On the Forge World preorder page there are now conversion kits available for Skitarii Hoplites and Peltasts, new elite options for the Skitarii faction. Rules-wise they seem similar to the Cult-Mech electro-priests, but slightly cheaper and tougher. Your thoughts, Veeky Forums?
40k - New Skitarii Secutarii from Forge World thoughts
I need some rules for 30k before I drop money.
But those Peltasts are sexy, sort of remind of me death korps.
I'm worried that the 4+ T4 peltasts will be shot to hell before they get anywhere near a vehicle that is worth 10 haywire guns to kill. 12" range renders them inferior to normal Vanguard with arc rifles imo.
Aren't they t3?
They have an ability in large enough groups to reduce the strength of incoming shooting by 1, effectively making them T4 with the exception of instant death.
Actually I meant the Hoplites, not the peltasts. The peltasts look like a nice versatile elite option to deal with horses and especially GEQs in cover.
>Take up 1 elite slot
>20 men in a squad possible
>Not having 60 machine men march forward, fucking up both infantry and vehicles while rangers take care of long rage shooting
It's fucking stupid but it's my dream.
Hoplites seem pretty ok - not too good, but not too bad either.
I think I'll use them as an alternative to Arc Rifle Vanguard/Rangers; Hoplites have more Haywire shots (albeit at less range) on a more durable model, and it'd let me focus my Vanguard/Rangers on non-vehicle models.
Still wish their Mag-Inverter Shield gave something better than a 5++ and pseudo-defensive grenades though.
Kyropatris Field Generator doesn't seem too great since you need 10 guys alive in the squad to get the -1 Strength bonus.
With the Kyropatris Field Generator in mind, Hoplites definitely seem like a unit where you want to just max the squad size instead of running multiple squads, though why you would need 20 Haywire shots going into a single unit/model I have no idea, especially when those shots are only S4 AP5.
I guess you can use them as makeshift anti-Flyer as an alternative to a pair of Icarus Onagers? Doesn't really work since you'd be useless against FMC though.
Peltasts seem fucking ridiculous for their point cost though.
Flachette Burster ammo seems like a straight upgrade to the Vanguard's Rad Carbines when facing light to medium infantry (though Rad Carbines are still better at dealing with high Toughness targets such as MCs and GMCs), Kinetic Hammershot ammo seems like a straight upgrade to the Ranger's Galvanic Carbine since it trades away AP4 and Precision Shots for fucking AP3 AND Rending, and Ignis Blaze ammo seems very similar to the Hive Guard's Impaler Cannon except that it's more of an anti-infantry weapon rather than and anti-vehicular one.
These guys would be crazy OP if their guns weren't Salvo, Heavy, and Heavy respectively! Just find a way to give them Relentless and you're golden... oh wait, I forgot that all Skitarii already have Relentess base.
Oh well.
Peltasts also got the Blind Barrage ability, which adds even more to their ridiculous versatility.
Overall I like both the new units, but I'd swap the point costs of the Hoplites and Peltasts.
I'm guessing he means Cavalry.
Could it truly work?
Peltasts are borked.
Hoplites would be reasonable in comparison to the infantry units we have now, but Vanguard still massively outclass Hoplites and Rangers.
I meant hordes, gorram autocorrect. I think that the Vanguard toughness reduction and price will give them the edge over peltasts, but they still might be worth it for the stupidly good guns. Hoplites just seem a tad overkill against anything they can hurt and near useless against the things they can't.
I'm not even gonna try to guess
However, I ordered a pair of Peltasts and a thing of Hoplites, I can't wait to get them. Not only are the models great, they seem (albeit situationally incredibly powerful.
Hoplites seem like a useful include, squads of them can contend with Russ spam and easily come out on top. Other than fighting a heavy vehicle list, Hoplotes get a solid "meh"
Peltasts, on the other hand, I'm excited for. The guns have a fantastic arrange of fire, and round out Skitarii's great ability against MCs, vehicles, TEQs, and mobs with some pretty solid MEQ killers. The out of line of sight shot seems decent, the Ignores Cover and Blast isn't bad, the Salvo one is solid with Shred, and the AP3 one is good for "oh fuck, I better deal with that" scenarios before they escalate too much.
All around, I'm very happy with both of them
Do you know how to respond friend? I mean no offense, just curious
This is literally my first time posting on Veeky Forums, sorry. Not familiar with the format. Going to hold off on buying any as a bunch of my Cult Mechanicus stuff just arrived, but I do think they look awesome. Just a little sad we don't get some form of transport for the squishy infantry they keep giving us.
I just want too run Hoplites because they look FUCKING AWESOME I LOVE THERE LOOK but are they even really effective against anything?
Yes, knights, especially the gallant and the lancer, dino-bots, land raiders, dreadnoughts. Basically any vehicle that doesn't want sit on the back lines, but mainly kinights as every other choppy or assault vehicle is kind of shit.
You know they come with relentless stock right?
Disregard this, i am bad
They may be good but they will NEVER see play.
Why? Forge World disallowed them in a War Convocation and other formations.
Wonder how close the current Skitarii are going to be to their 30k compatriots (who were, iirc, a separate cult force on a similar level as the Ordo Reductor and were principally loyal to Mars and the Fabricator General) given the Secutarii Titan Guard share many rules with them and are said to have been formed before the Imperium (like many admech/mechanicum forces)
>I'm not even gonna try to guess
Just means 'fucked' as in broken, that's just slang, not being a retard.
Mechanicus thread?
I picked up one of the Skitarii boxes on a whim, and I wanna put them together. I haven't played 40K in years- what's the best loadout if I wanted to play kill team with them? Vanguard vs. Rangers?
I haven't read the rules for Kill Team yet, but if I were to run my Skits I think I'd do something like this:
>Skitarii Vanguard (100 points)
Arc Rifles
>>Omnispex on Alpha (Warlord)
>Sydonian Dragoon (45 Points)
>>Taser Lance
>Ironstrider Ballistarius (55 Points)
>>Twin Linked Cognis Autocannon
200/200 points
Or I'd do this:
>Skitarii Vanguard (90 Points)
Arc Rifles (these can be placed on the Rangers if you want, but I prefer them on Vanguard)
>>Vanguard Alpha (Warlord)
>Skitarii Rangers (65 Points)
>Sydonian Dragoon (45 Points)
>>Taser Lance
200/200 Points
Whoops, those Skitarii Vanguard are actually 5 points more expensive than they should be.
I guess add a Refractor Field to each Vanguard Alpha.