Kinky edition
Discuss the lore of the Warcraft universe and its potential uses in TTRPGs.
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Kinky edition
Discuss the lore of the Warcraft universe and its potential uses in TTRPGs.
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First for Mountain Dew
>night elf nectar
>what must we give in return?
>oh ok, that sounds reasonable
based Bloodtotems
Fuck, I forgot that Mountain Dew actually did a promotion with WoW.
I actually really like the look of evil, moose-antlered tauren.
What sort of fit would you pitch if you were a member of Alliance or Horde intelligence and had to deal with the knowledge that a group like the Uncrowned exists? A cabal of the greatest assassins, thieves and intelligence agents on the planet in one room and working together would probably throw people into a maddened conniption.
>hired bard
that poor nigga gunna be dead after that gig
DHs comes off as very whiny.
What would you DRINK for, Veeky Forums?
That pic's outdated, though. Mathias Shaw and the Hood were in alpha and got replaced by Tess Greymane
Is green kool-aid considered a steroid?
It's a protein drink
steamy hot troll chuffy
And then after he got kicked out of the uncrowned, he got kidnapped and replaced by a dreadlord who killed Amber Kearnen.
Why Ms. Vancleef? What reason does she have to be there?
Also you may claim bad ass, but isn't she not even in the same league as the other member? No where near the power, reach, or resources.
So I just started Suramar. I have to keep these people fed like pets? That's gonna make me really sad if we don't cure the addiction before next expansion.
I miss the Hozen, they were one of my favorite things of MoP. I kinda wish we got them instead of the Pandaren (for horde).
>missing the Hozen
But why?
drink a little bit, desperately try and reduce my 'footprint' while trying to force one of them into the open.
Probably take up muttering insanely to anyone with large glowing weapons.
>'They scurry like RATS in the shadows, in the walls, like RATS I say! We need to burn out the night or...get some mousers. Some good ol' cats.'
>'That's where you come in. Well, you and 9 or 24 of your closest treasure hunters and assorted madmen. I assure you my coffers are as deep as their hoards are full of STOLEN relics and information.'
>'Yes, yes, I realize this is all a hunch. Don't think about it, there's precious objects on the line for you.'
just bring 'em to the Sunwell/Well o' Forever/Whatever Illidan's inevitably going to use that last vial on to show off to people.
Man, every flavor of elf needs an appropriately flavored pool of magic, don't they?
Being heir to the Defias Brotherhood is pretty significant. Plus, she's apparently a master alchemist and poisoner; the final fight of the revamped Deadmines never actually happened because the party was hallucinating the entire thing.
Also, would smash.
Is there a reason Arthas couldn't be rezzed? From the DK quests and Legion in general it seems death really doesn't mean anything.
We've basically brought everyone back in some bullshit form or another so why stop now?
>haha new expansion time for demon hunter
>friend on his DK from wrath launch wants to do the world police story
>edgy buddy cop adventure is a go
>cranky old death knight two days from retirement and new demon hunter hotness
>i'm swimming in random epic upgrades on rare drops and quest rewards and he gets fuck all
>dash/gliding to locations faster than he can ride there
>glide across half the zone while he has to ride
>he struggles to reach treasure chests that i didn't even realise were supposed to be hidden out of reach
>relatively down to earth DK animations drowning in flying twin blades, eye lasers and teleporting behind you
>meanwhile he gets to bitch about shitty blood axes and no frostmourn
There must always be a Lich King, yes, but there can be only one.
Bring back Arthas and Ner'Zhul for a free for all Quickening match.
or taoshi for that matter who is a literally who
monies on arthas. he would make a good LK without Ner'Zhul whispering things in his head. have him go full anti-legion so hard that it makes the demon hunters say "dude, chill the fuck out" in his bid for redemption which he'll never get since jaina won't forgive him and slyvannas is still gunning for him 24/7
mfw we will never arthas/slyvannas revenge hate sex
>be bdk
>mog the axe back to my ZFGhc
>everyone's a fucking lightshow
>fulfill the same roll I did for years
>get to go nuclear
Feels good to be honest, familio.
proof that DHs are inferior
its alright
arthas will always remain smug and not be tainted by the bullshit that is activision's yearly expansion scheme.
>What sort of fit would you pitch if you were a member of Alliance or Horde intelligence and had to deal with the knowledge that a group like the Uncrowned exists?
Why throw a fit when I can just call the EBPD to sort them out?
He didn't though, the worst thing about Wrath was Arthas went from a smug arse who was really good at what he did and always came out on top, to a retard who let his best troops get killed in a shitty fashion only to get fucked over by the same guy who had fucked him over already not too long ago.
I would be okay with this, it would make for an interesting story arc. There is a fanfic where he and Slyvanas have that kind of relationship too.
Death knights have no business with rogues.
Illidari pussy morning, noon and night.
Enslave those demon whores and make them metamorphosize on my dick.
>The police have no business with criminal scum
The blue eyes of justice see you.
>not dealing with literal rogues
For the Legion.
Fuck this gay Azeroth. All shall burn.
Since Blizz is willing to add single-race-only classes again, does that mean a goblin/gnome-specific tinker class is possible?
I want Bard first.
Sure, but they don't seem to eager to add new classes (probably due in large part to the incredible balancing issues it presents).
I wouldn't expect it for years, if ever.
No. No one plays Goblins or Gnomes.
>Bard Class Hall
>the only NPC's there are E.T.C and the Stormwind Orchestra's conductor
>drinking from an illidari pucci
Emperor help me
>Lesser Minions are Groupies.
>Can get into any other class hall by booking a gig.
>The Class Hall is some fancy tower in Dalaran with elite boss mooks that keep all the Non-Bard scrubs out.
a Tinker class would cause people to play Gnomes/Goblins.
Especially if, as always, the new class is horribly OP.
>Bard healing spec
>quest to get the Kara organist
>Quest to get whoever did the Grizzly hills music
>get an arakkoa for Spires of Arak music
Playing WoW lately really makes me miss Warcraft 2's lore and style.
Like yeah, that shit was painfully generic and cliche, but at least it wasn't retarded and so bloated with contradictory lore and retcons that you can barely tell what's going on half the time.
>invade lights hope
>kill everything
>really fucking far ahead
>absolute slaughter
>darrion end up on ground
>PC's still have control of their characters
>darrion says to stand down and not fight to the last
>monologue happening
>still have control of my character, keep telling him that i can stab him right now
>LK comes along
>thank god, finally some sense
>darrion betrays LK, drags me along with him when i would rather cleans all life with Arthas
also what fic?
Am I the only one feels who he didn't need to know where imps come from?
We didn't need to know where any demons came from. The mystery is more interesting than any answer could be
>Zangarmarsh in-game is a dangerous yet somewhat beautiful swampland
>Zangarmarsh in-lore is an absolute hellhole with insects that lay brain eating maggot into you, spores that cling to wounds like mold, and critters that will suck the blood out of you in search of moisture
>in-game you're encouraged to keep this fucking horrifying ecosystem alive for some reason by helping the sporeggar that, apparently, use a type of flesh eating fungus on corpses to help cultivate it that they consume
Talk about disconnect.
Zangarmarsh in-game is more interesting and feels like it's worth conserving
The thing about Warcraft for tabletop, is you have to look at it in-game, and in-lore, and then mix&match to make the setting as engaging as possible
That feeling when the races you want to play as won't be playable in the near future if at all.
Being an ogre and vrykul fan is suffering.
I wanna play a High Elf because Night Elf males look goofy and females get whispers all the time.
I find the in-lore Zangarmarsh much more interesting after warlords of draenors savage, primal depiction of the planet.
Shame that expansion flopped. Would have liked to see Faronaar, the endlessly expansive zangar sea, and that unnamed continent in the southwest of the map. Really gave some basis to the WC3 and lore depiction of outland being a demon magic infested, shattered hellscape.
Also botani were fucking terrifying.
I wouldn't mind playing Awakened Arakkoa - if they gave them a few more feathers - or Vrykul.
Fix the worgen first before any of them, though.
Back in business...oh not yet, oh okay. We will just chill out here at the mog hut.
Energy arabs with energy camels fucking when blizzard?!
Just saying blizzard
I want to see subraces and race-specific animations. Wildhammers, Darkirons, High Elves, Irradiated Gnomes, Mag'har, Forest Trolls, Moose Tauren, silver light, etc etc. I couldn't care less about a whole new race or even class, I'd just like some lore-friendly customization.
Yeah, imagine being able to chill with you bro Kel on Nax while you fuck up demons with your Nerubian laser batteries.
Called Hate Perfected. Shame its so short, the other one with Arthas and Tiron talking about their underlings is pretty good too.
I'm THIS close to pressing the button.
Because they the best Dookers.
Seriously, that verbal tic drove me madder than any Old God.
>No saurok
I want lizardmen ;_;
Wealth, fame, and glory to shine on my name.
>it's actually canon that the same group of adventurers were part of every important event in modern Azeroth history
>Arthas vs Bolvar v Ner'zul
>yfw they instead do the fusion dance to break shitvannas, gul'dans and the legion's legs.
>Botani where literally elves in a world where elves didn't have to be hippy bitches
>Genosaurse are the Cenerians
Use plant magic
>Infested are more or less humanoid druid forms
It is nice to see the brutal forest race rather than tree huggers for once.
Wait, what?
This is a thing I want.
Preferably with Gazlowe's backpack robot as a DPS spec, dropping turrets and firing lasers.
They can turn Mekkatorque's sweet new mech into a tank spec, shooting fuckers and punching while making Ironman jokes.
>get to go nuclear
I have it macroed to /yell BROSTORM whenever I cast BS. I know it's a complete douche move but it's so satisfying
where do they come from?
Being a high elf fan is suffering. Their post war 3 lore is so interesting but there's basically zero chance of them being added to the game because they are barely different from belves visually and if blizzard does offer them, it will probably just be as a reskin for horde players
Being a Warcraft fan in general is suffering
No matter what brought you in, it's almost certainly either been ruined or outright removed since then
For instance, I became a fan through WC3, I really liked Thrall and Cairne and the trials of finding a home in a foreign land
Now Cairne is dead, Thrall has been ruined and Orgrimmar sucks
>Orgrimmar sucks
it should. the sooner that people realize that the horde is broke, the sooner that the Blood Elves leave the horde and form their own faction. were gonna make quel'thalas great again, get the night elves to join up and make an elf faction bent on sending the orcs, pandas, gnomes and goblins back to where they belong,. the ground
I kind of agree with you
The whole reason I played Horde in Vanilla is because they were so clearly weaker than the Alliance. The underdog aspect appealed to me, bringing the orcs back down to where they were in vanilla along with their allies would be great.
Except I'd totally leave the blood elves allied with the Horde, the cultural rift between the blood elves and their allies is one of my favourite things in WoW
Nope. Blizzard destroyed any hope for a tinker class when they made engineering a profession back in vanilla
My main is a goblin :(
I think my favorite thing about the Uncrowned is that it's basically an order hall full of waifus.
Several of whom don't wear pants
Well yeah, your character is canonically part of the Azeroth's version of russian spetsnaz clean up crew, because you literally leave no survivors.
Since demon hunters have "immortal demon souls", and blizz is trying to explain a lot of in-game stuff(arcane is literally math), what canonical reasons would we use to explain resurection?
Some loa/void/emerald dream spirit(your account) binded to these adventurers to lead them on a journey to save Creation?
Spirit Healers are apparently a benevolent splinter group of Val'kyr. Maybe our souls burn brightly enough to warrant their attention? Or something like that..
I would instantly become super paranoid and dedicate myself to cracking down on them.
Or pull all my efforts off them and use them as a retirement plan or a place to flee if things go sour for me.
What did they mean by this
Laugh because I'm a DK.
>MFW i finished my class hall campaign
>MFW i have a literal army of multiple planes of elementals to go slap Gul'Dan's shit now
>MFW I get revenge for losing one of the best warchiefs we've ever had
forgot to mention
>MFW i literally ended up as the brand new green jesus.
For Garrosh!
>you will never stand up straight like Thrall.
>tfw we rejoined the scourge
[] Not well
[] On point
[] Well
[X] Just perfect
>a retard who let his best troops get killed in a shitty fashion
I JUST realized... they were trying to emulate the human campaign from Reign of Chaos. I mean, that was Ner'zhul's entire MO to recruit Arthas, wasn't it? Starting slow with some cultists and zombies, then an abomination, then Kel'thuzad, then entire hordes during the siege of Hearthglen, and then Mal'ganis himself.
Of course, they completely failed to emulate the desperation turned to ruthlessness that defined Arthas' fall, since NPCs are emotionless questbots, but man... They set that up from the first Wrath trailer, where the Lich King (with a more Arthas-like voice) tells you that you're following in his footsteps. I wonder if anything got lost when the dev team got switched out mid-expansion.
>you will never grow eyebrows like Thrall.
>Scourge troops
They matter a bit more than the legion's but they're still pretty fucking meaningless m8, scourge tactics boil down to "zombierushlol"
No it's not. Black Harvest questline makes it clear different groups conquered different bosses.