Who should be stronger: Werewolf or Werebear
Who should be stronger: Werewolf or Werebear
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How is this even a question?
Worgen Druid in Cat form.
Werewolf would be more agile.
Wouldn't a Worgen Druid in bear form be even stronger?
The problem with werebears is everyone starts making either bear puns or gay jokes the moment they are introduced.
Pff, that bearly happens.
That's just the kind of shit you have to bear with.
In the woods, obviously.
You should take it as ursine of affection.
That would be unbearable.
Spoken like someone who's been playing for years, you must be a grizzly old veteran.
More like Wolfbear or Bearwolf
On a related note, I'm quite certain that a Wolfwere is stronger than a Werewolf.
It's the puns that make shitposting threads bearable.
Werebear. It's not even a competition. Even just looking at the structure of a bear's claws in comparison to a wolf's, the bear is way better suited to ripping people open.
You're just looking for another kodiak moment, I refuse to rise to the bait.
A jackalwere weretiger druid
>another kodiak moment
Taken with an old polar-oid, amirite?
Wolfwere is the negative of a werewolf. Every full moon they put on a shit load of mass, stand on two legs and gain an intelligence boost.
Sadly they spend half the time looking for a pair of trousers.
bear bear bear bear
Bear puns are the worst puns of all Bär none.
You just have to be on top of things so your buddies don't assfuck you with bad puns
"I'm a big queer bear who takes it up the ass and swallows cum!"
I love this board
There is something I wanna link but it has chest nudity, so I won't.
Anyway wolves are pack animals, a bear can take a few wolves easily. Translate that to werewolves and werebears and one on one the werebear wins most of the time. However in an all out war, werebears lose in the long run due to their winter nap and even if is a kind of bear that does not hibernate, wolves have numbers.
but i like chests
Werebear is strongest
Werecat is most agile
Werewolf is most well rounded
just paste the link instead of attaching it
Fur sure
Rolled 3, 3 = 6 (2d10)
That's because everybody who likes anthropomorphic bears is gay. Faggot.
Human Druid in Bear Form Polymorphed into a pig.
Algore you gotta stop posting man.
>When learn bearshape but aren't used to walking on four legs.
>mfw bears are the will evolve soon
The real question is, where do were-eagles fall?
Hypothetically wherever they lose faith in the undying ideal of Freedom.
Realistically, no such thing is ever mentioned anywhere in recorded history.
i agree, Dean McCoppin
Well, sure, but 3.5 had pretty simple rules for adapting any humanoid/carnivorous animal combo (within certain size limitations) into various lycanthropes, which is why my settings all have werracuda.
Bear is stronger, wolf is faster.
bear, but wolves are social animals
Can confirm. Main character is a werebear.
I think it's just cause the poor thing is missing most of its right foreleg
Are we going to be the ancient civilization that left behind power-rectangle artifacts of unknowable function once the bears rise to take our place?
>"Snatches-Fish, what do you suppose is the function of this artifact?"
>"I am unsure Rubs-The-Bark, perhaps a drinking vessel it has The Life Tubes."
>"Maybe the back portion holds an answer."
>"Quickly, kill it before is attacks!"
Native abearicans.
Bears kill and eat wolves. If you wanted to go further than that to the strongest predatory land animal it would be tigers.
>strongest predatory land animal it would be tigers.
>You mean humans.
He said strongest, not most successful.
Eh. You know what I meant.
Werepig assassin who's humanoid form is anyone or anything he chooses.
Greebo pls
Pretty sure bears btfo tigers any day. Something to do with their bones being too thick/dense to damage or something. I vaguely remember something about bear-baiters bringing in loads of exotic animals to try and find one that might have a chance against a bear, and all the big cats got rekt. I think it was a rhino that finally killed one?
When they stop flapping their wings.
Knot bearlieve it!
Yeah that sounds like something I heard. During goldrush america (I think) showmen brought in lions and had the King of the Jungle fight a bear. The bears won 100% of the time. They just brought their paws down on the lions skull and bam dead lion. Tigers might do better against bears though because their territory's overlap.
100% free.
That would be because you and your friends secretly want to suck each other off. Hence constantly talking about it.
Whose dick is bigger? Bear or wolf?
Serious question.
Bears have long, slender dicks, but wolves have shorter, stouter dicks.
Weregators > all
>cold-blooded animals that only exist at night
Yeah, sure. Totally superior.
I think wolves have bigger cocks, just in terms of volume. Bears have those weird needle dicks, while wolves have pretty meaty wangs (around about the length of a human's) with a knot to boot. I'd bed a werewolf over a werebear, any day.
>Hey cobra you a fucking pussy
Werecreatures don't make sense at all. Think about the raw meat you're going to eat as a werewolf/werebear. You know what happens if you transform back? Your human stomach can't digest that shit. also you'll have the worst aching muscles you can imagine, because, after transforming back, your weird ass morphed and stretched muscles will be strained like shit, due to the transformation process itself, and furthermore, due to all that shit you've done in being a wolf/bear thing.
you're also likely to catch a few illnesses because of your fucked up immune system. rabies being one of them.
have fun.
>When a character contracts lycanthropy through a lycanthrope’s bite (see above), no symptoms appear until the first night of the next full moon. On that night, the afflicted character involuntarily assumes animal form and forgets his or her own identity, temporarily becoming an NPC. The character remains in animal form, assuming the appropriate alignment, until the next dawn.
>The character’s actions during this first episode are dictated by the alignment of its animal form. The character remembers nothing about the entire episode (or subsequent episodes) unless he succeeds on a DC 15 Wisdom check, in which case he becomes aware of his lycanthropic condition.
>Werebear alignment is Lawful Good.
My players were playing in an evil campaign, and one of them was a very cliche` necromancer. He had a tower he'd taken in a previous adventure, and him and the party terrorized the local populace, extorting money for spells, taking women captives, etc. They fought against a cadre of werebears, and the necromancer was afflicted. He has not yet become aware of his affliction, and is trying to figure out why, after every full moon, the villagers find a large pile of salmon, to help them survive in this harsh and hostile land.
Our human stomach can digest raw meat ever heard of rare or medium rare cooked steak? Its not rare because the animals difficult to kill or is almost extinct.
And you seem to assume that the only change a were creature goes through is the shifting. Whats to stop the human parts changing to adapt to the problems you mention?
Your point about the muscle being weak is an interesting concept though. Maybe a downside when you shift back to being a human?
you don't actually think you can eat tons of raw meat and making it out alive, do you?
People did it for years before they started cooking shit. Lots of butchers often eat bits of raw meat.
and our bodies evolved. man, please be trolling.
If you were raised on raw meat you would be fine.
You can't eat tons of anything and make it out alive you idiot. Like I said the Human form changes to adapt. Its fictional mystical bullshit not everything has to make 100% current scientific fact.
You're trying to apply real-world laws to something that is innately magical. If we're talking about a sci-fi setting where nanomachines or something restructure someones physiology instead of magic, then MAYBE some of your points might be valid.
As it is, you're talking about someone literally transforming into an entirely new form with abilities that don't actually match what they should be capable of performing. You'd have to be pretty dumb to assume that the things we think we know about our own world will apply to a world where were-creatures are possible.
It's called steak tartare.
Who should be stronger: A bear who's been turned into a werewolf or a wolf who's been turned into a werebear?
Bear. Higher base +str template.
Now a pack of werewolfs vs a werebear...
no, you're wrong.
A Wereelephant.
Hi veggy cucky
Tiny brain, huge autism!
> that only exist at night
What, do they phase out of existance at the break of dawn?
Yes. Phasing is a weird mechanic