What's the best melee weapon for a centaur, assuming Veeky Forums is right about a lance snapping their spines in half? Cavalry sabre, maybe?
What's the best melee weapon for a centaur, assuming Veeky Forums is right about a lance snapping their spines in half...
Horse dick.
A Bow and staying out of melee.
>lance snapping their spines in half
I guess anything you'd use to slash from horseback
Also, shod Hooves.
>a lance snapping their spines in half
That's not how lances work. Have you ever seen anyone use a lance before? Okay, admittedly, it isn't a very common sight, but I can tell you this is not the case, at least with the lighter lances, not the fuckhueg tournament lances.
The impact of the lance is entirely on the human rider, supported by the high saddle or stirrups. The knight can brace for impact, as he's a separate entity from the horse.
While the impact probably won't snap a centaur's human spine, it'd be really bad, as the human part won't be able to brace.
But hey, fighting in general fucks you over, I don't think it's a big deal.
I think the theory was that a blow that would make a human rider recoil or unseat them would instead make the weakest point on a half horse half human snap in two, which would be the human spine.
I guess something about the stresses on the very curved bit of the spine where the human bit meets the horse bit. Assuming centaur anatomy is anything like the "obvious" way to do it.
I would have such a crush on this horse lady, were she not from a raunchy sex comedy anime. (As it is, she has comedy boobs without a sports bra, and alternates between "kinda rapey" and "disturbingly passive" to appeal to a wide range of insecure Japanese men, both of which are a bit out of character)
To defend the raunchy sex comedy anime, she's only passive with the guy who saved her life and decided she's pledge her sword to, and who's actively considering her for marriage.
Cavalry sabers yea.
She could also carry a ton of javelins to throw.
Important point: what are they fighting against and where are they doing it?
Miniguns. And a small missle depot mounted on the back.
Centaur Knights could have armor specifically engineered to brace against though. They're gonna have some weight to spare compared to regular armored rider+horse.
Of course braced armor also limits the ability to voluntarily lean back and, partially, weapon direction on the charge, but that's weaknesses they may be willing to take. Also don't forget that tournament charges =/= real combat.
For melee, a lance. Their height gives them a lot of advantage wielding it. Same applies for an halberd in 1vs1 which also helps mantaining a certain distance since you don't want the enemy getting too close to your vulnerable sides and back, where you can hardly reach.
A heavy shield of the spiked sorts is also good, since with their superior weight they can just charge and trample over the enemy with little resistance, leaving holes wide open in their formation.
But the best option is (or a bowgun) whenever possible. No human can catch up with a centaur and even other riders won't be able to match your speed and the steadiness in your aim as a single unified being.
>"""harpy""" looks like she has feathered sleeves for """wings"""
How is this godawful shit so popular?
I was going to say a back-mounted mortar crewed by halflings or gnomes.
When I think minigun, my go-to race is either Minotaur, Giant/Troll-kin, or Werebear.
It's a harmeless enough jokes'n'boobs show?
But yeah, call that a monster?
I wanna fuck that bird from behind while she watches.
Cavalry-mounted mortar. The definition of imprecision.
That's what the airbursting frag rounds are for.
This man is right
This is both ingenious and disturbing
Their neck seems to be normal though..
You're in luck. (why do I have this image...)
Read the manga. It's a bit better about characterization, and a lot of its focus is on their actual daily lives, and some of the problems they'd have in human society.
So a thought I had. The idea of a more monsterous centaur where they are as big as regular horses except they have a human torso where their necks should be always seemed weird to me but making them smaller, like say proportioned down to the size of a deer where they stand about about human hight from head to foot I think would make a centaur civilization more managable.
Cavalry sabre sure, but warhammers are also good.
The real best weapon for centaurs on top of that is the pilum - in roman armies it was common for the regular legionaires to toss a volley or two of these javalins at approaching armies before drawing their swords and forming tight shield walls. With the added speed boost from running as fast as a horse these javalins would be impossibly powerful and easily decimate whole armies.
Basically how you use a lance is the rider braces the lance against their center of mass and leans into it as it strikes - for a rider though that allows him to transfer shock to his stirrupts and saddle, and thus add some of the mass of the horse to the blow, the problem with centaurs is that the shock would instead be transferred from their upper half down to basically that awkward vague area where the human half meets the horse half, which in most skeletal diagrams shows the spinal column doing a hard 90ยบ bend that would snap like batman getting a back massage from bane if you put any kind of substantial shock through it.
This has been illuminating. Thanks everyone.
>and alternates between "kinda rapey"
When? During full moon, with the man she'd potentially marry?
>Disturbingly passive
Again, when? She clearly tries to impress her Master and is the first to jump to his defense if he's in danger (though usually not every effectively).
Her HORSE PUSSY is literally her only flaw. She's entirely perfect otherwise. Overall I prefer Miia and Rachnera though, in that order.
That's pretty disturbing and... well, I guess a monstrosity.
Also, she's a Stand User.
As a reminder, humans have used lances for massed shock charges since before stirrups were used. And unless the human section of the centaur is stronger or larger than the same section of a human, they will be using the same poundage and size bows as humans.
I have always been partial to spear throwing or atlatl use for centaurs. They can carry more projectiles than a human, can use their speed to add distance and force to the throw, and can stay out of melee from infantry while skirmishing.