Post Chaos

Post Chaos




I always loved this pic but I could never understand how the marine can rack the slide to eject a spent casing on something that isn't a bolt action.

Maybe iam retarded and it's just Cuz it looks cool.


It looks more like he just stopped to reload and is cycling the action but the artist was silly and added in a shell casing.
Or maybe the bolter is broken.

Bolter jammed and wouldn't cycle maybe. The smoke... I dont know about that.

Also why are word bearers best legion Veeky Forums?

So, here's my theory: Tzeentch plays Dwarf Fortress. Well, in actuality he's caught some Squats in the Warp, dropped them with little to no tech on a Warp infested planet, and told them to find their way off the rock. Basically, the Squats have to move from the Bronze age to the 40k level of tech, all the while combating Warp daemons, Madness, hostile enemies, and who knows what else. It'll probably take centuries, if they can even succeed at all, but the end result will be an entire civilization of Chaos Squats, eternally Paranoid, addicted to booze to numb the pain of life, and above all, stark raving mad.


Word Bearers are my favorite but their leadership sucks balls and Lothar is lazier than Mortarion.





God fuck. This guy was outrageously edgy.

Aren't Bolters two stage with both a casing and a rocket propelled bullet?





In other news, water is wet.


No, I mean actually made edgy Chaos OCs for himself.

Why are there so few stories about Chaos cultists/traitors instead of CSM. I mean the only one I can think of is from a Word Bearers story where a loyalist is slowly broken down and corrupted into a chaos soldier (even stated to be heavily favored by the denizens of the warp). Though of course they ruin it by having him an hero when he has a 'what have I become' moment.


>post chaos
I mostly listen to spikewave

yeah i hate this guys "Art"

I actually like his Blood Pact raising the flag art.

Any of his art depicting the noise marine OC is edge in all the bad ways.

Especially the piece with the torso of an SoB screaming in pain on his armor

>Post chaos
It's our time to shine corpse fuckers.


and we were just talking about this shit.

Blood Pact would never do this shit on top of it

Riggghttt and khorne doesnt bind the souls of his enemies to his personal blacksmiths hammers. Even khorne can't escape edgy shit.

And the blood pact is just as suceptable to insane debauchery as long as it serves the pourpose of the blood god. However I do admit it would make more sense for a Slaaneshi cultist to be there.


Isn't that AoS lore with the goretide user?

Khorne warriors should be out fighting not sitting around doing blood rituals user.

... khaine?

No it's also in the "Tome of Blood" splatbook for black crusade. Also there's khorne specific rituals which involve you killing a bunch of people for their blood. Filling pits with it and offering it to the blood god for possesion or daemons. So you can of course spill more blood. Its simple nice and straight to the point.

That's just a normal bloodletter user.

Blood Pact might do it, but really, their main gimmick is discipline. Khorne has an aspect as the god of battle and war, so there's professional disciplined armies and militant cults that worship him.

Blood for the Blood God, yes.

But aim down your fucking sights.



This one is a personal favorite of mine.

I enjoy this artist a bit for some of the details that's there

sorry, to clarify. I use to use his work to get the idea of how rents and battle damage look

and I quite enjoy >pic and used it as an avatar for sometime

one of my favorites


This guy those for >pic has been working on a lot with 40k gmod models, at least I believe it's gmod models. regardless

Fuck yeah word bearers. Thanks user.

the helmet kind of ruins it for me

no problem, I just wish my main pc isn't ka-poot at the moment, it had the vast majority of my saves, so now I'm back several steps with this shitty laptop

The Black Legion is still cool guys.

user when you have to preach in almost all the planets in the warp, you also wouldn't have time to do other shit too.

And aside from from Black Legion and Iron Warriors the Word Bearers is still a united Legion.



Why does it feel like the black legion are the ultras of the chaos legions?

CSM sell more.
It's a tragedy, I know; human worshipers of Chaos are FAR cooler than CSM. But oh well.



Blood Pact are one of my favorite parts of the lore. An actual non-marine cult of Chaos getting shit done, not written off as generic Chaos Undivided "do evil shit." Pretty fuckin' cool.
Traitor Guard are cool too.

I'll post some Beastmen since they're Chaos and I like them


To be honest, neither of these is really out there for Chaos or a devotee to Slaanesh.

There may be no interest in them.

Cultists are basically cannon fodder unless they're a renegade IG regiment, in which case the author may rather wrote about the IG.

They also don't really get a lot of exposure because the Renegade army list is limited to a FW book and Cultists are a single entry in the CSM codex.

Blood rituals are usually how you go about summoning Khorne daemons or invoking Khorne's power.

Oh, shit. Here's a cool Nurgle pic

Back to your paid programming


That's all I've got.
I'm not OP but if anyone wants to share interesting tidbits of Chaos lore or even their custom traitor Chapter/Regiment feel free.




This kind of lineart reminds me of the art in tabletop rulebooks from the 90s. I like it.


While I enjoyed the thought of him being on a dragon, the initial enjoyment of that unique chaos dragon died quickly. for one the heads are just heads of the 3 gods' greater daemons. not a literal copy/paste, but still, not appealing to me.

I do like Archaon's new look though. pretty damn sweet. If I ever get this model I'll probably have him sitting on his horse, or some other random chaos horse.



... Boy.


The Blood Pact Gets Shit Done

Really, I like their lore better than vanilla Traitor Guard. Thing with the Blood Pact is they're raised from troops on Chaos-occupied worlds. Not even Traitor Guardsmen- born and raised heretics. The kinds of soldiers who were taught to fight for the Dark Gods on Day 1 of boot camp.

It's a terrifying thought.



How do they get off world? Is that ever specified? Do Chaos warbands just come up and snag the tough ones up?
I'm shamelessly asking for inspo for a Dark Crusade character.
But yeah, that is super cool.

>Alpha Legion
>not loyal to the Emperor
I see the ruse master Alpharius has rused you as well

Dorghar is a daemon, not a dragon.

His heads resemble those of Greater Daemons because Khorne, Nurgle, and Tzeentch each sent a one to try and make Archaon swear allegiance to their god alone. He killed them and Dorghar ate their remains.

probably a mix of Warbands picking them up and/or using whatever shuttles/ships that stayed/converted

The Blood Pact are a specific Chaos warband in the Sabbat Worlds Sector in Segmentum Pacificus. They serve as the private army of a warlord who has his own fleets. So it's not really a concern for them.

There's other warbands and Chaos armies based on a similar mold elsewhere in the galaxy - disciplined, professional armies from Chaos-controlled systems with a formal chain of command and military training. The Stigmartus from the Jericho Reach in the Deathwatch sourcebooks serve as a noteworthy example, but they're hardly a unique case.

Usually, if they're being raised and sent offworld there's a few possibilities - the planet is under the control of a Chaos warlord with a private fleet that comes to pick them up on occasion, or they hire the army out to other Chaos warbands as mercenaries. If they come from a planet where this is the norm, it's unlikely that another Chaos warband would just come and 'snag' some troopers up - the planet has a martial discipline and tradition in service to Chaos. They won't be pushovers, and some higher force (like an existing warband of some influence) had to come and impose this on the locals to get them started.

tl;dr Most likely, the planet is part of a small Chaos empire, and the rulers deliberately set this up to produce troops that are worth a damn on a regular and consistent basis.

yeah the fluff kinda jacked us on the slaanesh head with the whole soul sucking thing, but rules wise this guy is an absolute tactical beatstick in matched play

>Dorghar is a daemon, not a dragon.
yeah I know but its dragonic. though I didn't know that Dorghar ate the daemons sent to mono Archaon.
I still think it could've been more creative than three greater daemonheads. However, my thought is to have three chaos dragon heads slightly morphed towards those 3 gods, so it would've been more creative than I am regardless.

I don't play AoS but I have read the rules on it and (Demi?)God Archeon, and understand how much of a beatstick Dorgar can be.

I do find it odd that Slaanesh just up and disappear for a vacation, which left his/her/it minions wondering what to do as one of Slaanesh's Greater Daemons attempt to become Proxy Slaanesh, and got rekt by Sigmar iirc

Fucking cool. Thanks

It was literally just a phase the man's trying to distance himself from. He's into neat-0 cyberpunk shit now.

No prob.

I'm the kind of autist who has a borderline encyclopediac knowledge of the setting.

Ask me anything, and I'll answer to the best of my ability, no matter how obscure.

What color is a Commissar's underwear?


The good thing is that he wasn't just forgotten or written out like Malal

there's some hints here and there that Slaanesh was captured by the new leader of the elves "Malerion" who so far has been hiding out in the plain of light and the plain of shadow, so now Slaanesh players are just waiting(pleading) for a huge jailbreak scene

Does anyone have any "before and after" type pictures of a Space Marine falling to Chaos? Like him as a bright shining hero, contrasted with getting all spikey and creepy later?
Wait, is he still a Neo-Nazi or was that just him being an edgy teenager?

Depends on the Commissar's preferences, sex, and the Schola Progenium they got trained at, although Departmento Munitorum-issue tighty-whiteys will be the most likely for males.

I think he's still pretty hard right, but he plays it down and mainly tries to focus on his art now. He hasn't posted in like two years though, and around the same time he was trying to become more "apolitical" he posted a cartoon of a Russian soldier kicking a caricature Ukrainian in the dick. Because apparently he's a Russian Ultranationalist.

>that filename

Encyclopedia Autistica user here, you are now my nigga.

I would expect Munitorum-issue underwear to be green or khaki.

I'm not sure if this is explicitly Chaos or even exactly 40k, but it sure looks the part.

See, you'd think so, but tighty-whiteys are just easier and cheaper to make. The Departmento Munitorum being what it is, budget is often first priority.

They've got so much other shit to pay for than other kinds of underpants.


Khorne just doesn't want people to sit around and build monuments when they could be fighting; rituals are cool, especially for earning his favor or summoning his daemons.