Servos bear assembly line edition
MTG Kaladesh spoilers
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Just the art of these cards.
I've read the past few story articles, and Nissa hasn't even been MENTIONED.
We've got two gearhulks left what are your thoughts on abilities?
so.. once you get all 3, and you play a single creature, you can keep making 1/1's and putting counters on them until you run out of mana?
the one where baan showed up ended with her volunteering to chase chandra. there've only been to articles since then, one local flavor and one about chandra and lili making their entrance.
yes, and you gain 1 energy for each mana as well.
She showed up in Homesick, and all she did was make Chandra flustered
I was completely wrong about this one, so I'll do a 180.
Red one has first strike and does the "exile top cards to cast" thingy.
Black one has.. menace? (disgusting) and.... makes the opponent discard?
yes. also have a fat lot of energy for whatever it'll get you.
The one where The new velkaden walker asks the gatewatch for help mentions her being as absent minded as a NFL athlete who just recived a carrer ending concussion
Don't forget the energy counter you get.
Yeah, once you have all three out it's
a 1/1 token, a +1/+1 counter and an energy counter.
show more nau
Once you get all 3, you can just activate Animation module to proliferate an energy counter on yourself and pay whatever mana you have to make servos with +1/+1 counters
Whoops, I didn't see that one. I started at the Rashmi one.
Seems reasonable, what about the statlines?
Artifact Creature - Construct
When Cataclysmic Gearhulk enters the battlefield, each player chooses from among the non-land permanents he or she controls an artifact, a creature, an enchantment, and a planeswalker, then sacrifices the rest.
>Flash Hulk
or, I +1 my Nissa.
>Sulfurous Gearhulk
>Double Strike
>When Sulfurous Gearhulk enters the battlefield, deal 5 damage to target creature
The joke is Wizards hate red
>The joke is Wizards hate red
New Chandra says otherwise.
Probably going to be 3RR, unless they hate red. But they're afraid of Mecha-Snap, which is why I thought they put that one at 4UU
if it does damage i'd expect it to be an each effect. dunno if I expect each creature or each opponent. i like double strike but doubt that too.
Meme deck reporting in, calling it modern madcap until someone comes up with something better
4x desperate ritual
4x pyretic ritual
4x SSG
4x red tinker
4x manamorphose
4x angels grace
4x faithless looting
4x tormenting voice
3x expedite
2x Oldamog
2x blight steel
2x apostles blessing
4x Sacred Foundry
4x arid Mesa
1x plains
11x mountains
Obviously needs testing and a sb buthe it seems to have promise
Oldamog is there to reshuffle the yard if anyone has a better suggestion let me know but I figured he may be possible to cast in dire circumstances
Honestly if other Gearhulks didn't show signs of being incredibly pushed for constructed that's exactly what I'd expect of a red mythic
get hype
I just assumed they were all 5/6 mana and 5/5s or similar.
>one promising card among dozens of shit cards says otherwise
no it doesn't
>does the "exile top cards to cast" thingy.
Can Wizards please stop this fucking meme and give red good burn and lifegain prevention
pretty disappointed desu. I'm not sure as to their playability but to occupy five mythic slots and essentially just be "body + keyword + flashy limited effect" is pretty lame.
So, I can make an armored core deck?
god that's a lot of mana to not actually go anywhere.
I don't know what your problem is, but I'll be happy to cast the blue one and then cryptic command or mystic confluence for free.
I never said I wouldn't want to play them. Just that they are boring as fuck designs.
>can wizards stop giving red more than one mechanic
you are the problem.
No deflecting palm for shenanigans?
nothing about that blue one is a "limited effect"
it is a legit wincon in control decks.
Isn't this just tragic arrogance on a 4/5 body?
Tragic arrogance lets you choose which is stupid. This is more like cataclysm.
Just having Wispweaver out and playing Gearhulk grabbing either flicker spell is pretty go-offy
With a bunch of Fabricate dudes out or an Aetherstorm Roc, playing either on their own is something you'd like to do anyway and with Panharmonicon everything just goes fucking mental
>prevent damage to yourself and instead deal that damage to yourself
yeah deflecting palm seems strong.
Wizards finally found a way to give red card advantage and you're complaining? maybe most cards with that effect have been lackluster, but the effect itself is great.
but I agree with giving red some good burn. it seems that being able to aim spells at your opponent is unacceptable these days.
More like Cataclysm that also provides an Artifact Creature.
You're allowed to win with creatures, planeswalkers, or lands that turn into creatures. That's it.
yeah, like imagine if they were just big body+keyword plus decent etb effect, then just repeated that effect on attack.
So boring.
It's nowhere near Cataclysm's power level because of one simple word.
the titans were also boring, but it made sense because they were literally the mythics of a CORE SET
only if you don't have another, more important artifact or creature, which granted you probably don't
Of course, it's fixed Cataclsym.
Still pretty good.
We were also just in the land set. I think wizards is still triggered from lightning bolt seeing play in every deck.
Bruna doesn't do anything there retard.
So What would be the best things to recur with this right now? I am thinking scour from existence or scour the laboratory would be some of the best in standard. Hopefully Kaladesh gives us some good instants for this guy.
well there are no more core sets, so you get simple straitforward power in regular sets, now life with it. you're complaining that a curve-topper that is good doesn't have enough bells and whistles. kys.
decks that didn't win this way were always the exception.
True creatureless control were never that common. And even most 'burn' decks used a combination of cheap creatures and burn cards, and we've seen aggressive decks that finish off the game with burn spells in the last couple of years.
charm to burn for the win happened in fucking Khans.
Just because there was a year where burning people to the face wasn't a top strategy does not mean it will never happen again.
>instants or sorceries
yes because the mythic slot is specifically supposed to be for bells and whistles, not "curve-toppers"
reading the card is good
>green planeswalker revealed
>it's just creature spewer and infinite value machine
Fucking Magic the Greening
people like you are the reason wotc can print fourty buck mythics for no reason other than to make the game more expensive than it needs to be
>So you wanted a snapcaster reprint eh?
You didn't like tarmogoyf with vigilance and collected 30 creatures in my deck?
Shit art
>not making them vehicles
>not making them vehicles that can only be crewed by creatures of their respective color
>>instants or sorceries
>not playing declaration in stone
Are you stupid?
>sins from the past
those effects are complex and bells ans whistley, and now are stapled on an artifact creature.
You kinda have a point on the green one, but the other twos effects are not simple.
What do you mean user do you not look forward to it in MM 2017 as a mythic?
The world championship WINNING DECK played no removal spells (dromocha's command does not count).
stop spoiling the second block.
Soulfire Grandmaster?
who the fuck is talking about sorceries?
>dromoka's command doesn't count
Yes it does. We're gonna see efficient spells that get played in standard to replace it, 100%.
Declaration in Stone and Tragic Arrogance in sideboard you fucking retard
>blue isn't allowed to have any playable counterspells or draw spells
>green gets to spew value with every single card
Make it stop
>Hi I'm Maro, I wasn't sure if Tamiyo was important enough for the story to get a card
>But look! Here's a brand new Nissa!
>Everyone loves Gatewatch, right?
>only instant
eh... It's alright. It'll be a fun addition to my EDH GAAIV deck.
>tfw tamiyo was bant instead of mono u
Shouldn't you be in the modern thread bitching about blue not being good?
it did rely on a powerful instant.
Or is removal and burn the only type of instant and sorcery allowed to count.
Or are we going to act like control as been dead for years and years, despite esper dragons being a deck very recently.
Or ignore that U/G crush had a decent showing and basically being an entirely spells deck.
So far the only cards interesting me are the new fastlands or whatever the fuck people call them
Honestly all these planeswalkers are annoying as fuck, we're at the third iteration of chandra/nissa in 9 months.
They are getting a new card every 2 sets pretty much.
development insisted that having two mono-u walkers in the block wasn't good for standard.
They were probably right.
>every deck is 20+ creatures
>not good enough to main deck
Yeah, that's a problem.
Thoughts on these two?
I believe that they will also be Standard legal
Do you agree with this?
Consider changing your hobby then.
If you do not like literally any of the new content (except something that's just a power-creep variation of old content) then it's clear that you should stop wasting any time or money on the game and move on to a hobby that you actually like.
Chandra is unplayable in standard
Nissa is fringe if there is a green deck that wants to go that late and a shell that fits her
Pure garbage. And what's with Nissa's +3? Isn't that Ajani's territory? That kind of lifegain isn't normally in green.
>despite esper dragons being a deck very recently.
I wouldn't say recently. It's been like a year since the deck was even worth playing. After it lost khans and fate the deck has been unplayable.
>Ajani ever being printed again
He doesn't test well enough so he's been removed.
And you should consider killing. I didn't ask for you mountain dew breath opinion.
Both are terrible, but that's fine, since they're meant solely for people just getting into the game.
Green is the new blue in that it does everything
This hurts me a lot user
Don't say that man. Ajani is a really cool character. They must give us more Ajani in Return to Theros.
Here's the solution: stop restricting jace to mono U and let him be the azorious walker he always wanted to be
It's literally the stated reason that he is no longer the face of white. Also the reason why they avoid nonhuman walkers (except ones that look mostly human such as moonfolk and I guess vedalkin now.)
I hope they make a new Chandra and Nissa card every week!
I won't be satisfied until I can play a mono-Chandra or Mono-Nissa deck
Oh please. Jace is too much of a spineless, fedora-wearing faggot to embrace white.