How do you put a fresh spin on the whole "awakened ancient demon BBEG" thing?
How do you put a fresh spin on the whole "awakened ancient demon BBEG" thing?
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Make it a ancient demon cookie
It's comes out of it's lair and is sickened by what humanity and the other races are doing to each other (moral standards were a lot higher back then) and resolves to change things for the better because no one else will.
An ancient civilizaion has awakened only to acknowledge that evil had put it into a deep metaphorical sleep.
make it Kneesocks
>an ancient evil goes back to sleep
make it a little girl
stop playing high-magic fantasy games
This power gap sparks a widely destructive civil war as the ancient evil's former lieutenants try to seize the throne of evil while it sleeps for another ten thousand years and a day..
While it was sleeping its future self returned and killed it. The Ancient Evil you're fighting is sickened by what became of the world under its own rule, and resolved to die against mortal heroes so that Demonkind will think twice before pulling any shit on the mortal realm.
Bonus points if he teams up with another version of himself from a timeline where the Gods gain absolute rule over mortals, and they're also setting things up to erase all mysticism, holy, and supernatural bullshit so that Mortals will finally be free to rule their own destinies.
But of course the Party doesn't know this.
Make it seem like a good guy. Until the last 15 seconds of the final episode.
The guy is a wimp that just wants to read books all day and only got sealed away for reading forbidden books.
>"awakened ancient demon BBEG"
Well, he is an ancient BBEG to demons.
>The ancient Evil begins sleepwalking.
Make the demon BBEG a angel of a dead betrayed god determined to bring that faith back in a fit of old testament madness.
It literally just went to sleep and slaps your shit for disturbing its slumber.
Sorry user, but demon bears really are only a mid to maybe mid-late tier boss. That's not going to work as a BBEG without forcing the character too hard.
>The ancient evil awakes from its 1 hour afternoon nap.
> Apocalyptic event decimating civilization.
> Demons invading, Angels purging even the faithful, and everything killed becomes undead.
> A simple farm hand witnesses his child killed by a demon.
> Child rises as mindless killing machine.
> Farmer snaps.
> Picks up child, and beats the Demon to death with it.
> Wages war on Demons for vengeance, on undead to grant them mercy, and on Angels for daring to keep his child's soul from him.
> Goes on for years.
> The apocalypse is still technically going on, but the efforts of all sides are diverted to a single mountain of corpses where he stands.
> Civilization begins to regrow as he ends all opposition on top of a flaming mountain of corpses.
> Eventually "Dies" leaving the enemies weak enough to be finished off by normal humans.
> Actually just invaded Hell, looking for a way into Heaven.
> Demons and Angels taken as slave races to rebuild society.
> Hundreds of years later, they've integrated enough to earn small civil rights.
> Thousands of years later, old atrocities are mere legends, and society has embraced all equally.
> The real reason the Demons stayed initially was to avoid the decimation of Hell, and the Angels were considered fallen by their brethren.
> Farm Hand has successfully wiped out EVERY Demon in Hell.
> Returns to the Mortal Realm to find a way into Heaven.
> Looks at nearest civilization.
> All emotions other than Love for his child, and HATE for everything else has long since faded.
> The party finds a town slaughtered by some odd cult.
> BBEG's "minions" are people and monsters running from him, and driven mad by what they've seen.
> Farm Hand is beyond the constraints of whatever system you're running by this point.
> Party faces him and dies.
> Top God resurrects them and tells them its plan.
> They need to summon a world eating space horror.
> This will distract him long enough to let life go extinct naturally thousands of years later.
>The ancient evil passed away in its sleep
That it, you win. Den/Den.
The ancient evil has, during thousands of years of imprisonment, reflected on its actions and now agrees it was being an asshole and the world was right to lock it away. It would now very much like to not be imprisoned now, so it can travel the world and take joy in all of the experiences that the world has to offer.
It is still powerful enough to destroy the world, but it is so starved for entertainment and full of remorse for the actions that caused it to be imprisoned that it has no desire to.
It politely informs the cultists that summoned it that they should stop and smell the roses, learn to enjoy life today, and departs to see the world.
>over the next century, an estimated 72% of the world's Paladins fall while attempting to do their job.
The awakened ancient demon BBEG had a lot of time to contemplate.
He's still evil, but he's wiser, more centered and reasonable. Maybe even sympathetic.
The ancient evil was locked away for reasons that are sort of outdated now. The march onward of social progress or technology has rendered whatever goal the ancient evil was working towards no longer relevant.
Like, say the BBEG's whole goal was to topple a pantheon of gods and bring ruin tot he empire... but that religion is no longer practiced and that empire is ancient history now. It must have seemed like a big deal at the time, but right now the BBEG has just sort of outlived its own story. Time has accomplished was the BBEG did not.
Nigger gets one monoloogue that doesn't even make sense when you compare it to his actions and you nigs act like he's a dindu jebus or something
> Azrothol: Arch-Daemon of Women's Rights.
Whoops, meant to post this one
The ancient demon is not inherently evil per se. This otherworldy being needs to eat human flesh to stay alive, but it does not want to kill and eat just any human: he is perfectly fine eating the murderers, rapists and the scummiest of them to survive.
And no one knows why... they also only know that it eats human flesh and therefore want to kill it or seal it away forever.
>"the bad guy is actually the good guy all along" cliche
I was expecting a Hellsing pic, but I'm not surprised to see some other garbage protag instead.
Make the demon an actual threat for the players. Also, it should be unpredictable, with poorly understood motivation and operational capability. Control is the opposite of fear. If the players know how much hit dice it has or what its weaknesses are, it's just monster of the week.
Best idea in this thread so far, "BBEG made a moral turnaround" is pretty stupid and hammy. The BBEG could have, despite being evil and big and bad, a very powerful stabilizing force and now without its presence X number of thousands more are dying of starvation and in the civil war bloodshed than ever died under the BBEG's reign. Also, corresponding drops in technology, a la the fall of the western Roman empire.
This is also not a bad idea, but I feel like it would sort of put the BBEG in a mid-boss position at best--which is not necessarily a bad thing, per se, but I don't think that a "well shit, I'm expired, what do I do now?" guy would make the best end-game boss. However, he could be a quirky, interesting character and still be against the PC's or even on their side at various times.
> How do you put a fresh spin on the whole "awakened ancient demon BBEG" thing?
He just wants to go back to sleep, but you stupid fucks just can't stop making a ruckus.
You don't. It's cool all on its own if you have the savvy to describe the ancient evil as something intimidating, mysterious, or proper evil.
No one in my last campaign wasted any time stopping the ancient evil when I described the aftermath of a village razing of one of his warbands in detail.
Its not a demon but an angel, god has had enough of your shit and its starting a new planet after the angel has done its work.
but kneesocks a shit
scanty a best
The ancient evil awakens everytime the population gets too high. It has to kill a specific percentage of life on the planet before it can return to sleep. It is completely unstoppable, however it is not a mindless killing machine, nor is it an evil genius.
It can be reasoned and bargained with. All you need to do is make a convincing enough arguement (in its ancient ling dead language) that it should kill the always evil races/ or some schools of fish until it meets its quota, rather than those nearby human villages
The temple is empty. There never was any ancient evil - it was the friends we made along the way.
The ancient evil was inside of us all along.
And it wants out.
>Dark Souls lore.jpg
The ancient evil was created by the party in an alternate futurepast and went to sleep after its task was done.
It has awakened because the party now exists, and it worships them as its creator gods.
Lots of awkward moments when someone busts into a lair of cultists to the ancient evil and finds a shrine to the player party. "I swear, that's not ours."
The players fail to stop the ancient evil from awakening.
When awakened, the ancient evil flies up as a solid mass, up, and away from the planet.
It is no threat to any part of the setting the players will ever see. It's just going to fuck SOMEONE ELSE's day.
>Ancient Evil awakens
>he was actually a good guy, and he was entombed by the lawful gods for being a CG
>and now he just wants to make a point
You think you are heroes stopping the ancient evil from awakening, but actually you are the ancient evil and the process of the adventure is a dream you're undergoing as part of how you wake back up. The heroes "stopping" the ancient evil will cause him to wake up in the real world and destroy it. But the "heroes" figure this out and need to figure out a way to keep themselves from succeeding to keep the dream going so their world continues to exist yet without actually unleashing the ancient evil on their world to kill them.
> The ancient evil was just a really good min-maxer who the Gods were pissed at for cheating the system.
>How do you put a fresh spin on the whole "awakened ancient demon BBEG" thing?
The highly destructive evil cult is actively working to keep it asleep.
Hats off to you user, best post of the thread.
>how to do extinction events.
set it in modern times
Like this. Very ancient.
Literally Call of Cthulhu.
He's powerful but an absolute fucking idiot.
Makes terrible decisions, loses great amounts of his forces and resources here and there but people dare not question him or contend him.
He's too stubborn and single minded to be tricked or mislead, he's too physically powerful to be intimidated or bullied.
He's slowly but surely gaining clout in the world but his realm is just chaos with terrible leadership.
It's not that the demon got out of his prison
It's that someone stole the damn prison and is running around with it, demon still inside.
Prison is a spatially compressed 5-cube and the path you take through the 5-cube alters the rate of time passage for you while within the cube. If you take the wrong path, you won't make it back out for hundreds of years.
>you are the demons
>the demons fear you
Have them be the literal band KISS
Overrated post. This sounds really dumb.
>tfw this all started because Demons killed his bunny
you answered your own question with your pic op.
Make him integral to the surrounding ecosystem and while not actively malevolent he's still widely dangerous. Still sealing him away, or worse killing him, is going to majorly fuck up the surrounding kingdoms which nobody wants.
as some new to the FE series, that game pissed me off
>hey all these characters you are starting to like?
>it'd be a real shame if the fan wanks from the previous games killed everyone and hijacked the game wouldn't it?
Soren would go spare.
Make it
>If it sleeps, it will infect the world with its dreams, and chaos will reign
Beach volleyball
The demon doesn't want to wake up. It's overwhelmingly powerful except for being embarrassingly bad at resisting mind control magic.
It sealed itself in slumber since being limited to a weak but disposable projection was better than being mind controlled all the goddamn time.
It now seeks to aid the adventures by calling in favors with its peers and freely sharing infernal lore.
The demon having an extremely oddball personality is optional, but hilarious.
>Demon quickly realizes the world has changed
>Goes to ground to get his bearings
>Completely changes his plans several times as he learns about how the world has changed
I'm imagining a Balrog-looking thing hunched over a computer googling what an "internet" is.
> Sauron buys a gun.
Some new ruuuuruuus.
I'm now imagining a Shadowrun-esque setting with Blarogs taking the place of Dragons.
Garbage taste, my friend
>Okay guys, I've been reading up on things, and I got you all this sweet plate armor and huge swords-
>Demon, we use matchlocks and wear bright uniforms now.
Which post is your's, user-kun. I'll give it some attention, no need to be mad :3
>it requires blood sacrifices or it will become hungry
>if it becomes hungry, it will awaken
>if it awakens, it will eat human flesh and slaughter for years, purely for the pleasure of killing
>so on the scale of things, the kidnapping and ritually sacrificing somebody every full moon ain't so bad
I love it, I'm using it.
I'm still not entirely awake and from the thumbnail I thought it was some kind of weird helmet. Then after I clicked it I wondered why the fuck it has ganondorf's head on top of it.
>Ancient evil was sealed away by three oracles, a sorceror, and a big burly man with a spear.
>Proper religions hadn't been formalised and literature hadn't been invented, so he's immediately confused by all the funny shapes the party have drawn on all their stuff.
>He's only dimly aware of what swords are as a loose concept. He possibly isn't aware of iron working.
>The first thing he does when any paladins or wizards challenge him is freak out because their holy swords and spellbooks are like some alien space guns to him.
>And don't get him started on archery.
I've always liked the idea of the ancient evil that awoke after 1000 years turning out to just be one of the companions of the hero who supposedly fought him. Demon king wakes up and is all confused about why there's a cult worshiping his return and why all the holy knights are out for him.
Well that's perhaps the most terrifying thing I've read all morning.
*cough* drawfags *cough*
Sauron invests in a private military.
Young G-Dorf:
"I want power! The Gerudo will rule the world!"
"Because of how my people and I suffered, I envied other lands. I still want power, but now I understand what I will use it for."
Ancient Demon has no real form and corrupts anyone that encounters an Idol or something that is a conduit for it to use as a soldier for it's ends, those with weak hearts and minds being susceptible to corruption
Your whole post shows just how ignorant and stupid you are.
Remember to never procreate.
Literally just woke up, still stumbling around and rubbing at its eyes.
The demon was one of the PC's all along, hidden like Diablo inside of their husk of a body. Sleeping.
This man has taste. Scanty is much cuter.
>Stars are right
>Strange city sheers through the rock and ice of Antarctica form an impossible place, traveling from a impossible angle.
>Time to be the undisputed and immortal King of this World
>Takes look at city.
>Takes look at world.
>City is a mouldering heap of barnacles, cold coral and kelp. Smells of fish and salt.
>Capital cities of world. All lights and strange new technology and music and depths of hedonism not dreamed of when the slumber of eons began.
>Empires with influence spanning the world jostle for position, tearing and gnawing at each other in an arena built from the bones of previous empires.
>Weapons that can burn the sky and the land and even the depths of the abyssal plain. Weapons that could even assault your divine form.
>Weapons wielded by upright apes with a hair loss problem.
>Fuck that noise.
>Time to renovate the Immortal city of R'yleh
Ancient unspeakable evil spends the next 50 years with a clipboard and pen, in barely humans guise trailing around the world taking notes on greatest and most beautiful cities. He studies the entire history of statesmanship and how to run a modern nation.
When he has finished this strange and terrifying and wonderful world will have the King it deserves ruling from the capital city it needs.
His inhuman pride will allow him no less.
Will also mean getting the fish people to smarten up a bit.
The short story or the RPG?
What is Fire Emblem Fates: Revelations?
>World is darker then normal. Monsters everywhere, humans gain power from angels and the like to stop them.
>Ancient cult seeks to open a vault, church freaking out telling everyone this is the worst thing that can happen.
>Players fuck it up, vault opens.
>Ancient evil already starved to death inside vault.
>Players reach the sealed evil.
> Its Sarenrae.
> The big bad won several generations ago and has simply told everyone it was the one true and good god.
>What they do with this knowledge is up to them.
Make a mundane organism or object fill its place because the universe is trying to return to good/evil entropy
>TFW no doujin of Scanty and Kneesocks defeated at the beach and gangbanged by everyone
Why is my life such suffering?
My current BBEG is some extra dimensional time monster that was banished into the future by a hero in the past but now it is the future oh no
Sapient Virus