Spoilers so far: >mythicspoiler.com
Enemy fastlands are confirmed.
Spoilers so far: >mythicspoiler.com
Enemy fastlands are confirmed.
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Sanic Line
Dwarven Whitehawk
Artificer Tribal (?)
Counters matter (proliferate in Aether Revolt??)
VEHICLES (pic related)
The worlds finals are going so bad that they could spoil the whole set already.
im really tired of that lazy walker design
3 mana,3 starting loyalty, +1,-2 expensive ultimate
two lilianas, Domri, Dack, Nissa, Female Dack
why not starting loyality 1 and +2, or starting loyalty 2, or anything to spice the blandess up
Fetches are the best land cycle they have ever printed. They remove the drawback of adding extra colors to your deck (consistency) and homogenize decks (especially in standard). Easily one of the worst development decisions ever.
Because people hated low loyalty starting planeswalkers
Why fix what isn't broken?
Thread Theme?
>one song
Nigga one ain't enough.
Let's also discuss the finer details of the Bant vs Bant mirror match!
I mean, World Championship
twitch dot tv slash magic
Marcio should not even be allowed in the building. He's cheated on multiple occasions at major events, but he's allowed to compete? Absolutely ridiculous.
>"I think Standard is pretty fun right now. There are a lot of pretty cool things to do, which isn't always the case. The games are also skill-testing, and there are unique archetypes."
>Sam Stoddard
How long into the spoiler will we get a vehicle that absolutely breaks and warps modern?
because it's bland. People may like Grizzly Bears reprint witha different name each set, doesn't mean it coudn't be spiced up. At least make their mana cost 3 colored mana, not even 3 colours, it isn't hard
hopefully not too long, Modern could use a crazy new archetype that doesn't completely ruin it
>absolutely breaks and warps modern
This is one of the many reasons you should not play or care about modern.
First I've heard of that. Fill me in.
>hurr durr every format should stagnate and never change
just go play the same cube over and over
Wizards doesn't want to be too tough on cheaters since probably half of the pros are as good as they are due to cheating.
Honestly I think the mothership will be the strongest vehicle. That said I think there will be a fabricate creature that will be pushed hard enough for modern and I can't wait to see that
Yes, I should play the most degenerate format where every single set threatens to add a card that makes a clear #1 deck that is completely unbeatable for 3 months until it's banned. Sounds super fun.
>game has gone so long they have to keep track of what they're putting on the bottom of their libraries through CoCos and Duskwatch Recruiters
it really is
Enjoy your eternal CoCo mirror matches I guess
You think I play standard? LMAO
It will be the endless game. It stalled at 20-18 for lots of turns, minutes and now it is the same board but 20-13. Someone will be decked'out.
it's the only other non-dead constructed format. Nothing else really counts
Holy shit they each have like 10 cards in hand
Why don't they each run 4x Tragic Arrogance? It seems like a perfect solution to crowded board states
Keep telling yourself that. I'll be over here playing fun games that don't always end on turn 4.
Then nobody would want it and they will sell less packs
that's fine and all but there's no point talking about side formats when magic is made for modern and standard, especially if you have a problem with banlists
>magic is made to be midrange vs midrange or aggro vs aggro
You're in stage 1 of grief: denial.
But... user, they want to tap their creatures againsst each other. This card is opressive and warp the format. Let them have fun!
CoCo will go away eventually, Modern will never stop being a shitty cycle of stagnation and new broken tech.
And if you really want to go that route, how was the OGW Modern PT? :^)
theros elspeth would be a good counterexample to an endless wave or +1,-2,3/3 or new Sorin. make walkers more bomby and less cc3 generic
>implying there's any depth to Standard
This is why you play Legacy or Vintage.
When the other option is playing the 5 people who show up for legacy per year, or the hipsters playing pauper, or the people too busy researching market trends for their $10,000 card investments to play vintage, yes. That's magic.
They'll ban CoCo at some point.
yeah it was pretty bad, but they fixed it.That's what happens with a format with actual support.
I agree with that. What I didn't agree with was low loyalty/CMC walkers.
They tried it. People hated it. So they won't be doing that again.
>"he will pass the turn with eleven untapped lands"
"It did not feel like an hour because it was exciting the whole way through."
LSV, now you're just lying
The depth of your wallet every 3 months
He lies a lot, dude.
You know absolutely nothing about Legacy or Vintage, and it is showing really hard right now.
Stay in denial.
>While the Double Nickel has been basically completely eliminated from Pro Tour matches due to increased awareness, it and cheats like it still take place at lower level tournaments against players that are familiar with them.
And that sucks.
>wah they can't cheat, how shitty
wtf am i reading here
Relax, now we go game 4 and hopefully game 5.
>hopefully game 5
NO. I want this stupid shit to end so they can show more preview cards.
With proof like that, it's hard to argue with you. You sure showed me how Legacy events aren't practically nonexistent, much less Vintage.
They "fixed" it the Yugioh way, by endlessly banning things and pretending that stopping one busted strategy to give rise to a new one is somehow "support".
ALL vintage paper events are played with 15 proxies. "$10000 card investments?" Get the fuck out of here.
It says that the cheat still happens and that sucks not that it sucks that they can't cheat. I don't know why the author specifies that it matters whether or not the person playing the cheater can recognize the cheats.
>Your format is so horrible you have to play with a quarter of your deck being proxies
You mean Tibalt? If his +1 was nonrandom discard/draw or draw/discard he'd see play, now that Nahiri is using that, we won't get low mana walker in red, yes, but could you give examples of people hating low starting loyalty?
What's that? I can't hear you over the sound of not dying on turn 4.
>mfw the only thing interesting me is the new fastlands or whatever they call them
Is this what happens when I all I do is play legacy or edh? Gonna preorder 2 playset of each
I can't hear you over all the denial about a format being good in spite of it being necessary for people to proxy a good chunk of their deck.
Doesn't SCG pretty much run a decently large legacy tournament every weekend?
>proxying means format sucks
back to Pauper
>the most interactive, engaging format where there are 5+ lines of play as early as turn 1 that can change the entire shape of the game
>come backs actually happen and can result in victory not just parity
>waaaahhhhhh I have proxies
>oy vey, they're allowed to play with proxies, it's another shoah!
Paper Pauper has more than a few proxiers.
Sinkhole and Oubleitte isn't exactly more than a few, unless you proxy stuff like Lotus Petals
Lotus Petal?
What do you think Emrakul sounds like?
My guess was either a Tripod from War of the Worlds or maybe a Blue Whale call where its really hard to hear.
Eldrazi do not make sounds. It's confirmed.
I don't know but if you need to cast it three times in a game and can't win, it tells you something.
yeah, about 5 dollars iirc
This will see fringe play, mark words
>Vicious Hunger for 3
I'm sure curious what instant speed removal is Red getting this set
Remove Memedrazi
Viscious hunger and Sorin's thirst only do 2 damage user-kun
>doesnt make sounds
then how does she whisper sweet nothings into your ear?
checkmate magicbabs.
not only that but >Kozilek Shrieker
Okay, *most* Eldrazi don't make sounds. Hearing shit in your head because you lose your shit from Emrakul being around you is not it making noise.
>six fingers
MaRo's Concession
MaRo's Concession deals 3 damage to target creature and 3 damage to you.
Play Maro's Concession only any time you may play a sorcery.
that's why I say "for 3"
Oh, I'm retarded, I thought you were referring to the mana cost
Yeah, apparently vedalkin have six fingers why does it matter?
They said on stream that they deliberately designed the Vedalken for this set to have six fingers. Emphasizes the delicacy of their craft and such.
A very big mistake
Good I was hoping for colored Artifacts
>you are now imagining some pilots in a artifact vendalken super suit pummeling the shit out of Ulamog or Kozilek
Holy shit both of these were posted here yesterday.
I hope it's not the only one.
Time for Kalastria healers
What's red about that?
Who's hyped for double reflector mage?
That's pretty cool
>Absolutely AMAAAZING stuff
>the other commentator shrugs
"These games were amazing!"
>one hour snoozefest where at 50 minutes the life totals were 20-18
Dwarf Dayhawk
This is kinda super cool for modern. I could see it as a 1 of in sideboards. It hits eldrazi, affinity and tron. Three very big players of the format