Hypothetically speaking:
Let's say you have a girlfriend that's hellbent on joining your group, now let's say you really really don't want her to join your group.
What would you say/do to permanently discourage her?
Hypothetically speaking:
Let's say you have a girlfriend that's hellbent on joining your group, now let's say you really really don't want her to join your group.
What would you say/do to permanently discourage her?
Please don't join the group.
I'm not good at subtle.
Just tell your mom to get out of your room!
...Why would I do that? I mean if just stress that if she focuses on teamwork and Roleplaying, I'd help her with everything else. I've helped terrible players become decent players before, how hard can this be?
"I don't want you to join my group"
>inb4 gf won't take no for an answer
"No seriously you're not joining my group. We're different people, I need a space to myself and my friends"
>inb4 super psycho bitch tier refusal to take no for an answer
"This isn't working. I can't keep dating you if you can't respect my needs. Goodbye."
>"I'm breaking up with you."
>Let's say you have a girlfriend that's hellbent on joining your group
That's implying that my girlfriend isn't the only person in my group besides me.
She is. I never gave a shit about other people, and she was the one who got me into RPGs in the first place.
As someone who loves the hell out of his girlfriend, sometimes you just need some separate activities. Spending 24 hours a day every day with someone will wear on you no matter how great they are.
So Veeky Forums my girlfriend wants me to GM a game of MAID rpg, I'm not familiar with the system, what am I in for?
>...Why would I do that?
Because having spaces without your gf makes breakups easier. It gives places you can go for support that aren't associated with her.
If she's friends with all your friends, and is scheduled to be at all your hobby events, that makes it even harder to separate or gain perspective if she gets abusive or manipulative or something.
Also what this guy said . You aren't required to do *everything* together with your SO, and it can get really taxing if you do.
What are you in for? pic related.
Depends on the reason.
My girlfriend wanted to join me at my gaming table, but I didn't want her there for... Several reasons. First, I'm not really respected there and I'm a butt of every joke, don't want her to see that exactly. Secondly, if others learn she is my girlfriend, things could get weird.
Yeah, my group is shitty. But there are no others.
That genuinely sucks.
This is why you don't date underage girls.
>Having a GF who doesn't share interest with you
>Having a GF who doesn't already play RPGs
>Not meeting your GF through RPGs and tabletop
What are you doing son
Yeah, I see the joke, but no, that's not it. They could get creepy around her or try to take her from me or some shit, I know those guys, they would do something bad and the group would be broken over it.
Lie that it's a gurps based sci-fi game. When asked about details say that it's ground combat with a focus on black/grey ops, and that magic and powers aren't permitted.
Hey, dude, if you were in a relationship with someone and you said "I'm the butt of every joke and not respected, and if they find out about my friends, things could get weird. Yes, it's shitty, but no one else could love me." I think it would be apparent that you were in an abusive relationship.
If you honestly don't feel like you're "part" of the group, but you're a target in the group, I'd recommend leaving that group. There are alternatives for sure--there's a website called meetups that helps tabletop players find each other, there's roll20 and tabletop sim, etc etc.
She's a great girl, loves the shit out of me, keeps the house clean, the balls drained, the stomach full; but she's really fucking clingy, smothering even, wants to spend every waking moment with or around me.
I just want some me-time is all.
Okay. So tell her that.
Although I find it odd that you would designate a fundamentally social hobby as "me-time", but that's just me.
Start a second group, maybe something system-lite or just boardgames, and include her and your interested mutual friends.
She'll get to feel included in your hobby, and you can still maintain a separate "safe space."
This guy gets it
"[GF], I love you, but I would really appreciate if I could have some time to hang out and connect with my friends."
Pretty goddamn simple. If she doesn't get that, then you escalate the talk.
Not particularly strange if he's more of an extrovert.
"No, seriously, you wouldn't like it. These guys can get pretty offensive and I know you'd hate that. A lot of stereotypical sexist power fantasy stuff, that sort of thing."
It's that easy.
Actual good idea here
Well she's there during what typically would be me-time humming a song, fiddling with her tablet or interrupting me to get in my pants.
Very clingy.
... Are you complaining that your girlfriend wants to fuck you to much?
Dude, you need to sit down with her, and seriously establish some boundaries and, more importantly, define what you both want from this relationship. Honestly, looking at what you've posted so far, you're going to go at it for another 2 months or so before one of you breaks it off.
op... are you dating a (lite-)yandere?
well this should be interesting
Halfway through you should switch to Dark Heresy.
>Let's say you have a girlfriend
This'd be evidence that I have terminal braincancer. How tragic.
>that's hellbent on joining your group, now let's say you really really don't want her to join your group.
As any man with sense would. I guess the brain cancer can't be THAT bad then!
>What would you say/do to permanently discourage her?
Call me sexist if you will, but women are like dogs: they'll never respect you unless you establish yourself as the alpha of the pack. You don't need to justify yourself, just tell her what she can and can't do.
hold on found a link for.... well you will see
It hypothetically sounds like you don't like her outside hypothetical sex. If this is the case, you should dump her ASAP.
You'll know you have a keeper when you're happy to have her join you for things. Stay single until then, or friends with benefits if you can negotiate it.
A crazy one then? You need to bargain with her, if she behaves and leaves you alone while you pretend to be an elf you give her a prize:
>back massage
>box of chocolates
>foot rub
>dinner at a fancy restaurant
>doing the dishes on mondays
>visiting her parents more often
>letting her sit on your face
Or risk getting stabbed, nigger
Make an offer: she gets to join but you get to [insert disgusting fetish here] her for every session played.
>never had a girlfriend
>has probably had a girlfriend
It just gets exhausting after a while, you know? Sometimes I just wanna chill.
Good advice, thank you
She's not crazy or violent like pic related, just a little clingy. I'm her first actual boyfriend, it's not that bad.
We already do all that stuff and then some, except for the feet thing because that shit's gross.
Considering the circumstances of the whole deathmatch thing, her actions were entirely reasonable. She would not have hurt a fly if it were not for "the survival game"
bullshit and you know it
unless i read it wrong yuno killed an other universe yuno to be that universe yuno and be with that univere yuki, shits craycray mang
you read it right, worth adding that this happened because she killed her universe yuki
But the point stands that this would not have happened if they were not dragged into the survival game.
man, i still cant belive that i read all that clusterfuck
I take it most people read it because it has Juno in it.
On a side note, I'm convinced that that sort of character came into being as soon as primitive tribes started using language. Anime fans just gave her a name and turned her into a fetish.
Juno is fine young lady, but Minene best girl.
mate, im 90% sure that medea, from greek myth IS the first documented yandere
I think you will find one in Egyptian mythology too and that's couple millennia earlier.
witch one is?
Why does that myth feature tractors, anesthetics, burn treatment and an army of robots? Did ancient Greeks have really vivid imaginations or just a good source of archaeotech?
I'd say Juno/Hera (and amusingly, Yuno is named after her) is the first. Medea would be number two, though, sure.
Ishtar was just as bad, if you read Gilgamesh. She threatened a zombie apocalypse if her daddy didn't send a giant bull to kill the guy who refused her.
nah just a combination of a good imagination and existing tech
not that hard to imagine. Take your average ox driven plow and imagine that you don't even need the ox
already there. Willowbark contains Salicin, one of the chemicals used in creating Aspirin, and was known to reduce pain
>burn treatments
mostly a combination of using naturally occurring materials with a lot of trial and error.
>army of robots
as with tractors. Imagine an army that follows every command and needs no supplies.
seconding this idea. I've done similar in a similar circumstance.
"I've been/Our GM's been having a hard time with our group size as it is. Maybe I can run/ask him to run a different game for us later."
>me-time has to be in seclusion
underrated post.
Holy fuck, have you never wanted to just get away from people a bit? Especially someone you see and interact with every single day?
This guy gets it.
Break up
If you don't want to share your loves with someone you want to have a relationship with then you will inevitably break up.
Me-time does not necessarily mean being away from everyone, though. It just means being away from a person/group. You can have some me-time with your group to get away from your GF and some me-time with your gf from your group
at least that is how I understood the term
Not only that, but there's games on Veeky Forums.
Also, just want to say you're not alone. My "friends" used to do that to me all the time. They'd say they did it about everyone, but I was the only one they'd bitch at to my face, and I know I got laughed at more than anyone else did.
Granted, I have asperger's so I might've just been doing dumb sperg shit and earnt it, but still.
We're full
>tfw no gf to play d&d with
life is suffering.
>now let's say you really really don't want her to join your group.
Why don't I want her joining my group?
Stop bitching.
If you actually gave a fuck you'd go out and try to find a girlfriend.
I dunno, man, the girlfriend store's such a fucking chore to get to, and they overcharge so much.
if budget is an issue, try looking into used goods
Nah, Used always have something wrong with them, what you want is refurbished. At least they've been taken care of, and don't have any major issues.
Give in and just give her what she wants. Odds are she'll hate it or grow bored after the first session.
>if you were in a relationship with someone and you said "I'm the butt of every joke and not respected
>I think it would be apparent that you were in an abusive relationship.
Or he's the kind of guy who has no understanding of sarcasm or good natured ribbing, and an incredibly thin skin, and when people joke around with him and give him shit, he internalizes it and thinks he is being mocked, even though everyone in the group hassels everyone else constantly, and its purely meant to be for laughs and a sign of affection. So then he becomes increasingly resentful and emotionally blocked off, comes to hate all of his friends, and eventially breaks off all contact with them, to which they are totally perplexed.
Sometimes it is pretty hard to establish whether people are laughing with or about you
From the information that's given we can't say for certain whether the group is just lightly ribbing and that user is oversensitive or if he's really the laughing stock of the group and pretty much the bullied
The only way to judge it accurately is to have a log of a session and even that lacks many nonverbal clues
It's called manning the hell up user. It doesn't even matter what the context is. If you're such a beta that you are afraid people you play a game with may cause your girlfriend to break up with you, or that they will try to take her away from you, do what a man should do and either, make yourself NOT the butt of every joke, OR find another fucking group regardless of the scarcity of them.
If your woman is so valuable to you that you don't want her encroaching on the game due to the people in it, it's time for you to find a game that she WILL be accepted at if she wants to play so badly. Bros are most certainly not before your fucking hoe.
That is true, but I think it's fairly obvious that the guy wants some me-time away from his gf, since she plays such a large role in the rest of his life.
I can understand how it can be a little frustrating, and I don't even have to look at myself - my dad took up modeling as a hobby, but my mom hates it when he's downstairs alone. She wants him to be with her, which means he can't do a lot of the painting he'd like to get done. It's frustrating to not have that time for yourself alone, to have someone wanting to be with you even when you want to be alone.
Yeah, well it's still an army of robots. They had no trouble imagining modern concepts like clocks, calculators or heavy artillery, or turning them into viable products.
Me, on the other hand, I've got no idea what people are going to use a thousand years from now, or why. Whatever Euripides was smoking, I want a boatload of it to start a writing careeer.
That's the wrong attitude to have. It's not your fault that you were born like this and you shouldn't have to put up with being the butt of every joke. Believing you deserve it shows that you've had to put up with it too long - if they really hated you for being a sperg they'd have kicked you, but clearly they were getting more fun from insulting you.
>now let's say you really really don't want her to join your group.
I'd bring her anyways, they don't know what the fuck they want and they'll end up liking her.
>Assuming that I'm capable of falling in love
You're girlfriend becomes your boyfriend and you have to fight Cthulhu-Godzilla to save the God-Emperor of mankind from the Zerg now.
Genuine Stockholm syndrome on fucking display.
So is OP the only guy on Veeky Forums with a clingy girlfriend?
This honestly.
If your partner isn't some clingy psycho, they will understand you need You Time.
Yep. Turns out there's plenty of things worse than a yandere.
>So is OP the only guy on Veeky Forums with a clingy girlfriend?
No, OP is the only guy on Veeky Forums with a girlfriend
Seriously, he even has a gaming group - what a lucky guy
tell your friends to be intentionally gross or annoying
Well, you currently play WoD as a gang of murderaping slashers and it's fun but not for your gf
Yuno wasn't even that bad, bro