>that guy who plays a super amazing goddess mary sue but just comes off as bitchy and is useless
>that guy who puts all his points in a useless school like evocation
>that guy who thinks they're playing WoW, makes a tank and uses dex as a dumpstat
>that guy who plays a boring bumfuck "normal" person in a fantasy setting
This is your group
That guy who plays a super amazing goddess mary sue but just comes off as bitchy and is useless
Other urls found in this thread:
No. My group is worse than that.
>that guy who thinks they're playing WoW, makes a tank and uses dex as a dumpstat
Not only is KonaSuba about MMO cliches, the blonde one isnt min-maxed poorly she just fetishizes being a meat shield to the point that she is useless as anything else.
Also, pic related.
>>the blonde one isnt min-maxed poorly
>misses every attack
at least the boring bumfuck normal guy knows the correct way to being challenged to honorabu combataru
>That guy who thinks he's an incredible DM but he just keeps reusing the same shit over and over
Defeat by modesty/embarrassment, the only honorable manner of combat.
yeah, if it ever gets another season, it would be fun for the epic big final battle to conclude with her, SOMEHOW, landing a blow... and it doing Mob Psycho 100 levels of damage.
>that one guy who keeps making shitty /a/ threads on Veeky Forums that are only tangential to traditional games.
>mary sue
I don't see how that applies, considering she's a total bitch, and regularly gets called on it.
...Is that that one guy from Jojo's Bizzare Adventure?
>Captcha: storefront signs "Dio"
Best post
I'm not going to complain about Dungeon Meshi threads and neither should you.
But a lot of people love being contrarian for the hell of it, so I guess you will.
Part of min-maxing is being bad at things you don't care about.
>That guy who doesn't realise the GM setting is a parody of previous settings
>that DM who planned the campaigns so deeply he makes his players play the same scenario twice, but playing as the BBEG against their previous characters without them noticing each time
>Trickster CG cleric
>Crown paladin with the grapler feat and low Dex
>Lvl 1 wizard who forcibly casts one spell that drops them to 1 Hp
>Dude with a 13 in every stat and multiclassed Arcane trickster/Bard/Ranger
>that party that wins and defeats all the enemies it's encountered
Hate all you like, but all your min-maxed edgelords would still be brooding in dark tavern corners.
Dungeon Meshi is based off of tabletop cliches, so Dungeon Meshi crossboards to Veeky Forums. Konosuba uses MMO cliches, so Konosuba crossboards to /v/.
He gets beheaded and all their major victories are Pyrrhic (for their wallets)
That's not fair on evocation-dude. He can use other builds too! His problem is different.
>that guy who can only play one character personality
Konosuba has no MMO cliches, it's a mix of JRPG and P&P parodies. Unless you count monster-hunter style online lobbies as MMOs which they aren't.
This is the face of a man who realized that having your own harem isn't all it's cracked up to be.
>That guy, who brings over his girlfriend to the table without asking anyone else in the group if it was okay.
but he's only boning one of them and hates another
oh damn it, now I can't stop seeing him as Kakyoin
#2 and #4 can stay, the other two can fuck off
>Have to play mother may I for everything
>Always has to be as the GM wants, literally no concession ever in his part
>Every problem ever is due him not understanding how the system works
>Because we always fail (again, because of him) he has to introduce GMPCs in every game ever
>Blame us for his mistakes
>That player who has a inferiority complex yet keeps making weakass and useless characters on purpose
>That lolrandum player
I just want to be effective and succeed from time to time
I hate my town, nobody else to play with
>he's only boning one of them
What's the reference?
Shouldn't Dungeon Meshi crossboard to Veeky Forums?
I think there was that succubus dream episode where, iirc, it was ambiguous if he screwed the paladin or if it was a dream. but i'm not the guy you replied to, so
No he just got a bathhouse treatment before the invading succubus got captured by the other girls, disrupting his massage time.
It was presumably the only thing saving Darkness's purity from herself.
>That one guy who keeps RESPONDING to said shitty /a/ threads.
At least Dungeon Meshi keeps things vague enough that it could be about EITHER MMORPGs or Tabletop RPGs.
It's actually uses really early generation RPG games like Wizardry as its main inspiration. That's why it seem a bit like both.
In the LN Kazuma and Megumin are falling for eachother
You should since it's not tg
>that guy who plays a boring bumfuck "normal" person in a fantasy setting
God damn, if it weren't for that guy every single fucking party would be made up of an assortment of tieflings, dragborns, goliaths and gnomes.
God bless that guy for grounding the party at least a little bit.
>that chapter when he trades places with a member of an actually well-assembled/normal party
He absolutely would have traded permanently if given the option.
I can see where that would come from, but that still seems to be a bit of a shift in tone from the parodying of the trapped in an fantasy world harem bullshit
Season 2 already scheduled for this winter
>that guy who rolls up a hot-headed teenage sorceress then blows up whole towns with justifications of IT'S WHAT MY CHARACTER WOULD DO
>that guy who rolled a 9 in INT and thinks that means the dumbest motherfucker alive, except when it comes to combat
>that guy who convinced you to let him play his super special homebrew race
>that girl who plays a paladin and manages to roll a 1 on every other melee attack
I watched Slayers dubbed like 11 years ago. Should I go back and watch it subbed?
Yeah, I figured. I was a teenager at the time, didn't know any better, and was visiting a relative who had the entire series on videotape.
Source for it being scheduled coming winter?
>that guy who thinks they're playing WoW, makes a tank and uses dex as a dumpstat
Why do people keep doing this? Why do CRPGs keep doing this?
"Harem" would imply that they actually let him see things. Poor guy is just some lad yanked into what's probably a 3rd world country from his PoV.
He's not playing his cards right, though he has the occassional flash of brilliance.
Dex was a good stat for tanks in WoW, but you had to make choices on what stats to prioritize and Dex was lower on the list.
It basically progressively becomes a harem in the novels. Just straight up. All of the girls are directing their fucked up love deficits (really fucking needing attention, legitimate crush, horny masochism, etc.) at him more and more.
Konosuba is Akatsuki's glorious femsub magical realm so it was bound to turn out that way.
It seems like a mixed bag, but they really do actually work remarkably well together, even if it's mostly Kazuma herding fucking cats. For all the bullshit and nonsense he has to deal with, Kazuma and his misfits lead pretty carefree lives because when they stress too hard about the small stuff they all just loath themselves so damn much.
rule of funny, if shit didn't keep dragging Kazuma is, we wouldn't have a plot
He absolutely says he would. But would he really? Would he really really?
Because Megumin is the most popular girl (even though the animu did its best to push Aqua). She's also the one who's least, uh, mentally ill about her feelings.
Fuck sake, dropped.
You're just saying that because you don't actually have any idea what I'm talking about and assume the worst out of fear of the unknown. Come Winter you'll be back and DEEN will find a way to your heart. Just you wait, unbeliever.
oh. okay. she is probably the best girl out of the bunch.
KonoSuba is not about MMO cliches, it's about P&P and JRPG cliches. Natsume Akatsuki is a tabletop nerd before she's a vidya nerd. The Adventurer's Card is meant to represent a character sheet.
Kind of.
One of the chapter cover pages clearly shows a dungeon map drawn on graph paper.
So really it's all 3.
>not wanting to own a desperate goddess whose only real source of validation is you
>not wanting to chill with a cute jailbait evoker with an explosion fetish and the dokidokis for you
>not wanting the daughter of a rich and powerful noble family to be publicly recognized as your fuck toy after you crash her wedding
That post made me think of this show
> Guy hates girl A as she is crazy and clingy
> Girl B is to Girl A what Girl A is to guy
> Girl C is nice, even tempered
> classical Waifu
> likes the main character
> is straight up a dude
> main character very straight
Nyarko was best girl though.
>as she is crazy and clingy
Aaand he fears it's all a ruse by Nyarlathotep-as-written-by-Lovecraft and the moment he lets his guard down the SAN CHI PINCHI will become very real. He is too genre savvy for this shit. Given the occasional hints, especially later on in the novels (had to keep this shit going on somehow), his fears aren't totally fucking unsupported no matter how bullshit they probably are in a meta sense.
>"But user, why the fuck would the Soul and Herald of the Daemon Sultan go to the trouble of crafting as intricate and involved a cosmos as the one Mahiro finds himself in?"
Crawling Chaos don't gotta explains hit.
>Big Final Battle
>Season 2
Yeah no, we aren't even at that in the LNs which are at like 8.
>The author of KonoSuba is a woman is a woman
That actually explains why Kazuma isn't a spineless wimp. I've been wondering about that for a while.
Never. Kazuma is the archetypical anti-hero. He's an agent of his own misery, and the situation he's caught in is one of his own (unintentional) designs. His inability to get out of it is his own damn fault.
I mean, despite his bastard tendencies he's not a bad person. But it's definitely one of those tempting things that gave him no end of smug satisfaction to prove that he is in no way "blessed" with a party of attractive girls.
>>That player who has a inferiority complex yet keeps making weakass and useless characters on purpose
Damn that one grinds my gears. Had to play with one of those, it was annoying as fuck to rescue his ass for the fourth time.
He totally would've traded. And /then/ fucked it up. By antagonizing the party in some way perhaps, for their /small/ flaws.
All I see is two PCs and a hireling commoner who has walking GM fiat to keep him from going splat.
>the picture is four people
>lists three
>Implying Blue isn't the GMPC
>Got the group to roll a d20 for their stats because "fuck it why not"
>Multiple natural 20s
>they're a bunch of walking gods
>douchedick sorcerer whose entire purpose is to walk around and antagonize people
>the guy with his feelings on his sleeve playing a druid
>only other semi-experienced person playing a soulknife Gearhead based off Con for whatever the fuck reason
>girl cleric who chose to heal using her vagina/mouth exclusively
>dick-ass thief who rolled really high for everything except wisdom/intelligence (3/4 respectively)
>black guy homebrew'd up a rune monk class with me
>girl who wanted to be an elemental weapons master and pretty much is
>one girl who has absolutely no idea what she's doing but wants to be an edgy joker style motherfucker
>New dude picked out Dragon-elf shadowsoul and is running free with his imagination
>girl who picked an overloaded to hell and back class who also has no idea what she's doing
the last girl is going to become the final-final boss and is most likely gonna accidentally kick everyone's shit in by nature of her class alone
good luck, guys, it's gonna be a wild ride
get the popcorn
Also, IIRC, the novel series ends with him finally giving in to her...and horrible screaming is heard from his room all that night.
I wish I could find one of those screencaps of that page...
>11 players
You absolute madman.
You need to keep us updated on their shenanigans
>This guy who is always on the verge of playing randumb characters but make it work with a predicament makes a "tv writer's idea of what is cool to kids" character. He's a student, skater, DJ and transforms into a catboy with wrist mounted lazers.
>That guy who's german, brooding, popular with the girls and is actually a samurai that can go so fast he leaves after images.
>That girl who's japanese, older than the others, super sexy and is a ninja fighting with throwable war fans. Also she has telekinesy because fuck you.
>The DMPC who's scrawny and nerdy but somehow holds a lot of power over any encounters ad is an infinite source of asspulls.
>The DM's girlfriend's PC that's trapped in another dimension so she doesn't have to attend every session. Sh'es super intelligent and super lovey dovey with the DMPC. Can't fight for shit but can fly and alter reality around her. She is so special she is the key to make most of the McGuffins work.
Absolutely this. The entire point of his character is that he fucks it up himself constantly. He makes his decisions based on some selfish idea of what he wants, but then refuses to follow through.
The fucker could have set himself up way better if he'd just picked merchant in the beginning, but no, he had to be a hero. And then he refuses to actually attempt to be a hero.
>The fucker could have set himself up way better if he'd just picked merchant in the beginning
Or a thief, then he could upgrade his panty stealing to virginity stealing
Aqua-sama is indeed a merciful goddess! I will toast a glass of tapwater to her honor because it's cheap just like her honor
You're a saint.
Looks safe to me
Just in case because booru aren't known for being SFW.
>booru aren't known for being SFW
>links to DANbooru, the normiest of boorus
>the normiest of boorus
This is not safebooru, danbooru still has content that would net you a ban here.
And for some reason there's a good number of translator there.
I forgot that existed
>That girl who says "Can I have a fairy?" and plays a cleric
>That guy who says "I dunno, I guess I'll be a mayor or something"
>That girl who says "I have been reading the setting material for three days straight without food or sleep" and has eyes like this @_@
>That guy who is witty but tells the DM to make something up for backstory
I wish this was my group.
>that guy who plays to get to the big-bad in the fastest most efficient way possible instead of just enjoying the RPG experience and having fun.
>super amazing goddess mary sue
That's probably the nicest thing anyone has ever said about Aqua
>That actually explains why Kazuma isn't a spineless wimp.
I know, right?
Akatsuki is also friends with Tappei Nagatsuki, Re:Zero's author, and they've had discussions about how he's a sadist and she's a masochist. Re:Zero is Nagatsuki angrily kicking the narou genre apart, while KonoSuba is essentially Akatsuki's magical realm and she's really happy everyone enjoys it so much.
Nagatsuki also got Akatsuki to write the preview for episode 18 of Re:Zero's anime adaptation. It turned out like this: youtube.com
Emilia and Megumin share the same seiyuu.
>he totally would've traded
It's more complicated than that. Part of the deal with Kazuma is that he keeps coming back to the old party even when he has an opportunity to escape it and the "mistakes" which drag him back into Konosuba's general status quo (which actually does evolve, granted; one of the reasons people like the series so much) always have an element of personal choice or "you could have easily avoided this" to them, the implication being he either secretly wants to be there despite his unending bitching or it's at least where he fits in best. So he acts ambivalent when he could finally gtfo.
Kazuma is a stubborn pessimist who shits on anything that isn't absolutely perfect (including himself) and can't see the forest for the trees. He sees his own talents in a distorted light, at once using his skills to act like he's hot shit while shackled to his past failures on Earth and harboring the idea that "objectively, I really sort of suck, don't I?" so he just stops caring. His party is a bunch of obtusely optimized deviants, but they always manage to pull through the worst of it (even though they end up tripping over the small stuff). He constantly comes through with clever solutions when it counts, but he's also exactly what describes.
KonoSuba actually has a lot of thought put into it (which is why it got popular).
No, but it's not about /int/bait or "ironically" obsessing over shitty youtubers
>Author's a female masochist
>Kazuma goes about abusing majority of the females he meets
>they either like it or it puts them in line, too
>and no one can say shit because Akatsuki is a woman
It helps that the story is fueled by karma.
Why did you need to say she was female twice?
>and no one can say shit because Akatsuki is a woman
That's not even true in the USA.
What do you mean "even"? America is the world's third wave feminism stronghold. Compare Japan, the country where female mangaka told the UN to fuck off with its anti-loli regulations.
Hilariously, I know more female loli artists/writers than male ones.
>that guy who rolls edgelord character archetypes but barely roleplays them unless there's crunch incentive to do so
>that girl who's never played a TTRPG before and just plays herself as a ranger
>that guy who only plays for the sake of hanging out with his friends and always rolls tanky characters because everyone expects him to
>that guy who's the de facto party face by DM mandate even though he doesn't know how to roleplay it
>that girl who really wants to play TTRPGs but is too shy to ever say anything unless another PC practically forces her to
>that guy everyone liked who was a cool player all-around but had to move away because of work
>that group that rolled for stats and quickly regretted it