>PCs come across massive satyr feast/orgy/fun time be had
>Didn't join in any of it
Would you have joined?
PCs come across massive satyr feast/orgy/fun time be had
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Please just fap. Just look up some porn and fap. You don't need to make a thread here. This isn't your personal masturbation board.
I'm so glad quests are gone, now we have space for quality threads like this.
It's not so much that I' horny right now it's just that they were bitching how are the adventuring was getting tiring so I gave them the best way to relieve stress and they just sad fuck that and are still continuing to bitch about stress.
My character probably wouldn't have, but he's undead so a feast/orgy has basically nothing for him.
If we're talking Wild Satyr - we gun them down and loot choice parts for talisman crafting.
If we're talking Orc metatype - we quickly set up trideo recorders to get as much as possible on tape.
>Players come across one of the numerous beastfolk orgies in my magical realm
>Don't join in, don't want to enter my magical realm
>mfw I'm a good DM and deserve a better group
>CN sliding towards E Sorcerer/Warlock from not!Rome who worships Bacchus and Discordia, and has a Tome Pact with Loki.
Short answer: Yes.
Long answer: Get the Rogue and the NPC minotaur to go grab some fine wine and sweetmeats. Send the paladin and ranger on ahead to whatever mission we are actually supposed to be undertaking because they're sticks in the mud.
"We're going to do this orgy right and proper, by the gods' balls. Now go find some nymphs, and maybe see if that house with the chicken legs over there has a resident who'd be down for this."
Fuck no. That's asking to get ripped apart by Maenads.
We leave that shit alone.
If the adventure is getting tiring, you don't respond with a fucking ERP bonanza, you God damned sperglord.
Just fucking write your own smut if you want to magical realm it so badly.
What are my odds of being torn apart by my mother?
Rolled 6, 7 = 13 (2d10)
I lob a frag grenade in the middle of the foul congregation of beasts.
Rolled 29 (1d100)
Let's roll for it.
Why do virgins suggest someone fap before posting? That only serves to get a person into a sexual mindset.
Advice like play some video games woukd work much better.
I was under the impression that those kinds of things got out of control real quick and resulted in ruin of anyone who joined in.
>That only serves to get a person into a sexual mindset.
Usually it takes you out of sexual thinking.
is that Sartre as a satyr?
Fantasy creature philosophers?
No. Do you honestly think they'd have let me in? Nobody's that desperate.
So you never, ever have come down off an orgasm high? Or felt that 'fuck it' post-orgasm feeling?
I hope you don't come a lot user because you must be seriously fucking horny at this point if you do.
You're a weird one.
You lose sexual interest after orgasm, hell, even monthy python made jokes about that.
American "sex ed" and nofap culture, everyone
How could you so casually write complete lies?
Because Europeans feel the need to constantly assert their superiority in mundane cultural matters.
>playing a guy with incredible insight and gut feeling
>joining a fuckfest of fae and complete strangers
Oh yeah, that's totally a good idea! Of course he is going to join!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
What could POSSIBLY go wrong!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
said the american
are you a vampire because you have no reflection
My party joined a satyr orgy, but there was a plot reason for it. Ritual curse breaking, to be specific.
It isn't like we wandered into a fey party uninvited and stuck our dicks in the host. We aren't goddamn heathens.
Quite a lot, actually.
When you want to be done with sexytimes, you stop doing sexystuff.
Take a line from SWG:
Players generate stress when they take damage, use skills, basically do anything except walk and talk. Since you should be planning your adventures, you should be able to determine the minimum stress the party generates. So, you can then plan pit-stops where they need to go chill in the pub, at the club, brothel, wherever, so they can start feeling like normal people again and reduce their stress points.
Bonus if you're in a system well-designed enough to apply negative mods as stress builds. d100 systems works well for this.
I assume you've been waiting to use that for a while but I have no idea how such a comeback is relevant to the train of posts.
Would be a little rude to insert myself without an invitation. I'd at least ask if you can come in.
This is literally the first time I've met someone who has had this opinion/belief so I wouldn't say its a widespread American thing.
>So, you can then plan pit-stops where they need to go chill in the pub, at the club, brothel, wherever, so they can start feeling like normal people again and reduce their stress points.
>at the club, brothel, wherever,
Which was essentially what the GM here did.
It's just how masturbation works, man.
You masturbate, then you do it again, then you do it like twice more, then you are too exhausted to continue but still want to go on so you do something else until you don't.
>so I gave them the best way to relieve stress
Having the PCs enter your magical realm and fuck goat people isn't the best way to help them relieve stress you fucking autist. Try and dress it up as a genuine party all you want, but we all know damn well that you just wanted to fondle yourself under the table as you described them fucking goatfolk. You want to relieve stress? Give them a spa-day or beach episode type session. Maybe let them enter a normal goddamned kingdom that's heard of their deeds or have been helped by the PCs in the past and wants to welcome them by throwing a celebration in their honor and generally just pampering them for a few days. Give them a chance to be relatively normal people rather than a band of adventurers instead of trying to make them go the Welshmen route.
>You masturbate, then you do it again, then you do it like twice more, then you are too exhausted to continue but still want to go on so you do something else until you don't.
Oh i get it now.
>Try and dress it up as a genuine party all you want, but we all know damn well that you just wanted to fondle yourself under the table as you described them fucking goatfolk.
Can you come over plug yourself into the cablebox and point yourself at a wall? I always wanted a projector TV.
Sorry, I only operate via antena.
I think you missed it
I would have.
Hell, depending on how hard and deep I'd have hit it, I might even endanger the party's safety trying to drop my fiend pact for a fey pact.
I would've cast mass flesh to stone and sold tickets for the resulting statue garden.