normal sloth, as well, considering "tiny" is an average of one foot long.
Humorous because my Transmuter is literally addicted to the Haste spell.
Her name is Echo and she likes peaches and she's from Faerie so she's a Faerie bat and is one of the Fey and so she always tells the truth and the truth is that she likes peaches.
She also has an Intelligence of 3, making her very, very stupid; but a Wisdom of 12, making her have more common sense than my own character/her mistress, who has a Wisdom of 9.
I feel like this was in Egyptian mythos somewhere...
Would not be surprised at all.
Was it the Sphinx?
One of my mates used a tiny beholder as a familiar.
If I was into wizarding I think I'd use an octopos
Sounds a bit more like Ammut...
Elf girls are the best familiars.
That does look pretty close. No wings or tail though.
Glowy cat spirit, it has a haunting countenance, and a symbol of binding upon its brow. It's roughly the size of an adolescent bear, and much more powerful.
We have an agreement. It acts as my familiar, aids me, and follows my instructions (mostly), and I keep it well fed with Essence and act as a anchor for it to remain within the mortal world.
My familiar is a simple pug who casts disguise self poorly at will when shit hits the fan.
He is useless, but he grants a major charisma bonus when dealing with druids and female members of any race.
Normally like this, though it can change shape to suit my character's commands. In battle it's often in the space between the lining and outside of his armored longcoat, though. Thing's got a Damage Barrier 160 and AT 8 against anything that doesn't do energy damage.
>What does your familiar look like Veeky Forums?
>only single familiar
Top kek. No self-respecting wizard or ranger goes around without a cat, a crow and a rat.
so cupil from skies of arcadia?
>Her name is Echo and she likes peaches and she's from Faerie so she's a Faerie bat and is one of the Fey and so she always tells the truth and the truth is that she likes peaches.
That is the most autistic compound sentence I have ever read.
A snarky carbuncle
it's how an 8 year old would describe their pet
Maybe? Never had a DC, so I can't say for sure.
Run-on sentence is the term, I believe.
Oh wait that may not be true, because the sentences here are actually connected with conjuctor-doodles... CONJUNCTION JUNCTION! wut u fer!?
I think that's how her familiar describes itself.
A robotic cat that looks like it came from a bad French cartoon.
I did not choose the monkey, I inherited a mage NPC character. I jumped in when I read he had a monkey as a familiar.
My character is a magical girl. Or more accurately, a delusional mage whose mentor deliberately indoctrinated her into believing she's a magical girl, despite no such thing actually being a thing in-setting.
Her familiar is a bakeneko who was forced to act as her cuddly mascot critter as a result of losing some kind of bet/challenge against my character's mentor. He doesn't like to talk about the details, since the whole situation is pretty embarassing for a centuries-old youkai. Basically, he's the straight man grudgingly forced to play along with my character's quixotic nonsense.
I'm fond of the old miniature dragon, but my last familiar was a huge bubble of soap.
It did fuck all except float around where I wanted it to and shoot most of my spells.
>Her familiar is a bakeneko who was forced to act as her cuddly mascot critter as a result of losing some kind of bet/challenge against my character's mentor.
Vaguely along those lines, but in this case it's not really a punishment for wrongdoing so much as one of those things where an arrogant magical being gets outwitted by a crafty mortal and has to obey said mortal as a result.
And I'd name him Moe.
Really more of a pet than a familiar, but he did belong to a wizard once
I keep forgetting he exists. There's been no mention of him for like three sessions.