So here I was lurking while also fapping to some dnd porn as you do when a thought crossed my mind. What was that thought, you ask?
Well, do any erp groups where the players actually perform the actions of their characters (read fuck each other) exist and if they do, where can I find them?
Now, you may think this is a bit weird and I'm not a faggot or anything but I haven't cum yet and right now I wouldn't mind playing as a qt trap and getting my holes filled by my fellow mates.
So here I was lurking while also fapping to some dnd porn as you do when a thought crossed my mind...
Let this thread be a lesson to all anons: always fap before posting.
>3dpd trap
Like I said, I'm not a faggot.
Posting on Veeky Forums in that post-fap glow is comfy af.
Wasn't /soc/ the erpg baord? It's certainly not Veeky Forums.
I'm talking about erotic dnd sessions.
Your post is so fucking gay, holy shit man.
Also, look at the general people at a table, these have a 30% (in my expience) of being weirdos.
Now look at an erp group, in my estimate that'd be about about a 90% chance of them being unfuckable weirdos.
Now listen to what you're saying... either go find an orgy for ugly people, or consider the chances of just how the weird the people you're going to meet up with are.
That doesn't make a difference, it's erpg.
It's still dnd, aka Veeky Forums related.
>Your post is so fucking gay, holy shit man.
I already told you I'm not fucking gay!
keep telling yourself that buddy. next step is sexually repressed church attendance.
No, I really need to know if these exist or not.
fuck off
That's where /erpg/ got booted to when they got thrown off Veeky Forums.
> Well, do any erp groups where the players actually perform the actions of their characters (read fuck each other) exist and if they do, where can I find them?
Yes, that's called ELARP. Fucking educate yourself, scum.
This isn't about erping, it's about finding a group that would fill up my boipucci with their salami.
no homo
That's even more /soc/.
I know a Vampire the Masquerade group that used to do this. Even had a guy who'd written for White Wolf in it.
Plus a LARP, of course, but lots of VTM larps do this.
Never seen this kind of thing from any other game system. I had a friend who played Werewolf with her goth circle and suspected that she and her friends did some werewolf-themed sexytimes, but this was 20 years ago and I never got confirmation.
Borderline-furry is only very recently becoming socially acceptable (cat ears, tail plugs, etc). Back then they'd never have admitted it.
But we'd be playing dnd you cunt.
Thanks m8, I'll look into it.
Nope, you just want to be fucked by a guy. There's nothing gay about wanting to have sex with the same gender!
I wonder if there's a word for that, though...
Also, erp isn't erp if it's also Veeky Forums related, the Veeky Forumsness preempts the erp-nes. That's why erp and other lewdness is allowed on this blue board! Definitely!