I humbly ask for help in finding a PDF of this terrible game's third sourcebook. I already have the other two, but I'd like the third for completion. Then I can subject my players to it!
Dragon Ball Z: The Anime Adventure Game Book 3
Other urls found in this thread:
He's asking for the official RPG, the one this stuff is from.
Yeah, but the game I linked is better.
No shit Sherlock. That's not what OP asked for.
That is possibly the wankiest thing I've ever seen.
"No, our weakest guy can totally beat superman. So there."
I'm a DBZ fan and I'm still pissed off.
Did you put a request in the archive thread?
No, I didn't. I'm kinda a newfag. Is there one over there?
I've looked for years but the 3rd book is impossible to find a digital copy for
Then I suppose I'll have to buy a physical copy, scan it, and upload for you all.
I have never head of that, but thank you for pointing it out, I'll give it a look.
The last time I checked the physical copy was like $140 on Amazon
Though you can get it used for around $50
Please go through with the purchase some other user months ago said the same thing and never delivered
Mike Pondsmith is not a man known for social graces.
Man, I can see why he never did.
How's this game anyway?
Is the chargen any good?
At higher levels of power you roll of 100,000 d6 for basic attacks so that ought to tell you all you need to know
The system is Basic Fuzion which isn't bad but DBZ takes it completely off the rails
Still a cool game that fans would probably like to at least checkout
As said here (), when you get to the higher levels, you basically become One Punch Man.
You roll 2d6 for your starting power level, so you'll have anywhere from 110 to 660, and when you spend energy on an attack, you get one d6 for every point spent.
Damage is a factor of skill+attribute+3d6, so if you spend a year on King Kai's planet (15 xp a day), you can walk away with over 10,000 in one skill. Which is broken.
I meant physical damage for that last one.
It doesn't terribly balanced but nothing a few houserules can't fix. Is the King Kai training info in the core rulebook or a splat?
Corebook page 88
It's in the first core, in the training section.
Hmn, that sounds rather silly. How cross-compatible is the DBZ game with other Fuzion products like Bubblegum Crisis?
Well Fuzion is pretty generic so about the same level as GURPS
With the exception of and unless you're running a low powered Dragonball era game characters using other Fuzion settings or books might not be able to catch up
Majin Bump
Super Bump
>Which is broken.
To be fair, that's very fitting with the source material.
It uses a terrible version of an otherwise ok game system. A lot of the rules involving powers and whatnot contradict what actually happens in the anime, and worst of all, you can't make Dragon Ball-era characters with it. You're pretty much stuck with DBZ-era stuff onwards.
DBZ uses the simplified "Instant Fuzion" system, while BGC uses the regular version of Fuzion. You need to do a bit of converting to get them to work together. For example, in Instant Fuzion you have a stat called "Physical", which in regular Fuzion you would have to break down into your Physical group of stats: Strength, Constitution and Body.
It doesn't really mesh though, because that's independent from Power Level. You can have a Power Level of 610 (that's Chiaotzu's PL, by the way), with over a 1000 skill in your punching. Thus, you do over 1000 damage to Vegeta with your one punch, killing him.
The game you linked is barely functional anymore. And the devs have been silent for months.
www.facebook com/DBZxRPG/ is superior.
You might be interested in everything linked in warosu.org
Book 3, unfortunately, doesn't seem to exist as a .pdf. I've been looking for years, just for completion's sake.