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Drop Pods Edition
>Rules databases
>FAQ’s and Errata (outdated but official)
>40k 7th edition quick reference sheet(s).
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First for Wyvern CSM armies
First for smug anime girls.
Can I take a Heavy Destroyer in KT if it's the upgraded one in the regular Destroyers?
Yes, but it'd be pretty inefficient.
Just take 5 destroyers. Exactly 200 points.
What are you working on Veeky Forums, on this fine labor day? Play any games recently? Plan on playing any soon?
Any word on when the new Traitor's hate will be coming out?
Seventh for galaxy would've been a better place if the Men of Iron won.
Drop Bags.
Who says they didn't?
Its the wife's and my anniversary today. We're gonna paint models while Guardians of the Galaxy and Clerks 2 are playing on the laptop.
I'm salty she paints better than me. I got the shakes something fierce, and I can't into fine detail.
Kill Everything Team.
Any ideas for making them look more individual?
What army would smug anime girls play?
Eldar Cheddar.
giving them different weapons and crying on the inside because kill team doesn't actually let you customize your guys
>"Woah dude, I count 9 squads of wyverns, what IG regiment are you playing?"
>"Oh, I don't play IG, this is actually my CSM army"
You can't add wargear ?
Smug Anime Girls of Battle, duh.
>CSM are a good army!
>Spend 30%+ points on allies or else
you guys are really close minded he spent 1 hour telling you so many different ways
oh lord
what have we wroght
Do you know where you are? memes rule all.
also his way were literally 'play something other than CSM'
no, you can. it's just hard to actually give it to your guys and make them feel different from one another without having like, 5 models that are all from the same unit anyway. which sucks in kill team because you can only shoot at 1 guy a turn with each model
I think we all know why chaos wants loyalists stuff so bad: deep in their hearts, they strive to emulate the on true way to fight, striving to be like their spiritual leige. The fact that they don't have drop pods and grav reminds them of this horrible truth, a fact which makes them so bitter and angry: despite how hard they try, they will never be ultramarines
Is a nurgle plague marines focus or allies kdk really other army ?
might as well pain their CSM blue at that point
in your fucking dreams loyalist
(pic related its a tzeentchian snake)
No matter how hard you deny it, you know it to be true :^)
>Anyone calling CSM a good army
>Missing the point and changing up the meme only to fuck up the joke
When you cough up a liver and 260pts for a Kharybdis Assault Claw instead.
I ssssserve the darker powerssssss.
>20 man Sob blob with 3 librarians all on telepathy and force, with Cortez, allied in with yarrick and a priest and some SOB char for a 27 man blob of fearless, Invisible, Force, reroll armour saves and wounds, a CQC monster, 5+ invlun and anti deepstrike
How do I deal with this as daemons.
plauge marines no, but KDK, yes. also this:
Ally some CSM :^)
Fuck, did Peltasts just render Rangers irrelevant?
I tend to take a mix of vanguard and Rangers 'cause rangers have long range kinda lacking in the rest of the codex, but Peltasts have longer range on their regular shots than Vanguard, and even better range on their AP3.
bring some formations, like forgehost and whatever infantry formation corresponds to the models you own (for me it'd be tallyband. anti overwatch ftw)
how many points is this?
You go after objectives and ignore it. That's how people beat me when I run my deathstar.
they're majority T3.
Tzeentch herald, take paradox staff and a squad of horrors, cast prescience on yourself then spam as many flickering fires as possible, crush them on the weight of the dice?
They only get to pray for rerolls when in close combat so they're 'just' T3 3+/4++ vs ranged.
Maybe try and take an exalted flamer and throw all your dice at denying invisibility then hitting them with the torrent, ap3 flamer.
Well Vanguards already made Rangers irrelevant so yeah. Peltasts are very decent unit, even more if you compare them to Rangers.
rangers have precision shot for what it's worth? but yeah the fact that anyone thought rangers would ever be taken over peltasts or even vanguard is laughable. the number of viable units in the codex just went down despite new units being introduced...
we definitely need more models than this for the admech army
>Well Vanguards already made Rangers irrelevant
Like I said, range.
Not really a hell of a lot of long ranged weapons in Skittles, beyond them and Dunecrawlers.
Fuck, man, i used them the other day, and 40 shots with shred on a minium squad is fucking nuts, and thats not even looking a -1 str thing
#sans special wepaon, these guys out class both rangers and vanguard
doesn't really matter though. the opportunity cost lost of running rangers over vanguard just isn't worth
Really sick of the GW employee who gives a lecture on how great railgun broadsides are and that's why you should never listen to the Internet to anyone who will listen to him.
I hear his lecture in the background whilst I'm trying to play a game about twice a month.
Neat. Hoping it goes well for the BA. They deserve a win
Wait they're bad?
Should I get hammerheads instead?
Not so much outright awful as laughably weaker than missile broadsides to the point where you'd be painfully aware how much better missile broadsides would be doing every time you played them.
S8 means railsides can't deal with AV13/14 very well anymore.
Quick newb question.
Invuln isn't a save, right? So I can use it when I fail the Ld check on Demonic Instability?
Railsides would be fixed immediately if they had rapid fire, allowing them to both have 2 shots at 30 inches and reposition whilst still shooting.
Invuln is a save. Unless it says you can take an Invuln, no saves means that you get no saves.
K. What about FNP?
If the game states no saving throws, it means all three types.
If the game specifies no armor saves can be made, then you can use an invuln save.
No saves means no saves. Check the rules for FNP if you don't think it's a save.
Mega user, can you share Storm of Damocles?
FnP is not a save senpai
No, they would still unable to death with heavy armor
FnP Doesn't count as a save so you can take it against wounds caused unless stated otherwise.
I'd been worried about that. It seems unlikely that chaos will lose the very first battle of this campaign/warzone, so I kind of feel the BA may be in for a kicking.
I never said it was. I told him to check the rules.
Put it in much better words.
Yeah the shred-shot is retarded. Against everything it can hurt it actually outclasses the S4 ap3 rending shot haha.
They'd be very useful as a source of high strength AP2, and as it was actually AP1, serve a good anti-medium vehicle role too.
Tau vs Chaos Daemons pros and cons?
Tau already have that in abundance. S8 AP1 just makes them redundant to the other stuff Tau can bring.
That's how we got Farsight
How to run Renegade & Heretics in Kill Team while keeping both thematic & functional (don't need to win but don't want to lose in 5 seconds either?)
Pfft, and we don't have a shit ton of 5/5 and 7/4 redundancy?
Tau quite honestly do a handful of things well, all of them relating to shooting, durability or maneuvering. The rest is just mixing and matching.
Well they have a lot of themes going on really. Mutant hordes, renegade rabbles, elite mercenaries, darkmech doohickeys.
I can imagine few Thudd Guns would be very nasty in KT.
No heavy support in kill team
tau - pew pew pew pew dftdftdftdft kchoom kshhhhh
daemons - zzzzap pchoooo skreeeeeyoowwwwww tiktiktik
Just remove Tau from 40k.
The sad part is that shooting, durability and maneuvering is what the current meta is based on so Tau are really fucking strong and no one sees their weaknesses.
Oh damn thats true. I'm so used to playing Renegades of Vraks that i forgot that Thudds arent really troops.
Seems ligit
Blood Angels won in the Shield of Baal.
>It seems unlikely that chaos will lose the very first battle of this campaign/warzone
Name a single campaign series where the Imperial won the first part of.
You can't.
Tau: Shooting, no psychic whatsoever
Daemons: Psychic, close combat
What's going on with the last few Horus Heresy Books on Mega?
They're Rar files and I don't know what to do with them.
Who has the advantage ?
pls no bully
have GW ever changed the stats or cost or a unit or fiddle with balance in any way?
all this talk of making character obsolete and 'need new models'.
now I know GW are in the business of wanting you to buy new models but im pretty sure they'd be just as unhappy with stuff sitting on a shelf unsold as its now irrelevant.
Im also aware that GW have a less than stellar reputation for balance so maybe this is why.
do they -ever- tweak things post release? if so is it just major events like codex updates?
just curious
>Starter box: Unlimited Toys Space Marines vs Unique Human-Alien hybrid faction
>Starter box: Unlimited Toys Space Marines vs Ridiculously underpowered alien faction
>Codex: Unlimited toys Space Marines
>Codex: Bad Guy Space Marines
>Next is Codex: Red Space Marines
Loving the diversity of these releases.
unrar them?
Every once in a while they will release a rules errata to change something, but it's pretty rare and typically won't change a lot.
>have GW ever changed the stats or cost or a unit or fiddle with balance in any way?
I remember they did change Oblitrators T5 into T4(5) like.. 15 years ago. After that? Nope.
yeah, me neither. Can't wait for my Grey Knights to get on that list.
I used 7zip and it didn't work, that did it. Thanks.
Orks vs MT when?
Just kidding, never gonna happen
any one have Trators Hate epub3
It's almost like marines (Chaos and Loyalist) are the posterboys and centerpiece of the setting, and always have been.
Anyone want to bite on the bait?
yeah and it's almost like people don't like that
Any one have Time Machine?
Ok CSM vs Nids or Orks
That work for you?
how do I beat daemons as space wolves. They just keep summoning stuff D:
Yeah, this is concerning. Skitarii were almost cheap enough for me to get into, and the they obsoleted everything I'd already built and charge double for the improvement...