/sss/ - Super Stand Sundays

or a quick Stand, use the following method-
Hit random for the name.
Same deal for the powers.
OR just use

Then, write it up

Everything you ever wanted to know about Stands, but were too afraid to ask.

Other urls found in this thread:


HOW DO I INTO JOJO Veeky Forums? (In no particular order)
>Mutants & Masterminds
>Marvel Heroic
>Bizarre Adventures D10
>FATE (Hack in this post)
>Savage Worlds
>Monsters and Other Childish Things
>Bizarre Adventures D100
>Don't Rest Your Head
>Shadowrun (Adept or Mystic Adept with a Geas of POSING)
>Wild Talents (WIP houserules here: pastebin.com/bQqAMV5k)
>Monsters and other Childish Things

Next post will feature the question of the thread.

Question of the Thread: Have you ever killed off an NPC in an emotional manner in your Bizarre Adventure?

Now for some misc links:
>Fan Parts (Also editable)
>Bizarre Adventures D10
>Bizarre Adventures D100 (Editable copy)
>List of custom systems for JoJo

Here's the latest iteration of Jojo's 1d6 Adventure, It's still not perfect, but it's getting close. Any feedback is welcome, but I also need input on the following:

1. How should Progression work? I've managed to capture what I feel is the spirit of Potential/Learning, but incorporating a feeling of gaining skill and experience is someqhat difficult.

2. Need some feedback on Hamon, and suggestions for more abilities based on Hamon, both ones available by default, and ones you can spend points on.

3. How should Undead/Vampirism work, mechanically, and should they be available as a Player option?

4. I need abilities. lots of them. suggest your ideas for abilities homebrewed according to the guidelines in the doc, and i'll incorporate them into the game. Point cost is a must.

Over the last two Threads, we discussed a Semi-Futuristic setting where the big name corporation DIO Industries has a stranglehold on the US government, the economy in general, and generally acts as a tyranny. The main locale is New York, if New York had decided that it wanted to become Detroit, and is thus extremely dystopic.

DIO Industries came about when the holder of the stand [Fly like an Eagle] travelled through time to corner the stock market years in advance, eventually outgrowing and absorbing the Speedwagon Foundation.

The setting was tending towards something resembling Pharma-punk, with Drugs, Body Modification, and Hamon being used in conjunction with each other to develop into some Freakish and downright terrifying abilities. Hamon is extremely common, Hamon Training being a requirement by many Police, Military, and Security organizations. Hamon is often used to mitigate or even neutralize the effects of harmful drugs, and fortify any weaknesses that Body modifications may cause.

Stands remain relatively unknown, though corporations and governments like Dio Industries undoubtedly have researched and weaponized stands to some degree. Notable among the drugs rampant through the streets is ASH, which induces psychic visions in its users, allowing them to perceive Stands and other supernatural effects, due to the creation of a bridge through the user's blood-brain barrier that simulates, in a temporary level, the effects of the Stone Mask's neural acupuncture. Under certain, rare circumstances, this bridge becomes permanent, granting its user persistent extrasensory perception and in rare cases a Stand. ASH is not without its drawbacks, however, and constant use will eventually turn a user Undead, into something resembling a Zombie, though many do not see this as too much of a "Weakness."

The current Jojo is something of a street rebel, fighting against the tyranny of DIO Industries. He's something of a Punk, and is not above fighting dirty, much like Joseph Joestar, even to the point of having both a Stand and being a Hamon user. His stand is based on the song [Rope] by Foo Fighters, which is relatively weak, but increadibly versatile, as it has an insanely high Range and Speed, with the ability to uncoil itself into strands of rope, with two Acts:

In its first ACT, which is its natural state, the Stand is slender humanoid about waist high to Jojo, with four arms seemingly made out of urban scrap. Its primary power is creating a seemingly unlimited supply of silk ropes and it has a significant operating distance. Its secondary ability in this state is the ability to compress itself into a much smaller state, where it can lay in wait for an enemy, as well as convey sights and sounds to JoJo across insanely high distances. It's main offensive ability is to use its rope to strangle, lacerate, or otherwize incapacitate Users

Its second act is triggered when Jojo dumps Hamon into its threads at close range. In this state, its normal body becomes encased in a thick coating of silk mingled with more scrap, and takes on a much bigger, stronger form more in line with the rest of the Joestar family; in this ACT, damage done to its additional components doesn't affect its user; only damage done to its first ACT parts, which forms the core of the second ACT, will transmit pain and injury. If Jojo cuts off his Hamon feed, the 2nd ACT will shatter and the 1st ACT regains its range and compression abilities.

The stand is still not codified, and any attempts at defining it are highly welcome. In particular I'd like to see an ability called "Choke on a Kiss." to keep it in line with the Lyrics from [Rope]

We've yet to name this Jojo, though George, Jordan, and Josten were suggested.

As for characters, we've only defined one in particular:
Alfredo "Red" Zeppelli, a local cop and Hamon user. An extremely skilled Hamon user who channels his Ripple through a set of Knuckle-dusters. These knuckle-dusters have slots on the end, which have bullets set in them. By channeling Hamon through them, Red is able to launch these bullets, and even able to control their trajectory to some degree, though not with the precision that was presented by The Emperor. He may or may not have an extremely weak stand as a way of him being able to see stands, and being able to use in his investigations.

Other characters suggested were a highly intelligent chimp, who is incredibly articulate, though only in sign language, as he's incapable of human speech. The chimp gained sentience after being used as a test animal by the pharmeceutical division of DIO Industries, then escaping.

Also suggested was a Prostitute/Hostess/Escort, who was Headstrong, Sassy, Foul-mouthed, and quite pretty, but it was made quite apparent that she was never going to get with Jojo, or any scene displaying her as anything other than a character, as a form of subverting the tendency for things of that nature to get Realmy.

Feel free to suggest details, flesh out characters, create stands, and otherwise work to finishe this setting. I'm considering running a Quest using this setting, though I would be using the 1d6 system, also posted here, which is not quite ready to be play-tested.

Sorry guys, next time I'll post this as a Pastebin link so we're not bogged down by a wall of text.

This was the stand I threw at my party last night:
User: Harry Belafonte

Power: E
Speed: E
Precision: D
Range: A
Durability: A (stand is intangible)
Learning: C

「Bananaphone」is an immobile stand that can be bound to any object near the user's intended target, turning it into a functioning cell phone. Once the stand is bound to an object, it starts ringing in a manner that the target would consider obnoxious or embarrassing, compelling the target to pick up the bananaphone.「Bananaphone」also allows the user to perfectly impersonate any voice he has heard before.

Since 「Bananaphone」has no offensive capabilities whatsoever, the user relies on psychological warfare and relentless prank calling to deter his foes.

This is awesome. I'm definitely going to use this when I want a more psychological/roleplaying session in my Bizarre Adventure.

[Rope] ACT2 has the potential to be the most fabulous of all Jojo Stands, if its silk weaves a magnificent clothed body for itself.

Let's do the album game again, where one of us suggests an album to make and we all make stands for the songs in that album.

Odds decide. I'll go first, Plastic Beach

Possibly, though we were more going for a Scrap Metal/Rope aesthetic. The whole idea is that this JoJo uses rope, snares, and metal traps to get incapacitate or strangle his enemy.

Actually, thinking it over, let's do it. It'll be a hilarious contrast between Street Punk JoJo, and him having this spectacularly fabulous Stand. What does it look like though? Also, are we giving this Stand a Personality, or is it the Silent type like most JoJo stands?

>[Glitter Freeze]

>[Glitter Freeze] appears to be a humanoid pile of radio components with head like a pirate ship covered in antennae and knuckles fitted with Morse code transmitters

>It's power is simply called [Where's North From 'Ere] and with it can covert any object into a radio signal and send it to any location it tunes into with the antennae on it's head. This naturally can be applied to Stands as well as liquids and gasses.


Yes it exists, It's by the Pet Shop Boys

[Melancholy Hill]

A humanoid Stand with a revolving sphere set in the head. The sphere displays two faces, one sad, one happy. If you look at the Stand's face while it rotates, it absorbs your emotions. The type and degree of emotions absorbed depend on the the face you view as it rotates. If you view it as it goes from Happy to Sad, you lose all positive emotions, and fall into crippling depression. Conversely, if you view the face as it goes from sad to happy, you experience an extreme euphoria, even to the point where you're incapacitated by Laughter(via Joker Gas)

Emotions are stored in the stand, and are even able to be transferred from one viewer to the other.

I actually meant that we suggest albums until someone's post number ended in odds, but since we started...

[ ] Orchestral Intro
[ ] Welcome to the World of Plastic Beach
[ ] White Flag
[ ] Rhinestone Eyes
[ ] Stylo
[ ] Superfast Jellyfish
[ ] Empire Ants
[X] Glitter Freeze
[ ] Some Kind of Nature
[X] On Melancholy Hill
[ ] Broken
[ ] Sweepstakes
[ ] Plastic Beach
[ ] To Binge
[ ] Cloud of Unknowing
[ ] Pirate Jet

After we finish creating the stands, we create a group that fits them.

I'd say at least one of these needs to be a transport stand.

Hey /sss/, I haven't been able to come up with an ability yet, but I was able to find the perfect appearance for the Stand [ Walk the Dinosaur ]

Make it a Punch Ghost, except that it's a Midget Dino that bites instead of punches. It has A-Rank Speed stats, so it's insanely fast like a Raptor, and give it some kinda ability related to dancing/movement, like inflicting confusion.

That's a pretty good idea user, thanks.
>give it some kinda ability related to dancing/movement, like inflicting confusion.
Perhaps it's dancing can have a hypnotic effect. IDK, I'll see what I can come up with.

How about [Pirate Jet] is something like The Fool, except with water instead of sand, and has an ability to turn into a jet/submarine? It's pretty generic though.

I'm reminded of the Sea Wings from Red Alert 3.

I've always wondered about running Jojo but there's so many options... has anyone actually tried any and seen which works best?

Well, the community seems to think the d10 system works best, but quite honestly d10 dicepool systems are pretty boring. I'm trying to do better with my 1d6 system, but it's still a WIP.

Hamon looks pretty good, but it needs more stuff on Healing, etc. Also you need a System for recovering health.

Vampirism should work exactly like Hamon does. Seems like you've done a pretty good job so far. Looking forward to see the finished product, though a nicer looking pdf might be nice.

A player for a possible campaign has thought of a pretty cool stand.
「Night Alumni」 - a barely visible ghostlike stand that when carefully observe might resemble a woman. This stand only works if the user has a drawn image of the environment ready. (The user is a veteran landscape artist, so no problem to draw one on the fly). If the drawn image is exactly the same or very close to how the real world looks (right now or at the time of drawing), whatever gets changed or removed in the drawing is done by the stand in real life.
So basically if the user draws a city-scape and decides to erase the parked truck, the stand almost immediately erases the truck in real world. The stand can only erase or modify an item's properties, it can't create.
So for instance, it can change the truck's color, flatten it out, severely enlarge it, etc., but it can't add a driver to the car.
Its a fun stand and I think with some rules, it won't be as overpowered as Rohan's. What do you guys think?
Stats are C|D|A|C|A|D

Give me your ideas for main character/villain stands

Villain with a Lovecraftian Tentacle Stand that warps Space around it. Basically has full Spatial control of everything in the area.

Stand user: Darius Davidson, Code name" 2D
This stand manifests as a highly decorated .44 Magnum with "Stylo" Engraved into the barrel, Under the barrel is a strange almost alien looking attatchment with it's own trigger.

Destructive power - B
Speed - A
Precision - C
Range - B
Durability - C
Potential - D

This stand works as a gun based stand similar to Sex pistols or the Emperor, The first bullet fired from the magnum is harmless and does not expend any real ammunition, But instead marks the target. The user can now use the underbarrel attachment to create a small portal infront of him. A portal will appear on the first solid object closest to the marked target. If the user fires into the portal the bullet is immediatly moves to the portal on the solid object, The trajectory will Be immediatly Aimed towards the target.

This stand is a purely offensive stand, It's main combat use is to make the target try to avoid the shot from the front only to be blindsided from another angle by the actual bullet.

This stands primary weakness is that the portals can be cancelled out by destroying the object the target portal is on.
This stand also require reloading although not at often as a regular gun.
The first bullet does absolutally no hard to the target, giving them time to attack before the main ability is activated.

Opinions.... I know it's abit complex

>「Plastic Beach」
「Plastic Beach」 takes the form of a folded up, cliche, laminated brochure. The brochure advertises a fictional resort named "Feel Good Sands". If a person unfolds 「Plastic Beach」 to read beyond the cover, 「Plastic Beach」 will continue to unfold infinitely. Once 「Plastic Beach」 has reached a certain surface area, it will attempt to surround and enclose the target within itself. If this happens, 「Plastic Beach」 will quickly fold itself back up, with no sign of the target. From now on, if 「Plastic Beach」 is unfolded, the image on the interior will include the target that was absorbed, participating in generic and typical beach activities.

「Broken」looks like an incredibly well-made dark blue porcelain vase. It is decorated by colored monkeys all over. Whenever somebody touches「Broken」it will immediately shatter into hundreds of sharp pieces. The person who "broke" it must do everything in their power to retrieve the pieces and put the vase back together. If some of the pieces are missing, the person will search for them until they find it. If some of the pieces are taken, the victim will resort to murder in order to get the vase back together. Once its put together, the victim immediately forgets the everything up until the moment they touched 「Broken」the first time, however, they will be subconsciously afraid of the vase and will not go near it.

[ ] Orchestral Intro
[ ] Welcome to the World of Plastic Beach
[ ] White Flag
[ ] Rhinestone Eyes
[X] Stylo
[ ] Superfast Jellyfish
[ ] Empire Ants
[X] Glitter Freeze
[ ] Some Kind of Nature
[X] On Melancholy Hill
[X] Broken
[ ] Sweepstakes
[X] Plastic Beach
[ ] To Binge
[ ] Cloud of Unknowing
[ ] Pirate Jet

To the guy who made Plastic Beach, what are you going to do with Welcome to the World of Plastic Beach?

shit, hadn't even seen Welcome to the World of Plastic Beach

I say we make it an ability or an Act of Plastic Beach.

So I was thinking over the final boss stand for a Cold War era campaign (because that time was criminally underused. The campaign would focus on the protags going around fighting Soviet stand users while figuring out that they have a great conspiracy to stop America getting to the moon and win the space race for the USSR.

The head KGB guy would have the stand [Dark Side of the Moon], which would have two primary powers. The first would be the ability to influence emotions (ala "lunacy"), where he would make people more aggressive and crazier (think Survivor but able to target and not give super senses). The second would be the ability to generate tidal forces which would let him make waves on land or rip stuff apart. The stats I'm unsure on, but I'm thinking he would have good range and precision but pretty poor everything else. The user himself would just be ripped out of his mind.

Pic would be what the stand looks like in general. Any thoughts?

>「Plastic Beach」 Act 2, 「Welcome to the World of Plastic Beach」
In this Act, 「Plastic Beach」, once it has been opened and absorbed at least one person, can unfold and cover the flat surfaces of the ground and surrounding walls. This creates a zone 30 meters in diameter, taking on the appearance of a 2D coast. Here, 「Welcome to the World of Plastic Beach」 can manifest. 「Welcome to the World of Plastic Beach」 appears as a humanoid figure made of ragged and torn paper. This zone behaves to 「Welcome to the World of Plastic Beach」's will, being able to change aspects of the terrain and buildings. 「Welcome to the World of Plastic Beach」 has the ability to infect any target that it hits with a slowly growing affliction. The target will slowly turn into a solid, pure white, plastic statue, starting from the point of impact. 「Welcome to the World of Plastic Beach」 can refold 「Plastic Beach」 at anytime, with any plastic statues it has created being dragged in with the folding process.

How much muscle does a man need to be ripped out of his mind for Jojo?

[ ] Orchestral Intro
[X] Welcome to the World of Plastic Beach
[ ] White Flag
[ ] Rhinestone Eyes
[X] Stylo
[ ] Superfast Jellyfish
[ ] Empire Ants
[X] Glitter Freeze
[ ] Some Kind of Nature
[X] On Melancholy Hill
[X] Broken
[ ] Sweepstakes
[X] Plastic Beach
[ ] To Binge
[ ] Cloud of Unknowing
[ ] Pirate Jet

User: Samuel Orotego

Stand: [Simple and Clean]

Power: E
Speed: C-A
Precision: E
Range: A
Durability: B
Learning: A

[Simple and Clean] appears as a pure white outline of an average adult of the viewer's gender; no details are present. Capable of appearing up to 100 feet from Samuel, This stand possesses two separate abilities which make it less of a combative threat than a situational one.

[Simple and Clean] regresses the technology in the immediate area around it, with the area and rate of regression both increasing the longer that it stays. A few moments might result in an iphone 6 turning into a iphone 4, but a half-hour would result in a Nokia, and an hour would end in one of the bulky handhelds of the early 90's. Likewise, the aura's range is only 10 feet at the beginning, but has been recorded to extend up to 1 mile at maximum. Samuel uses this ability to engage in corporate espionage, as few companies are able to handle their records becoming paper copies in this day and age.

The second ability is similar to the first in that it also relies upon [Simple and Clean]'s aura and range. Living creatures within [Simple and Clean]'s Aura find themselves becoming less resistant to disease, with the severity increasing the longer that they are exposed. At maximum exposure, their own internal fauna will begin to kill them.

I think it'd be funny for the stand to be the talkitive one, and jojo is jotaro levels of silent.
This would lead to an act where the stand talks, and jojo has to either lip sync or hide his face.

One of my friends made a stand for that song:

「Walk the Dinosaur 」
Namesake: youtu.be/zYKupOsaJmk

Power: C
Speed: C
Precision: D
Range: B
Durability: C
Learning: D

Appearance: a cross between a raptor, an ankylosaurus, and a human.

>「Open the Door 」
「Walk the Dinosaur 」is able to open any object that can be reasonably considered a door, no matter how well secured or locked. Opening a door this way allows 「Walk the Dinosaur 」to place a "trigger" for one of its other abilities on that door, causing any who walk through the door to suffer the effects of whichever ability was placed on the door
>「Get on the Floor 」
The stand stomps its foot on the ground, forcing anyone on the same surface the foot was slammed on (within range) to the ground. (Like Echoes Act 3)
>「Everybody Walk the Dinosaur 」
「Walk the Dinosaur 」can force people to act like dinosaurs by placing its hand on them. The dinosaur the victim thinks they are is decided randomly. This effect wears off eventually, but can be stopped early with sufficient head trauma.

I like the idea of them bickering a lot, and both being argumentative, except [Rope] is more Flamboyant, while JoJo is a punk.

Have a Stand idea, but having trouble figuring out how exactly to put it into mechanics.

The stand is 「Three Doors Down 」, and his primary ability is being able to manipulate the distance between himself and a target. I had two ideas for how to do this.

A) He's a standard low-range high-power punch ghost, who's ability covers his low-range by allowing himself to get right into someone's face quickly to attack them.

B) A weaker and quicker stand who uses his ability to keep his distance from foes, while attacking them from far away by manipulating the distance between his punches and the target, allowing to quickly attack from a long-range.

Higher ACTs of 「Three Doors Down 」 could allow for opening spectral doors between locations, allowing the stand to pop out of one to strike someone before ducking back into it, or allow the user to quickly travel long distances. The doors are only visible to stand users, and I'm debating whether or not people other than the user of 「Three Doors Down 」 could pass through them(without knowing they did in non-Stand user cases, only looking to notice they're suddenly somewhere else).

Here's an idea I had awhile ago, thoughts?

[Needs a name]

Power: A>C
Speed: D>A
Precision: C>B
Range: C
Learning: C

The stand takes the form of a stony humanoid with fog trickling from several holes in its body, in this form it is highly durable and hits VERY hard, but its speed it greatly hampered by its stone body and it can only engage targets one at a time. However, it can choose to shed its body and take the form of a cloud of fog covering an area of roughly 10 meters, and the stand can attack anything within the fog from any direction, gaining a great boost to its speed, but lower attack power and durability. Heat and wind-based attacks can temporarily disperse the fog, making the stand's body more easily visible and open to attack.

Ok, so this will be a little weird, but since this is in the future, why not have our JoJo be a descendant of both Jolyne and Gio, descended down a couple of generations eventually having their family lines converge with our JoJo. Not sure what it'd do for the Narrative, but having both Dio and Joestar blood in him would be cool.

So scary monsters that got a bites the dust power up to contend with other stands in part 7? Sounds cool

But goo is Jonathan's son not Dio's as dio was using Jonathan's body

But he obviously has Dio's blood in him, as evidenced by his hair.

He died his hair if I remember correctly

I can see a potential for webslinging with those silk ropes of yours.

His hair color changed when he gained a stand, which might signify some presence of Dio's blood in him, as Dio was primarily the reason everyone in the Joestar lineage began to develop a Stand.

This is true. [Rope] is as much utility as it is combat. Anything a spider can do with their silk, so can the stand do with its thread.

The zepplie's stand should be a "fuck you die" bullet or something like that

[The Warrior]

Manifests itself as two bullets. These can be fired from a gun, or launched using Hamon, as Red does.

[Walls of Heartache] The user locks on to a target, and is able to see the Target's heart, even through walls and other obstacles.

[Bang Bang] Red fires a bullet at the target's heart. The first bullet has no effect, only making a symbol on the target's clothes. Hitting with a second bullet means instant death. Period.

Welp, may be deadlier than purple haze

That all sounds like an intresting abilities user, those can useful for the right situation.
Thanks for sharing.

I like it, it makes him a Sniper Cop, but he's only able to use it when he really means to kill someone, or threaten another Stand user.

This would baisclly make fights against him into "run the fuck away and try to use the environment to your advantage"which is cool

>So scary monsters that got a bites the dust power up to contend with other stands in part 7? Sounds cool
Oh that's a cool idea, it would certainly be crazy too. Thanks user.

Not to mention his skill in fisticuffs on top of all of this. I think this may just be one of our most Badass Zeppelis yet.

I never knew how much I wanted a Zeppeli as a Badass Cop until now. Good work user!

>In an interview on the TV show Uranium, Dio stated that the "dragon" of the album title refers to technology. He expressed concern with it threatening society in the future.

Fits the thread theme so far but it's still fucking weird.

There has to be a moment when a group of stand users are fighting him and there dropping like flies and no one knows what's going on


Stand name: 「Remote Controller」

「Remote Controller's」button can alter time on who's it is aming at, such as pessing the pause button can freeze someone in time, to pressing the fast foward button can speed someone's aging .

Holy shit randomly freezing a person
Randomly rewinding a person
Randomly skipping time for a person so there actions never happend
Perfect for a ringo level antagonist

I'd add a collary that it can't bring those back from the dead, as neither could Crazy Diamond, which had a similar power.

I'd assume DIO Industries would have some security system set up around the city, keeping an eye out for any unauthorized Stand users, with the cameras somehow able to see Stands, and alert DI security forces to their location.

The obvious "secret" being the security system itself is the power of a Stand. Can't think of a good name for a stand like that though.

[Every Breath]

Namesake: Every Breath You Take, by the Police. g.co/kgs/QQwJ7f

Someone stat it for me.

Stand:「Pop Style」

Power: B
Speed: A
Precision: A
Range: D
Durability: D
Learning: B

「Pop Style」is a high power low range punch ghost. It's ability allows this stand and it's user to move through shadows like they are portals.「Pop Style」can stick only stick a limb through a shadow, or its whole body, to attack an enemy. It can travel through an shadow within a 40 meter radius, but it cannot travel through shadows made with light less than 40 lumens. If the shadow it is currently sticking a limb through has a light shined on it, the limb will be severed, causing this tactic to be of great risk to the user.


Here's another stand idea-「Open Up」


Destructive power:B






「Open Up」Ability is that whenever their fists touches leaves a mark hat he can open bigger and biggger until it skins the target alive
Plus, it doesnt have to be solids either, so you can open the fabric of reality and cross dimentions, but have the risk of mercer sponging itself.

So a d4c that isn't traveling from universe to universe but ripping holes in realty. Seeing as how this would majorly fuck the universe and how the universe behaves it can do really wierd shit

Yes, but with a flaw like limbs getting cut off it kind of puts it into the Bad Guy turned Good Guy category of Users. Odd that we can recognize whether a Stand's user is good or bad based on it's relative power and weakness.

Whoops replied to the wrong stand meant to be for [Pop Style]

I think that it's more of a neutral thing, but it's just a limitation that the user has to keep in mind. I mean other than having to use shadows, 『Pop Style』has no weaknesses, so I thought to give it one.

Perfect. It's a many-eyed stand capable of sending it's eyes through either a video system, or gales of wind, not sure which.

Here's an idea for the Escort character:
Her stand is plant-based and similar to Oasis, White Album and Foo Fighters, being a stand encompassing the user that is always out. In a dormant state, 「Sugar Magnolia」 creates a second skin of the user made of plant matter that appears as if there is nothing on the her, however the user themselves appears curvy and fit and attractive. It improves the users strength to that of peak physical fitness. It's appearance can be altered, for example changing one's face however only to an altered extent, not precise enough to impersonate like Khnum. In truth the user is anorexic and frail with health issues made worse from bad experimental DIO Ind. medicine at a young age, leaving her incurable by current medicines. The true stand is a crystal seed on the middle of the collarbone underneath the stand's skin connecting to the user's bloodstream. This is a weak-point as hitting the actual stand would damage the users whole body and disrupt the skin. The stand gives the user energy from photosynthesis and Hamon enhances the symbiosis even further, with the skin conducting it as good if not better than a regular body and skin breathing offering more oxygen to the user. In an active state, flowers will bloom on the users body, the seed glows, thorny vines can be created a la Hermit Purple, and physical ability is punch-ghost level. This drains the stand's and therefore user's strength as it requires a refresh of skin afterwords leaving them in their original body and vulnerable. She learned basic Hamon from a young age at an attempt to improve her health. The users personality is headstrong and confident from the emotional whiplash of acquiring the stand and going from weak hospital girl to bombshell. Her ability to modify her face and body as well as love of her body being appreciated led her to run an escort service with a very small worker force and high profit, able to fulfill multitudes of client requests herself.

[ ] Orchestral Intro
[X] Welcome to the World of Plastic Beach
[ ] White Flag
[ ] Rhinestone Eyes
[X] Stylo
[ ] Superfast Jellyfish
[ ] Empire Ants
[X] Glitter Freeze
[ ] Some Kind of Nature
[X] On Melancholy Hill
[X] Broken
[ ] Sweepstakes
[X] Plastic Beach
[ ] To Binge
[ ] Cloud of Unknowing
[ ] Pirate Jet

Still need a couple more stands to finish out this list

Stand Name: [Antibiotics]
Stand User: Aysachloe

User Description: A small Bonsai Tree, only about a foot tall, perpetually blossoming with Teal Flowers, and a root system that stretches for miles. Aysachloe possesses a very crude intelligence. It protects and safeguards it's caretaker, but is hostile to any it believes would do its caretaker harm.

Stand Description: A short-ranged, swarm type, each individual takes the form of a Yellow Maple Leaf with four spindly double-jointed legs and small black beady eyes. Each individual is half an inch thick, and they can split themselves open to reveal a maw of collapsible needle like teeth. In addition, by retracting it's legs, closing it's eyes, and going limp, Antibiotics can twist and fly through the air as if carried by a supernatural wind. In this form they can twist and fold to flow through obscenely small caps.

How about its a bunch small black thin multi armed humanoids with beady white eyes that stick to walls and only ever stay in edge of a target's peripheral, predicting their eye movements. They're extremely flexible, able to squeeze through small spaces and can echo locate in the dark. Since their durability and offensive capabilities are next to none, the range is huge, as big as New York and they operate kinda like Harvest. They whisper each other information and report back to the user while still scouting around the city.

I like this. For novelty's sake, let's have him able to create over 10,000 individual versions, maybe more. The upside is that damage done to each stand is minimal to the user, the downside is their obvious lack in power.

I love it. Can we get a name for her?

[EMPIRE ANTS] Stand type: Swarm and King
Look: ants dressed in various types of
Medieval garb mostly peasants but some range from armour wearing nights to crossbow men to horse riding ants and finally the king and queen.

Destructive power: D to A
Speed: D to A
Range: C to B
Durability: E to A
Developmental potential: D

Peasant: the hard workers and majority of empire ants. They have the ability of gather which allows them to break down any non living material in blocks which can be used by the queen.

The knights and archers are for attacking/ defending Peasants.

The queen: has the ability to use the blicks given to her by the Peasants to create any type of structure according to the users. Can birth new ants.

The king: can move any structure created over in the users line of sight. Limit is 5 feet.

Sticking with the Grateful Dead theme we could go Barbara Casey (Casey Jones and Barbara Allen). Name her escort service American Beauty.

Alright, this is awesome.

What's the user like?

That's a bit of a tricky one. It would be difficult since DI would presumably want 24/7 coverage, difficult for any normal human who needs to eat and sleep.

Maybe they somehow cut his brain out and use it as the central processor for the security system, using the brain to activate 「Every Breath 」, then take the information the brain receives and displays it on security monitors. Since the data is being interpreted by a brain with a Stand, the image on the monitors also shows the Stands, allowing DI to just hire a security team to watch the monitors.

d'aaaaw its not that much

Hmm... nah, we need to deeper. This is a Pharma-punk setting in the Jojo Multiverse, we can do better than that in terms of body horror. We've got to dial this up to 11. He's constantly got drugs coursing through his system, and his body is a mass of cables and wires. He has no mouth and he must scream. He's restrained, and tried to kill himself several times, and the only thing keeping him going is Hamon and drug hypnosis. Killing him is something of a mercy at this point.

might be even more fun if he's more loyal to the company since they'll kill his daughter if he doesn't do his job, and he is always watching his daughter's life go by only able to watch and able to interact with his stand, having them whisper pieces of advice. She'll never know where he is or that he is even alive but it's the one thing keeping the guy going.

> A reminder that JoJo is just as Grimdark as it is Ridiculous at times, which makes it all the more awesome.

Welp, the only thing I can think of to make this worse is to give him a small three-legged puppy that serves as his other form of solace. Of course, this puppy has the average life expectancy of Every other dog in the JoJo universe.

What about this monkey character? I like the concept, but it could be a flop unless there's some real investment in his character and Stand.

>[ ] Orchestral Intro
>[X] Welcome to the World of Plastic Beach
>[ ] White Flag
>[ ] Rhinestone Eyes
>[X] Stylo
>[ ] Superfast Jellyfish
>[X ] Empire Ants
>[X] Glitter Freeze
>[ ] Some Kind of Nature
>[X] On Melancholy Hill
>[X] Broken
>[ ] Sweepstakes
>[X] Plastic Beach
>[ ] To Binge
>[ ] Cloud of Unknowing
>[ ] Pirate Jet

You've got six Stands right there. That's pretty good for the standard JoJo Patrol. I'd maybe go with one more and have that be our JoJo.

What would the stands
Cause I can't think of anything

way to up the horror more: the stands need to physically touch the user to tell him the information. So you walk into where his room is and you find a guy with no lower body full of needles and wires, with tons of spider-humans crawling all over him that immediately disperse and jump into just the edge of your peripheral once they notice you.

Isn't it obvious? [We are the Champions] has the ability to raise Morale, to the point that it can do some weird psychological bullshit, like making wounds heal faster, raising the inherent abilities of other stands, and rallying groups. It's useless on its own, but is probably the greatest Team Player Stand ever.

>「Some Kind of Nature」
「Some Kind of Nature」is a monstrous looking stand, appearing as a mix between a dog, a human and a gorrila. Whenever 「Some Kind of Nature」bites an animal, they are gradually transformed into one of the animals that the previous form would naturally eat. So if 「Some Kind of Nature」bit a coyote, it would transform into a cat. Any subsequent bites will continue the process. A cat would become a mice, etc.
If the victim is a herbivore, they will transform into grass.
This transformation process isn't permanent and reverts in three hours for each transformation. If a human stand user is bit, the stand will also transform into less menacing and dangerous forms.
Destructive power: B
Speed: B
Range: D
Precision: C
Durability: A
Developmental Potential: A

have him be a snarky intelligent type. have him orchestrate plans and grin like a bastard when the enemy falls for it. Originally escaped because his captors underestimated his stand, or he hid an aspect of it from them. Give him a stand that is isn't strong but extremely versatile. Egocentric but not to the point of Iggy where he blows off the group first chance he got, just defensive because of previous events. Eventually he realizes that he can trust Jojo and becomes a kinda bro. Also give him a beard or something.