What is Veeky Forums's skub?
Also how do you pronounce it-like scoob or like sub?
What is Veeky Forums's skub?
Also how do you pronounce it-like scoob or like sub?
Other urls found in this thread:
GURPS, Apocalypse World and D&D.
It's pronounced 'ssk-hub'.
Everything is skub on Veeky Forums.
What is skub
Narrative v realism
Eclipse Phase
Cybernetics and other kinds of body augmentation
JRR Tolkien
George RR Martin
Most things are skub on Veeky Forums
and I pronounce it in my head as sk (like skid) -ub (like Bub)
Veeky Forums argues over everything, and everything, but I've never seen more rage caused than two things on here:
1. Magical Realm should be ok/Is it Magical Realm if... threads.
2. Paladin Falling Moral Debate.
So are those people inside the container.?
I pronounce it skûbb.
Disgusting! He should throw that nasty skub away!
Age of skubmar
>1. Magical Realm should be ok/Is it Magical Realm if... threads.
This. In fact, there's an ETBA over here: and we're all having a laugh while poking him with a stick.
3.PF. Play it, get criticized by people who have grown out of it. Criticize it, get screamed at by people who still play it.
Skub is Skub, Newfag.
Shut the hell up! You wish you could use Skub as brilliantly as this man does.
He's not even applying it correctly. Skub should be rubbed on sparingly and continually and only in a circular motion. I should know, I'm an authority on the subject.
It's something one should really oppose. Skub has corrupted our youth in ways you can't possibly imagine. Anyone who claims to be "pro-skub" is an immediate red flag to you that they're already too far gone.
Remember, skub is really-really bad. Okay.
>he doesn't know how to use grey-green skub
You just named 90% of what Veeky Forums is made of, how do you like this place at all?
Because he is a filthy skub-lover.
You're an authority on the Skubject.
It's "your" an authority, when pertaining to skub.
You forgot Lovecraft
40K lore
Different editions of D&D
Matt Ward
Magic systems in different settings
Armor for women in fantasy settings
Big boobed warrior women
Big boobed wizards
Big boobed women in general
Grimdark vs. Noblebright
Iron Claw
The state of Pathfinder general threads
Snospis Eht as inspiration for a D&D campaign
and last but not least...
No guns allowed in D&D
>like Bub
i wish i could punch your teeth out right now, faggot, it's obviously pronounced skoob
I hate all these guys flooding over from /skol/ talking about how bad skub is. You guys are retarded, get back to your containment board.
People don't like 3.pf?...
But why
>like bub
>my nigga
You could make a longer list of Veeky Forums skub just out of 40k topics.
This went in a lot of unexpected directions.
I feel dirty now.
>People who play it are critics who have grown beyond
>Peope who still play scream their opinion
Gee I wonder which one you are
you forgot paladins and orc babies
and anthropomorphic races
"""""People""""" who pronounce it scoob should be drawn and quartered.
Sk-ub. So 'like sub'.
Only filthy anti-skubs pronounce it like that.
>skub-fags will defend this
Too fucking right we will.
He was 121 years old at time of recording. Short term intoxication is a small price to pay for a longevity treatment.
Is rifts skub?
Only if it causes cancer after repeated use.
Skub actually can cure cancer.
Whilst I will accept that it does destroy many types of cancer cell It only does this by giving them AIDs.
You pronounce it skub.
I see no problem in cancer cells having aids since they will die before skub user can get aids from them.
God all these idiots who don't know how to use skub, true skub users boil it on a little spoon, and then inject it straight into their bloodstream.
That's the best way of using skub, and everbody who disagrees with me can come to the Skub-shooting-spot in 10 minutes for a beatdown.
I am reservedly pro-SKUB, I remain skeptical of the so-called harmful side effects.
Topical ointment.
I managed to read it as "tropical omnipotent"
Do NOT listen to this fool. Skub (pronounced shube) should be inhaled in an aerosol format only, available from your local skub merchant for only $19.99.
Don't listen to this sk(r)ub, he wants you to buy governement issued Skub, we all know governement issued Skub is used by the lizard people to overtake our brainwaves,
Buy Skub from your local Skubhead, buy small, support local entrepreneurs!
D&D edition wars
Women (-4 str, armor, looking good)
Balance for everything
Player involvement
"Turn your brainoff" philosophy in general
Thicc baes
That's an ugly face
>preferring a flavour-of-the-month body shape over the neverending joy that is musclegirls
I pronounce it BUKS. I'm slysdexic.
>Emperor's Children Chaplain
Skub is a Finnish word for "this is best." Its definition was derived after long research by Dr. Karl Grubber of the University of Helsinki. It is properly pronounced as 'Sch-aabe.'
Yeah, great. Thanks for clearing that up...
So shob?
Why didnt the emperor
Why didnt Horus
Why didnt the chaos gods
Why did the eldar
If orks team up can they use the waggh to create anything
Marinefags suck
Chaos fags suck
Imperial Guard suck
Eldar suck
orks suck
tyranids suck
So are Tempestus Scions storm troopers?
Why are the tau bad
Why are the tau good
Fuck off 40k memes
Hey guys check out my army list
40k table top sucks
Only War is the best RPG
Death Watch is the best RPG
Dark Heresy is the best RPG
Rouge Trader is the best RPG
Is slannesh about sex?
Is isha being raped?
Lets apply real life logic to 40k
hey guys this franchise vs 40k
what if this guy is in 40k
what if we remove this faction from 40k
Ciaphas cain is good
Ciaphas cain is a meme
black library is good
black library has some good books
black library sucks
old fluff is best
new fluff is best
hey guys mix your favorite fluff.
New models are good
Space Wolves are a great chapter
use 1d4chan
use lexicanum
buy the codex
download the codex
think your paints
your list sucks
Gameworkshop kill team good?
Heralds of ruin kill team good?
>Only War is the best RPG
>Death Watch is the best RPG
>Dark Heresy is the best RPG
>Rouge Trader is the best RPG
Thats one thing I dont really notice but do people even argue over 40k RPGs? Its the one thing I barely see that gets a shitstorm around unlike other 40k things
> He doesn't pronounce it in the proper German way: sha-ben
/sp/ is so hyper-specialized now individual teams get their own boards? Jesus.
>actually being pro skub...