Do you like enchanting jumpers? What are some good perks for enchanting stuff? Have you made anything magical recently?
Zachary Hernandez
I like making magitech enchanted swords. Specially if they eat and assimilate other swords … I have been wondering what happens if you enchant a Black Blood weapon from Soul Eater. Do you also gain the enchant?
Asher Nguyen
>assimilate How do you make swords eat swords?
Dylan Smith
>I did it by starting with a sword that has teeth
Logan Phillips
I mean that looks cool but it is horribly inpractical.
Asher Cooper
I am Banchô-user, otherwise known as bad ideas taking to ridiculous extremes:The Jumper, of course it is!
Nicholas Ward
So, I've got the Pixelator, right? That's what I call Dr. Amp’s Wondrous Pixel Transmogrifier, from Kid Radd. It turns things into pixels and uses those pixels to create other things. And the more complex and/or magical something is, the more pixels it's worth. So, since magical effects are worth more pixels and don't take up space, and because I didn't get the pixel storage upgrade (because I had other shit to buy), I started experimenting with making and stacking (and stacking, and stacking) enchantments onto small easily portable things, like paper slips and baubles. And then I'd keep them on hand in case I needed to make something.
Eventually I refined the process enough so that I could dip into mass production, making low level pixel strips basically en mass. There's a perk in Master of Magic that helps with that! But at that point, I kindof had access to more pixel strips than I needed? ... so I started using them as money chits. The goats like them especially. Troops can trade them around for goods and services, or turn them in to me for pixelized goods. It's also created an incentive for them to give me more things to scan into the Pixelator! 'course, having everyone bug me for items got hectic pretty quick. So I set up a catalog! Now they just place an order and get their stuff in a few days!
Of course, high level enchantments are still harder to stack... but I guess that's just a sign of their worth!
... have any other jumpers made their own currency?
Austin Perry
>Sleestak Edition
Don't tease me OP, unless you're about to release a Land of the Lost jump.
Nolan Collins
Matt lauer can suck it edition wouldnt post man and I was watching the movie.
Ethan Wilson
Define "enchanted"? My research into Void-defragmentation technology has resulted into a laser which uses the power of the human mind to transform ordinary weapons into indestructible black and gold weapons.
Technically though, it runs purely on science.
But yes, I tinker a lot with more mundane enchantments too. I've been trying to use Crystals of Power and Memory of Light and Waves from Dissidia alongside Materia Extraction and Adaptation from FF14 to create weapons that improve through battle experience. Each of them is then embedded with a couple Black Gems improved with Enduring Eternity. The real secret ingredient is stacking Forge Destinies on Alter Integreties and Weaponize Objects to give the things ridiculous damage ratings.
...unfortunately the things have a disappointing tendency to come alive, take humanoid form, start walking the world looking for worthy opponents and end up in a sad funk beacuse they keep killing things in one hit.
So...yeah. By trying to adapt the technique Cid used to create mannikans like Chaos and Cosmos I've ended up creating a race of weapon-people Saitamas.
I've also had to set up a lot of support groups to help them find jobs that aren't about fighting. There'a an axe guy working as a firefighter somewhere, and a knife lady who's a nurse.
Anyway-both the Dragon Ages are good for enchating stuff because lyrium helps entrench enchantments, Elder Scrolls has an alter and practice you can use to develop new enchantments and Elven Enchantment from LOTR can make some really nice things scaling with your mystic potency.
Connor Wright
fair enough.
Parker Martinez
Yo, /JC hows it going!
John Smith
Tell me about a time when living life as one of your origins changed you opinion on something.
Something like there being a type of food you hated with a passion, but then you ended up in a life where you liked it because your family always ate it. Then, after the jump ended, you kept the taste for it.
Ryan Baker
Jason Roberts
I've got an electronic currency. It's called the Jumpcoin.
When I release mobile app games, people can win Jumpcoins by beating the games. They can also win Jumpcoins by telling their friends about said games on Facebook, win Jumpcoins by posting #jumpcoin on Twitter and win Jumpcoins by slamming their head against a wall. I announced that last one to see if there were people stupid enough to actually try it.
You'd be surprised at how many did! Or maybe not.
The games also come with a little mart (usually with a cheerful white weasel as the mascot) where there's a bunch of kawaii demons around and a brief explanation of their capabilities. Most people who purchase one just get a cute plush demon toy delivered to where they live. There's also some abstract qualities like Convenience, Fortune, Happiness, Good Stock Options or Maritial Bliss for sale and most people buy them for a laugh-only to notice for a week or so later things related to them seem to go better for a while.
Hardly anyone notices playing games makes them feel a little more tired and emotionally placid after a while. And if they do, they just chalk it up to too much vidya and figure they'll feel better if they go outside and play.
And they do, mostly.
But the few people who're part of my global conspiracies and own the OTHER app can, instead, summon actual demons to do their bidding with enough Jumpcoins using the spiritual energy the demon summoning network all the apps are plugged into.
And that's why my branch of the Illuminati plays Plants vs Zombies all day but still gets work done.
Jason Lewis
I once made several piles of edible money for a wedding. Had to put those Gourmet World credentials to use. I once considered making working currency, but then I got bored and made coffee instead.
Complacency is fun.
John Martin
>Elven Enchantment from LOTR can make some really nice things scaling with your mystic potency.
I was under the impression that lotr enchanting permanently made you weaker when you used it. What can it do anyway?
Is there more to this? I love how disinterested she is.
Anthony Walker
Hey, I haven't found the Sitcom jump on the drive, whatever happened to that?
Jack Reyes
I haven't really thought about it, but I guess the basis for currency among my companions would be the "clonepower" - a currency based on getting the variously-strengthed duplicates of myself to do things . So one clonepower is the same as getting myself or my full-powered clone to do something. A half-clonepower is getting a clone with half my strength in all areas to do something, a centi-clonepower is for a clone a hundredth of my full power... ...fuck I just realised the abbreviation is "cp".
It's in the Imaged folder?
Tyler Morales
So isn't that just Mobage business strategy + that mana eating seal from Fate/ with shopping courtesy of DS Comps? And Deus Ex?
Tried making a currency based off energy, life energy that is. Almost got past trials on small groups until I realised the macroeconomic ramifications of having nigh immortal posthumans in charge of the mortal coil and the scales of life and death. I've seen "In Time", I knew where that was heading.
Andrew Jones
Rolled 90 (1d256)
Don't mind me, just making sure I can't pansy out of this roll.
On another note entirely, who all actually took the wings option when they did the body mod? I can't be the only one, dammit
James Ward
Huh, you're right.
Well, Son of Oblivious Man strikes again!
Eli Murphy
>TYPE:Null >Chimeric abomination >Totally suspicious future organization > That wierd cute blonde girl is totally an ayyyy/bioweapon jellyfish thing
Pokemon, are you okay?
John Ortiz
That's a fucking Gladiator
Aaron Wright
Pokemon made Poke Kratos
Aiden Wright
Someone who knows more about exalted than me, how do I waifu Adorjan? If a solar can manage it then surely an infernal would have a decent shot.
Benjamin Hill
I'm currently running a tech chain where I'm a super advanced AI that relies on sufficiently advanced technology. But I do occasionally dip into the magiscience.
My most recent sufficiently advanced shenanigans involved creating Jedi droids in Star Wars using the data gained from Amazo's Backup Memory and magitech perks to literally create lightsaber-wielding droids that could use the Force. Sidious was not amused when I started mass-producing them and waging war against the Galactic Empire. Yoda wasn't particularly enthusiastic about my ability to manufacture Jedi droids that were immune to the dark side either. But the vast inferiority of their sloshing fleshiness isn't my fault. They need to learn to control their inferiority complexes.
Samuel Hughes
It's made of a extemely heretical mix of black blood, Blazblue seithr and a /TON/ of stolen tech and magic from everywhere I've been. It dissolves items and absorbs their magical properties.
Jose Evans
Oh, is THAT all you want to know? Just walk right up to her and cause her extreme pain, preferably emotional! And that's going to be REAL easy once Infernals comes out, because her charm Demon-Wracking Shout lets you do that! It even GUARANTEES she'll fall in love with you after 5 days of not coming within a mile of the charm's activation.
So scream! Scream like nobody's listening! Scream like the death cry of her predecessor's fetich as it died at the hands of the man she would come to love! Scream your very soul out-literally! And scream like you're about to be stabbed until you die because that is what it means to waifu Adorjan.
Well, from what I recall it can be casually used to create things like the invisbility cloaks Frodo & co used or the glowey phial Frodo used to scare away Shelob.
When you really invest some research and mystic oomph into it, it's the same process that was used to make the Rings of Power and the One Ring. The Rings Sauron gave to the Elves conferred immortality as a side effect, aided healing/resisting evil and were able to preserve the Elven domains in a time when the Elven race as a whole were slowly dying.
The One Ring-well, that's an example of what happens when you tear off a part of your soul to invest it in something you make, and in essence, it functioned as an extension of his will: Corrupting others who put it on, assuming direct of the other rings' bearers if they were wore, invisibility as well as illusions and for user capable of mystic feats enhancing their powers to beyond their original capacity. IIRC Sauron actually surpassed Morgoth at one point in raw mystic power through his Ring, though I'm pretty sure this was back when Morgoth was more diminished and Sauron was less diminished than he was by the LOTR era.
Firstly, good luck, knowing Infernals you might have a slight chance. Secondly be ready to have your every movement monitored by the Ebon Dragon, cause whilst he's kinda shooting for a wedding in near, for a Yozi, future he basically has a great fondness for sending any positive relationship he sees into a spiral of Bad. This is the guy who made and propagated the Golden Years Tarnished Black, which is a manipulation that spoils even your best memories of a person. Thirdly, this is gonna hurt. Fourthly, really really painful. Fifthly, if you can somehow learn Wounds Mean Nothing and get an Essence Reactor set-up then you'll really impress here. This involves learning the Abyssal Charm for Perfectly resisting damage by taking it all and then suddenly full healing, in Nasuverse it's kinda like how some DAA's heal by turning back time to particular state but with all the explanations just thrown out for more Essence quackery. An Essence Reactor set-up is basically a suite of Charms that will allow you to recover motes faster than you're losing them to fuel your Charms. By doing this you'll experience the pain she's giving out and be able to recuperate in kind with something like this . Emphasis your loss of care for the pain in the face of love or something, you'll want to appease her for a time. After that social like your life depends on it, and it very well does. You'll need to somehow change her state of being, as in literally change who she is in a fundamental manner, if you want a true relationship to last.
Ways to get Abyssal Charms without being an Abyssal? Be one of the Castes that can take the Charms of others upon themselves, and just learning it outright from Secrets. For Infernals this would be the Fiend Caste, I believe.
Levi Allen
Learn Demon-Wracking Shout, then use it where she can hear. Then regret your terrible, terrible decision.
Julian Stewart
Does Blue Feather come with Effect of making the person you use it on extremely flustered?
Mason Ross
Charles Price
What was the last thing i posted for Xenoblade X?
Christopher Scott
Ah, so it's just the way I do things that causes it, alright
Chase Adams
You said No, you wouldn't refuse, that's a yes, no?
Ethan Smith
useless sidequest drawback?
Colton Murphy
So, who here is up to date with Justice League 3000 and when can we expect a jump for it?
Far off future. Justice league is ressurected as clones with fragments of memories and powers. Flash lacks anti friction aura and needs artificial one to not incinerate himself, Superman can't fly or use heat vision, Green lantern doesn't use ring and is instead living incarnation of the green energy and his cloak keeps it from killing him.
Also, new villain
Jonathan Long
Is it dumber than DC 1 million?
David Mitchell
Oi, you know what's going to be PARTICULARLY fun once Infernals comes out?
Making the Golden Years Tarnished Black charmset EVEN BETTER by making heretical charms branching off from it, and drawing on the charms of Cecelyne and SWLIHN.
Use Counter-Pronouncement of Enthymemic Law to instill craven obedience anyone you argue with! Alter Wayward Divinity Oversight, Unquestionable Yozi Authority and Sublimation of Ordained Purpose such that obeying you becomes addictive, while disobedience frightens them! Just think of how much more efficiently the Verdant Emptiness Endowment tree will be when people carelessly wishing and praying near you suddenly become filled with aching temptation, even as the miraculous boons they receive fill them with horrified shame they can't help but indulge!
Or incode horrifying shames in your own mind with Tidings of a Bitter Season! Use Broadcast Announcement Prana and Space Monster Scream to sear the dying screams of victims into anyone who survives that onslaught, even as World-Whale Keening salts the earth with graphic depictions of their final moments! Best of all, use Will-Crushing Force, Principle-Invoking Onslaught and Heuristic Logos Shintai to literally beat, stab and squeeze absolute despair into people with the very worst things you can imagine!
Oliver Martin
I dunno. We are only on second issue.
But a weaker superman is good in my books.
Brandon Johnson
To tell the truth I look forward to the Infernal who figures out how to build all of that and invert it so that all of it's terrible applications can be used for the betterment of mental health. Using the Ebon Dragon method (Betraying the original purpose of the Charms) as it's core.
Jeremiah Harris
Why does this give me the horrible feeling someone on the production team can't keep their fetish out of their work?
Also, a thousand years of technological advancement and they still can't do any better than Superboy.
Benjamin Price
>So, who here is up to date with Justice League 3000 and when can we expect a jump for it? >We are only on second issue. Probably will happen after it gets more content, then.
Jordan Cruz
No kidding, I also felt that these panels were incredibly fetishistic.
As for superboy... Apparently they have changed or weaker powers for a reason. I don't know what
Jeremiah Jenkins
I would like to formally claim writing a Scion jump if no one else has. It is an RPG published by White Wolf about playing demigods in the modern era.
Benjamin Sanchez
The real fun thing to do is to remember that the Yozi get any non-Heretical charms you invent, and they're literally made of their charms. Keep at it, and you can shift their themes into entirely new directions while dragging them along for the ride. Soon the Ebon Dragon will be the embodiment of saintliness and gift-giving, and not even know why.
Ethan Nelson
I'll await it.
Perhaps that's why he set up his wedding early, I think it's hinted that the Scarlet Empress isn't his optimal choice in the one of the adventures but I can't remember.
Ayden Peterson
Why does his getting married allow him any sort of escape? Is it like a reverse-Hades and Persephone?
Leo Harris
Sounds great, Scion is a fun game. Bonus points if this leads to people getting it confused with the big golden space whale.
Angel Reed
Would it not be easier to wait for the new edition to, eventually, be released before starting work? I mean if you take the mechanics of the rpg as representative of the setting then you are asking for trouble. Some of the crazy shit epics and avatars can do would be tough to balance just going off the first edition of the rules. Hell, our group moved to fucking 2e exalted because it was more balanced. It's absolutely not an easy job as it stands, but if you can pull it off it'll be great.
Charles Torres
The problem is we have no estimate at all on the next edition and it keeps getting stuck in production hell. And by the same logic, shouldn't all these Exalted jumps be to 3rd since that is already out. I'd rather get a scion jump out and then in like a year or five think about upgrading it if/when it is released.
Connor Turner
Eh, that was more blunt than I meant it to be. Basically, I'd prefer to try my hand at it and have one done and if the next edition turns out good, I can update it.
Landon King
Essentially. It's something about the Scarlet Empress having a lot of metaphysical ties to Creation's geomancy (and the Return of the Scarlet Empress scenario has her making even more) , so by making himself symbolically one with her he can make himself one with Creation, and thereby enter it.
Nathan Watson
No that is totally fair. Its a cool setting, somewhat hamstrung by its mechanics. I mean if you think you can do it then fukkin go for it. Any potential problems for a jump to me mainly come down to where would you want to focus on; hero and demigod level or full on god-tier. I'll be really interested to see your take on it and what direction you decide to go in. Good luck on making it though.
Jaxson Myers
Dice pool-based mechanics do tend to stop making sense once you've got ten times as many automatic successes as you do dice.
Carter Evans
Yo, DeSu user. What's with the NaN Sector of Akasha Stratum? We get that too?
Lincoln Miller
Definian and Ma-non racial perks. Sort of.
Renegade - Definians 200 - Amazons IN SPACE For a species that developed completely independently of humanity, the Definians somehoe manage to rock our sense of beauty. An entire race of all females - how the hell do they breed? - who are all borderline supermodels. So congratulations, because now you are supermodel hot as well. Female gender not mandatory.
200 - Non Tactile Shapeshifting The Definian race is almost entirely employed as spies, due to their unique power. Specifically, their ability to alter the visual input of nearby individuals. Seventy year old man? Easy. Six year old girl? Also easy. Their power only has one flaw. If they touch you, or you touch them, the illusion shorts out. Bit of a weak point for a race of spies.
Native - Ma-non 200 - I’m In Charge, You Know? Manon society has no real leaders or ranks, so all of their decisions are made via a sort of community council… Whose members were chosen randomly. Fortunately, one of them was willing to step down for you. As long as you can prove yourself to be at least halfway competent at whichever job you’re trying to take, its previous owner will just let you have it.
I have no clue what to put as the second Ma-non perk. Any ideas?
Dylan Garcia
How does more than 1 automatic success work anyway? You win twice? You win twice as well as you would've won with just one automatic success?
How does a Jumper with all the, say, crafting perks you can get over 400 jumps translate those to dice rolling mechanics? Do you just run into a board games store and kick over a jar full of d20s?
Sebastian Morales
You guys have fair points but I am willing to give it a try. If it sucks it sucks, but maybe it will be good. Worst case, it's terrible and I'll be nice enough to destroy it and declaim it if it is unworkable. Thanks for making sure I keep the right things in mind early on though. I'll have the first perks up for a preview this weekend.
Kevin Fisher
Multiple successes on a roll are the norm. "Success" in White Wolf terms doesn't mean you accomplish a task, it's just the term for a die that rolled high enough to add a point to the ranking of how well you did. The average human is going to be rolling five dice for a task, so with Storyteller System dice probabilities (7 or higher counts as a success, 10 counts as two successes), they'll be getting two successes on average per roll. The greatest a normal human can do is a 13 dice pool (five Ability plus five Attribute plus three Specialty), so on average they'll have six successes. But in addition to having larger trait maximums, Scion's get Epic Attributes, which add automatic bonus successes to any roll using that Attribute on top of other special effects. At Epic Attribute 10 this is a whopping FORTY SIX extra successes. Actually rolling dice becomes kind of inconsequential at that point.
Luke Sanders
I still don't understand exactly what a "success" measures though. Is it how well you succeed, whether you CAN succeed or something else?
The Unconquered Sun apparently has a power that lets him succeed at a threshold of 10, and then gives him 30 automatic successes. Does this mean theoretically someone with Epic Attribute 10 could theoretically overpower him at something?
Gavin Ortiz
Also I just realised that could come off as an insult; I was just expressing surprise at whatever 46 successes entails.
Angel Lewis
*and then gives him 30 automatic successes if a supernatural effect contests him
Christian Torres
It's both how well you succeed AND whether you can succeed. Every task has a difficulty. Usually this is a static difficulty, though when you're competing with someone else (such as in combat) it's an opposed one and gets more complicated. How it works is that you need a number of successes equal to that difficulty to accomplish something, and ones over that limit mean you do it better. How much better varies from task to task, there are some general guidelines but it's usually up to the DM. It tends to be non-linear, though, so ten successes over the threshold (like the Unconquered Sun's power gives him) is more than ten times better than a single success over the threshold.
As for whether someone with Epic Attribute 10 could defeat the Unconquered Sun in a roll-off? Unclear. They're the same basic rule framework but Scion and Exalted have different expectations of how difficult something should be. There are lots of gods in Scion with Epic Attributes at 10, but Sol Invictus is the only guy in Exalted who gets that many automatic successes. Maybe that means that Scion is a higher powered setting, maybe it just means that they rank things differently. I'd have to spend some time looking over the books to decide for certain.
Don't worry, I understood your meaning.
Logan Gomez
Well, as said. This makes it so he wouldn't need the Infernals anymore because we have, other than PCs, no Exalted able to take on EB at this newest height of power. EB, in the adventure I was in, casually explained to the Circle that he'd planned for his defining traits to change, losing his self-defeating traits, before he 'culled the herd' by insta-gibbing any of the Infernals he didn't like that were using his Charm-set, apparently he had a Charm that basically said that if you have one of his Charms then he rents real-estate on your back for motes and applies lots of aggravated damage instantly in a perfect unexpected attack. Basically, the only thing that ST did differently is that charm, an Ultimate Back-stab Charm keyed to his own Charm-Set. TPK happens soon after but the Dawn managed to scar the fucking Ebon Dragon, with Pyre Flame of all things, sadly I died first as a Eclipse with SWLIHN Charms, gained by being 'friendly' with an Infernal for reasons related to earlier plot, I was labeled a bit higher on the threat list. Dawn broke out the Dark Path of Ecstatic Armageddon, as done through a Dawn and the Solar Hero Style.
Basically the measure of success is as follows in Exalted, cause I have those books. The difficulty of a task equals the number of successes required to achieve it. Many tasks have difficulty 1, succeeding if even one die in the dice pool rolls a success. Because this is the norm, difficulty 1 is also called standard difficulty. (Rolls without a listed difficulty are always assumed to be difficulty 1.) The harder the task is, the higher the difficulty is. On average, characters have a reasonable chance of success when they have a number of dice in a pool at least double the required difficulty (so two dice for difficulty 1, eight for difficulty 4, etc.). A difficulty above 5 is possible, but such Herculean feats are usually beyond the reach of mere mortals (who seldom have dice pools larger than 10).
Adam Mitchell
>Is there more to this? I love how disinterested she is. It's a chapter from Yotsuba, and it's a water pistol.
Andrew Sullivan
What's a Sleestak? What's a Sleestak? It's a towel rack, heart attack, fall back.
Easton Mitchell
Well, even Pokemon probably did a lot to make me trust and like people again.
Oliver Jenkins
>I was under the impression that lotr enchanting permanently made you weaker when you used it. No, that's a special thing. You can make weird magical items without that.
Sebastian Price
>maybe it just means that they rank things differently. I think the latter. Scion Titans are basically Exalted Primordials, and the Gods were about as successful as the Exalts in beating them the first time.
Easton Morgan
>Scion You user are my Friend. Just one request, can we please ignore the Destiny bullshit? It is far and away the worst part of the system.
At least it's not that Dodge based ability that I think doubles or dice, or automatic successes when dodging. That's actually broken, and makes it impossible to get hit.
Chase Edwards
Which cute blonde girl?
Jaxon Cook
Dancing perk.
Henry King
Im sayin this
Zachary Russell
Is this
Jason Davis
But who was bag?
David Green
No user, you were phone.
John Ward
Shit, I hope you can capture Ultra Beasts, 'cause I like that jellyfish design more than most of the actual pokemon they've revealed.
Landon King
You're going to try and waifu it, aren't you?
Bad user. Don't waifu the jelly, waifu the Gardevoir.
Gavin Garcia
Nah I just think it's neat.
Unless it's Lillie and she has a good character in the game. In which case, you can't stop me.
Evan Baker
how does /jumpchain/ feel about an Initial D jump? any interest at all?
Christopher Moore
Carson Rivera
Stop trying to slip us the D, user. You know that lewd is banned.
But seriously, go for it.
Anthony Murphy
Eurobeat jump? Sure.
Nicholas Cruz
Don't forget the theory that Gladion is her brother and that both of them are Lusamine's children. The theory is that Lillie was turned into that by Team Aether's experiments, and Gladion ran away with Type: Null before they did it to him.
Also, Team Skull is going to realize the error of their ways partway through, and you're going to team up with ya boy Guzma to take them down.
Ryan King
Jump #139: Terra Formars >Knight of Wands (The rapid approach, or more likely departure, of something that sets your world ablaze.) Huh. Are johj pyromaniacs? >Age: 25 >Location: Earth, waiting for Bugs-2 to launch But not for long. >Identity: Poor (-50) >Bugs Procedure: Darwin's Bark Spider (Free, Poor) This spider can weave silk two or three times stronger than any other spider, make the longest spanning webs in nature, and spin their webs differently than anything else in nature. Not to mention they are big bastards. Pretty sure that when the transformation is active it means I'm going to be hulking out. >Hidden Potential (850) What, you thought I'd get a spider with that sort of potential and then not be able to use its webs? Yeah, no. We're talking about the toughest biological material that exists. Ten times stronger than kevlar. Not passing that up. >Calm (750) With all the bullshit that is in this setting, I will NEED this one. >Defiant (Free, Poor) But I'll be damned if I'm going to let any of this keep me down. >Scavenger (550) Recognize valuable and/or dangerous things by instinct? Sounds useful to me. >Roma Warrior (400) There's something else to splice into the genes of everyone in Konasse. I'm starting to feel less ethical the more I splice in, though... >I See Where This Is Going (0) And I want no part of it.
I'm going to get Sajuuk.
I'm going to beam every life form on Mars's surface bigger than my fist into space. Once I have gotten everything off the planet, I'm going to vaporize them with Sajuuk's scaled-up primary weapon because they offend my sensibilities.
And then I'm going to run the scan again and make sure my scans can penetrate to 100 meters, and repeat the process. And then I'm going to run my scans AGAIN. And keep repeating the process, with various levels of sci-fi bullshit scanners, until I can penetrate the core of the planet.
Because screw this setting. IN ITS EYE SOCKET. Johj are bullshit.
Ian Russell
i can deal with him being arrogant, and with him not having heat vision, but a superman that cant fly?
Henry Clark
I don't know, I like the Fleischer cartoons from back when he couldn't fly. It doesn't fit with the current version of the character, but there's some coolness to be had there.
Tyler Davis
should I focus more on actual motorsports or eurobeat memes? I'm going to do both either way but what do you think should be the focus?
Lincoln Edwards
Perks about driving and dorifto named after Eurobeat songs
Brody Morales
Motorsports really
Leo Lopez
Whichever one the series is actually about. Also, Densha de D option?
Daniel Ward
Would love an Initial D jump.
Ethan Price
that's a tough one, the series is about both imo. which is why I'm asking.
>Also, Densha de D option? I plan on making at least some perks vague enough so that you can apply them to lots of shit.
thanks for the legit feedback
Leo Martinez
My first Jump, Skyrim.
A bit of an identity crisis happened, and in the end I chose magic over mundanity.
As it turns out, using magic feels really good.
Kayden Peterson
Egyptian-themed settings that'd make good jumps?
Brody Rodriguez
Well, Stargate got dropped so if you replace that we'll appreciate it, and it has a lot of Egyptian thematics.