Magic: The Gathering Modern General
(competitive discussion)
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Magic: The Gathering Modern General
(competitive discussion)
Kaladesh card image gallery (enemy fastlands):
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Tiers are usage-based. A Tier 2 deck may be better than a Tier 1 deck in a specific metagame.
2016 Worlds Modern Metagame (Decklists):
8 Abzan
2 Titan Shift
2 Living End
2 Jund
2 Bant Eldrazi
1 Affinity
1 Abzan Company
1 Dredge
1 Goryo's Vengeance
1 Infect
1 Scapeshift
1 Thing Ascension
1 BW Tokens
>VERY inbred metagame since this has only very few players. Linear strategies are expected and thus people try to metagame other players, which leads to people bring a deck that beats linear decks (Abzan can beat linear decks), and a deck that beats those decks (Abzan beats Jund).
>Abzan is "Medium Abzan" with Grim Flayer and Collective Brutality. Liliana, the Last Hope also sees a lot of play. Once again, inbred metagame.
We've gone half circle, soon Tron will be top again with all these Jund/ Midrange decks running around. I could actually see Eldrazi/ colorless Tron doing well if there's enough hand disruption. Meanwhile, my janky Tron brews will continue and still lose to my Burn/ Infect meta.
>enough hand disruption
To dissuade RG Tron that is. Also, does Abzan do well against Tron? Everything I said is assuming it has a slightly better than Jund matchup, which is to say shit.
worlds meta game means nothing.
even if it did, jund is already most played deck and still tron is shit and the reason is simply: a bunch of other popular deck rapes it: suicide zoo, infect, affinity, burn, etc.
It's true that it has a bad MU against aggro, but if there are that many people jumping on the hype train after worlds, then Tron could easily top 8 in the next few big tourneys.
I don't think it's a great pick yet, we'll have to see how popular Dredge gets and if the amount of aggro dies down.
What happens if I have 0 lands out and some effect puts 4 fast lands onto the battlefield at once?
So basically, everyone is going to hoard the SHIT out of the UR fastland.
same thing as valakut: etb effects all see each other simultaneously so they enter tapped
What happens if I have no lands out and an effect puts 6 mountains and 2 Valakuts onto the battlefield at once?
user pls don't ask stupid questions and use your brain.
They all check each other at the same time, so they each see three other lands, so they all come in tapped
Valakut is a triggered EtB ability. if this was you could tap them before it went off. For example if bloodmoon was out these still can enter tapped, but scapeshifting into a blood moon doesn't work.
I don't see the issue here, the analogy still works.
The point is that they all enter at the same time, so they all see each other at the same time. Wether or not a trigger is or isn't involves is irrelevant.
But they check as they enter, not when they enter. Before they're on the battlefield there are no lands, and once they're on the battlefield they must have already checked and be tapped/untapped. There is no point where they can be checking if there's lands, and there be lands.
They will enter the battlefield untapped. Read the Scars of Mirrodin FAQ.
>If one of these lands enters the battlefield at the same time as one or more other lands (due to Scapeshift or Warp World, perhaps), it doesn’t take those lands into consideration when determining how many other lands you control.
The Fastland effects are replacement effects, which check the conditions of their clause (how many lands you control) immediately before the action (entering the battlefield). So they ask how many lands you have before they enter, meaning you could now have literally 40 of them enter the battlefield at the same time and all would be untapped.
what a dumb game
Thanks man, that's what I thought but I wasn't sure.
I sure do feel stupid now
These guys just got absolutely blown the FUCK out:
Does this card fit into rug delver? Seems to interact better with goyf than hooting mandrills.
Mandrills can't be bolted.
Probably a meta dependent choice. +1 power and trample is pretty meaningful when you're the aggressor, when you're against faster decks like suicide zoo being able to put this out just as a death touch blocker is useful assuming they don't have battle rage.
>Probably a meta dependent choice
You're literally describing the entire Modern format here.
I haven't played and kept up with the meta for a while so forgive my ignorance. But what has happend to elves?
Is the deck bad nowdays or just unpopular?
The important part of the post is the reason behind various choices.
Elves had some good results at a recent GP, but long tern haven't been winning many events.
Mostly just unpopular, power wise it's probably a tier 2 deck.
>Grim Flayer price spike
You bought your playset before the spike, right?
I'm trying to build a modern deck, I was thinking of converting my RUG delver legacy list into modern Grixis. I already have a majority of the pieces, but I don't want a suboptimal deck. Can someone give me the 10-40 on where Delver is at right now?
>Utility Mythics
Wonderful, as always.
Is Karplusan Forest a viable alternative to Grove for Tron?
>BW Tokens
It's notably worse. Your biggest threat are aggro and burn decks, so your own life total is essential. Meanwhile, when you're swinging you're going to be swinging with 5 or 6 power, so your opponent going up 2 or 3 usually won't change much.
It'll be alright a lot of the time, but when it's bad it will be very bad comparatively.
What? most of those people had it right though
Trample is a god send. This little guy doesn't enable ferocious either. Also can just be bolted. Delve is normally never an issue with goyf
>most of those people had it right though
Only one of them got it right,
>Dismantling a Legacy deck to play Modern
He didnt say he was selling his deck, just taking it apart for staples... I hope
d e a d
t h r e a d
d e a d
Legacy is fun and all but you modern babies need to realize it isn't this perfect format you think it is
And modern is? Just play pauper instead of trying to climb into this rusty shitheap of a format. until something can beat goyf and lili modern will always be a cuck format.
Lmao. Fucking pauper. Good one
Correct, I'm not taking it apart I'm just taking the fetches, delvers, and bolts out to put into the Grixis delver shell and keeping everything else. That way at legact events I have the deck ready to go and at modern events I have the deck ready to go.
But I don't want to take the time to collect the pieces to Grixis delver if it's a subpar deck.
Why do people always scoff when I say I play infect when they play some equally degenerate deck like Abzan company or (tier 1 deck)?
Grixis Delver is Tier 2, and it did win a recent tournament. It's alright, go ahead and get it if it would cost you less than like $50 to pick up what you're missing.
Thanks user, it's looking like about $100 so I'm wondering if I should just bite the bullet and build a different deck. I have goyfs, nobles, and Knights, is Zoo any good in the current meta?
Infect just hurts assholes for some people, dont even try to play an infect deck in edh if you hate harvesting salt.
The highest performing build of Zoo right now is Death's Shadow Zoo, which doesn't even bother with Goyfs or Hierarchs.
Do you have any Inkmoths lying around? With Hierarchs and presumably Rainforests out of the way, that'd be the only noticeable cost for building Infect.
Grixis delver is more of a midrange deck than the typical tempo form delver takes in legacy. RUG delver has less people playing it but you may be more comfortable with it. I think it's more fun too
Why do people keep trying to give rules advice when they don't know what they're talking about?
Because most people assume they know how the rules work.
WC stream is up. I think it's standard though. Protip, type harambe in chat.
I like this. Going into my side immediately.
Great against tron, affinity, eldrazi
I don't have inkmoths lying around but money isn't an issue for me, infect does seem pretty fun desu
That's what I figured, and to be honest I'm not sure if I'll enjoy delver as much without the insane disruption legacy has. Stifling fetchlands makes my dick tingly
Friend of mine keeps saying that tron can easily play around it.
The only thing they can really do is prioritize Ulamog and World Breaker over Karn and Ugin. Being able to counter the spell doesn't feel great when they still end up eating permanents.
first modern playable non land card desu
>bringing countermagic against Affinity
How? I'm not going to counter dumb shit like map unless they're land screwed.
Tron doesn't have room to play around. It doesn't have tricks. Tron just windmill slams big dumb threats
Why not? Not everyone plays in the other hate colours. Hitting any of their big pieces for U is nice
You do know that this is a 1 cmc counterspell against affinity right.
Because it's a very shitty card to draw into. You better have it turn 1 or 2, or it might as well not even be in your deck.
annul exists, family. plus spell snare hits basically all of affinity's payoff cards anyway
If only there was a color that could fill its hand and find the cards it needed to win....
i can't wait to dismiss your cranial plating and watch you weep when you're swinging in with a memnite and a skirge
I'm thinking this card is more aggressive than mandrills, but I don't know how fast rug delver can power out those apes.
I guess alot of the spells in rug delver are redundant. I got the goyfs and the fetchlands. Is the deck fun to play? I really like grixis delver myself, but it's just not great.
To be frank, it doesn't do enough to save you against Affinity to be worth the space in your sideboard. Unless you just have shitty SB cards to begin with, you probably have better, higher impact cards you could be playing for other matchups.
>I'm going to spend my mana in the crucial opening turns drawing cards so I can draw my counterspell
And then what mana are you going to use to cast it?
snare is a mainboard card and rejection is way broader than annul. point is it's good against affinity but hits tron and bant eldrazi as well
My life total?
I think it's a blast. Midrange is rough but sideboard helps. The deck trounces aggro and combo without even trying really
The more obscure cards like simic charm, stubborn denial and Disrupting Shoal lead to some awesome blowouts
Okay, feel free to kill yourself on their behalf.
I guess I could mulligan, I dont know what I have to start with a shit hand and not get that scry
How many copies are you planning on sideboarding that you expect to mulligan freely into it?
Depends on the local meta, zero if zoo, jeskai or jund is huge and 2-3 if trons big. Locally for me it will be a nice reminder to not try to play tron anymore.
reminder to stay hydrated and sit straight. stretch in between games.
>I guess alot of the spells in rug delver are redundant. I got the goyfs and the fetchlands. Is the deck fun to play? I really like grixis delver myself, but it's just not great.
I think the problem with grixis delver is that you'd rather be on Jund. Whereas with rug you are something different. You are playing tempo instead of subpar midrange
>new deck emerges
>it's fun as fuck
How many decks do you own? What are they?
>new deck emerges
>Bant Eldrazi
>(good) Jeskai
>Kiki Evolution
>BGx Delirium
I could even talk about memes like Mardu and Thing Ascension, which are very decent decks that only need a pro or two to optimize them.
Lmao lol fuckin ebin
I'm currently playing Jund, but kind of hate the lack of counter magic. I'll check it out. Got a list you recommend?
>"new" decks
>same old cards with a new one added
>very decent deck that only need a pro or two to optimize it.
That's a good point. From what I gather rug only needs 1-2 lands to operate properly, right?
Look mom I posted it again. But seriously here's my list. Only change is -1 leak +1 remand.
Yea, pretty much. I like to have 3 lands but it's often you'll win with just two. Breeding pool and steam vents will get you there. G for mandrills holding up U for denial makes me diamonds
I honestly don't know that you can trust it against Eldrazi. Anyone that was playing 3 Caverns just might bump it up to 4 because of this.
I'm so jealous of your deck
>tfw no goyfs
How is basic mountain going to save you?
>My Sideboard card is great if I also have one of my other sideboard cards
user, please. Is this the part where I'm supposed to post Nature's Claim and then there's some sort of retarded back-and-forth?
The point is, Rejection by itself is not necessarily amazing against Eldrazi because they mainboard an answer to it that costs them absolutely nothing in terms of Card Advantage or tempo. If you boarded in 3 Rejections and they play a Cavern on turn 2, you're looking at possibly drawing a blank piece of paper up to 3 times that game.
i wish there were viable decks that got to run moon main
>sideboard cards are more difficult to draw than main deck cards
Drawing two sideboard cards, casting one of them first and then holding open mana to use the other is more difficult than playing a Cavern of Souls, you dink.
Hey I'm trying to break into the MTG Modern competitive scene/wrap my head around some of the concepts.
For a while now my favorite colors have been white and red-- but my friend told me that White/Red as a color combo 'Just never works out'. How true do his words ring?
Tron Eldrazi with Cavern of Souls variant
the only "good" modern decks that are just r/w are weird prison decks that speed out ensnaring bridges and blood moons with simian spirit guides or burn lists that forgo nacatl and atarka's command because ???.
otherwise red and white are generally splash colors for control decks like mardu or jeskai
Ah, so it's less of a traditionally competitive deck and more of a side thing? Alright, that's good to know. Thank you.