40,000 cute

What are some cute pictures of living in the 41st millennium.

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Kriegs SoBs are a cute.

Is Lorgar the cutest primarch?



Nah, it's obviously Konrad.

Just look at that face!

I made a goof


Kreig made a cute Catachan he barely drew.

He suffers from same face alot but I like his designs especially how he made her hair have a feather and made her bandana a headband



So I was just about to post the exact same picture and say something along the same lines of what you said. Weird...

Yea he definitely sameface really hard. I don't mind it personally cuz the face is pretty plain and I don't like overly detailed faces. But that's just me.


Catachan-chan is cute!

Love can bloom.

This has you beat.


In case your wondering, their brining you a banana, which is a healthy treat.

Inspired by choose a 40k friend CYOA.

Catgirl are canon in 40k.

>Whatcha doin' monkeigh?
>You seen any chaos marines around here recently miss? Look kinda like me, more spikes...











>Nature eldar

Yes please






I'm surprised no one has posted the picture of the terminator helping the girl find her mom

This is Immolator-chan!

I was getting there


>This little mon'keigh is scream Farseer
>is it some sort of war cry they usually chant?


the first four didn't get me, but fuck man this one did me in



>usually its only the bigger ones crying war chants, and firing guns
>ohh he's so cute farseer can we keep him?
>are you gonna feed him? and walk him?
>I promise i will!

>Oh lord
>It's on my head get it off get it off!
>The abhuman is on my head!
>Got to get rid of it- wait..
>Remember what the warden said, Tertius. >Remember what he said.
>"Lives that belong to the Imperium are the Emperor's, even abhuman and mutant, and must be spent with care."
>Remember Tertius.
>Do not kill the small abhuman.
>I must not purge needlessly.
>It is just ignorant of the Angels of Death
>And if I wait it will leave.
>You can do this Tertius.
>You can wait it out without purging the disgusting creature.


>He still has the tankard on his dreadnought
That's just cheating now.

do they have fluffy tails yet?

The fluffiest.

I could have sworn I had this on in a larger size.

This is adorable

>Mmmm, you ladies see any heresy around here

>Schola progemium final test
>Perform Lord Creeds scout maneuver

I think the best part of this is tge fact that they're playing around the head of an Imperetor Titan that's been completely overgrown with grass and dirt on most of it. This implies that it's been sitting there, unused, forgotton, for years. Tens, but almost certainly hundreds, of years. This implies that there's no need for it, and judging how the children are dressed as marines, orkz, guard, etc, it means that there's peace. And that just makes me feel all fuzzy inside.

This makes me happy


This got me

Dude looks like handsome squid ward

*perspiration on forehead grows*

I really like the follow-up one.

Obviously the inspiration point for handsom squid.


Is.. is that a blackship? Oh god no I hope not.

For now, the titan is resting, standing vigil, it will be needed again and it will be ready.

Timid and frail psyker girls are my weakness.

Follow up? I demand the follow up. Unless it's the usual grimdark depressing stuff, in which case, keep it to yourself, as I don't want the positive vibes I get from the image to be tainted by the totally not so positive, negative vibes

This one's been a personal favorite for a while.

I don't have any, sorry.


Honestly in this comic he is pretty fucking cute. In a funny way.

Am I the only one that wanted to make the Steel Legion more British than German?



>People jack off over cute things getting thrown into grimdark settings

>People Jackoff to Grimdark settings getting turn into cutesy

That was a good thread.

And fin.

This series was originally drawn for Veeky Forums by IronShrineMaiden AKA Miko. There's some writefaggotry that went along with it I think, maybe poke around 1d4chan or suptg?

Thus, the Great Machine Spirit didst rise, it's great engine heart once again sending divine power don it's cable and wire veins to spark life into the holy machine. Cogitators once again bathed in current and nutrients thought in wondrous divine logical patterns, analysing and understanding layers of reality that organics can not even comprehend. It's vox unit, long since unused blared into life once more. The inefficiency of vocal communication a necessary pain it would have to undertake to inform the citizens nearby of what it would Speak. And yea, thus it Spoke:

comfiest pic itt.

>People jack off to things

Basically what my time on Veeky Forums's taught me

Thank you!

I love this so much I'm going to save it now.

I always saw it as "At last...back to war."

And here I am wondering what occasion would warrant a Sister getting purity seals on her tits. Did she banish a daemon of slaanesh with them? That would warrant it.
Also I guess we know she likes a little hot wax play from that smile.

"At last... my ban from the Titan Manufactorum is over, time to chat up some hot new generation titan ladies!"

That's fine too

Not what I see but to each their own

Are Ye gonna try an' take a Space Wolf's Tankard?




I am actively trying to deflate the drama from that image.
It amuses me.




I hear yah. It's a fun thing to do. I just don't associate it with that image.