Ryuutama Opinion Thread

What are your thoughts on this game?

It's good.


I just don't understand why people on this board find it so difficult to bump a thread with actual content instead of signaling to all of Veeky Forums "This is a dead thread! Don't bother coming in here!" by writing "bump".

The weather dragons are cute af and the system is cool too I guess. I haven't managed to use it but I've definitely tried to incorperate some of the GM tips into my own games.

Haruka mai waifu.

It is a good game.
Until it's been around long enough for people to clock in some hours, start houseruling it, or it gets some expansions/2ED there's really not a lot to talk about.

It's in a kind of uncanny valley. I just don't need it for a comfy adventure. The Dragons also feel to obtrusive for my taste.

Ryuutama seems pretty fun. From what I remember, a couple of things in the system seemed unclear or poorly thought out, but it looked good in general.

I haven't had a chance to play it, but I'd like to give it a try some day.

It's good.

The one thing that really gets my goose is Magic Types scaling better than everyone else. They make better use of MP than anyone else AND get better options as they level. Attack Types and Skill Types... don't.

Fucking gay. And you're basically pigeonholed into being a Magic Type once you get your second Type.

Someone made a post on Roll20 advertising that he'd run a one-shot but he hasn't replied in nearly a week...

>signaling to all of Veeky Forums "This is a dead thread! Don't bother coming in here!"

Where the fuck are you from? /v/?

If people want to talk in a thread they talk in the thread.

If it is relevant to their interests they will post, if not the thread will die.

It requires an experienced group or a GM who is really awesome and coming up with stories on the fly.

That or it needs to be structured in a very specific way.

The best part about it is how they make the combat rules light but engaging. It's fascinating as fuck.

But is Magic Type scaling really a problem?

Magic Types are not like 3.5 casters.
They do not violate the niches of Attack and Technical Types. They have very specific spells that fulfill support functions above all. Spells require MP and do not function with Fumble Points.

So you agree with me that there's no point in bumping a thread with the word "bump"?

>So you agree with me

How the flying fuck did you come to this conclusion?

>If it is relevant to their interests they will post, if not the thread will die.
Pretty strong argument against bumping.

>Pretty strong argument against bumping.


So you don't even understand what you're posting?
Where the fuck are you from? /v/?

No I understand what I'm posting just fine.

What I don't understand are the random-ass conclusions that you are coming to based on my comments.


>jumping to random conclusions
>doesn't even think to figure out the other person's opinion

Are you from /v/? I notice people on /v/ do this a lot.

>doesn't know how to express their opinions
>end up writing something that runs contrary to their opinion
>gets mad when other people reach perfectly logical conclusions from their misleading posts
>doesn't even think to figure out why people reach these conclusions

Are you from /v/? I notice people on /v/ do this a lot.

>claims that he reached perfectly logical conclusion
>can't back it up
>instead resorts to greentext and "no u from /v/" trolling

Are you from /v/? I notice people on /v/ do this a lot.

...and now you've come full circle by criticizing your own posts.

Thanks for your persistence, but it's no fun if you take aim just to shoot yourself in the foot.

But why do they scale in the first place?

If Magic Type scaling is okay, then shouldn't the other two types also scale?

Shut up you too. What smartassy-replier here means is that you both agree that bumpnig with "bump" is unnecessary, be it because it will repel potential readers or because an interesting thread will survive by its own.

What smartassy-first fails to grasp is that you can come to the same conclusion through two different arguments, therefore agreeing on the same solution (not bumping with bump).

In fact, you're both just too busy bathing in your own pride to notice that it all comes down to a little misunderstanding. Shame on you. You both need to learn basic communication skills, and to get your heads out of your asses.

And now shut up or get the fuck out of this board. This is a thread about comfy travels and shit.

Comfy as hell. I don't really like the combat and magic system, it's too video-gamey. I prefer to keep combat more theater of mind and to remove those spells that are too gamey ("Put/Remove X state on target", "+1 to X"). I like to replace them with more creative choices.

For example, a spell can be that a player can create a tiny flame at the tip of his finger. It doesn't sound like much, but such a simple fire source is a really big boon in a medieval-style world, specially for travellers. Can be extremelly useful if the players are smart.

It also makes mages a little less useful on combat unless they really use their heads, which is what mage players are usually about.

>that you both agree that bumpnig with "bump" is unnecessary

No I don't.

>therefore agreeing on the same solution (not bumping with bump).

If someone wants to bump with something aside from bump they are free to do so.

If they want to bump with bump they are free to do so.

Both are means to an end.

...and now you've come full circle by criticizing your own posts.

Thanks for your persistence, but it's no fun if you take aim just to shoot yourself in the foot.

Well, how would you make a non-scaling magic type? Having and gaining odd little effects is what the Magic Type is all about.

Attack Types and Technical Types shine at their specialties without the need to scale.
Attack Type's increased damage and second weapon type are relevant in every fight and Technical Type's improved Concentration and high Carrying Capacity are just all around great in every situation.

It's quite fun. I just wish it had more content. But then again, that's basically what I say about everything except Pathfinder.

I tend to not use the Ryuujin stuff at all, because after trying to use it for my first few games, I found it didn't add that much to the game. Most of the powers are stuff you should just naturally have as a GM.

Never played it.

Want to.

God Tier Art.

In same boat

I played a magical guy in a campaign and it's not a problem. You have to manage your MP (unless you go full MP, and in that case you lose consciousness from a smallest breeze) and bad condition/camping rolls really fuck you up. Most spells are pretty situational, too and sometimes having a technical type is more useful.

So, basically, Attack and tech types both get large benefits immediately, while magic type scales little by little, has to manage resources and devote character advancement to magic. Late-game dedicated mage is a very strong character, but he absolutely isn't pathfinder-tier bad.

Well, that's the point of Ryuujin powers.
It's primarily a way to ease new GMs into these GM tools.
For more experienced GMs, I see it as an interesting limitation, kind of like AW's strict rules for the MC.

Why are you pigeonholed into taking Magic as your second type?
Attack and Technical stack just fine.

It did not click with me until just now that the game is teaching the GM how to GM at the same time the players are learning to play.
The main thing I wasn't wild about were the objects the Ryuujin get, but they suddenly make a whole lotta sense.
Honestly, I do wanna give it a try some day.

What the heck, I love the Ryuujin section now!

Let the other two types scale, maybe?

Why does this game do the "magicians are weak at first then great later" bullshit?

Looking forward to finally getting to play the game.

Honestly, the ryuujin "mechanic" (? correct word?) is what makes me want to take the plunge and try to GM. I've tried before, but the way most games work isn't how I enjoy to play so I've never been satisfied with my performance as the GM role for a tabletop game.

I want to experience it first as a player, though. It will allow me to play out a game that suits Dungeon Meshi style story or possibly Recettear style play. Then I think of stories like Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles or Final Fantasy X and I get excited all over again. Creatively, Ryuutama works very well for me.

Aye, I understood that. I just don't find it very useful past a certain point. If you've GMed anything else, you can pretty much dive in without using the Ryuujin section at all. It's definitely one of the better ways I've seen to ease new GMs in, even if that one option with the blue Ryuujin joining them on the adventures triggers nightmares about my first time DMing and using a godawful DMPC to try and move the plot forward.

My players did like trying to guess which character was the Ryuujin, however. It turned out to be a character with the best pun I could come up with on the fly. Using a green Ryuujin, so I named her Viridianne.

I've ended up keeping the trappings of having a Ryuujin just because that's how we started playing, though I rarely use any of the content in that section.

It's shit and I hate it, I'd rather be playing D&D 4E.

That's how bad it is.

I want to try it out for a RPG day even with one-shots. I can't find it online and my budget is kinda low at the moment... would posting on /r help?

If you go to the PDF share thread and look at the PDFs in the first posts with the links, it's there for the taking about a million times. Super small company, so if you like it, I highly recommend getting it when you can.

>Found the 3aboo

Eh - it's no big deal, is it? The OP asked for opinions. Just because their opinion is dumbly stated doesn't mean it's not useful for OP - if nothing else than by knowing, "Okay, so there's this dude in my rp circle who's just like this dumbass. So I won't invite him to play."

Good point.

I'm just used to this one guy coming in and ranting about Ryuutama anytime it gets brought up. Like did the developer sleep with his mom or something?

It's probably because utility is hard to measure and a power curve becomes unintentionally exponential