I hope you guys realise Tau are the only smart faction in this fucking setting...

I hope you guys realise Tau are the only smart faction in this fucking setting? Their combat doctrine makes sense and they don't sperg out the second they see an alien race because they know using other troops to supplement your army is a good idea.
>muh mechs
>dreadnoughts are ok though
>muh commies because Greater Good
>Imperium treating citizens like shit for the greater good is ok though

Tau haters have literally no arguments.

Does anyone find it disturbing if that you want to talk about 40k you have to throw down shittalk instead of saying reasons properly?

Shock sells I guess

That invites chaos then, have fun getting raped by multi-dicked arm demons then.

Yea guys I mean tau is great they defeated Slaanesh remember?!

And that deal with the dark eldar? Good thing they didn't shoot first right guys?!

>have fun getting raped

Oh I will.

That is because this is a thread deliberately designed to start a shitstorm.

Actual discussion happens in different threads (usually NOT the General).

Yeah but
>Don't believe in magic despite it existing in the setting

>they don't sperg out the second they see an alien race because they know using other troops to supplement your army is a good idea

The Imperium freaks out because they remember the Age of Strife and how suddenly when humanity was in a vulnerable position all the agreements and such suddenly meant nothing. Humanity has also explored much more of the galaxy and come to know that there are horrific things out there and races who aren't interested peace, either being outright hostile or willing to screw humans over if it'll benefit them.

There is also the impression that the Tau are woefully naive about Chaos.

>muh mechs
>dreadnoughts are ok though

Only people who suddenly about super realism and big models don't like the Battlesuits. Possibly also those who find the Kroot and/or Vespid interesting.

>muh commies because Greater Good
>Imperium treating citizens like shit for the greater good is ok though

I've never seen people really argue that the way Imperial citizens are treated is good. It's more pointing out that Tau society has its own faults.

I think some have an inkling, such as the Ethereals and Farsight, but the Tau's knowledge as a whole is woefully lacking. They couldn't understand how warp drives worked and believed that Wraith constructs they captured from Iyanden were advanced battlesuits, not things controlled by souls.

Monkey fish frog men can go fuck themselves. They are a naive arrogant race who think they will suceed. They have no clue of the true horrors the galaxy has to offer.

Tau are lame, ooh look at me with muh advanced technology. GW literally only made them to appeal to the asian market and it worked too. Some of the stores in asia have 85% tau players.

Trash army for plebs



That's not an accident. Most of the other factions were created in a time when 40k was a more overt parody or are rip-offs from fantasy.

By now I find it entirely normal and mundane. It's the current "Veeky Forums culture xD" that shitposters have managed to rub into the carpet here.

To be fair, at least part of the blame goes towards 40k's shallow and stupid lore anyway. It's not like TES, it's not as if there's much to talk about beyond powerlevels and what's canon lore now.

How exactly is TES deeper beyond the riffing on of Gnosticism and kalpas?

Get you stupid blue camel and shove them up you dingle berry loving ass.

They are terribly written. Even more so than the ultrafags, it's like anything blue in 40k should be ignored.

>when 40k was a more overt parody

40k isn't parodying anything

The only thing that should happen to the Tau and their fans is getting disappeared by the CIA.

>Tau haters have literally no arguments.

They're Xenos.

Kek, since when is smart good in 40k? Look at the Space Wolves, they're the best cannonically and they're a bunch of drunk wolf fucking vikings

Well yeah that's true but fuck you.

It requires a degree of interpretation, which 40k does not. All 40k has are occasionally biased narrators, that's it

The 'gnostic' metaphysics and kalpas have more to them than the entirety of 40k lore.

Requiring interpretation because the sources of lore may only be available via fallible sources doesn't necessarily make something deeper, more authentic, but not deeper.

I'd even argue about taking cues from Gnosticism and such. It's interesting, but I'm not sure I'd said it automatically makes TES deep, which in of itself is subjective.


>but the Tau's knowledge as a whole is woefully lacking. They couldn't understand how warp drives worked and believed that Wraith constructs they captured from Iyanden were advanced battlesuits, not things controlled by souls.

Is there something I can read about the Tau trying to make sense of the weird crap everyone else is up to? Because I'd like that.

Excuse me, the only intelligent faction is the Tyranids.

Tau are dumb as shit for treating every new thing they encounter in the milky way like it won't fuck them dead given half a chance.

They're certainly not the most retarded faction (looking at you Greenskins and Knife-Ears) but they're not the sharpest tools in the skullshed.

This is true.

However they also are not fielding Super Angels of Death, Gigantic Mushroom-Men with Trucks as Armor, billions of Terminators, MEGA-Zerg or literal Demons. They are truly the most mundane of the factions so the only way they can any impression at all is by having better tactics.

That being said they won't last long simply because of size and situation unless they manage to buddy buddy up with the Ultras real good. If not then they are pinned between a hive fleet and arguably the most powerful Space Marine Chapter around. And they simply don't have the numbers to handle that.

Necrons are the most intelligent. Orks are the wisest. Nids are most efficient. Humans have the biggest balls.

I like balls

The tau in the Medusa V campaign were in the middle of trying to work things out with warp drives and travel. If I remember right, their weekly reports were pretty interesting.

Not sure if that stuff is still archived anywhere, though.

>Sent ships to parlay with tyranid hive fleet
>Decided to send several hundred tau to Commoragh for "cultural enrichment"
>Killed Slaanesh
>Tried for years to make friends with orks, even giving orks tau weapons


Do we have to start listing all the shit in their own codex? Like sending not one but several diplomats to the Orks? Or to the Tyranids? Or thr Necrons? Or their cultural exchange with the Dark Eldar?

It's not just "Gnosticism and kalpas", though. The more you dig into it, the more you realise there's just more and more dirt and clay and rock, until you reach the point in the hole where it seems like an entirely different thing as compared to your understanding of it from when you first started, and that you'll likely go through that total perspective shift several times.

Maybe I'm overselling it, but I shared the same perspective when I first started getting into the setting -- and now, after trying to understand everything about it for years, I still feel like there's a lot of essential stuff I'm missing.

So by default they are better than humans.

How could they even get the impression that Tyranids can be reasoned with in the first place? They don't even talk it's like trying to parlay with a fucking gorilla.

Trips confirm Tau are tards.

>Tau haters literally have no arguments to hate the Tau as a faction

That alone, if it were true, would be a sign of shit writing and an argument to hate the faction. I don't choose a faction because I have enough of an ego to pick the plastic metal men that I think are the best and smartest and most amazing at everything.

Glad we agree Space Marines are terribly written.

Same user here, I agree, Space Marines are also terribly written a lot, Tau are just the kings of shit fluff in the latter half of 7E so far.

without ethereals the tau devolve into savage beasts that makes even kroot frown in disgust

those mc hammer pants are baller

It is Labor Day, kids our out to shit post freely.

Look at the fucking Anti-DnD threads popping up this morning. Why would anyone bother to drag that dead cat up onto the porch when the dnd fan base has stayed locked in /pfg/ for months or moved to other forums?

Honestly, the Farsight Enclaves are becoming the only faction I can actually and genuinely care about