Could a ringwraith take a cave troll in a fight?

Could a ringwraith take a cave troll in a fight?

Better question: who tops?

Since there is now a board for quests why are there still quest threads on Veeky Forums?

If you take real perspective and not stats and dice - definetely not. Bigger size and strength allows troll to swing basic piece of wood that weights a fucking ton like a thin stick. This piece of wood also probably much longer than wraith sword, so if wraith actually material and can interact with other matter troll can just swing his stick randomly and blow wraith away.

This isn't a quest it's a hypothetical stat and combat thread

We have been over this before. Because they can.
Use of the new board is optional, not mandatory, it's still in "trial" status (for several months now).

What happened to the civilization game threads with the haemonculi etc?

>it's a hypothetical stat and combat thread
I think War of The Ring had both of those, you can look up the stats and compare them.

Ok, but wouldn't it be more organized for them to all be in the same place?

I guess. But it's not up to me to decide.

The wraiths has a lot of magic bullshit going on with them though.

They could more then likely make the cave troll flee / cower in fear without so much as swinging their sword.

From a stat standpoint no way.
From a lore stand point no way.

I doubt it.
Hobbits fight with wraith and stay alive.
Trolls pwned hobbits with no chances and loose only "social battle"

> Be the dark lord's greatest and most terrible servants
> Get jobbed by a mook


Because the people who got /qst/ made were such assholes about it the mods said "fuck those cunts, quests can stay on Veeky Forums".

Literally what happened.

A more interesting question would be ringwraith v balrog

In a Tolkien game the forces of the dark can probably control lesser creatures, right? It's hard to imagine this confrontation going in a way that doesn't end with the ringwraith killing or controlling the troll, even though the troll might be "stronger".

The dunedain and elves (and later, the wizards) are the only ones who can fight the wraiths on their home turf, in the Shadow.

Only the wearer of a Ring of Power has any chance otherwise, and Frodo was unable to cope.

I don't think the ringwraith would fight.

OP say actually "fight" so we decide actually fight, no control, social standing and command order bullshit.

Nazgul are servants of a maiar whereas Balrog are miar in their own right.
I'm hardly an expert on Tolkien lore, but I think a Balrog would win.

Thats actually strange thing. If wraith do not interract with matter they cannot hurt you either. If only their blades material than you can probably do something with it, like put some weight on it so wraith cannot lift it.

Anybody here even been to /qst/ recently? Last time I checked it was pretty much only visited by people not from Veeky Forums, but it's been a while.


Develop your hypothesis

Larro runs there. You can usually catch one of his threads in catalogue. Not that he would be running so often, but because even after hitting autosage it takes several days before the thread falls off the board.
Plus couple other smaller quests that originated at Veeky Forums. But majority are doomed one-shots, /b/trolls, and /pol/-civs.

Not him, but I can.

The Rings make the wraiths literally extensions of Sauron's will. Balrogs still serve Sauron, in the end. The Ringwraith will not fight the balrog, because that would be like your hand stabbing your finger.

I think the ringwraith would know it would be destroyed for no gain.

>Balrogs still serve Sauron

Do they? I thought they were kind of their own entity

They do interact with matter. The problem is that matter doesn't interact with them very well. They're mostly creatures of spirit, and while their weapons and robes are material, their bodies are not so much, and thus only creatures who can interact with the poirit physically (elves, the Dunedain, wizards) can actually harm them enough to drive them off. It's impossible to kill them or destroy them permanently without the force of prophecy behind it (in other words, a literal force of spiritual destiny that can overwhelm them - though everyone involved nearly died in the end).

Remember that the weapons the hobbits used were of elf make too.

Balrog was not under saurons rule

They are

If elf grown a tree, and troll rip it from earth?

the blades were made by the dunedain
sting was the only elf blade.

Then the elf will fuck the troll ten times to tuesday

Two elven sword bilbo and gendalf found in troll cave probably belong to some hubristis treegrowing elf.

I know it happened in the movies but i cant recall if it did in the books.

But did not a human woman with a human made sword kill the witch king?

That's the spiritual destiny thing in play, the "no man shall defeat him" clause was actually like divine permission for him to get destroyed by a woman.

>troll to swing basic piece of wood that weights a fucking ton like a thin stick.

Which would shatter and splinter off the wraith like toothpicks sorta like how the with king broke gandalfs staff.

Thats quicly becoming "unmovable object\ustopable force" kind of problem. Reason rpg system acually just tables and numbers

Not canon

Can you point to a doll and tell me where peter jackson touched you?

Don't be a shitlord

Because /qst/ sucks and questplayers are the master race born to dominate the neckbeards and bluepilled untermenschen.

ITT: Old Veeky Forums would have had a big, fun argument with reasons why and why not for both sides. New Veeky Forums will tell you to dig out some obscure 3rd-Party splat from somewhere and compare for yourself, and to stop bothering them so they can do...nothing. Nothing productive happens on these boards anymore.

Generals are about the only thing nobody bitches about. Lewd shit? CALL THE MODS! Quests? WHINE! Minmaxing? REEEEE! Shitposting? DYING OF ANAL BLEEDING! It's not just sad, it's pathetic. This is all because you faggots started to tolerate the SJW.

Hobbits fight with trolls and stay alive

>dunedain and elves
weren't that only elves who visited Aman like Glorfindel or Galadriel?

fuck, why? I remember autistic purges on /d/ after creation of /aco/.

When you're an elf you go through a few swords. You know, just leave them laying around by accident?

I'd also say that the book makes it clear that both the prophecy and the magic of Merry's Dunedain-made blade were needed, since the sword had been made specifically for killing that specific nazgul.


Get triggered nigger.

Actually. And quests are the worst.

/aco/ was different situation, mods (hiro) wanted the split to happen, so they enforced it.
/qst/ was more of a halfway attempt they later forgot about and never finished.

I didn't know that about Merry's dagger. That's actually pretty slick and a glorious coincidence

He's right though and you're being a faggot.