Hey guys I'm thinking about starting a Necromunda campaign and I would like to know how to go about this to create a new narrative.
Hey guys I'm thinking about starting a Necromunda campaign and I would like to know how to go about this to create a...
Alright let's start With this. How much of a narrative do you want and how involved do you want to be? Just back story for the battles? GM controlled warbands that intervene from tine to time? A mystery for the players to uncover?
Gm controlled gangs
Check out Yaktribe's necromunda website.
>how to go about this to create a new narrative
Forge it.
OP, you want to use the Necromunda Community Edition. The Living Rulebook, or worse, Original Rulebook, is wonky as all all hell.
"The Narrative" is something that's forged during play simply by evolving. Maybe your boss took twelve hits and was only knocked out at the last one, and gains Impressive Scars. You'd tell the story of how "Stonejaw" Joe got that impressive look and lived up to his nickname.
Or maybe your fresh juve kill the enemy boss through dumb luck and hitting a 7+ shot, wounding and getting through armour and just straight killing him.
Or there was that one time where you got a poor ammo batch, and all your guns managed to miss, despite a lot of them on 2+.
Or that one time your dude managed to get hit by a heavy flamer, survive, not catch fire and cave the enemy's head in with a lead pipe.
You play the game and make the fluff... and then tell tales about the wacky shit that went down.
GM-controlled gangs are boring, as far as I've ever tried them. I'd rather play it like a loose tournament-style thing.
download old White Dwarves, they have awesome scenarios for Necromunda.
Otherwise, make it a tounament. A goal, a handful of contestants, and some complications along the way like spirers, plague zombies, mutant things or arbites. Or an inquisitorial cell looking for that rogue psyker that just helped you crushing your rivals.
Maybe a techpriest consortium wants to fill the black market with an experimental drug and all the gangs are fighting to win the market, maybe ratskins are trying to recover their sacred lands, disturbing the fragile balance of powers.
Or each gang has its own goals.
Using the expansion book (whatever it was called, Underhive or something?) does a lot too. I remember it had some "underhive milieu" random table that did a lot for the atmosphere and the setting. For example the fight could take place in almost utter darkness, or gigantic ancient lighting rigs, hanging just outside the battle area, made shooting in their direction difficult. Ratskins being able to ignore all these terrain effects is also one of their gang edges.
wasn't there an user that modeled an entire hive level for a rpg campaign?
Very inclined to say, avoid GM gangs.
one option is to make one or two special character pit fighters, hive scum, or the likes, as hired guns if you or one of the players is a skilled modeller/painter. Make then as "local" characters for the area, let players take them if they want. working out points values isnt too tricky after all - can be as easy as including a special weapon on the character, or the likes.
main thing for a narrative is to keep it loose, let the players' actions tell the story.
the one alternative to that is if you can make good terrain, in which case, make terrain, and then theme skirmishes around it.
Personally, I always wanted to make a load of airboat vehicles, and run a skirmish in a vast Sump tank, with giant sump raft spiders played by the GM that would attack both sides, and anyone who went down and out of action by falling off a vehicle (or the few bits of terrain that were above the water level) would be lost forever, with all gear.
I remember from the one Necromunda campaign I was a part of (that fell apart fairly early on) one of my juves went down and ended up rolling the "horrible scars" result on the injury table. Which meant I had some juve who'd barely done anything but still caused fear because he got hurt. Made for a good laugh.
A Necromunda group is starting up at my FLGS, thinking about joining. What faction should I play?
Last time my group tried a Necromunda narrative campaign, we played as squads of IG cleansing a Chaos Infested hive. Technically working together, but instances of 'Friendly Fire' were rife. It was objective based, and scoring those objectives gave you some really juicy bonuses.
If you've never played before, go Orlock.
How good are the Delaque as a gang?
I haven't played Necromunda but I liked the look of those models and their theme of "sneaky nerds/spies with lasguns."
Can you do autocannon? :D
These look sweet, got any more?
Bretty gud, until the enemy closes to skull bashin' range. Then the're not so good
Yeah, you want a GM, you get a fair minded third party to arbitrate the games and campaign, not play themselves.
That would be like the ref of a football game also being one of the coaches or team owner/manager. Obviously unfair.
>Can you do autocannon? :D
I probably could show how to scratch-build one. But not made one. Let me have a think, and keep bumping the thread for the next 24 hours....
I can probably do an Escher style one pretty easily. Maybe other ones, too.
meanwhile, a "how-to" for making barbed wire for terrain that looks good:
How do you attach the guns to the models after you made them?
If you're a bunch of guys playing a "tourney" the other players not participating in the battle could just butt in as moderators or holding a vote.
The way you've always done it with 40k models, glue them onto hands.
I'd have thought gluing a model onto a model wasnt exactly rocket science, but yes. Glue. same as a plastic or metal one by GW.
These scratchbuilt guns are really just intended as substitutes for WYSIWYG weapon types in necromunda that are nowadays uncommon to find in GW's range of kits - shotguns and autoguns in particular. hence, using things like Imperial Guard lasguns, or marine bolters as the base to build from.
So, what do people think?
Scratchbuilt Autocannon for Necromunda.
1: Should it be a Browning M2 style .50cal, like the old Orlock one,
2: a smaller Nazi MG42, like the Eschers carried...
3: or should it be a "ol' Painless", the M134 Minigun from Predator?
3 all the way
Set it in Hua Yuan, or use the Gang table to make new gangs
Looks like 'ol painless it is...
Keep the thread from 404ing over the next day, and I shall see what can be made this evening.
Would thread be kill tomorrow, there's always /awg/.
you're thinking of Outlanders
The Outlander gangs are great fun but they skew the balance a fair bit
Spyrers do literally nothing other than kill gangers, and have no actual motivation for playing. They must be kept as a reserve tool or they'll butcher their way through the actual proper gangs. Not as bad in CE but still horrendously OP.
5 hours of model-making, and I can conclude that making ol' painless is a bitch.
but its starting to take shape.
Well done, you beautiful bastard.
work in progress. getting there. just the upper frame and the ammo feed belt from backpack to gun to go. then onto the ultrafine detail, adding panels and rivets.
>pic related
entire process is being photographed, each part measured as its made, and what parts are used to make the raw bits, so anyone should be able to copy it.
only bits I'm doing that are OTT are the barrel assembly on this is soldered instead of glued, and that's only because it was convenient for me to do
bump for miniguns