Punching bags of the setting fuck GW for not giving them any kick ass moments, they didn't even wipe out one space marine chapter.
Punching bags of the setting fuck GW for not giving them any kick ass moments...
user, that isn't the SoB. Or the Eldar. Or hell, even the Tau.
>they didn't even wipe out one space marine chapter.
I thought they did? Something about being trapped on a planet on top of a rock being slowly overrun or something?
I knew that Matt Ward gave some factions redesigns, but man, those are some weird Sisters of Battle you've got there.
They probably have taken out a minor chapter or two. They also fucked up the Ultramarines so much it put Cadgar on life support.
It's hard for a swarm of hivemind-controlled insects to have "kick ass moments", because they can't be heroic, they can't have epic last stands.
Tyranids are the equivalent of cosmic hurricanes. How many times can you say the hurricane came and killed fucking everything?
They're fucking bugs, man.
Daemons can't be heroic either yet they are portrayed as ultimate badasses.
Daemons can still be individuals and are not mind-controlled
Where the fuck did I say anything about being badasses?
I don't think you understand.
Daemons are basically people, they can have personal qualities that you can attribute to them in order to create an evocative character. They can perform impressive personal feats.
Tyrannids are alien insects, they can't have personal qualities that you can attribute to them in order to create an evocative character, because the entire point of them is that they aren't people. They're a swarm of psychic space locusts. They never perform impressive personal feats.
Blizzard solved that problem (it isn't really a problem for the tyrannids to not be people) by giving their bugs personalities and a lady with huge tits, GW for the most part did hasn't done anything like that.
>huge tits
Demons are parts of their god, they are cases of split individualism.
Scythes Of The Emperor. Lamenters. Come back when you actually know what you're talking about user.
Mementers whole existence revolves around getting rekt and listening to Linkin Park so they don't count.
They did try and give the tyranids cool and interesting hero's like the Parasite of Mortex or the Doom of Malanchi. Then they removed them because of copy right shit and the fact GW doesn't like interesting things.
Your post were invalided.
> They fucked up the ultramarines so hard that they almost didn't lose
> But then they did
They've literally eaten Andromeda, OP
Without disregarding fanfic/headcanon, that still leaves one chapter, OP still invalid.
Yeah, but I'm talking about them being actual characters, not unique tools created by the hive to serve a specific purpose.
The Swarmlord is a unique individual that's as old as the hivemind itself.
Hive Tyrant and Swarmlord are independent individuals.
Ouch. the Scythes and the Lamenters have been forgotten? The poor fucks are kinda the "human" side of the Marines: they always lose.
Heroically, of course....
They are stupid fucks and humanity deserves to die IRL too.
>Baw my faction didn't wipe out one of the major factions in the setting completely.
Yep we also should have had the Ultrmarines wipe out the Tau completely, Abaddon should have conquered Cadia, and the Orks should have conquered Armageddon and then moved onto Terra.
>Ever getting new models
Kerrigan has very average-sized breasts.
Yeah, Scythes are pretty much royally fucked, even if they do manage to rebuild. There is no more than a company of them left, and those marines are scattered across the galaxy with virtually no contact with one another.
They gon die, most likely.
For a human? Sure. Bigger boobies than the average Zerg tho.
>user, that isn't the SoB
That would mean someone on GW still remembers them.