How does Veeky Forums feel about my character motivation?
>5e campaign
>playing a powerful necromancer wizard
>blinded by my hunger for power
>spend my days searching for ancient scrolls and artifacts
>eventually world grows weary of wizards like me
>world-wide imprisonment of wizards beings
>instead of magical prisons, metal bodies are created and wizard's souls are imprisoned inside
>have faint recollection of what happened
>instead of a metal body, be imprisoned in a body of worms
>I am now a Vellax (DM homebrewed race) not unlike a Worm that Walks
>spend first few years afterwards pursuing revenge
>eventually come to realization that new immortal body isn't that bad
>after centuries, let go feelings of vengence
>wander the world
>realize how far corruption spreads
>want to reshape world to my better judgement after a thousand years of wandering
>become lawful evil
>go full Griffith
>come across current party
>party is approached by elf princess who seeks to reclaim her throne
>offer party to make mercenary band and champion princess' cause
>intend to be leader of said band
>dm hints that I may have the possibility to sacrifice party to regain my full original power (equivalent of a lvl 20 wizard, currently level 5) in the future
>would totally do it to accomplish my goals
Also general character motivation thread.
How does Veeky Forums feel about my character motivation?
I'll try not to over-exaggerate or over dramatize as is the norm.
I don't know what your group has agreed to 'expect' from the game. I mean playstyle and party-wise. So you're character could be fine.
But in a standard game, with standard expectations I strongly dislike your character. Not only does having a worm body not make sense in the context of your backstory, but all of it also screams of edgy. Which is fine if you're into that.
Your character honestly seems to have no redeeming character traits for a party. I see absolutely no reason for the party not to kill you on the spot when you decide pull your inevitable bullshit evil master plan antics. As a GM I would not stop them from doing this. It is not only logical but in their best interest not to travel or even associate themselves with you if they are even half-decent human beings. (other beings are available)
If the party is full of equally edgy, off-putting, unpleasant characters then I'd give you the green light.
If at all the other players are decent people, you are 100% being That Guy, and I wouldn't be surprised to hear one of your party members complaining about you down the road on this very board.
I tried very hard to say what I mean, and not be harsher than necessary. I hope my opinion at all helps make your decision, whatever that decision may be.
I do not care if I was an out of character shit, the second I know worm man is an evil fuck he is getting smashed.
Understandable, as you said you don't have a large amount of context. However in practice my character is a largely cooperative and helpful person. As a lawful evil character he doesn't actually see himself as evil, instead believing he is a good person who is willing to go to more extremes to reach his goals. Let me give you an example:
>party has a very young, naive cleric (a child)
>high wisdom in the sense of a very strong moral compass, but low int (didn't know how to count)
>first real encounter is taking care of a giant terrorizing nearby lands
>enter cave, hear giant sleeping up ahead
>cleric comes up when plan that avoids violence
>proposes to go alone inside to carry out said plan
>party deems it to dangerous to go alone even though cleric is practically begging to go alone
>end up going with him
>cleric reveals reason he wanted to go alone was to hide a secret
>behind heavy clothes cleric actually has clipped angelic wings
>offer to reveal a secret of mine to comfort cleric
>take off mask and reveal maggotness
>cleric a little freaked out but calm him down
>use prestidigination and gust to aid cleric in tricking giant into believing he is seeing an angelic vision
>everything fails and we end up fighting anyways, in the process rest of party finds out our secrets
From there on out, I started acting as a father figure to the cleric. The other two party members were naturally distrustful of me, with one in particular forming a sort of rivalry. In practice it's a very fun party with the wide range of characters. I actively try to not stretch into That Guy territory. Furthermore, I even became a teacher to the cleric, using animated skeletons to help him learn to count, etc.
And yet you plan on betraying the party the instant the DM gives you the opportunity.
That. Guy.
>implying that's what That Guy is
>implying that isn't just being a nigger
That Guy is the guy who makes the game tedious/boring/uninteresting/frustrating. I do none of these. In any case, I guess I should clarifiy, but the sacrifice thing is more of a campaign-ending situation. Furthermore, that's more of my in-character judgement as of now, before really being attached to the party.Even now, I don't think he would be willing to kill the cleric.
A little insight into the party:
>only surviving member of original party, halfing warlock
>was part of a catastrophic event in a town that ended in the destruction of the entire town and deaths of over half the population
>held party accountable, must go on a quest to redeem herself and stop a war from happening
>higher ups send their own agent (PC) to accompany her
>paladin/fighter hybrid ambitious tiefling that seeks favour in dragonborn nobility
>arrogant, owns slaves, etc
>having met me earlier, offers me a spot on the team
>accept out of need for companions
>lastly, find cleric in tavern asking bartender for milk
>after a bit of comic relief, ends up joining our party out of need for a healer
>go off as ambassadors to seek allies for possible war
That was the first session anyways.
Why imprison wizards rather than kill them?
Supposedly, killing them was deemed far to dangerous because most were aware of the plans against them and had already taken precautions to cheat death. Furthermode, the actual imprisonment was much easier / less dangerous than actually engaging them in combat. In their weakened forms their power would be bottlenecked to acceptable levels, and it would require a tremendous effort to undo the imprisonment. This is sort of the common knowledge levels of information surrounding the topic though, I'm sure the DM has some more interesting reason.
Y'know what I see here? Self justification. Just admit it, That Guy.
Sounds really really cool but could also be pretty lame since sacrificing the party could make the game go real bad real quick.
It depends on party, and if the DM seems cool with it and you think the group would be cool with the betrayal angle then go for it.
Okay, here, Imma make a confession. I'm bored. Super bored, arright? I work second shift, 50+ hours a week because I'm in food production and we're in the middle of harvest season. I hate most tabletop hobby boards and the ones I do like are pretty slow because aggressive-aggressive posting styles aren't for everyone, likewise a lot of other staples of discussion on those boards. I do run a game online on the weekends, but there's no face-to-face gaming in my area, hardly. I hardly get any real contact with my single biggest hobby nowadays.
So yes. I feed trolls, especially when they're trolling about something I like. I need this, man.
Your next post will be "You're a nigger, That Guy", you nigger.
Am I really? I actively try against it, does it really sound like I am making the campaign less fun? I mean, my character may do some questionably evil things, but he's a useful party member in the end. And we have fun. That's all that matters, r-right?
Bit of a bloody grand story but it's acceptable bordering on an over emphasis on darkness depending on how you convey it at the table.
Tbh its not the people feeding the trolls that are the problem. Its the people being upset by the trolls.
I'd say I hide my evil intentions well enough, if you can call them evil. One could argue he's just a very misguided good character. Or pic related.
Wizard blinded by his hunger for power is the tritest, lamest trope in D&D by a long shot. I strongly advice using such stale pap even partly in your backstory.
>Was once super powerful but now-
Dropped. Doesnt matter how great your motivation is. Unless your character is a delusional chuuni starting out as the big shit is never acceptable, unless your big shitness was so long ago both you and the gods themselves have forgotten your powers and your crimes.
It's pretty generic, and I left it intentionally so really. I'm waiting for a good plot hook so I can tie that into my backstory, or so I've spoken to the DM. Vellax as a race has not even been close to being uncovered yet. Everything before he was imprisoned was left in a generic sense as to leave more room for fluff when the time comes. Perhaps my wizard was seeking to uncover a conspiracy alongside a group of other wizards, but they were stopped and had their memories wiped / souls locked up. Up to how the DM develops the story when we get to it.
Also, if you're starting from level 1 then your epic backstory is going to look pretty stupid.
We started level 5
Yeah, I can understand. It's hard to handle it tastefully, and its come down to how much my years of experience will pay off now. I've put a fucking load of effort into this character, I'd be pretty funny if I end up dying in some mundane encounter.
Personally I like it. Sounds like you're playing Lawful Evil the right way. Not even doing it just for power, you're doing it to fix your shitty world. or atleast in your mind.
Therefore not retard evil alignment.
That's the goal here. No one has actually found out I'm evil yet. My goal is to rule my own kingdom. Yet I plan this kingdom to be a shining jewel in a sea of darkness. Just like Griffith. [\spoiler]
>De-ascended god-level character
This cliche stinks, but there are worse sins you could commit.
That said, this largely depends on the tone of the game. It sounds to be a vaguely heroic themed campaign, so I would be very hesitent about playing an evil character. However, it can work, as long as you are going into it with the very real intention of having an actual arc to the character which changes his motivation to be less blatantly evil and traitorous, or alters the limits to which he would go to achieve his goals to NOT include murdering the rest of the party.
>alters the limits to which he would go to achieve his goals to NOT include murdering the rest of the party.
Definitely. He might have taken an evil path, but he isn't inherently a malevolent character. Companionship within this party might remind him so. If anything, there's a fair amount of room for character development. I also just got the wicked idea to start using disguise self to make myself look like Griffith. I don't think any players but the DM know about Berserk, so the reference is lost on them.
There's a lot of red flags here.
I agree with this except I don't think a GM should even let this become a decision for the PC's on whether to give him a try or not. When you introduce a PC there's sort of an expectation of "fine, we'll make it work" in terms of the most basic level of cooperation, but for such a character (and likely player) that forced meta-chance can often be the only chance they need to just start killing random NPC's and even players (or perhaps just what the players actually care about). I've only had the misfortune of playing with one player who did that sort of thing (and we haven't really done any games with him after). If nothing else if the GM isn't outright giving the warning of "I don't care if you kill this suspicious, clearly evil PC if he doesn't seem convincing" it's kind of misleading to even allow such a character
Then you're probably gonna be fine, honestly. From what you've said about your interaction with the party thus far, about the character itself and his motivations, and just from the fact that you're actually worried about coming off as a jackass and are discussing it in a reasonable fashion, you'll be alright.
However, always remember: Never go full edge in a heroic campaign. It will leave everyone with a sour taste.
To be completely fair, when I was making the character, I wasn't seeking it be some god-turned human type character. I merely wanted to be a worm that walks. He proposed an alternative to his homebrewed race, and it went from there. My 'true form' being a level 20 wizard was actually news to me when he told me a couple weeks ago.
That's why I made this thread really. I'm confident about this character I put so much work into but at the same time I don't want to be That Guy.
>never go full edge
I would only consider this if the campaign is coming to an end anyway and I can pull a "It was all part of my plan all along!" moment. My character follows Tzeentch after all.
Atleast your character is just a sack of worms. In stead of an androgynous faggot like Griffith. kek just remembered he did take it in the ass .
Should make for some decent RP, especially when they eventually do see your true intentions. Bring your broken angel child off with you to make the world a better place.
Nah mate, the rule is hard and fast. NEVER go full edge, even if the DM offers the opportunity, even if the campaign is ending. Never go full edge in a heroic campaign.
And if the DM does offer the opportunity, you deny the hell out of it, because as another DM who enjoys this sort of character development and intrigue, I can 100% guarantee that it will be a test.
The person who is playing the cleric is doing a magnificent job. Just about the perfect level of naiveness and usefulness. Very endearing, which is why I ended up a elementary school teacher.
What if I'm preordained by the laws of causality?
FUCK the laws of causality, save your friends
This is the third time in the past 2 hours I've seen this posted.
Fuck off you sad cunt, this is just as pathetic as every '>muh old [insert any board]' whiner
Like others said: it would be a bigass dick move if you dropped the sacrifice thing out of nowhere whilst pretending to be a good guy all along. Depending on the type of game and fellow players, that could end with leaving everyone sour.
Make sure you actually hint towards your intentions on occasion. Make it unexpected, but not outta-nowhere.
You mention Griffith: while the Eclipse certainly surprised everyone, it was slowly getting more and more obvious that Griffith would someday fuck his comrades over. Aim towards that.
The used to god like character irks me to fuck, the worm thing bugs me a little too, but with your RP with the angel cleric you seem like you got it under control, except for the entire sacrifice the party thing
That part of it bugs the shit out of me because I can imagine everyone else having a good time, then you fuck it up by sacrificing them. You should probably have sort of thing where you have the chance to sacrifice them, but because you like them so much you fucking don't. Which would be cool versus "lol time to roll new characters everyone, your maggot man becomes the BBEG"
>instead of magical prisons, metal bodies are created and wizard's souls are imprisoned inside
... Why?
You fucking people and your fucking bullshit, what the fuck is wrong with Imprisonment?!
And if you hunt down all wizards and shit, then who the fuck is building up metal bodies/etc, and plucking goddamn souls (at least a soul gem spell) and then putting them into the bodies, basically giving MORE POWER to already powerful individuals instead of REMOVING THEM FROM POWER.
This is the type of inconsistency that makes me angry.
sounds like you're just autistic 2bh
What is wrong with you?
It's a sad forced meme. Even laughing elf was better than this.
He might be autistic, but he isn't 100% wrong.
"Hey guys, wizards are OP and fucking everything up, let's get them!"
"Yeah, instead of just going full pogrom or using a magical prison, lets take away their fleshy mortal bodies - their greatest weakness, perhaps - and give them metal ones! They won't take revenge for that at all!"
In terms of the character itself... Eh. Could be some interesting room for like... not being a cunt in there, I suppose.
Just, you know, don't be a cunt about the whole thing. That, and please do not go all "I am thousands of years old, I know best and everything" all the time - act like the thing from an ancient time you are and be awkward, or sure of something that is no longer the norm or even known about by scholars and shit.
Flameo, Hot man! and all that.
when you play with other people, make a character whose main goal isn't to kill the party
3/10 cause if you didn't decide instantly to betray the party and instead used them for the rest of their lives without them even knowing it you'd be a real nice character
My theory is that the metal bodies actually siphon the wizard's power. Being intentionally being left alive means that they're harm worse and keep generating power for whoever holds the reigns. Any guess is a good as mine, however. I take it there's more to it that is supposedly common knowledge.
>he didn't read the thread
Tl;Dr the character is going through a redemption arc to change his jackass ways