What is the appeal of space marines? I find them boring.
What is the appeal of space marines? I find them boring
They're larger than life super-human holy monk-knights who fight to protect mankind. However they still manage to fit within the grim-dark universe, and aren't supremely bullshit as the crap they fight is similarly horrifyingly bullshit.
And that's before you even get into the level of variance from each individual chapter.
I dunno. It just sounds like some weird cop-out/dmpc/husbandu insert for HFY that shows up just when things look bad never before or after.
Oh no! Orks are fuck over a planet! Better send in the marines JUST in time for them to save fleeing refugees or stop that orphanage from burning.
It just comes across as stupid is all.
>I don't like a thing
>Better send in the marines JUST in time for them to stop that orphanage from burning
Firefighter marines? It can't be the worst idea I've ever seen on Veeky Forums.
You sound like a pleasant and learned individual, who is open to the thoughts and ideas of others.
The angry marines tried to but out a fire on a planet they ended up blowing up the planet
>Implying that wasn't the plan in the first place
they're a caste of superhuman knightly warriors hyper-inculcated with ultra human nationalism/specieism who selflessly defend humanity, despite being abducted and basically tortured from a young age, and appear on the battlefield as giant angels exterminating the enemies of our species in a darwinian universe of biological struggle
they're the waffen SS of the far future
Super soldiers are cool for obvious reasons.
Space Marines are a pretty unique grim dark take on them.
Why do you dislike them?
I admire bravery and honour.
40k used to be like that bows it's oh fuck
>They tired fighting the fire with fire
It wasn't the original plan
What's boring about genetically engineered warrior monk super soldiers from the far future armed with high tech weaponary and unshakable incredible conviction and devotion to their God-Emperor as they serve their role as the last line of defence against innumerable horrors seeking to extinguish the vast failing empire of man?
Nazi Space Paladin is a curious enough concept.
I dont see whats lame about being a smart Picker.
I like them for lots of reasons.
>Overall cool concept of entire armies of demigods
>They come in a thousand different flavors of combat, ethics, traditions and colors
>They look fucking cool
>They sound amazing (DoW 1 & 2 voice lines are my permanent head canon for how they sound)
>When they do get fucked up in battle they get put in a giant fucking robot so they can fight even more
>Giant robots also sound fucking cool as hell with their mega bass voices
>Some good life lessons in their fluff
>Memorable quotes and speeches
They just rad as hell.
>Some good life lessons in their fluff
Tell more
Wait...what life lessons? Dogmatism and murdering things you don't like aren't lessons let alone good life lessons.
"Turn from those that need you. And you lose that which defines you."
"There will be pain. There will be hardships. But keep your body and soul in unison, and all the evils of the world will cower before you."
"Beat your thoughts to the mould of your will."
"Every life is vital, how matter how seemingly insignificant. If we forget that, we are no better than the scum out there."
Really I misspoke. I meant more along the lines of motivational quotes and the like.
"What does not kill me. Is not trying hard enough."
"We have been wounded sorely. Yet still we stand, with fire in our eyes and valor in our hearts. Let them think us beaten. We shall teach them otherwise."
Stuff like that anyways.
Eh, they're ok.
Rather than dislike them I think a lot of people are just tired of them since they're so dominant and catered to all the time. At this point you can scarcely find any major 40k thing that doesn't star them.
Terrible lesson. Plenty of people in life need others to survive and just because they chose you for that task without your consent doesn't mean you should hinder yourself or what you can do by occupying yourself with them. There comes times where you come before all others in order to succeed and thats not selfish merely self helping and if denying that means you hurt so others don't thats self harming which is bad. Of course doing nice things occasionally that won't mean you're heavily put out is acceptable.
Having sound mind and body won't save you from life's hardships or the evils of the world. Becoming a monk and honing your body everyday won't prevent today being the day you get shot for your wallet and thinking so merely means you stay oblivious and undefended from these things.
There's nothing wrong with this but neither is it right. Your will and thoughts are one and the same ones just the same as saying something outloud while the other is the words you say in your head. If your thoughts are manly but your will is pussylike than your actual thoughts are pussylike and no veneer of manly will fix that. Mould the will to the thougts if anything.
Plenty of lives are third and fifth wheels and plenty of times nothing will change that. It's just what happens when you have as many people existing as they do and see the first bit on why you shouldn't waste the effort to help literal wastes of space.
Plenty of people try their hardest at things and a lot of times they just don't measure up. Life is hard and the most the average person can do is average effort hence the moniker. Asking them to put forth more effort than they possibly can is cruel and belittling them for that failure you set them up for is crueler.
Plenty of animals just get angrier when you hit them and don't kill them. Try training dogs you'll see.
Thanks for letting us know.
There is a difference in something not appealing to you and understanding why it appeals to others. The former is just a difference of opinion, the latter is easily googlable.
14 years of age. the post.
> It just sounds like some weird cop-out/dmpc/husbandu insert for HFY that shows up just when things look bad
Well, that's kinda what they are. They don't have the numbers to make a truly meaningful difference in terms of fighting power. They mainly exist to remind people of what the Imperium is capable of, while occasionally taking out high value targets and protecting important people. Any guardsmen who sees a Space Marine will consider it a guarantee that the battle will be won.
Basically, they are a propaganda tool.
>it's childish to accept that people have limits they just aren't capable of surpassing and that expecting them to do so isn't cruel or stupid
>it's childish to admit that life isn't the grandest thing and the best you can do is take care of your self and mental health and that occasionally means ignoring those that would harm such things
>it's childish to admit that life is life and bad things like car accidents happen to anyone regardless of moral standing, mental, and physical health and that trying to actively improve on them isn't a bad life choice but expecting it to stop things like muggings or shootings to not happen to your person is
>it's childish to accept that some people just won't amount to anything and that throwing personal effort to try and change that is a literal waste of time that could be spent on those with the potential to make it
You probably live on a suburban paradise, don't you?
That makes a bit more sense i suppose.
Yes and this is a thread about how a guy doesn't like a specific fake faction in a game of toys that you roll dice at.
They're an entire force of Greek heroes, their emotions are human but magnified tenfold, their deeds are legend and their ends are tragic, often fighting a hopeless battle that changes nothing in the long term.
At least, that's how they used to be. The constant barrage of marines as the poster boys of 40k has changed how special they were, as now everyone plays them, and wants to know about them.
>Elite Assault force designed to drop into the fray where the battle is worst and kill everything
>insert for HFY that shows up just when things look bad
I know badly written/badly explained fluff makes Marines look dumb, and "hur dur muh Ultramarines XdddDD" but they are- at their core- an Assault and Strike force. Need to destroy all life on the planet? Call the Marines. Need somebody to hold it afterwards? Go grab some Guard
There's a BIG difference between lore Space Marines and game Space Marines.
In lore they're superknights that can kill much more than they're worth. In game they're just extra tougher grunts. Not to mention, they're not really in scale, they should be bigger.
Space Marines should be a more elite, smaller numbers army, sort of (SORT OF) like the stormcasts from AoS.
I agree full Space Marine armies are boring, especially 40k ones. So much shit just doesnt make sense.
That's why I play 30k and I run allies.
Space Marines stand out with more imperial / chaos units at their side, be it infantrymen or mechanicum robots.
Also most Space Marines miniatures are cartoony shit that sucks ass
fun and easy to paint.
If you take 40k "lessons" literal then of course... taking them with a grain of salt helps. And looking for an apropiate context.
They're generic soldier dudes with guns and grenades and lots of room for customization. Just like guard, but with the individual soldier mattering. You can actually rely on your generic soldier dudes with guns to get shit done and be the backbone of your army with out having to go full URAAAAAAAAAAAAAA and drown you enemy in bodies like the guard. After playing guard for a long ass time, it felt great to be able to jam a bunch of dudes in transports and just roll them in the general direction of the enemy without expecting a 90% casualty rate.
Eldar are all about ghost robots, space snipers and space ninjas, or other dudes who are equally gimicky and specialized, same with most other armies. Tau might have qualified, but they're all about robots to really do anything and their grunts are glass cannon pussies with WS and I 2, alternately you could argue for orks, but they're mostly a rip and tear melee army who again also often have to fall back on drowning people in bodies. So that's why I like SM, they're bad dude space soldiers, and just that.
t. Guy who plays SM and IG
I found playing a lot of Space Hulk really warmed me up to them. It really nails the flavor of a few flawed, vulnerable but ultimately very powerful soldiers going up against hordes of inhuman nightmares.
I think a lot of it falls flat because GW is obsessed with treating them as the poster boy/protagonists, despite them often being un-relatable inhuman killing machines. Either make them more human, or don't try to treat them like they are. We have the Guard for that.
The models are already the right size, the plastic guardsmen are too big and most marine models are squatting.
Most 40k players are full-on potato so boring is a good thing.
>Entire force of Greek heroes
Holy shit I think I know why I like them so much.
I spent hours reading Greek mythos and stories as a kid and loved the shit out of it. Maybe that's why i like SMs so much because they are basically Greek mythos stories but in space.
And clearly everyone thinks the same as you right?
Everyone's into different stuff.
You need to be told? You'll never understand.
this guy gets it
They're grimdark humanity's best attempt at making better than humanity, and they're mostly doomed to fail because of all too human failings despite that. They're classic tragedy; virtuous and strong but brought down by hubris, poor choices, and fate.
Lots of Veeky Forums and 40k fans think marines win, and hfy. Its their power fantasy, but 40k is best at tragic melodrama.
>buzzword buzzword buzzword
Opinion disregarded
It's honestly like someone pulled them out of a grab bag for inspiration when creating the marines. It's fairly accurate as well as thats exactly what they are at their core. They're literal propaganda tools designed to function in that exact way.
>I find them boring.
I just realized the "U" on the Ultramarine armor stands for Ultra and isn't an Omega.
Well there is one part of the space marines I like in the fluff, and that is how they don't deal with much of the politics of the imperium. If there's a threat to humanity, they will come out and help. If there's some sort of political dealings involved, well fuck you.
I wish there was a way for you to be shown this post once everyday, so we could identify the exact time that you grow up.
>I find them boring.
Why, Mr. Ruseman?
What is inherently less interesting about clans of giant armored men wearing ornate armored exoskeletons, whose ornateness is directly proportional to their rank?
As opposed to, say, blue aliens who fight things with rifles and body armor, and various sizes of non-ornate bipedal combat machines and some flying tanks that have been forgotten about?
Or egyptian space skeleton robots?
Or green space nigras?
Or space elves with pointy hats and flying tanks and edgy cousins?
Or regular soldiers with some laser guns and then a bunch of other regular weapons?
If only
Because like half the factions in the game are different flavors of "giant armored men wearing ornate armored exoskeletons," and half the people playing the game play as said armored men. Everyone else is just their own little unique thing; that makes them interesting. Nearly all the promotional, artistic, and fictional material deals with this one, supposedly tiny subset of just one of the armed forces in the setting; that makes Spess Mehrens boring.
So the fuck what?
>they are boring because they are the most popular and diverse!
maybe there there be only a single type of space marine, with all possible variations being covered by a single blanket archetype
it's a toilet seat
They're easy to assemble, easy to paint, and are strong enough to compensate for poor tactical decisions.
They're babbies first army.
People often assume they are "so op" or "take out entire armies solo"
They do not, they are strike teams and shock troops, they do the tough elite missions, while the guard do everything else. They are pretty OP in regards to a normal human but everything they fight is equally OTT, they are just cool gothic space knights with themes (mongols, Germanic knights, vampires, Vikings etc)
Cause they're a shit.