What are some examples of Chaotic Neutral characters that aren't crazy?

What are some examples of Chaotic Neutral characters that aren't crazy?

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Tom Sawyer

Conan the Barbarian (at least in certain iterations)
>laughs at the laws of civilized men
>lives by his own code
>generally not a huge douche to people who haven't wronged him

Jack Sparrow.

She was mostly sane


Huckleberry Finn is Chaotic Neutral

Tom Sawyer is just immature.

Jesus Christ, I enjoy those movies as much as the next guy, but don't fucking encourage your players to emulate him. That shit gets old really fast.

Ashot and Yar



Baba Yaga. Folk witches in general

More on-topic, Protoman, though he eventually tilted towards good.

He was mostly okay-ish in the first movie, no?

Grog or Conan
Marvel Loki (mostly his modern self)
that guy from terry pratchet's The Truth

Luffy seems to shift between Chaotic Neutral and Chaotic Good depending on the day. He doesn't want to be a hero, and most of his good deeds have been motivated by a desire to help his friends rather than anyone else. He's liberated entire kingdoms not because it's the right thing to do, but because the villain oppressing said kingdom made someone he likes cry.

>tfw no lina inverse hero


Isn't the point of the filename that there is a Lina clone in Dota? I am not sure about Dota 2, but the original had a ton of Slayers references.


He wasn't as bad, though in part because he wasn't as prominent and we hadn't had to deal with him for 3+ movies.

True true true.

Huck Finn always struck me as neutral good. He doesn't like civilization, but he has a heart and will be a good guy when necessary.

Smiling Jack


Also this.

Chiana has heaploads of issues, though.
She's not exactly crazy, but she's no one's poster child for sanity.

Her antics have also come close to killing the crew several times, but no one calls her out on her bullshit while Rygel is treated like trash. Always bothered me.


yes. he's memeing some godawful Veeky Forums memes


Well, that says everything you need to know about Chaotic Neutral, doesn't it?

I suppose if you breaking down. The neutral part would mean he shows no allegiance to the light or dark side.
So he'd save a friend, but wouldn't sacrifice himself to save them, he'd slit your throat for gold, but wouldn't really care to make you suffer for the fun of it.
So, base line. He's out for himself, he does as he pleases, and as long as it's going to give him some sort of return. Loyalty, friendship, fun, fame, admiration, gold, sex, booze, anything really, he'll do it, if he wants to. Maybe the odd charity every now and again, and maybe a streak of sadism. But that wouldnt define his character, more it would show character development and depth.

Now, breaking down chaotic may be a bit more, abstract. Really the chaotic are defined by an almost delusional state of mind, hence why so many are just bat shit straight out the gate. You'd have to impliment some kind of a fervour towards an ideal or goal. A simple one I can think of, is a gross obsession with wealth. The character would do anything and everything to realize his ideal, like a LG paladin would do anything for justice, vengence, or any of the other holy causes. Except with chaotic, you have an almost limitless amount of choice to point your fervour in. Want to be a tree? This motherfucker will drink any potion, chase down any lead to be a tree. That's just an extreme example. But I hope you grasp my point.

So a selfish(to an extent) person, uncaring of others (for the most part), with a holy (to them) purpose.
What do you guys think?

That's because Chiana only put the crew in danger when she fucked up, but it was generally unintentional.

Rygel was trying to sell them all out from day one.

In what ways are Chaotic Neutrals different from True Neutrals (ones that aren't committed to balance itself)?

That was one of the best moment of One Piece. Luffy punches an asshole noble harder than he's punched anyone before, because he's being racist towards mermaids, or at least the one that was his friend at the time.

Luffy is a Barbarian with maxed Dex, Con, Str, and Cha, a weird Rubberman punches things archetype, and Wis and Int are his two dump stats.

>he'd slit your throat for gold, but wouldn't really care to make you suffer for the fun of it
classic "neutral" character, and why this thread is needed
>chaotic are defined by an almost delusional state of mind
okay, is this your homebrew we are talking about

It's how I've always seen a chaotic. That's why we're discussing it though, right? To find an archtype that fits CN.

I have asked the same about the Neutral-Chaotic border in general; the difference is that chaotic is ideologically opposed to authority/lawful structures while the neutral will make use of them if convenient.

i dissagree with the delusion state of mind bit but the rest of that seems pretty on the money.
the chaotic isnt abstract or random at his core, despite what the word itself would imply. instead he searches for opportunity and is ever ready to jump at them with or without a plan for how he's gonna turn that opportunity into reaching his goal(s).
the chaotic character is frequently impulsive and usually goal oriented, using whatever method he thinks will get him what he wants, the way he wants it.
a chaotic can still have morals and things they absolutely will not do. they don't live by a code so much as how something makes them feel for having done or not done it. if they do set for themselves a code it is usually simple and loosely defined, leaving them plenty of wiggle room to act. a self aware chaotic will recognize this and is often the first to say "rules were made to be broken." that said it's not as if they hold nothing sacred. their own rules they set for themselves may be quite inflexible, they just see little use for rules they do not agree with..

Please elaborate on how a Chaotic person is "almost delusional," I think is the question.

Chandra Nalaar.

Actively anti-authoritarian, she only really follows her own beliefs and guidelines.
Does nice things sometimes, but doesn't really seem to see it as a hard and fast party line to tow. Willing to kill for personal safety or revenge, but not for gain; they have to have wronged her first.

I'm probably using it wrong. I probably should use the word irrational.
The poster Actually said it better in the last bit
>that said it's not as if they hold nothing sacred. their own rules they set for themselves may be quite inflexible, they just see little use for rules they do not agree with
I was thinking of the state of mind in comparison to say, a true neutral, who is more likely to understand and follow the norms of society, morality, and laws.
>So yeah, delusional was probably the wrong word.

i thought LC alignment doesnt describe mental health.

i like to see CN as somekind of anarchist , may it be the rational kind who just dont give a fuck about other's laws or the irrational which we see in apocalypse movies. for me mental health in CN characters only dictates whether they have tendency towards good or evil

Lost me, I'm sure mental health isn't based on alignment. I actually should have realized that before posting.
While I see an anarchist as CN, he could also pass as a LE, almost like a revolutionary fighting for a cause.
So I don't think that really fits solely in CN

OP asked for non-crazy. Sparrow only goes loony after his stay in Davy Jones Locker.

Lawful means you try your best to follow societal conventions and authorities, unless they disagree with your personal moral code. You believe that laws are a fundamental part of society.

Neutral means you try to follow societal conventions and authorities most of the time (unless they disagree with your personal moral code), but you don't see them as hard and fast rules, just usually good suggestions.

Chaotic means you tend to see societal conventions as more restricting than they are useful, and only really follow them when they align with your own personal moral code. You may even be a revolutionary, actively trying to do away with that which is trying to imposed on you.

For illustration, some quotes from a well-known movie series:

>Captain Teague - The Code is the law.
>Captain Barbossa - The Code is more what you'd call guidelines than actual rules.
>Elizabeth Swann - The Code? You're pirates! Hang the Code and hang the rules!

>he'd slit your throat for gold, but wouldn't really care to make you suffer for the fun of it.
that is not moral neutral.

Good - Altruistic. Willing to make significant personal sacrifices for others benefit. Will only harm others for a greater good, such as self-defense or to protect others.

Neutral - Not typically willing to make significant personal sacrifices for others benefit. Will only harm others for a greater good, or if they feel wronged by the person in question.

Evil - Not typically willing to make significant personal sacrifices for others benefit. Will harm others for any reason they deem sufficiently motivating, most often profit or personal pleasure.

The first person you describe is a chaotic evil, just not Chaotic Stupid Evil.

The second you describe is indeed a chaotic stupid evil, and for good measure, I'd like to point out that the paladin you describe doesn't sound particularly Lawful Good.

I think you're just kind of a psychopathic murderhobo.

All excellent examples.

Neutral starting out, Good by the end of the book.

Definitely chaotic, was under the impression he was Good, but I've never watched the show enough to be 100% sure.

Jayne Cobb from Firefly

I would say Nahiri, but then I noticed the NOT CRAZY requirement,
She's f'n nuts man.
