Who is the best faction in Infinity? And why is it Ariadna?

Who is the best faction in Infinity? And why is it Ariadna?

>Combination of Americans,French,Russians, and Scottish
>Dont need robots and animu cat girl bullshit
>Cant be hacked since who needs fancy smacy tech
>Still use good ol' 7.62
>Werewolves if thats your thing I guess

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keep to your general, infiniscum

I mean people complain about to much generals and 40k gets threads outside I..just thought

Well you have a point it's a majority of Veeky Forums hate generals but if they hate the franchise then it should stay in the generals
Also Nomads the best

Needs more than 1 vulver unit

>even using the dogs

Ariadna really shines with the model spam spam

Do Ariadna have any power armors/titans? Or are they rather IG without the tanks?

They have a little robotank but that's it

Americans have a low tech power armor a la Edge of Tomorrow. Still no model tough

Eh. :/ I'll admit their backstory is pretty cool but I want access to some imposing 3.5m+ metal monstrosities...
Or hot alien ladies, CA/tohaa backup4lyfe

but they also have Dr.Fireaxe

>Kazaks get exo suits


We don't want him in the Infinity thread. You have permission to set him on fire.

Cant Infinity is all about closed small engagements

>Desperado jackoffs


He's neat, sort of a scifi Louis, but fucking Landmates still trump a space firefighter.

Posting superior medic

Are they ever going to update most of those crappy nomad sculpts?

Soon? Were finally getting an official Kazak sectorial and a new veteran kazak

They are ok but USAriadna is the only sectorial anyone actually plays and they are trash. Like CA and MAF, or PanO and MO.

but muh models.

Seriously you can use Ariadna models in other shit FOXTROT Rangers and SAS especially

Not a fan of the new female foxtrot though

Eh Ariadna is still pretty fun and its the faction that got me into Infinity

Support pack Daktari with greenstuff is way superior.

I honestly like the edgier Combined Army models

Are standards a thing in Infinity? I saw this pic in another thread and felt it could've worked as an Ariadne model?

Not really, but the game doesn't use TLoS so that model would be fine as a proxy

She would be a nice female kazak veteran

but does it have waifus?

There are a few vaguely female aliens, but otherwise no. Umbral Legates don't exactly have kissable faces.

>/k/ faction has furries
Surely this is just a coincidence, right?

The Daktari was updated over a year ago.

Ariadna is the only faction that still has Coca-Cola


Wait do the Frenchies even have dog faces

So far Kazaks,Caldonia, and USAriadna only field them with no frenchie versions

With the upcoming Sectorial we might be able to make some REALLY cheeki lists with spetnaz links

>Another sectorial for Ariadna
>Still no love for my sexy space ladies in Tohaa
When will it end

No its basically Kazaks are getting an official sectorial

The best factions are Haqqislam and Nomads.
Ariadna should fuck off to a different game already.

Haqqislam needs inferior factions near it otherwse we would never truly appreciate it.

>Akbar Doctors
>Robot scorpions
>Pretty scarf patterns

I do like Ariadna though, visually at least. I've only played Aleph, PanO and Haqq so idk.

It's Infiinity, user. There are waifus everywhere.

It's Mirage-5 a speical characters team. Duroc (the big one) has no Dogface state since since he transforms during air deployment.


>No high level multispectral visors
> No thermo optic camouflage
> No Arm 6+
> No Total reaction heavy machine gun
> No smart weaponry with adjustable ammo
> Get your pregnant women btfo by wolfaliens
> Need to hitch rides on other people's spaceships

I can't wait for the day when the 0-12 gets distracted and we strip mine your worthless shithole of a planet.

Your just mad we get puppers and you don't

That sounds pretty ok but I still sort of agree with , Tohaa needs a bdsm asari sectorial... :(

Praise the Lord.

Steel Pupper you can ride is better

PanO or Yujing drone post this?

On the topic of Ariadnian sectorials, I would like a secret service sectorial. Between the CIA, KGB, DGSE and MI6 roots, and the facts that somme services certainly survived the unification, you could do cool things with the Stavka.
But instead we took the ethnic road.

I don't play Infinity but I have read the fluff and Adriana is by far my favorite of the factions

Looks like Pan-O from picture.

Is there anymore art by this guy?

My favorite steel for riding.

Look up Florian Stitz

>ALEPH have begun to use idols


I can't bring myself to like any of Infinity's factions. They seem like an excuse to have stylish models more than anything else.

I am not a big fan of WH40K, but I have to say a minor marine chapter tends to have more character and substance than major Infinity faction.

Took me a while but then they added USAriadna and I became infishit. The reason I like Infinity is the reason why I love Kill Team in 40k nice small fights with units you have to care about.

1e Infinity models were all potato crap. Running through 2e factions started to actually develop character between them. Now we're seeing some very distinctive differences between factions and sub factions that make them really stand out, but it will take a while to go through each faction and make them all really stand out.

First infinity model that I really liked was the Autocannon Tankhunter. First models that had me go "Whoa" were the Sniper Lasiq and Sapper Zouave.

You talking about fluff or design?

The fluff is great IMO, feels like something that could really happen and a universe populated by humans and the propaganda they create.

Autocannon Tank hunter is the best.

I wish they would make a non static HMG Tank hunter already

Yeah, pretty much, except their rifles are far better than the IG flashlights. Also tractor mules.

ALEPH's the best anyways. Why? Achillues, Ajax, Hector, Marut, Asuras, Posthumans. *mic drop*

ALEPH stop trying to be hip the humans

Is there an actual combat version of GoGo?

Glory to Adriana!

>superior medic
It has been scientifically proved nothing is superior to the 112.

We don't need your fancy stuff monsieur, merci beaucoup.




>no specialist
not the best (or worse) polish list I've seen.

notice that the doktor has a 15kg medkit.
The 112, on the other hand, has nothing but a fireaxe, an extinghisher and V:Courage on his person. And yet he heals with exactly the same efficiency.
112 saves lives by the sheer power of MANLINESS and Paul Bunyan field surgery.

How barbaric is Araidna medicine to the other factions?

Doctors are better, tech is shittier.

>Doctors are better


Current state-of-the-art emergency surgery, on the battlefield.

Other factions:
Read vitals report on the armor, inject nanites and smart gel via pneumatic pistol. Pump patient full of combats drugs once stabilized, return to combat.

So very barbaric; you have to put your hands inside.

Oh you silly backwater hicks! That's not how you spell PanOceania!

>mfw The Hyperpower

As shit and terrible as PanO is, one must admit that they own seven of the twelve fucking planets humans live on.

>jelly Chink detected

Human pls

but do they own Ariadna?





You use an axe.

The planet isn't even called Ariadna, you double blyat

Who would want to own Ariadna?


Well accoridng to the lore both PanO,Yujing,possibly the Muslims, and hell I wouldnt trust the nomads for a second.

all 4 subfactions hate eachother but if anyone invades its combined arms with 3 different flavors of werewolves shoved down your throat


>largest deposit of teseum in Human Sphere
Gee, I wonder.

>porn of the infinity manga PanO character

It basically takes Ariadna, Nomads, and Haqqislam working together to match either YJ or PanO. It's a mutually beneficial alliance between smaller powers to keep the bigger kids from bullying.

Well the 112 has the lowest WIP compared to all other medics.....

but he has a shotgun so its alright

>Well the 112 has the lowest WIP compared to all other medics
There's one worse.

>"Shit...those holes don't look like they should be there."

>According to Maya you have cancer... bullet cancer.
>There are multiple holes, I think it's metastatic.

Are Ariadna the only ones with werewolf dudes? Some weird biotech from olde Erf or alien virus shit they found on their new planet?

I shit you not it was

>Alien dogs attacked and specifically targeted pregnant human women
>Now all babies born with the dog virus have slight dogish features to their face
>Works on a hulk system if they get to angry then they turn into werewolves

They also hate flying but Ariadna makes good use of them in their military and even has a sport just for dog warriors.

The antipodes the dog aliens originally on the planet tend to be a problem but this is where Desperados.Spetnaz and other units came from


Oh well, shitty backstory aside, it's a sort of cool unit and good gimmick for a lowtech meatwall militia.

Also, it's not rape, it's bites. Like an actual werewolf. Get your fucking magical realm outta here.

Alien retrovirus infecting foetus with "wolf" dna whan the local species bite you (tbp, bite pregnant women).
There's nothing that prevents peoples from the other factions from getting bit/stealing some samples to experiment with, though.


Where's a laughing_space_artichokes.jpg when you need one?

>There's nothing that prevents peoples from the other factions from getting bit/stealing some samples to experiment with, though.

Dont get any wise ideas Nomad

Honestly mate, you probably just think as such because the fluff isn't as prolific as 40K's.

There are singular units in Infinity with more character than most Chapters.

So is the fluff book scanned or do I need to shell out for it?

Taken care of by Speculo Killers

A bit too late for that.