When the DM starts to voiceact NPCs

>when the DM starts to voiceact NPCs

i enjoy that even when they're not very good at it

tfw voice actress

nigga that's the best, stfu

>Implying that isn't the greatest shit.

OP is a faggot.

What, you'd rather have the DM just be like "so then he starts monologuing and it's very dramatic and scary"?

fuck you

>they're good at it

He probably wants the DM to just hurry up and stop taking so he can go on his power fantasy quicker.

t. plebs

>DM starts to describe the environment as if it were real

what a fucking fag

>He wants the DM to stop taking so he can get back to his numbers-wank session.


>When the DM puts in effort for our benifit

>it's too "nerdy" for him

we're playing dungeons and dragons for fucks sake

it doesn't get any nerdier than this unless we bring bodypillows

Wait, hold on, I thought that this is always how it works? That's what I do, and in my entire pen and paper career I've never seen someone who doesn't act out their npcs.

I guess isn't when you're a faggot OP


>called out and counter-rused
>"b-b-b-b-better break out muh pleb trigger word xD"

Hi OP.

Nice try, but you just got told. :^)

Anyone can make up shit and post it on the internet, but it takes legit skill to riff off that and serve the other guy. Your response tells me you don't have that skill. You probably spent about 45 mins coming up with your OP, and then when you were challenged within minutes, you fell apart. Your cover was blown, you had to fall back on a simple variation of "u mad". You choked bro. You choked hard. And now everyone knows your OP was simple b8.

Oh no! Nobody's falling for it! What are you going to do? Let's see you wriggle on my hook a bit more, kid. Dance up a merry jig and maybe I'll give you a few pointers on how to b8 properly when you're done.

>When the DM tries to craft a believable and engaging world full of vibrant and memorable characters.

>Mfw the DM tries to do things.

How about a better discussion?

What was the worst voice your GM has ever done for an NPC?

>bog-standard D&D campaign
>we've been playing for maybe 20 sessions
>one day one of the players notices that we've only ever met male NPCs
>bring this up to the DM
>"Uh yeah well you guys know I like doing the voices and I don't really feel comfortable doing a girl voice"
>Make fun of the DM all session and try to find women NPCs for him to voice
>None to be found
>Session ends and we tell DM again how a female NPC would really add to the world & the campaign
>Next session
>Party is rampaging through a haunted town and looking for survivors
>Discover a farmer girl in a church
>Begin to interrogate her
>Notice the DM is making noises and fucking with something behind the screen
>All of a sudden DM starts voicing this girl in the most insane high pitched voice
>We peek behind his screen and the guy has 3 or 4 balloons
>He's huffing helium so he can do the girl voice
>Make the farmer girl stay with the party so he can keep doing the voice
>He goes through 3 balloons, is close to passing out by the end of the session
Never met another woman NPC in the entire campaign.

Wait, we're not supposed to bring our body pillows?

Im fine with shitposting but shit talking voice acting in games is to fucking far old Veeky Forums might have been cringy and easily trolled but fuck

>when the people sitting around my table start adopting the mannerisms and personas of characters built within the parameters of a role playing game we all agreed to play at this designated time.

>start a new campaign with all new players
>worried they'll be awkward and not want to get into character
>voice act the first NPC they meet, wait for them to make fun of it
>"Whoa I didn't know you would do the voices, just like on Critical Role!"
>They all love it and try to find weird NPCs to get me to do unusual voices
I never thought I'd say this, but thanks Felicia Day.

OPs probably one of those competitive table top gamers who ruined 40k general and other games

>then the PCs have the gall to act in character instead of the collection of tables they actually are

>When people are having fun playing the game

t. Barbarian

In Rogue Trader I played a Techpriest and just did the voice of the Enginseer from Dawn of War whenever I spoke. My friends found that funny.

Guys I played d&d for the first time and consistently role played my character and did his voice during lines of dialogue. How else are you supposed to do it?

>not bringing your bodypillow to the bossfight
Where else are you supposed to draw your power from ?

Funny enough, my country's best WHFB player (now KoW) always plays in character. OP is merely a scrub.

This is legitimately really funny.

>one day one of the players notices that we've only ever met male NPCs
>bring this up to the DM
>"Uh yeah well you guys know I like doing the voices and I don't really feel comfortable doing a girl voice"
Literally me. Maybe I see to go buy some helium.

what if those of us on Veeky Forums now are the moriquendi and all the calaquendi are long, long gone?

>one day one of the players notices that we've only ever met male NPCs
Is it weird that I have the opposite problem? I only really like playing female NPCs. I actually had to make a conscious effort to try and include more male characters in my last game when I realized that I'd unwittingly made all the significant NPCs women.

Wow, that's impressively terrible. All my DM does is do monster roars. Imagine a thirty year old man going "Blaaaaagh!" or "Graaaaar!" like a small child and you'll get a pretty good idea of what our sessions are like.

Some of us are still here, dispensing bad ass advice and harkening back to the glorious days of when we could proudly look among all other boards, holding us in our rightful place. Exemplifying the truths of: Veeky Forums, we get shit done.

But mostly some of us have realized that while the boards are a wasted space of verbal diarrhea from the mouths of many hapless OPs, who swarm this once proud bourd to turn this place into "epic gets pseudo-/b/ lelkekhurdur", the good days are beyond us.

That and a lot of the Originalfags are in a tight play circle. 5th edition was a nice ice breaker and has helped us gain a lot of newcomers to the table. A shame that this brought so many normies, however this is their problem, not ours. We tell our stories, watch them as engrossed in the game as the rest of us, enjoy good company and good games.

When the players want to bang girls in your game and expect you to roleplay it with them

>always plays in character

This is the only fucking way to play those wargames.

Yeah can you stop posting this cringe shit. I remember Veeky Forums before the

>just started my first ever world of darkness game last week
>playing mage the ascension 2nd edition
>guy i know online who ive begged to GM for me for months since im really new to this whole thing
>me and one other player
>his character description is far more in depth than mine
>maxed out appearance
>tempted to try and bang his character just to see how uncomfortable i can make both him and our GM
>GM sais that,yes, i can try to do that but he'd prefer it if i didn't

how much of a cunt am I if I try to do this?

im cult of ecstasy and depending on how GM would handle me using manipulation/intimidation, i could probably rape the other player, though i really have no plans to do so. its mostly fun to fuck with them out of game and tell them i'll do this, i highly doubt i'd ever do it in game because that 1st session was so fucking great and i dont wanna ruin it.


>DM starts quoting doujin lines out of context
>I'm the only one busting my gut at the table and everyone gives me funny looks

Critical Role is the most I'm-not-sure-if-I-approve thing I know.

I mean all but one of the players are great (you know the one) but goddamn the association with the "LOL SO GEEKY" twats is hard to swallow. It did get me back into tabletop games though.

Your reaction image is ambiguous.

DM's should always voice act their NPCs, otherwise they're not roleplaying. Roleplaying games without roleplaying are somewhat dull.

>tfw not sure if OP is faggot or not

No, he would rather explain what he says, so that the players don't have to have their immersion ruined by hearing some shitty, poorly acted, faggot with a stutter pretend to be some make-believe fairy or elf.

Sounds like you've just had shitty DMs

our DM totally nails all his voice acting and scene setting. truly creates total immersion.

Having someone flatly state what an NPC says is not conducive to immersion, although I can image it's better than poor voice acting if your DM is really sub-par.

Nah, I cringed even when Chris Perkins DM'ed that session with Robot Chicken, and started using weird voices for the characters.

Unless you're an award winning voice actor with the vocal range of Mike Patton, you're going to be shit.

>using 'stormfag'
>calling others autistic

>MFW when my GM makes physical props for us to interact with such as figurines, maps, and tangible treasure or coinage
>MFW when my GM adds appropriately subdued music to add to the atmosphere of a game
>MFW when my GM tries to put any effort into my games at all
>MFW I am and will eternally be a shitstain player

>having the standards of a high-end drama director
>for some fuck trying to voiceact during a game
You're That guy

>a tripfag is a stupid prick that probably either doesn't have any friends or only has friends that are just as or more of a stupid prick than he is


have you spoken to a therapist that specialises in gender identity issues yet?

It's not a unique problem. I do it as well, and it only even occurred to me that it was an issue when one of my players started poking fun at another of them because they were 'waifuing' an NPC who the party had been hanging around with for a few sessions. Not an easy thing to fix without making it obvious, since my players are used to long-term NPCs that are developed slowly over weeks, so I couldn't just introduce the sausage brigade and expect my players to not raise eyebrows, not to mention it would have diluted all the NPCs just because I would have been dividing my effort between them all.

Issue has since been remedied over the last couple dozen sessions, but the ratio is still like 45:55 in favour of chicks. I'm more or less okay with that though.

>Can't voice act
>'Shitty DM'

Some of us just want to tell a story with some friends, and have a shitty voice that can barely change in pitch or tone at the best of times. Trying to get me to emote properly is like getting blood from a stone.

I run a game online, and while we use a VOIP program, we tend to relegate it to OOC chatter and bants, while serious narrative and roleplay is kept strictly to text, including actions and body language and the like. A few benefits to this: 1) I (nor my players) need not subject everyone to my atrocious voice, 2) I (nor my players) need not voice act female characters, compounding the first issue with another layer of awkwardness, 3) There is a log of all narrative which I can reference if I realise I am missing a note on something, and 4) The voice-shy players are more easily included in the game.

I mean, yeah, if I was a master voice actor then voicing dialogue would probably be more immersive, but then my players would feel pressured to do so as well, and they might not be masters. Maybe if you picked up your entire group at a Shakespearean acting troupe meet, it could work, but otherwise you're going to end up with at least one side or part of a conversation being notably worse, which I think ruins immersion far more than just not doing VA at all.

>what is roleplaying?

>voiceacts my character the first ten minutes
>forget about it the rest of the campaing

That's it. I remember a guy who spent the whole session in character and it was the creppiest shit. Never again

>everybody who disagrees with me is a stupid nazi

>when the DM has anything other than orcs in 10-square-foot rooms guarding treasure chests
You're a fucking moron OP, I hope you step on a d4

Gender is a lifestyle choice. Going to a therapist over that would be like going to a therapist because you're a metalhead who's worried he's turning into a seapunk.

>Gender is a lifestyle choice.


WTF is a seapunk?

Everyone in this thread apparently has Sir Ian Mckellen for a DM, because I've had some horrendously cringey DM voice acting. Like, thirteen year old 'spooky demon voice' coming out of a fully grown twenty three year old man bad.

A good DM should still change the way he speaks depending on the character, but it should be subtle so that the bulk of it can be left to the imagination. He should never try to actually 'become' the character unless he has a theater background, because it kills the immersion and rapes its corpse.

That's biological sex, not gender. :)

2cool4u gramps?

Nah, most people just aren't autistic enugh to need Sir Ian to be "immersed".

>most people just aren't autistic
congratulations user, you're a normie. How's that DnD Twitch Stream going?

So please tell us how you can change your X/Y chromosome and exchange your testicals/ovaries with the power of positive thinking.

One google later and if that degree of faggotry is "cool" I'd rather be Square.

fortunatenly lifestyle choices do not have to be taken seriously.

>Everyone who plays pretend is autistic

Of course not. Just the ones who aren't basic as fuck.

>Autism, a condition that retard social skills, makes an inherently social activity better.
Can't say I agree with that logic TeeBeeHaych.

Bullshit hipster music that claims to be deeper than it is. I'm pretty sure the entire genre, and all it's subgenres, are one giant practical joke that all the 'artists' who make it are in on.

Like that one time some famous artist submitted a toilet as their piece of artwork, and the people running the exhibit actually displayed it.

Much as I agree a toilet isn't art, the act of displaying it did provoke a response. So maybe the act is art, not the object? Either way, it's a shitter.

Shit, it looked like just faggy cosplay, like those steampunk types. I don't even want to know how it sounds, but it sounds like a joke.

For players and DMs who feel too awkward voicing characters, I have a bit of advice, it's a little icebreaker I picked up a while back and it works wonders: Play a pirate.

If you're a player, roll up a scurvy sea dog, and if you're a DM, run an adventure with pirates. I guarantee you won't be able to keep that voice from spilling out of you. What's better, it's a voice that everybody can do. You'll sound natural, appropriate for the game, players will know you're a good DM, DMs will know you're a good player. From there, it's easy to segue out into other atrocious accents.

>When the GM tries to make the game enjoyable for the players

> mfw i incarnate a female npc i can't help doing it with a slutty voice

>DM changes his posture and bodylanguage to fit the NPC he portrays

Fixed it? You just replaced one statement with another that means the same thing, without correcting the typo. Go fuck yourself.

about the only thing I can do well is a fairly stereotypical southern drawl from years of growing up down in Georgia as such a surprising number of games take place in the deep south...I need to start working on more goddamn accents. That said I always try to have at least semi-thematic background music in the background or at least just metal.

I only like it when it's obviously a light campaign or played out for laughs but if you do it for every single person and completely dead serious then it gets kinda annoying especially since no dm can fucking do 10+ accents all well

If stormfags are from stormfront, they are autistic. Stormfront is genuinely trying to recruit autists because they can't attract any normies.

>when you never play a dwarf because you can't do the accent

It doesn't, but normies don't need fantasy roleplay to learn social skills, while autists do. They're everywhere, and it's hard to tell them apart from the other weirdos in this hobby.

>player is playing a nordic character called Sven
>attempts a tough guy norse accent
>sounds like he's from wales

I don't attempt character voices because I know they'd come out bad and detract from the experience. Also how do you guys signify your character is speaking in another language?

As a nordic guy my attempts at Scottish ends up closer to Russian.

If you are not into Veeky Forums why do you play Veeky Forumss?

>Also how do you guys signify your character is speaking in another language?
He speaks with an accent, or maybe just ponders over his words, and uses expressions that make no sense in English, but are literal translations of expressions in other languages.

Fuck you, if I'm roleplaying some NPC i want the party to remember, of course I'll give them a fucking voice.
But if a DM is acting out a dialogue between two NPCs, now that triggers the fuck out of me

Biological sex =/= gender.

I know it's hard for you rednecks and shitistan foreigners to understand, but keep at it, you'll get it one day.

A point I make routinely, and yet SJWs still feel the need to scream and rave about what is effectively a subculture.

tumblrinas trying to claim their own musical outpost

mostly it's a bunch of them labeling certain artists seapunk and those artists going 'ok whatever senpai'

>Biological sex =/= gender.
No matter how hard you believe and clap your hands a man can not become a woman.

You can have your meat and veg hacked off on the surgery slab but all that that will make you is a eunuch.

Sure, because that's the biological sex.

What was unclear about the initial point?

I agree, but the opposite is also weird if you think about it.


Not matter how cringy I find people talking like Orks on Veeky Forums is, whenever I find someone in real life who does while playing I can't help but smile.

>make gritty Scandinavian dark fantasy setting with lots of undead
>realise too late that I can't do a good scandi accent
>every NPC sounds like the fucking Swedish chef
>no-one can take the setting seriously.

Feels bad that I can't do the dark setting I originally planned. Should I just cut my losses, run with it and go with a more comedy horror feel?

stop making accent then, it could fix it

My point isn't that gender/sex is not a life style choice anymore than having legs is.

It's an inherent and basic part of humanity and based on something other than feelings.

Everything except for the biological stuff is completely arbitrary, based entirely on feelings and codified feelings (aka tradition).