I don't even play tabletop games, but I can't stop looking at all these cool miniatures
Already know the obvious ones like 40k, D&D and warmachine/hordes
Rec me some games with cool figures
I like Wild West Exodus
Kingdom Death has some amazing models.
>135mm base
>this thing is HUGE
Yeah looks great
privateer shit sucks ass to assemble
Hate me all you want but AoS has some cool ass minis.
Yes, yes. Up hill, both ways, in the snow. We know.
It has one every now and then, and a bunch of abortions in between. Pic related is one of the few good ones.
There are some 6th ed and older Fantasy sculpts that are absolutely amazing.
Ehhh user personally I love the big centerpieces.
Archaon, gordrakk, nagash and the mortarchs are fucking cool. IMO.
Malifaux is pretty good
Pic semi-related
Arent these models 30% cheese cake 30% fetish fuel?
Overdetailed, extremely busy sculpt with helmet horns the size of the rest of Archaon
Anime death pope
Let me see... I think I've seen a square milimeter without skulls. It needs to be fixed.
Sorry about your taste user :(
Best are games like Frostgrave and Kings of War that let you use anything you'd like.
Obviously you can do that in whatever game you'd like at home, but these have it stated in the actual rules.
Haha,I'm in the same boat
I don't even play any tabletop games(not that i don't want to) but I know Warmachine,DnD and Warhammer like the back of my hand
I can't stop staring at these cool ass minis
op wants cool minis, not games with multipurpose average minis
>multipurpose average minis
Nigger, READ! Frostgrave is basically "pick whatever minis you like and we'll make it work".
I personally find that the Molochs from Kings of War are really nice models. I use mine as Chaotic Trolls in Kings of War/warhammer/9th Age
Wtf do you mean by cheese cake?
>Rec me some games with cool figures
fucking spastic
>Frostgrave is basically "pick whatever minis you like and we'll make it work".
talk about reading failures?
Read the actual OP.
way to go there, genius.
Models quality is the one thing that GW has always prioritized. Their games suck, and you definitely pay $$$ for what you get, but the quality is consistently best-in-industry.
>Anime death pope
You say that like it's a bad thing...
I find them uglier than sin,user,but for each his own.
I haven't bought any models in about two years,'cause I'm broke and also at the moment I don't have time to paint or play,but the Ras Al Ghul model from Batman game is deliciously cool. I'm thinking about buying it just for the pleasure of painting.
not OP but can anyone recommend any other boutique mini companies?
ie high detail single display models
Russian recasters of Confrontation minis, but produce their own stuff with the same style, also makes busts and showpiece models.
some decent stuff on there, cheers!