So who does it? What do you prefer?

So who does it? What do you prefer?

Back to /d/, you fucking shitposter.

Error: Insufficient data to understand OPs question.

But this is /d/-lite and always has been.

I want you and all other degenerates that shit this board up with your cancer to collectively jump of the bridge. Nobody will miss you.

I think it's classified as actually ...

This is wrong and a bad meme.

Old Veeky Forums

>which, incidentally, was total shit
Hmm, yes I can see the connection ITT.

>mfw people actually believe this and spam every single thread with their dumbass fetish

I want you and all the other /pol/posters that shit up this board with your cuckposting and your "ur a degunurate" to collectively go away. Because we here on Veeky Forums don't tell others to jump off of bridges. Nobody will miss you.

>Because we here on Veeky Forums don't tell others to jump off of bridges
I do user, for various reasons. This isn't a safe space.

>telling an off-topic shitposter to fuck off is now /pol/

And /pol/ isn't?

This is also not /pol/, or most of the other boards on this site.
We are more civil here than the other boards.
So if you want to defend the purity of Veeky Forums by telling people to fucking kill themselves, you're doing it wrong.

>telling people to kill themselves while they're trying to have a discussion about a particular type of roleplaying is now defending Veeky Forums

I do it, sometimes. I've got a lad on there and we RP whenever possible.
My "main" there is probably one of my most well developed characters, simply because I've played him so long.

I do it because my work schedule doesn't allow me to be in actual games, so it's a pretty convenient venue to hop on and freeform from time to time.

I only play as a very young girl raped regularly by monsters and dragons. anyone looking to rp?

Both D&D games I tried to set up on there got fucked in the non-sexy way.

user please, I won't care if I hurt your precious, fragile feelings, but I can assure you that I won't throw it around carelessly. Both, pretending that Hitler did nothing wrong and the jews did everything bad in this world and trying to make this board some smuts personal erpg-chat will gain you a variant of "kill yourself".

>RPing on f-list

I am so, so sorry that this is the only place you have. You might want to look into MUCKs like MCM, though I wouldn't start any adult RP there. I bet you'd prefer Discordia anyway faggot

Typing out '*murrs softly*' on a shitty erp site while jacking off does not count as a traditional game. Please use bleach as mouthwash ASAP.


>All this bile because I roleplay in F-list

Who ERP on Liphoria, an awesome alternative to the furry rp site

>it's a "your roleplaying is not the right kind" discussion


Veeky Forums is not a role-playing board.

Smut is not an RPG. I wish you'd learn that already, you filthy degenerate.

>Veeky Forums is not a role-playing board.
yes it is.
It was created as a containment for wh40k but it evolved into a lot more than that.
it spawned it's own roleplaying systems, has discussions about franchises which are only mildly related to RPGs at all, much less to "traditional games", it has CYOAs (not traditional games), it had quests (not traditional games), it has discussions about finding a group to roleplay with (not chess&co), it has discussion about moral allignments in role playing settings(not traditional games), it has LARP (not traditional games), it has art request for your roleplaying (not traditional games), it has lengths discussion about good and bad roleplayers (not traditional games per se but how people play), it has threads about roleplaying stories (not traditional games), it has threads about creating a world for roleplaying (not traditional games), it has topics about roleplaying in computer games (not traditional games), it has discussions about basically any kind of topic even remotely connectected to roleplaying.
And only one or two topics at most which have only little to do with roleplaying. (mtg threads and miniature painting threads)

>Smut is not an RPG. I wish you'd learn that already, you filthy degenerate.

>Your roleplaying is the wrong kind of roleplaying which i as a moral prude will not approve of

You're the kind of person who 20 years ago would've thought DnD was the devils work.

>yes it is
No, it isn't. It is not about actively playing role-playing games on this board, it is about talking about role-playing and the various systems that are made for it. You don't play DnD here, you talk about playing DnD here.

>Using F-List

Elliquiy is better.

>No, it isn't. It is not about actively playing role-playing games on this board, it is about talking about role-playing and the various systems that are made for it. You don't play DnD here, you talk about playing DnD here.
No one ever claimed it was that though. You might have misunderstood something.
No one ITT that i saw wanted to roleplay on here.
Please excuse me if i didn't phrase things clearly or something.

Leave and never return.

Banning the ERP threads was the best thing the mods ever did. Now we just need to get rid of quests as well.

>It was created as a containment for wh40k but it evolved into a lot more than that.

This is an old lie 40kids repeat without any proof. Seriously, stop perpetuating a myth that has nothing behind it except 40kids exaggerating how important they think spamming a thread one day a week in the spam board was, compared to the daily D&D threads in /v/.

Veeky Forums was originally for all games that were not video games. That's why it's called Veeky Forums, not /40k/.

More importantly, Veeky Forums isn't the "roleplaying" board, but the "roleplaying games" board. There's a distinct difference, which is why we don't discuss actors, wearing fursuits, wearing halloween costumes in the bedroom, cybersex, or other forms of roleplaying that don't have anything to do with games.

>You're the kind of person who 20 years ago would've thought DnD was the devils work.

You're the kind of person who wasn't even alive 15 years ago.

Rule 3: Back to /b/ with you furfag

Why is everyone so triggered?

F-list is an ERP site, and Veeky Forums is mad about it.

no but we discuss larpers and freeform rp

again see my arguments above.
everything to do with roleplaying and not much with the actual games without roleplaying.
Seriously fuck off with this bullshit.
If you don't like the thread don't reply to it.
Just because something is erotic roleplaying instead of normal roleplaying doesn't make it any less of a roleplaying game (and yes not all ERP is freeform.)

moral prudes thinking that people discussing erotic roleplaying games on their board will somehow drag down their purity so they need to tell them to stop having fon the wrong way.


>everyone who don't share my very weird fetish and understand what off topic means are prudes

It's like I can smell your stained fursuit over the Internet.

>"stop fursecuting meeee"

It's not about prudishness. I ERP myself. It's about not wanting this board be flooded by more off-topic threads that encourage nothing but shitposting. /d/, /soc/, /trash/ exist, why can't you post there?

It goes aprox. 2 years back, there was drama regarding the classification of certain Generals.
Sort of like the recent /qst/ schism, except smaller scale, but some people took it very personally.
Also something about double standards in moderation. But that's a constant topic.

Actually I think OP should kill himself because it's a freeform "role playing" site.

They're all pretty much just masturbation, just that F-list is for your dick and vag instead of the more common self-esteem fix.

This. There are different boards for different topics. That's one of the basic concepts of an image board. Why are you too dense to understand that?

Again, Veeky Forums is mad about it.

It baffles me how hard people cling to posting offtopic shit on certain boards. ERP and quests on Veeky Forums for example. It's not fucking hard to just click one board over and talk about thing there in peace, and they're more suited to the respective topics anyway. Yet people have been trying to worm back into Veeky Forums for months, VOCALLY FIGHTING for their right to not click a single link before posting. What drives a man to do this?

>no but we discuss larpers and freeform rp

Which are games.

What part don't you understand about that?

/d/ bans /d/iscussion lately, imagedumps only, final destination
/soc/ is for camwhoring and meetups - ERP is neither of those
/trash/ is basically /mpl/ with red background - but yeah, it basically works for this, or anything really

On the other hand - complaining that ERP would off-topic flood on Veeky Forums does not sound very convincing when it would be more on topic than good half of the catalogue at any given time of the day, just on the virtue of being roleplay. Various >one line greentexts /tv/, /v/, thinly veiled /pol/ and flavor of the month anime threads have even less relevance and nobody does anything against them.
Also quests, but that's whole another can o'worms.

Same thing goes for the Elder Scrolls and Warcraft threads.

>/d/ bans /d/iscussion lately, imagedumps only, final destination
>i don't go on /d/ and am talking out my ass

>/soc/ is for camwhoring and meetups - ERP is neither of those
>cybersex hookups aren't meetups

/trash/ exists. Go there

erp is also freeform rp

> basically /mlp/ with red background
Yep, seems like a good place for your kind.

Neither should be here.
It's the sort of thing where a one-of thread would be fine, but having them as generals has made them quickly decay into just being Veeky Forums threads on Veeky Forums, and that's ridiculous.

They don't even really bother to even pretend to discuss using any of that stuff in roleplaying games anymore.

>if I call cybersex ERP, it makes it a roleplaying game

No, that's just pretentious cybersex. Still not a game.


ERP is /soc/. Official mod ruling mate.

YMMV, but as far as I can tell average erp session will have more fleshed out background that average D&D session.

You need to find a better group.

Don't we all?

>as far as I can bullshit

Wow, that's pretty far.

Veeky Forums rarely talks about freeform forum RP. We definitely don't have generals for those. It's also borderline offtopic. But PG-13 freeform RP is still a more Veeky Forums topic than ERP, since ERP discussions ALWAYS devolve into discussing fetishes and exchanging f-list links. Which is /d/ and /soc/.