>Nobody around me plays 40k
>sold my magic cards for gas money
>pathfinder group stopped playing
>poor fag
What's a user to do?
>Nobody around me plays 40k
>sold my magic cards for gas money
>pathfinder group stopped playing
>poor fag
What's a user to do?
Go outside.
Why don't you try Roll20?
Look for games in the Game Finder threads.
Get a job
Well obviously you should kill yourself, you're an utter and complete failure.
>inb4 kys
You were too slow
>>sold my magic cards for gas money
kek user
Computer is mega fucked
I was about to suggest that, but since you played Pathfinder anyways, it's not a big loss to society. If anything, it's an improvement.
Start looking into Infinity.
Honestly would play anything else if I could. Tried to get a only war campaign going but the only people I could find were ridiculously hardcore weaboos.
Then you're not even complaining you can't find a game. You're complaining you can't find a game to your specific tastes and you're too judgmental to try new things and judge new people by their cover.
Maybe I should explain, they were the only people I had a chance of playing with but they weren't interested. None of them even played table top. My roommate did for a bit but he wasn't interested either.
Ever thought of maybe trying to ask people what do they want to play?
I did, none of them played. Just watched anime.
You're shit out of luck then, Mr. Revisionist History.
>computer broken
>physical group too busy with classes to play
>local store too full of autists to play at
>why even live
>Why aren't you gaming?
>I don't know anybody who plays TTRPG
>I live in the Netherlands, nobody plays TTRPG here other than super obscure groups that are probably all friends anyway
>I'm... a visible minority, I'd stand out like a sore thumb
>Literal autism, I'm horrible with people so pretending to be an elf in front of strangers would be awkward as fuck
I only play on myth weavers.
>Want to get a group together
>Have job with variable hours
>Everyone has a job with variable hours
>Online is even worse because of timezones
I might just bite the bullet and get a PbP game going.
Go to the FLGS and see what people play that isn't 40K or MTG
Or find people to play with online and hope that they aren't terrible people. I will give you a piece of advice, run the game yourself so you can choose the system and screen the players. There is a surplus of players to GMs, so especially if you are going for something popular like 5E or PF you will have your pick of players.
I got no friends and my job takes all my time.
>Why aren't you gaming?
Because I'm not willing to interact with people I don't know in a competitive context.
I have a job and numerous irl obligations.
The only games i can play are ones i can drop in and out of as my schedule permits.
Quests are actually a godsend for that, allowing me to work in some tabletop into a schedule that otherwise prohibits it.
>Nobody around me plays 40k
Mostly this. I live in a small town where the over 50 demographic is the dominant one. And I'm kinda hesitant to look into Sigmarines too.
>get pestered into GMing a Shadowrun campaign months ago, because I'd have free time over the summer
>finally recruited enough niggaz to run a Shadowrun campaign months ago
>one drops
>one disappears off the face of the Earth
>recruit another two niggaz to run this SR campaign
>one needs handholding for character creation
>still hasn't sent in their character sheet
>was going to drop out of the campaign today because they were getting annoyed at making time every Sunday for the game that hasn't even started yet
>other player is still reading the books, probably, since I haven't heard from them in over a week
>my classes start tomorrow
Months. Literal Goddamn months I could've been GMing a Shadowrun campaign (if only because I finally got fed up enough with one of my friends nagging me to do it because we haven't had a good SR GM in months).
>fresh out of college, living with then gf, making plans for our future
>dad suffers a stroke
>have to choose between moving overseas with her or helping my family
>choose family
>move back to teeny tiny hometown
>take over the family business while dad recovers, probably never will recover
>don't particilarly enjoy it but do it anyway for the old folks and the little sister
>old friends/first group all moved away to the cities or overseas, one of them died
It's not that bad, I make decent money and I've got family, but I do miss her big brown butt a ton
Running a new 5th ed D&D this thursday for 6 players, wish me luck
I'm terrified as coming off as creepy by posting a LFG flier in my college town. Also I've had a decade-long dryspell, so I'm convinced that I've become a horrible That Guy in the interim years of theory crafting and Veeky Forums posting, to say nothing of how badly my GMing ability has degraded (and it wasn't stellar to start with).
I think I should just give up and resign myself to pouring over rule books, doing worldbuilding, and theory crafting by myself. That way I don't embarrass myself or ruin anyone else's game.
>can't be arsed to collect magic, play kitchen magic once in a blue moon with borrowed decks
>bought an entire ork army, painted only 10% of it and gave up, never played
>don't have friends who are interested in tabletop and dunno where to find a dedicated RL group
>online group is incredibly sporadic, play like once in 2-3 months
because i'm fucking lazy and want instant gratification
A friend's friend is interested in my setting and wants to play
I can have a gaming group again!
>Visible minority
What do you mean by this
it's ok i won't judge
Go to Eindhoven, they have a student association entirely dedicated to RPGs and boardgames. It's how I found my first group.
I live in the Randstad so Eindhoven is pretty far away. I also graduated a few years ago so it'd be pretty creepy to join a student association.
>tfw poor fag
>everybody in my group bought a box of modern masters
>didn't have the guts to tell them I couldn't afford it
are you into 40k ? If yes what us your favorite faction ?
Give it a shot user
No need to worry yourself out of things you find fun
Only ever got into D&D. I'd be willing to learn another system if I actually knew people who played it.
Especially MAID
do you know about Donjon de Naheulbeuk ? It's a French paper-RPG, pretty fun, extremely parodic
Why is the dutch soccer team such garbage these days?
>live in a decent sized town that happens to be horribly conservative
>like, "dungeons and dragons is the devil" conservative
>couple private colleges here
>filled with 100% dudebro "I play CoD" 'gamers'
>formerly 3 lan center/card shops in town, 2 closed down, last place is a shady place that screwed me out of lots of money in the past, extemely long story
>wagecuck hours have me working from Friday through Monday, effectively blocking me sessions that are typically best times for one another
>at best, looking for a group of neets that can have weekday sessions, but zero luck
And that's not even counting on a player group that I can fit in and get along with
The rural Midwest sucks. You know when most people here have never played nor heard of mainstream games like "League of Legends" for example, you're really up shit creek without a paddle
I just want to stop existing
>tfw deployed
>only person who even knows what DnD is the senior enlisted in my clinic
>really really want to run a game of Only War or Dark Heresy but fucking nobody knows what 40k is
It's an abstract kind of hell.
>No one around me who wants to learn D&D
>Can't afford the rulebooks
>Can't read read it unless it's physical for some reason
Seriously, there are gaming meetup groups in every major city. That or you can post in game finder threads here or on other sites.
Because if I want to game, I have to GM and I'm GMing 2 games already.
Don't get me wrong, I love GMing, but sometimes I just want to play a single character.
Ayo faggot, what city?
Knights of the Kitchen table right? Do you know Arnoud?
As a matter of fact I do. Are you in his "Assholes on a boat" campaign?
>Why aren't you gaming?
I want to play solo adventures, but haven't found anything I like.
>tfw just got a shitty job starting end of this month
>tfw just started gaming 40k the past few months after only just collecting
>tfw slightly less depressed after years of being jobless
Oh no, far worse, I'm one of his old friends from Summercamp.
That's a new story for me.
Oh yeah, it's one of those terrible places that serve as a gathering for nerds. All of us used to go there as kids, it was like Summercamp, but with videogames. Group sort of stuck around, all of us having gone our own way. But we meet once every year for a week or so and just chill and play games. Good fun, tell him Kamiel says that he should hang himself. He'll get what I mean.
>Be GM
>One player goes back to school, availability shrivels up
>Another player is kicked out by his psycho father, who keeps his car and phone from him, player moves several hours away to live with mother
>Last player is only one who's availability hasn't changed, and that itself is two days a week.
>Campaign hits a fucking wall like a passenger jet into a new york skyscraper
For once in my life I am.
I got so sick of not gaming that I started my own game; with blackjack and hookers, so to speak.
I'm playing Rune Quest; Ralios in the second age of Glorantha, my guys are just ass-backwards barbarian clansmen making their way by hunting, fishing and odd jobs.
last session they pit-trapped a bear team-rocket style and defended their stead from walking corpses.
I dropped a hook about where the undead came from; a sorcerer called Delecti stopped briefly in the area some years ago after his banishment from the Middle Sea Empire and was quickly driven out by locals; the town where he briefly stayed mysteriously began to die off soon after, and now the ruins seethe with the hungry dead, which have begun wandering out into the grater area and attacking isolated steads and travellers.
>Area is Magic:The only thing people care about
>There are a few X-Wing and 40k players, but for the most part everyone is card players
>to the point that I was playing Flames of War with a friend the other day, and multiple people asked if it was 40k.
>40k is 28mm Sci Fi
>Flames of War is 15mm WWII historical
>Convincing people to try anything other than 40k and X-Wing is damn near impossible
At least I have my old 40k stuff laying around for gaming and X-Wing. But I'm really sad theres only one grog to play historicals.
I did get a free MTG pack today and played "Rip half/tear half" with the guy behind the counter, so at least MtG is good for that. Watching the employee freaking out about if he would tear up a rare card was good for a laugh.
If you can post on Veeky Forums you can open a roll20 client.
Just don't try to open campaign archives.
But in the spirit of thread;
>have job that pays kinda-okay dosh
>don't have much free time to do anything with it
>Warhammer scene locally ded because gw haet independent retailers
Currently I'm playing online (with my minimal free time, with a GM who has an unreliable service-industry schedule and is trying to take up WoW again, and a fellow player who's a busy grad student).
In the 90% of my time that I'm not doing that, and my other various meatspace refuse to be accessible or play vidya with me, I've resorted to buying old-fashioned modelling kits in hopes of having something to do by myself. I also preordered a Dropfleet Commander starter set, and hope to get that in october, paint it up, and then start offering demo games at my lgs in hopes of fostering community.
Oh, and I'm trying to take classes (because job is dead end job, if well paying) and solicit some commisions of game NPCs for GM, who's a pretty decent egg.
Roll up some backwater fuedal world regiment for them.
They don't have to know anything about the galaxy at large to get conscripted and thrown into a meatgrinder. They'll learn. God-Emperor, will they learn.
move to Montana, we have a surprising amount of people that'll play ALL of those games with people
That sucks. My nearest store is the same way. Thankfully I am within driving distance of another store that has weekly Flames events.
>pathfinder group stopped playing
Did you hit level 12? Or really, why did they stop playing? Were you guys playing Wrath of the Righteous?
You have just about completed your training to become a permanent member of Veeky Forums. Enjoy.
I'd love to play again but I haven't had a group in about 10 years. I still have my books and even buy new editions of certain systems but i just wouldn't know how to find a group nowadays.
Run a Quest. Don't need to draw, just post images you steal from online and tell a good story.
I've gotten a LITTLE gaming in lately but not a lot.
>Went to law school, was too busy to game
>Finally got past the bar but now my main Veeky Forums friend has moved off and gotten married. He also has a really weird work schedule.
>Need to buy a new car so I can actually get out and go places to play
>Also horribly afraid that I won't be able to get a job due to lack of work experience, or my degree due to the fact that I still need to do pro bono hours. Never did them because I was super introverted. The resulting stress, depression, and suicidal tendencies take up a lot of my time.
>multiple DnD groups with friends collapsed thanks to schedules and one guy being a huge penis and putting everyone else off
>sick of salty nerds cursing at me whenever I beat them at MTG
>brother plays 40k, but he's a normalfag and always busy
>could get together a roll20 game I guess, but I'm sick of DMing.
Guess I'll stick to painting minis.
Because she dumped me over facebook and nothing has appeal right now.
DNDNL, look it up. Roll20 has free rules (with a slight limit on things).
I got my group with some random strangers including a Belgian.
I'm autistic, too. It's hard to be socially aware all the time and to go out where all the noise and assholes are.
When in a group; take breaks, bring your own food that's not loud or greasy, ask beforehand what kind of game it's going to be and assess if it is the kind you want to play. (I played D&D Encounters and it had three newbies and two murderhobos. I'm a forever DM and tried to be a player for once. The DM was cool but it had to stick to general written adventure lines. Plus there was another group in the same room... It went from okay to uncomfortable really fast but at least I tried.)
And yes, I'm not going to lie, there might be a problem with being a 'visible minority' but you never know.
>too lazy to paint, plus closest FLGS is 45+ minutes away
>don't like MtG
>DnD group took six months to manage to all show up for 4 sessions, then half quit
You've got an imouto now, it's time to move onto a different butt
Never played that one, why is it bad?
>physical group too busy with classes to play
maybe that's a hint to stop being such a lazy piece of shit and start studying/get a job?
bumping for sadness
>not RPing by yourself rebuilding the National Socialist World State
the hell are you doing with your life user?
I like that, that's a pretty good idea. I ordered some basic IG minis for my own autistic wants, but I'm also hoping the visuals will help with immersion.
I'm working on a homebrew setting and don't have a group yet.
I'm a bit new to DMing so I'm taking my time to read lots of advice material.
Don't. I've seen a lot of DMs who just keep reading and reading and asking basic questions that they can get out of the Dungeon Master Guide or the Players Handbook.
Just start already. It will suck but it's not thát bad. You will get better at it and discover some new tricks. You can still look up tips but they won't help you become a better DM, only practice can do that.
Just play online, you dunkass. There's tons of sites and programs for it.
>Have never played D&D or any other group RPG before
>The only person I know that does moved to Orlando
Pretty much don't have anybody to play with nor do I have the experience to GM myself. I have an account on roll20 but I haven't used it yet.
I need to find a group
Just be the deadpan nigga, it is a cliche.
>Moved across the country to be with fiancée after college
>Gaming group is flaky at best of times, can't force them to play an online game to save my life
>Actually find a semi-local game of Dungeon Crawl Classics, but they play at 10am on Saturday and family matters interfere
Welp, might be high time I start looking into a Play by Post game or even... a quest thread. Ugh.
Only ever played through online games and Tabletop Sim here. No groups around me and I wouldn't be able to get where they are without it being more trouble than its worth.
It's hard as fuck to get people to come together at one time, and everyone wants to pile on a friend of a friend so we end up with like 8-10 people and everyone talks over each other. We end up going with more like 6 when we can, and even then it's a nightmare. Half the time people are absolutely AWOL cause they invited people who can't schedule for shit and didn't just say "nah". Then we postpone and postpone until it all falls apart and get a sour taste until our next campaign disaster.
>GM and his wife moved to burgerland from europe due to work
>Regular hours now ungodly hours for him to run games on
>Refused to change to a different timeslot
>"If I did that we would have shorter sessions"
>"It's fine guys. I don't want to keep you guys up late."
>mfw he still runs the game every week even though it means waking up at ungodly hours every time
>mfw his wife does this too just so she too can attend
We have a nearly 100% attendance rate and are all making our hardest to keep it that way out of sheer respect.
We recently retired our old party to start fresh in the same setting after we dethroned and killed my character's evil greatgreatgreatetc. grandfather that was a cruel black dragon dictator (I rolled a dragonblood sorcerer with a passing mention of the dragon in my background which the GM turned into the main villain)
I sincerely hope you can get a good group going too user.
Because it's raining
Soooo you live in the Netherlands but can't find anybody who plays 40k ?
What part do you live in, that one island north where there're only birds pooping on it ?
Model for a backwater primitive world look. Anything from iron age to 'modern operators', abducted into the space god's infinite army.
You could even give them no warning that it is 40k... if you hide the rulebook
>her big brown butt
You got what you deserved, racemixer
Get a job.
NEETs aren't welcome at most tables.
My group consists of people who only want to play with superheavys, a taufaf who concedes if anything goes wrong, and my best friend who plays casual Necrons but never has time. Also I play nids.
It can't be that hard to find a game. Veeky Forums itself gives you /quest/, Veeky Forums, and even /mlp/.
Really, just stop worrying and join one of their games. I've made contacts with people in those threads and gotten links to other games. I'm drowning in offers of people wanting players for Pokémon, Fantasy Craft, DnD and DnD spin-offs like Pathfinder and 4e.
/pol/ unite
>Finally get a group of my friends and extended friends who want to play D&D and can set aside a day for it
>Everyone asks work and schedules college around having Sundays totally available
>Begin the new campaign, first couple sessions are promising
>"Oops, I forgot my mom was taking us to the theme park this Sunday. Sorry guys"
>"Hey, I know we have Sundays set aside but this winter can we do it any other day? I'm gonna be snowboarding pretty much every weekend"
>"Yo our boss asked if I could come in this Sunday, what should I tell him?"
I wish Adventurer's League had real games.
>gaming group stopped cause everyone got busy
>this was 2 years ago
>no local people to game with
>friends don't like ttrpgs or wargames
>everyone online only wants to play PF or D&D
>I don't like PF or D&D
>spend all my time working or wrenching on my car anyway so not like I have time to play
Life is suffering.
How do you know he's not a brownbutt himself, and hence not a "race mixer"?
>TFW I already race-mixed with a qt Asian girl
Also, guys, www.penandpapergames.com. Learn to use it.
Cuz all my faggot nerd friends have stupid normie lives now with jobs, studies and even a family. RIP you had good lives once.